Michael Jackson ~ new accuser files

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I have long SUSPECTED MJ was a paedophile based on his own strange behaviour and inappropriate relationships with boys that he brazenly flaunted for decades.

I now KNOW that MJ was a paedophile because Wade Robson and James Safechuck have detailed the abuse they suffered at his hands and I believe them. Simple. I believe them the same way that I believed my friend when he told us that our class teacher had raped him. I believe LaToya Jackson, I believe the Neverland maids and security guards who say they witnessed inappropriate behaviour. I believe the journalist who was so concerned for James that he slipped a note under a hotel door offering him help. I believe the victims' families and partners. I believe Gavin Arvizo and Jordan Chandler. I believe the corroborating evidence, the video that shows MJ shopping for jewellery with James, just like he said it happened. I believe that he was abused in the Neverland train station that he photographed. I believe the pain in his eyes and the trembling of his hands when he speaks. I believe Michael Jacobshagen who continues to speak out. If James is lying he should go into acting, he would win every award going. That man is not lying.

MJ was an abuser and this is not the end of the story. There are many more victims and in time, when the furore dies down they will come forward. MJ fans will go on denying and defending but their voices will become smaller and smaller.
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I have long SUSPECTED MJ was a paedophile based on his own strange behaviour and inappropriate relationships with boys that he brazenly flaunted for decades.

I now KNOW that MJ was a paedophile because Wade Robson and James Safechuck have detailed the abuse they suffered at his hands and I believe them. Simple. I believe them the same way that I believed my friend when he told us that our class teacher had raped him. I believe LaToya Jackson, I believe the Neverland maids and security guards who say they witnessed inappropriate behaviour. I believe the journalist who was so concerned for James that he slipped a note under a hotel door offering him help. I believe the victims' families and partners. I believe Gavin Arvizo and Jordan Chandler. I believe the corroborating evidence, the video that shows MJ shopping for jewellery with James, just like he said it happened. I believe that he was abused in the Neverland train station that he photographed. I believe the pain in his eyes and the trembling of his hands when he speaks. I believe Michael Jacobshagen who continues to speak out. If James is lying he should go into acting, he would win every award going. That man is not lying.

MJ was an abuser and this is not the end of the story. There are many more victims and in time, when the furore dies down they will come forward. MJ fans will go on denying and defending but their voices will become smaller and smaller.


Totally. And I'd extend that to Wade and all their family members who appeared in the documentary.
Barbra Streisand says Michael Jackson’s accusers were ‘thrilled to be there’ and his ‘sexual needs were his sexual needs’

“His sexual needs were his sexual needs, coming from whatever childhood he has or whatever DNA he has," Streisand told The Times. “You can say ‘molested,' but those children, as you heard say [grown-up Robson and Safechuck], they were thrilled to be there. They both married and they both have children, so it didn’t kill them.”
Holy crap!

Totally. And I'd extend that to Wade and all their family members who appeared in the documentary.

Absolutely, they are all very credible. Wade seems to be further along in the healing process. I don't think James has fully come to terms with what happened to him yet. If I could speak to either of them, I would tell them; you survived the abuse, you will survive the recovery.
If they thing he is be best human being on earth and brought more joy to the world than the billions who've walked the planet combined, yes. I'm sure they'd be fine with it.

My opinion, if he had preyed on girls he would not have gotten away with this behavior his whole adult life. I truly believe that.

Boys need to be heard. These victims deserve to be believed.
I wish I had saved the MSM link I read last week but I didn’t. New evidence from body guards states that there WAS a train station when Safechuck says there was.

There's a few articles posted further up that say exactly that. Now this lie has been exposed, they're starting on something about a ring. Just as nonsensical.

Regards to Brandy Jackson. I personally don't believe that she had a relationship with Wade Robson, at least not to the extent that she says. Wade met his wife when he was 19, prior to that we all know that he had some kind of relationship with Britney Spears in the early 2000s. So, unless he started dating as a foetus, I really don't know when he would have had the time to have an almost decade long relationship with MJs niece. As far can I see, she only has 1 photo with Wade. Not much to show for such a long and serious relationship. It is my opinion that the Jackson family are bare faced liars and it's about time they were called out on their lies.

Another thought occurred to me today, 2 of the victims father's killed themselves. Perhaps through the guilt of not being able to protect their children.

For someone who was apparently all about "peace and love" MJ really did attract an exceptional amount of toxicity.
I suppose the goal of the Jackson estate is to discredit Leaving Neverland as a complete & total lie. But even it somehow was, my strong suspicion that MJ molested boys would remain. MJ was more or less hiding in plain sight. I think that was part of the perverted excitement for him.

Yes, I would agree. How anyone can sleep at night having spent their day lying to protect a child abuser and abusing their already damaged victims.
A documentary accusing Michael Jackson of child sexual abuse has won an Emmy.

Leaving Neverland, which features two adult men, one Australian, saying they were befriended by Jackson and sexually abused by him starting from when they were seven and 10 years old, was named best documentary at a ceremony in Los Angeles ahead of television's main Emmy awards show next week.
Leaving Neverland documentary wins Emmy
I believe LaToya Jackson, I believe the Neverland maids and security guards who say they witnessed inappropriate behaviour

latoya recanted saying her ex hubs made her say it. and the maids and security guards had their reasons to lie:
The Neverland Insiders Who Spoke Out Against Michael Jackson

do you realize that photos posted in the comment section below the blog dispute your "supporting evidence"? lol

as for "why aren't MJ's defenders here?"... we're tired. and sad. but we're not afraid of being "ripped to shreds" ~ smh.

for the brave: The New Lynching of Michael Jackson: Dan Reed’s Leaving Neverland May, In Fact, Leave Blood on…

"The current hype that has been built around Leaving Neverland, a film directed by Dan Reed and funded and distributed by HBO in the U.S. and Channel 4 in the U.K., may appear deceptively at first as an important film for the #MeToo era, highlighting the alleged sexual abuse that Michael Jackson inflicted on two young boys who idolized him and fell-by grand and parental design-into his circle. At least, that is according to the hype that has been drummed up around it. But a closer look reveals many disturbing reasons to argue that this agenda-driven film has little to do with either journalistic integrity or concern for sexual abuse victims. Instead, there are many justifiable reasons to argue why this film is simply a new twist on the age-old concept of lynching a black man based on white lies. The fact that it is a black man who also just happened to be one of the most beloved and powerful figures in entertainment is, of course, the very matter at the heart of the film’s controversy, along with the fact that we are into the tenth anniversary of his passing. At a time when Michael Jackson’s life should be the subject of fond remembrances and reflections on his artistic legacy, we instead get this, the equivalent of a posthumous, 21st century lynching based on nothing but the uncorroborated testimonies of two men whose civil case against his estate has already been dismissed, not once but twice....

But journalists also have a responsibility to look beyond the camera lens. It’s one thing to be “moved” by a compelling documentary, but quite another to simply report it as if everything it contains is gospel truth. If the recent Jussie Smollett story should have taught us anything, it should serve as an important awakening of how easy it is to falsify a “victimhood” story and hijack #MeToo sympathies that should be reserved for actual victims. With the example of Leaving Neverland, this is not a case of viewers drawing conclusions after having seen a reasonable preponderance of all evidence brought to the table. Instead, they are emotional, kneejerk reactions to having just sat through hours of hearing nothing but a one-sided story, told by two witnesses with huge credibility issues, who have been given a platform for motivations that remain highly and ethically questionable."

much more @ link above
latoya recanted saying her ex hubs made her say it. and the maids and security guards had their reasons to lie:
The Neverland Insiders Who Spoke Out Against Michael Jackson

do you realize that photos posted in the comment section below the blog dispute your "supporting evidence"? lol

as for "why aren't MJ's defenders here?"... we're tired. and sad. but we're not afraid of being "ripped to shreds" ~ smh.

for the brave: The New Lynching of Michael Jackson: Dan Reed’s Leaving Neverland May, In Fact, Leave Blood on…

"The current hype that has been built around Leaving Neverland, a film directed by Dan Reed and funded and distributed by HBO in the U.S. and Channel 4 in the U.K., may appear deceptively at first as an important film for the #MeToo era, highlighting the alleged sexual abuse that Michael Jackson inflicted on two young boys who idolized him and fell-by grand and parental design-into his circle. At least, that is according to the hype that has been drummed up around it. But a closer look reveals many disturbing reasons to argue that this agenda-driven film has little to do with either journalistic integrity or concern for sexual abuse victims. Instead, there are many justifiable reasons to argue why this film is simply a new twist on the age-old concept of lynching a black man based on white lies. The fact that it is a black man who also just happened to be one of the most beloved and powerful figures in entertainment is, of course, the very matter at the heart of the film’s controversy, along with the fact that we are into the tenth anniversary of his passing. At a time when Michael Jackson’s life should be the subject of fond remembrances and reflections on his artistic legacy, we instead get this, the equivalent of a posthumous, 21st century lynching based on nothing but the uncorroborated testimonies of two men whose civil case against his estate has already been dismissed, not once but twice....

But journalists also have a responsibility to look beyond the camera lens. It’s one thing to be “moved” by a compelling documentary, but quite another to simply report it as if everything it contains is gospel truth. If the recent Jussie Smollett story should have taught us anything, it should serve as an important awakening of how easy it is to falsify a “victimhood” story and hijack #MeToo sympathies that should be reserved for actual victims. With the example of Leaving Neverland, this is not a case of viewers drawing conclusions after having seen a reasonable preponderance of all evidence brought to the table. Instead, they are emotional, kneejerk reactions to having just sat through hours of hearing nothing but a one-sided story, told by two witnesses with huge credibility issues, who have been given a platform for motivations that remain highly and ethically questionable."

much more @ link above

Read it all. Seen it all. Still believe the victims. Goodbye.
My long-held suspicions of Jackson being a pedophile are as strong as ever. The current movies, both pro and con, don't really matter to me. I mean, here was a grown-*advertiser censored* man hanging out with young good looking boys, and using special ones as his traveling companions, bed mates, etc. Jackson eerily fit the established profile of a pedophile. If "Mr. Joe Blow" up the street was doing the same sort of stuff, I bet he would immediately be deemed a pedophile, even by Jackson's hardcore fans.
My long-held suspicions of Jackson being a pedophile are as strong as ever. The current movies, both pro and con, don't really matter to me. I mean, here was a grown-*advertiser censored* man hanging out with young good looking boys, and using special ones as his traveling companions, bed mates, etc. Jackson eerily fit the established profile of a pedophile. If "Mr. Joe Blow" up the street was doing the same sort of stuff, I bet he would immediately be deemed a pedophile, even by Jackson's hardcore fans.

100% THIS! I haven't watched a movie and made up my mind, I've made up my mind after decades of observing his behaviour. Sexual abuse or not, we KNOW he slept in bed with a succession of underage boys, this is predatory behaviour that can't be overlooked. There are no circumstances in which this is acceptable or normal behaviour and every right minded adult I have ever met would say the same.

I wonder why this thread has kick started again? Because of the Emmy I suppose.
It seems everyone here who still believes MJ to be a pedophile are basing their opinions entirely on a "feeling".

Meanwhile, the evidence of who the true pedophiles are amongst the so-called "elite" is as plain as day and most refuse to see it.

Folks, Michael Jackson had long term (decades long) smear campaign attack placed on him, most likely by these very same elite pedophiles. They used his innocent adoration of children against him to attack him because he was very close to completely taking over the music industry... A haven for pedophiles.

Thats the straight up truth. Believe it or not. I believe we will see the truth someday.

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