Found Deceased MI - Venus Stewart, 32, Colon, 28 April 2010 - # 4 *D. Stewart guilty*

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Except that Schoolcraft is about 30 miles from Driftwood Drive. I'm sure there are lots of Sables around, it doesnt mean it was him.
Exactly! And it doesn't mean it was him in the truck, either. Because the one thing we do know is that his alibi is solid. So it wasn't him in either vehicle. He didn't drive both the car and the truck to MI. I think that's about a 12-14 hour trip (735 miles) according to google, Pickie.
There is definitely someone else involved. What I want to see is the Wal-Mart video. I think that will answer most of our questions.
Had you guys heard the 7AM time on the woman seeing the man crouching behind the truck? It was new to me.
Ahhh...geez.... this is puke-inducing.

On Thursday night, Douglas Stewart called Newschannel 3. He said he wouldn't go on camera without his attorney's blessing, but he did give us a statement.

He said, “I am back in Michigan, I am home. There's nothing back in Virginia that's more important than what's going on here and my children.”

Stewart also said that if the police want him to turn himself in, all they need to do is ask. He doesn't however think that will happen, and says he has faith in the justice system.

Meanwhile, the search continues for Venus. On Friday morning a West Michigan man is rounding up volunteers to help search. They're meeting at Colon Park at 9:00 am. Newschannel 3 will also be there, and bring you the latest as it happens.

This sick xxxxx is enjoying this.
Ahhh...geez.... this is puke-inducing.

On Thursday night, Douglas Stewart called Newschannel 3. He said he wouldn't go on camera without his attorney's blessing, but he did give us a statement.

He said, “I am back in Michigan, I am home. There's nothing back in Virginia that's more important than what's going on here and my children

Stewart also said that if the police want him to turn himself in, all they need to do is ask. He doesn't however think that will happen, and says he has faith in the justice system.

Meanwhile, the search continues for Venus. On Friday morning a West Michigan man is rounding up volunteers to help search. They're meeting at Colon Park at 9:00 am. Newschannel 3 will also be there, and bring you the latest as it happens.

This sick xxxxx is enjoying this.

Hi puffee! He sure is enjoying it - this guy is just in awe of himself and just look at how much smarter than LE he is. Sort of reminds me of Drew Peterson regarding Stacey. I thought anybody who could be that confidant must be pretty sure the body won't be found, and so far it hasn't. Let's hope this isn't the case with Douglas. Seems to me he is taunting LE and I bet they keep right on looking for Venus and overlook Mr. arrogant so he becomes even more attention seeking. moo
Ahhh...geez.... this is puke-inducing.

On Thursday night, Douglas Stewart called Newschannel 3. He said he wouldn't go on camera without his attorney's blessing, but he did give us a statement.

He said, “I am back in Michigan, I am home. There's nothing back in Virginia that's more important than what's going on here and my children

Stewart also said that if the police want him to turn himself in, all they need to do is ask. He doesn't however think that will happen, and says he has faith in the justice system.

Meanwhile, the search continues for Venus. On Friday morning a West Michigan man is rounding up volunteers to help search. They're meeting at Colon Park at 9:00 am. Newschannel 3 will also be there, and bring you the latest as it happens.

This sick xxxxx is enjoying this.

Why would his children being the most important thing to him be sickening? I don't see that as particularly odd, in fact if he had stayed in Virginia, that would have been strange.
Hi puffee! He sure is enjoying it - this guy is just in awe of himself and just look at how much smarter than LE he is. Sort of reminds me of Drew Peterson regarding Stacey. I thought anybody who could be that confidant must be pretty sure the body won't be found, and so far it hasn't. Let's hope this isn't the case with Douglas. Seems to me he is taunting LE and I bet they keep right on looking for Venus and overlook Mr. arrogant so he becomes even more attention seeking. moo

I think you are reading WAY too much into those statements. I don't see how you can reasonably describe it as attention seeking, it seems to me that he has kept a really low profile since this happened, the only way he could have kept a lower profile is to say absolutely nothing at all.
Hi puffee! He sure is enjoying it - this guy is just in awe of himself and just look at how much smarter than LE he is. Sort of reminds me of Drew Peterson regarding Stacey. I thought anybody who could be that confidant must be pretty sure the body won't be found, and so far it hasn't. Let's hope this isn't the case with Douglas. Seems to me he is taunting LE and I bet they keep right on looking for Venus and overlook Mr. arrogant so he becomes even more attention seeking. moo

Oh yes, I agree, eyes. He CALLED the station... they didn't make contact with him. Drew Peterson? Check.

Then he basically said, "Come and get me boys. I dare ya." Drew Peterson? Check.

Next thing he'll do, he'll put the Dodge Ram on ebay for $50K. You know, because it belonged to Doug Stewart, it's got to be worth a fortune.

UGH. These aresholes make me sick.
Hey eyes, you know that the McCombs are going to help Mr. Ogdon with the search tomorrow, right?

I wonder if Dougie will show up and lend a hand. :rolleyes:
Oh yes, I agree, eyes. He CALLED the station... they didn't make contact with him. Drew Peterson? Check.

Then he basically said, "Come and get me boys. I dare ya." Drew Peterson? Check.

Next thing he'll do, he'll put the Dodge Ram on ebay for $50K. You know, because it belonged to Doug Stewart, it's got to be worth a fortune.

UGH. These aresholes make me sick.

What was the context? Did he just call out of the blue or did they contact him and he returned the call? I'm going to take a wild guess here and say that the station wasn't just sitting around saying "Doug called? You know, getting any sort of statement for him would be a scoop for us, why didnt we think of calling him before?". Of course he is being bombarded with requests for interviews/statements from news outlets.

He is being pilloried in public opinion, do you think he shouldn't respond or defend himself at all? What would you do if you were in his position? I think it is human nature to say something, just sitting there and ignoring everything while everyone is building the gallows for you, I doubt very many people would do that.
What was the context? Did he just call out of the blue or did they contact him and he returned the call? I'm going to take a wild guess here and say that the station wasn't just sitting around saying "Doug called? You know, getting any sort of statement for him would be a scoop for us, why didnt we think of calling him before?". Of course he is being bombarded with requests for interviews/statements from news outlets.

He is being pilloried in public opinion, do you think he shouldn't respond or defend himself at all? What would you do if you were in his position? I think it is human nature to say something, just sitting there and ignoring everything while everyone is building the gallows for you, I doubt very many people would do that.

Well, first of all I'd resolve my issues with me estranged wife in court, and abide by court orders.

Then I'd do visitation as I was expected to do it, and I'd pay child support as ordered.

But on the off chance that I got fed up with Venus' recent winning streak in the courts, I truly doubt that I'd kidnap her, probably off her, and then have the unmitigated gall to continue to call her parents to speak to the kids.

Next step for him will be custody. Mark my word. Hopefully he'll be doing the frog march before that though.
Well, first of all I'd resolve my issues with me estranged wife in court, and abide by court orders.

Then I'd do visitation as I was expected to do it, and I'd pay child support as ordered.

But on the off chance that I got fed up with Venus' recent winning streak in the courts, I truly doubt that I'd kidnap her, probably off her, and then have the unmitigated gall to continue to call her parents to speak to the kids.

Next step for him will be custody. Mark my word. Hopefully he'll be doing the frog march before that though.

Good morning all,

Hey Puf...

Is there evidence that DS hasn't participated in resolving any issues with his wife in court? That he hasn't abided by any court orders? That he hasn't done visitation as expected? That he has not paid court ordered child support? Could you post links to these items please? I must have missed them, thanks!

Unfortunately...If he stayed in VA, he would have been called a cold, heartless *advertiser censored* who abandoned his children and stayed away because he's so guilty. Now that he is in Michigan, he's called a cold, heartless *advertiser censored* who is torturing his children by going there and throwing it in everyone's face because he's so guilty. There is no correct course of action, he is a "MONSTER" in the media, and not because LE said so.

If he did this...I am all for him going down for it, and yes, it would be a terrible, despicable crime to commit against the mother of his children and no punishment would be severe enough to make him pay for what he did...but don't the Stewart family members and his children who may someday see these posts also deserve some caution and respect as well in case everyone is incorrect? Last I remember, DS is free to move about the country like the roaming gnome from Travelocity. After 18 days and plenty of evidence collection which resulted in very distinct and related evidence, likely video surveillance and lots of police man hours on this case, he is a free man who is not charged with a crime. FWIW & IMO & TGIF
Hey all, nice forum thread on this topic. I have been following this case because of certain details that defy explanation and my curiousity is peaked.

Why didn't Venus Stewart petition the courts in Virginia for custody? Instead, she leaves Virginia without telling Douglas and takes the children with her. The courts really frown upon that because it is sort of like parental kidnapping, taking children out of state without the permission of the other parent, but that is pretty much a moot point now that she has disappeared.

Then when she gets to Virginia she does a hasty will--basically getting her affairs in order after she wins temporary custody from the family court judge in Michigan.

There is no doubt in my mind that she was cutting Douglas loose, and she planned it well in advance. Taking the kids to her mom's house in Michigan gave her the physical address she needed to petition the court for custody. By doing that it would be very tough for Douglas to defend against it.

To help lock down custody all she did was say he was molesting the children, which is really common for women to say such things in divorce proceedings because custody of the children is the number one goal because of child support and state assistance.

This is an interesting case because it does reflect the social atmosphere of many American marriages. Most folks work things out or use the process to sort it out, but every so often you get cases like this one where one parent will take the kids and move them out of state in a winner take all mindset.

Now, knowing she did the custody process and her will, is it possible that she disappeared on purpose? There are groups of women out there who help abused women disappear when they think they are in danger. I am not saying there is no possibility that Douglas did harm her, but frankly, I can't find any documentation proving that Douglas ever did harm her, and also no documentation which proves he molested his children.

It may just be nothing, but it appears like Venus was putting all the legal things in order, and then she just disappeared without a trace. That is very unusual to say the least, but the media is quick to blame the husband for it right away without looking at the facts and asking these types of questions.
Hey all, nice forum thread on this topic. I have been following this case because of certain details that defy explanation and my curiousity is peaked.

Why didn't Venus Stewart petition the courts in Virginia for custody? Instead, she leaves Virginia without telling Douglas and takes the children with her. The courts really frown upon that because it is sort of like parental kidnapping, taking children out of state without the permission of the other parent, but that is pretty much a moot point now that she has disappeared.

Then when she gets to Virginia she does a hasty will--basically getting her affairs in order after she wins temporary custody from the family court judge in Michigan.

There is no doubt in my mind that she was cutting Douglas loose, and she planned it well in advance. Taking the kids to her mom's house in Michigan gave her the physical address she needed to petition the court for custody. By doing that it would be very tough for Douglas to defend against it.

To help lock down custody all she did was say he was molesting the children, which is really common for women to say such things in divorce proceedings because custody of the children is the number one goal because of child support and state assistance.

This is an interesting case because it does reflect the social atmosphere of many American marriages. Most folks work things out or use the process to sort it out, but every so often you get cases like this one where one parent will take the kids and move them out of state in a winner take all mindset.

Now, knowing she did the custody process and her will, is it possible that she disappeared on purpose? There are groups of women out there who help abused women disappear when they think they are in danger. I am not saying there is no possibility that Douglas did harm her, but frankly, I can't find any documentation proving that Douglas ever did harm her, and also no documentation which proves he molested his children.

It may just be nothing, but it appears like Venus was putting all the legal things in order, and then she just disappeared without a trace. That is very unusual to say the least, but the media is quick to blame the husband for it right away without looking at the facts and asking these types of questions.

Hi Frank, and welcome to Websleuths! Good to have you here.

Websleuths is victims' advocacy forum. We treat victims with dignity, fairness, and respect, and we don't cast aspersions on them.

Unless LE or the mainstream media surfaces wrongdoing on the part of a victim, we don't make accusations against them. Victims are already suffering, and we certainly don't want to add to that.

Regarding your comments and questions about Venus, rest assured that we've been tracking this case carefully, and there have been no indications from LE that Venus did anything wrong, or even questionable. We're supporting Venus 100%, and hoping that there will soon be some answers on what happened to her in this tragedy.

Regarding blaming the husband, Venus' husband, Douglas Stewart, has been named by LE as a person of interest in this case, and the sole POI.

If you have any questions about our policies, please don't hesitate to leave a Visitor Message or email to any mod, admin, or the owner of Websleuths, Tricia.

Thanks! and again, welcome! :)

Where Could Venus Stewart Be?

Posted Friday May 14, 2010 4 hours, 34 minutes ago

On the assumption that whoever snatched the 32-yearold mother of two from her parent’s driveway late last month in Colon Township, killed her and disposed of the body nearby, a group of volunteers, working in concert with local police are doing the largest search today of the surrounding remote areas where a body may have been deposited.
I think you are reading WAY too much into those statements. I don't see how you can reasonably describe it as attention seeking, it seems to me that he has kept a really low profile since this happened, the only way he could have kept a lower profile is to say absolutely nothing at all.

Ni Natal - I do call it attention seeking! Sorry! Doug has an attorney who can contact media for him, why does he have to do it?

Regarding his move back to Michigan: I doubt he ever had to move to begin with - it served to isolate Venus and the children from the support she needs, not only as a mom but as his wife. Do you honestly think that move was out of necessity? I highly doubt it?Moving back to Michigan isn't about finding the mother of his children, it's about how he can once again exert his control over in-laws and children. Now that mom is gone, time to march into enemy territory and gather up your possessions. Not many left for him to terrorize - oh how bored he will become. MOO

Regarding the low profile you say he has been keeping:
Seems to me he creates a lot of noise under the auspice of being quiet. Uncooperative with police isn't about keeping quiet - it's about power and control, something he will never give up the fight to achieve. all just my opinion moo and all that stuff
Frank Black, how do you explain the receipt found in Doug's truck?
I mean the one listed on the search warrant, from an Ohio WalMart for a tarp, a shovel, gloves, a cap.

If Venus were framing Doug, that would be a heck of a trick to pull off.

The blood... well that might not even be hers, we will see soon. But the receipt is damning, IMO.
Ni Natal - I do call it attention seeking! Sorry! Doug has an attorney who can contact media for him, why does he have to do it?

While I realize there are extremely hostile feelings towards Doug, any person who is in his position would be an absolute fool to not have an attorney.

Whether he is guilty or not, the fact he has been the subject of TV news broadcasts and newspaper articles which hurled him into the spotlight as a suspect has generated demands by media editors and producers to assign their staff the job of attempting to get an interview out of him.

Any attorney representing someone in his position would advise their client not to speak to the media. It is a wise decision on his part to have an attorney and let the attorney release information to the public.
It may just be nothing, but it appears like Venus was putting all the legal things in order, and then she just disappeared without a trace. That is very unusual to say the least, but the media is quick to blame the husband for it right away without looking at the facts and asking these types of questions.

Upon executing a search warrant of Venus's husband's truck, crime scene investigators found a Walmart receipt for the purchase of a hat, gloves, shovel and tarp dated the day before Venus disappeared.

Upon inspecting the yard area from where Venus was abducted from her parent's home, law enforcement discovered what appeared to be the wrapper tarps come in.

A neighbor reported seeing a vehicle that fits the description of Venus's husband's truck in a field near where Venus was abducted from with a white man crouching behind it, on the same morning Venus disappeared.

The tire tracks left by the vehicle have been viewed by an expert who analyzes tires - tread marks and it was determined the tracks appear to match the husband's tires.

From the article linked below: "A Michigan State Police crime lab technician who compared photos of tire impressions found near Stewart’s parents’ home in Colon Township and photos of the tires on Douglas Harrie Stewart’s silver 2005 four-door Dodge pickup truck said the photos “showed general tread pattern agreement,” according to a search warrant affidavit obtained Thursday by the Kalamazoo Gazette from Newport News, Va., Circuit Court."

Please read this newspaper article published yesterday:
As their investigation continues, Risko said, police are trying to transport Douglas Stewart’s pickup truck back to Michigan for further analysis and to get a closer look at the tires. The crime lab technician who compared the photos of the tire impressions found near the scene of Venus Stewart’s disappearance and photos of Douglas Stewart’s truck tires “indicated she would need the actual tires from the Stewart pickup for more thorough, further analysis,” according to the search warrant affidavit.
Frank Black, how do you explain the receipt found in Doug's truck?
I mean the one listed on the search warrant, from an Ohio WalMart for a tarp, a shovel, gloves, a cap.

If Venus were framing Doug, that would be a heck of a trick to pull off.

The blood... well that might not even be hers, we will see soon. But the receipt is damning, IMO.

Greetings all, my first post wasn't to demean or pick on the victim. I merely pointed out exactly what Venus Stewart did prior to her disappearance, and the motive for doing it. It also wasn't indicative of wrongdoing, but careful legal planning on her part prior to leaving Virginia. The steps that she took proves that she was leaving Douglas.

I read the article about the WalMart receipt. We haven't been told yet if all the items on the receipt were accounted for--if Doug produced them, if in fact he purchased them. If he is unable to produce the items that is indicative to me that he used them after he bought them, or someone bought them. That information needs to be verified.

I am interested in knowing what Venus Stewart wrote in her will since she didn't own any property or any tangible assets to speak of. Why write a will? It doesn't make any sense to me. The father also stated that he found written notes by Venus of Douglas' questionable touching of the children. What other notes were found that she wrote? Those written items that Venus wrote after arriving at the parents house should be submitted as evidence.

Douglas also accused the father of a crime because Venus documented that in one of the protective orders that she sought in Virginia. What crime was Douglas accusing Venus' father of? There is no clarification of that and we need to know.

In terms of the media and this case, the media follows a very specific pattern. They want someone to be held responsible for the disappearance of the female victim, and that someone the majority of the time is the husband or boyfriend. See, the media's MO is to seek a certain level of culpability from the husband or boyfriend in every missing person case, to punish them for not ensuring the wife or girlfriend was safe.

Reading this forum shows me that you folks are better than that and can look at evidence objectively. That is important to this case. But given how the media operates, I can fully understand why Doug would be lawyered up and wouldn't really be talking to anyone.
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