Found Deceased MI - Venus Stewart, 32, Colon, 28 April 2010 - # 4 *D. Stewart guilty*

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Douglas also accused the father of a crime because Venus documented that in one of the protective orders that she sought in Virginia. What crime was Douglas accusing Venus' father of? There is no clarification of that and we need to know.

First of all, I must say it is a big relief to read a post which is properly separated into paragraphs rather than all jammed together, something that makes some of these posts really difficult to read.

Someone needs to go to the courthouse where Venus and Doug filed their cases and have copies made of the contents of each file and upload them to the Internet. Until then, unless they are already available and I'm not aware, we can only speculate as to what claims were made on said documents and in any attached declarations or exhibits.
Someone needs to go to the courthouse where Venus and Doug filed their cases and have copies made of the contents of each file and upload them to the Internet. Until then, unless they are already available and I'm not aware, we can only speculate as to what claims were made on said documents and in any attached declarations or exhibits.

I agree. Venus Stewart went to Michigan with the children for one reason and one reason only. She felt that she could get a better deal from the courts there.

If Doug did kidnap her, I am concerned about his experience in transport as a truck driver. He would know how to transport her and given his experience in the food delivery industry, he could keep her on ice somewhere and then dispose of her.

The profile however for such cases is that the victim is usually disposed of locally when the killer travels great distances to the victim. It would be unusual for her to be transported out of state and disposed of in another location. I say that because of the heavy surveillance methods that most states use to regulate traffic.

If Doug wasn't involved in her disapperance, then this is local, and the investigation needs to start with the people that were the last to see her alive, as any other criminal investigation would.
I agree. Venus Stewart went to Michigan with the children for one reason and one reason only. She felt that she could get a better deal from the courts there.

I am surprised Venus was allowed to move with the children to Michigan. Apparently Doug did not file a motion to prohibit Venus from removing the children from the State of Virginia.

Do we know why Venus was granted temporary custody of the children but not prevented from removing them from the State of Virginia?

Do we know if the court specifically granted Venus permission to move to Michigan or if she simply moved because there was no order preventing her from doing so.

Do we know when Venus's temporary custody of the children was to expire?

Was Venus planning on returning to the State of Virginia for any upcoming Disolution of Marriage hearings?

Do we know what visitation rights, if any, were given to her husband?

Do we know the date of the next hearing in the Dissolution of Marriage case?

Generally a couple seeking a divorce will be ordered to attend mediation. Where Venus and Doug ordered to make an appointment with a court mediator?

Was Venus in violation of any Virginia laws by removing the children from the state and moving to Michigan to live with her parents?

My comment: I'd be ticked if my husband was granted temporary custody of my children then moved far away to another state!
I agree. Venus Stewart went to Michigan with the children for one reason and one reason only. She felt that she could get a better deal from the courts there.

If Doug did kidnap her, I am concerned about his experience in transport as a truck driver. He would know how to transport her and given his experience in the food delivery industry, he could keep her on ice somewhere and then dispose of her.

The profile however for such cases is that the victim is usually disposed of locally when the killer travels great distances to the victim. It would be unusual for her to be transported out of state and disposed of in another location. I say that because of the heavy surveillance methods that most states use to regulate traffic.

If Doug wasn't involved in her disapperance, then this is local, and the investigation needs to start with the people that were the last to see her alive, as any other criminal investigation would.

Nothing will surprise me at this point.
I just hope that if DS did not commit this crime, it is not too late for law enforcement to go back and start over. They focused on him from the very start, even naming him as only POI on what I assume was based solely on motive. I can't help but wonder, if not DS, if someone from Venus' past came looking for her, hearing she had moved back to town.

It is so frustrating, to me at least, that it is taking so long to process evidence in a kidnapping case; what if she IS alive or was for a while and they were holding up on an arrest waiting for tire tracks? I know they need probable cause, but if they have not had any luck with that Walmart receipt by now, then they probably aren't going to. That should have been something they could verify very quickly, if video was available. And as far as the blood, they should know if it is Venus' type by now at the very least, but any defense can argue the timing of blood in a vehicle she had access to.

I like to think that LE is just being very careful, as they know where DS is, and they have obviously decided that Venus is deceased, so the urgency is removed, but am really hoping some evidence will be presented soon and charges filed, if what they find links DS to this crime. It still appears that LE has been unable to break his alibi, as if he could be placed in MI, and had lied about it, that might work for probably cause for at least obstruction charges.
I just hope that if DS did not commit this crime, it is not too late for law enforcement to go back and start over. They focused on him from the very start, even naming him as only POI on what I assume was based solely on motive. I can't help but wonder, if not DS, if someone from Venus' past came looking for her, hearing she had moved back to town.

It is so frustrating, to me at least, that it is taking so long to process evidence in a kidnapping case; what if she IS alive or was for a while and they were holding up on an arrest waiting for tire tracks? I know they need probable cause, but if they have not had any luck with that Walmart receipt by now, then they probably aren't going to. That should have been something they could verify very quickly, if video was available. And as far as the blood, they should know if it is Venus' type by now at the very least, but any defense can argue the timing of blood in a vehicle she had access to.

I like to think that LE is just being very careful, as they know where DS is, and they have obviously decided that Venus is deceased, so the urgency is removed, but am really hoping some evidence will be presented soon and charges filed, if what they find links DS to this crime. It still appears that LE has been unable to break his alibi, as if he could be placed in MI, and had lied about it, that might work for probably cause for at least obstruction charges.

What are the chances that a truck looking identical to the husbands would just happen to be in the field exactly during the time Venus disappeared, especially since it had four doors!

I would guess for every four door truck sold, at least 10,000 two door trucks are sold. They aren't that common and I am certain the fact that it had four doors stood out in the mind of the neighbor who saw it. I know I always thought, when I had four children to haul around and loved to go in the woods, "I wish I could afford the gas to drive one of those!"

So, in my opinion, the witness is credible and it absolutely had to be Doug's truck they saw.

As far as the two friends who are providing Doug with an alibi, we don't know if they are lying, or not. I sure hope it can be proven they are!

As far as charging and arresting Doug is concerned, the district attorney needs to be very cautious about not jumping the gun due to the fact Doug could exercise his rights to a speedy trial and ultimately be exonerated.

There is no proof Venus is dead. Until her body is found, don't expect any charges to be filed.

I am sure there is a lot of evidence to go over, including all the hard drives on the confiscated computers, checking the Internet browsing history, reading e-mails, reviewing phone records, etc. etc. etc.

If it can be proven by the tire mark impressions that it was in fact Doug's truck in that field, law enforcement can use that as a bargaining tool to attempt to get him to talk. Perhaps they will offer reduced charges if he reveals what he did with Venus.

SCENARIO: "Doug, we know your truck was in the field across from Venus's parent's home on the morning she disappeared because your tire treads exactly match the casts that were made. If you tell us what you did with Venus, we will not charge you with first degree murder, kidnapping, crossing state lines to commit a felony, etc. but only charge you with (insert charge)."
While I realize there are extremely hostile feelings towards Doug, any person who is in his position would be an absolute fool to not have an attorney.

Whether he is guilty or not, the fact he has been the subject of TV news broadcasts and newspaper articles which hurled him into the spotlight as a suspect has generated demands by media editors and producers to assign their staff the job of attempting to get an interview out of him.

Any attorney representing someone in his position would advise their client not to speak to the media. It is a wise decision on his part to have an attorney and let the attorney release information to the public.

Not sure I get your post! That was the whole point of my comment, Doug does have an attorney and I'm wondering why the attorney wasn't the person contacting the station - why Doug? That was in response to a comment about what a 'low' profile Doug was keeping. I'm confused! :waitasec:
Not sure I get your post! That was the whole point of my comment, Doug does have an attorney and I'm wondering why the attorney wasn't the person contacting the station - why Doug? That was in response to a comment about what a 'low' profile Doug was keeping. I'm confused! :waitasec:

Originally Posted by eyes4crime
Ni Natal - I do call it attention seeking! Sorry! Doug has an attorney who can contact media for him, why does he have to do it?

I misunderstand your post to read as follows:

Doug has an attorney who can contact media for him. Why does Doug's attorney have to do it?
There are a lot of reasons VS might have moved to Michigan -- what leaps to mind is that her parents are there to help with child care and housing. With no job, how is she supposed to find a place to live? And how's she supposed to get a job with two tiny kids?

Maybe she just plain hated Virginia. Who knows?

I think LE is hoping to find a body befor making any announcements.
There are a lot of reasons VS might have moved to Michigan -- what leaps to mind is that her parents are there to help with child care and housing. With no job, how is she supposed to find a place to live? And how's she supposed to get a job with two tiny kids?

Maybe she just plain hated Virginia. Who knows?

I think LE is hoping to find a body befor making any announcements.

Or, maybe she was scared to death of her husband, with good reason. And she wanted to get away from him and be with family who made her feel safe.

I agree. Venus Stewart went to Michigan with the children for one reason and one reason only. She felt that she could get a better deal from the courts there.

She missed her family and friends

She did not like living in Virginia

She wanted her children to be able to spend time with their grandparents and other family members

She did not have the financial means to set up a new household separate from Doug

She had no reason to stay in Virginia

She was depressed because of the status of her marriage

She needed the support and comfort of being in a familiar place
surrounded by people who she knew loved and cared about her

She wanted to get away from Doug

Hi Frank, and welcome to Websleuths! Good to have you here.

Websleuths is victims' advocacy forum. We treat victims with dignity, fairness, and respect, and we don't cast aspersions on them.

Unless LE or the mainstream media surfaces wrongdoing on the part of a victim, we don't make accusations against them. Victims are already suffering, and we certainly don't want to add to that.

Regarding your comments and questions about Venus, rest assured that we've been tracking this case carefully, and there have been no indications from LE that Venus did anything wrong, or even questionable. We're supporting Venus 100%, and hoping that there will soon be some answers on what happened to her in this tragedy.

Regarding blaming the husband, Venus' husband, Douglas Stewart, has been named by LE as a person of interest in this case, and the sole POI.

If you have any questions about our policies, please don't hesitate to leave a Visitor Message or email to any mod, admin, or the owner of Websleuths, Tricia.

Thanks! and again, welcome! :)


Has LE or mainstream media surfaced any information concerning wrongdoing on the part of the alleged victim?
I agree. Venus Stewart went to Michigan with the children for one reason and one reason only. She felt that she could get a better deal from the courts there.


Obviously you don't know women very well. Or at least women that are afraid of their husbands and afraid for their children! ANY woman I know or hear of would FIRST run to their parents or family members house for support and security!!! I don't believe for one second that Venus ONLY ran to Michigan to 'get a better deal from the courts'!! In fact, I'd bet 'the courts' were not even the first things on her mind when she decided to run! Escaping safely with your children would be first and foremost - then going to a place where you have emotional and physical support is where most people run to! Hence....going 'home' to her parents house.
Geez....not because of a 'better deal'. -one reason and one reason ONLY ???-

I have no clue how this case will end up, and I do agree that the consensus is that DS is to blame, but to be fair, I'm glad they are getting their 'ducks in a row' before arresting DS. I wouldn't want him or anyone else getting away with this just on a slimy technicality.
Has LE or mainstream media surfaced any information concerning wrongdoing on the part of the alleged victim?

No, not for this crime we are discussing, the abduction of Venus.

ETA: Venus is the victim.
Wal-mart has excellent security cameras. Has anyone seen the security feed of DS in that particular Wal-mart? If he is on security feed all the way in Ohio (I think it was Ohio that the receipt came from) then why doesn't the LE just release the security feed? If they have it then release it and see who all else saw DS and if it wasn't him then who was it?

This case is a very good example of a messy divorce with aspersions cast by both parties, protective orders, by both parties, and domestic violence by both parties. I think this is also a good example of a toxic relationship.

I hope the children are okay and that the police know where the children are. This is horrible for the children and sounds like this has been drama for almost their entire lives.
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