Michael Plumadore - confessed murderer

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Do we know this for a fact? And I don't know this for a fact, but I bet they are anything but thrilled to have to defend someone who murdered a child.

I do. I have lived my entire 42 yrs. in NE Indiana so the names mentioned in Churchward's bio are all too familiar, Ronrico Hatch, Simon Rios and Rodney Houser.




If they aren't the definition of scum I don't know what is. Nothing against them, it's their job and someone has to do it. Look at the bright side, all 3 of the above mentioned went to prison for life. Just as I think Plumadore will do. JMO
Most respectfully, my_tee_mouse, I don't think that mahoolin put it out there as a fact: Just an observation on their part (that's how I read the 'probably' and the question mark at the end). But, that's just IMO so I could be wrong. And I can only speak for myself, but I know that at times it's frustrating to watch defense attorney's preen for the spotlight and lap up the notoriety that can come with a high-profile case.

On the other hand, there are most definitely some excellent members of the legal profession who are a credit to their field....just tireless defenders of those who find themselves on the wrong side of the law: At times, perhaps, the wrongly accused - which is why we have the right to a competent, thorough defense from an (ideally) hard-working and dedicated attorney.

I gotta say, of the two extremes I've listed above - I'd guess, and this is just IMHO and I've no source to back it up - but I'd guess that the actual truth, the actual average defense attorney, lies somewhere in the middle. JMO.


Sorry for the confusion my sarcasm and poor choice of wording caused and thanks, Simply Caustic you interpreted my comments correctly- like IHAVENOCLUE said - can you imagine!
And I do agree, I think most defense attorneys fall somewhere in the middle, but career-wise, I think these two will have to benefit from the national exposure this trial will bring.

Being defense attorneys - and as locally prominent as these two are said to be, I'm sure they've had their share of questionable clients - it's their job. As you said, clients deserve a competent defense when wrongly accused, but not all are innocent. From what I gather, these two have put several deserving criminals behind bars for life.

I think most people enjoy a job that challenges them, but the point I was trying to make in my first post was that national scrutiny, graphic subject matter and the fact that their client has confessed to murdering a child in this particular case has to add anxiety to things.

The above is my personal opinion only as stated in my signature below. :)
Do we know this for a fact? And I don't know this for a fact, but I bet they are anything but thrilled to have to defend someone who murdered a child.

No - I don't know that for a fact - that's why I said probably. Defense attorneys have both innocent and guilty clients. Just a wild guess they've had some not-so wonderful clientele during their careers.

I think my comments were misunderstood. I agree with you that they're probably anything but thrilled to defend the scum who murdered that beautiful little girl, but I do hope they've had lots of experience defending scum like him before so that he gets what he deserves. A competent defense (why I don't know - when he's confessed, but it's the law), and that's it.

It's late, and I'm rambling, but hope that clears things up.

Case archive is being updated as news is posted.

http://s296.photobucket.com/albums/mm166/crankycrankerson/Aliahna Lemmon -IN-/

Just as I predicted. Coward!

Plumadore pleads guilty to killing Aliahna Lemmon
Prosecution seeking life without parole

Defense attorney, Anthony Churchward said in court that the plea agreement is Plumadore's advised course after receiving notification from Allen County Prosecuting Attorney Karen Richards that she would have pursued the death penalty had the case gone to trial.

Michael Plumadore Takes the Plea Deal, Eliminating the Death Penalty

Fort Wayne, IN (Indiana's NewsCenter) - Friday afternoon in an unexpected status hearing Michael Plumadore, the man accused of killing Aliahna Lemmon, agrees to a plea deal and admits his guilt.

Plumadore pleaded guilty to five counts:
Count 1: Murder
Count 2: Abuse of a corpse
Count 3: Violent suspicious death
Count 4: Habitual offender
Count 5: life without parole

The plea agreement calls for life in prison without the possibility of parole. It also takes the death penalty off the table, which Prosecutor Karen Richards said she would have pursued if the case went to trial.
Plumadore admitted Friday to killing 9-year-old Aliahna Lemmon, then dismembering the little girl's body. This all happened just around Christmas last year.
Sentencing for Plumadore is set for June 18th.

watch the video, it is very informative


Still no reason why he did it. :( I also noticed there are no sex offense charges.
It's Bittersweet... Swift justice without a prolonged heart wrenching trial. I wish alot of cases would just end this way. Life in prison is the perfect sentence IMO...
Except one thing.

They put these freaks in comfy protected custody. Like Jarred Harrel... they won't even disclose what prison that freak is in.
He doesn't deserve to live. I don't think there should have been any plea deal. She was (excuse the graphicness of what I'm about to post) cut up, in pieces, IN HIS FREEZER!!! One would think with evidence like that a guilty verdict would have been a slam dunk! It's almost like they just want this case to go away. There's got to be answers as to why those girls were with this monster at the time she was murdered. What did the sisters see? What happened to them? Any charges against the parents? How come she was dead for 2 WHOLE DAYS before she was reported missing?! I'm sorry to run on, but this whole case just infuriates me. Aliahna deserves more than to have her case be swept under the carpet and for this animal to just plead guilty. RIP little girl, you're in a better place now.
Michael Plumadore Takes the Plea Deal, Eliminating the Death Penalty

Fort Wayne, IN (Indiana's NewsCenter) - Friday afternoon in an unexpected status hearing Michael Plumadore, the man accused of killing Aliahna Lemmon, agrees to a plea deal and admits his guilt.

Plumadore pleaded guilty to five counts:
Count 1: Murder
Count 2: Abuse of a corpse
Count 3: Violent suspicious death
Count 4: Habitual offender
Count 5: life without parole

The plea agreement calls for life in prison without the possibility of parole. It also takes the death penalty off the table, which Prosecutor Karen Richards said she would have pursued if the case went to trial.
Plumadore admitted Friday to killing 9-year-old Aliahna Lemmon, then dismembering the little girl's body. This all happened just around Christmas last year.
Sentencing for Plumadore is set for June 18th.

watch the video, it is very informative


Still no reason why he did it. :( I also noticed there are no sex offense charges.

Thanks for posting the info. I haven't been able to check in here much recently and just learned of this news. After listening to the news report linked, I wonder about the "life without parole" charge. They said extenuating circumstances. Could that be a hidden way of getting around any sex offense charges?

I wish he had gone to trial so the death penalty could be thrown into the mix. Hopefully he won't be overly protected and the other prisoners will make his life sentence a living he11. I guess we will never know the reasons for this crime. That frustrates me, but the terms of the plea give comfort in knowing that MP will never be able to hurt another child.
This is highly aggravating. I want to know what in the world was bad enough that he saw fit to beat this tiny girl to death then cut her up and put her in the freezer. I want him to have to state what the cause was and hear himself make that statement because there is nothing that could have happened that would come anywhere close to being a just cause for what he did to her.:banghead:

On one hand I'm glad that he got life in prison and death is far too good for him yet on the other I would have liked for him to stay on death row for years and ponder his own mortality, waiting and wondering when his last day would be.:jail:
I was thinking that he would have to allecute. I guess they didn't make that a requirement of the plea agreement?

I also wonder where and how those other children from the family are doing.
He doesn't deserve to live. I don't think there should have been any plea deal. She was (excuse the graphicness of what I'm about to post) cut up, in pieces, IN HIS FREEZER!!! One would think with evidence like that a guilty verdict would have been a slam dunk! It's almost like they just want this case to go away. There's got to be answers as to why those girls were with this monster at the time she was murdered. What did the sisters see? What happened to them? Any charges against the parents? How come she was dead for 2 WHOLE DAYS before she was reported missing?! I'm sorry to run on, but this whole case just infuriates me. Aliahna deserves more than to have her case be swept under the carpet and for this animal to just plead guilty. RIP little girl, you're in a better place now.

I agree, I'm still worried about the sisters, and there was a brother too IIRrC. Who are they being left with now when mom is sick. Grrrr hopefully now they can dig into all the family mess now that a trial is off the agenda and won't be compromised; MP isn't the only guilty one IMHO :moo:


Rip Aliahna,
At least he's never getting out.

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