Michelle Young. Murdered Pregnant Mom, NC Part 14

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jilly said:
If I recall correctly - the Grand Jury should be meeting again next Mon & Tues, so if nothing happens after that, I would think the info is wrong.
Why Jilly ? LE and the DA do not need a True Bill from the Grand Jury to arrest a perp.
raisincharlie said:
Why Jilly ? LE and the DA do not need a True Bill from the Grand Jury to arrest a perp.

First of all - I know squat about Grand Juries so I don't know what you mean when you say True Bill.

Is that their opinion?

I understand from recent posts that you don't need their decision for an arrest.

I'm thinking that with a highly cicumstantial case that they would want to know what the Grand Jury thinks before they arrest him. Isn't this what they did with the Ramseys?

Could you please explain it to me?
caffeinatd said:
That is right, but I wonder if they get a true bill, will they allow him to turn himself in within like 48 hrs with his attorney, or just go get him? Any ideas?

That's what I would think caff - but, I've just asked RC to explain this process to me.
Dominique said:
Snip Soon is a relative concept for the living---->that would be us and sadly not Michelle.

Oh Dominique, you literally took my breath away when I read that! Thank you for your wisdom. It is a perspective we should center from in all of our sleuthing.

raisincharlie said:
Amanda Lamb's latest blog entry:


Anyone notice the Massenburg headline today at WRAL. No DP, the fellow admitted to killing his wife, he is charged with 1st degree. His lawyer has an interesting take on what happpened...I think he must have consulted with Geragos for that one.
I looked for it, RC but didn't see anything about Massenburg. Maybe I missed it?
Thank you everyone for your welcome… I feel I know you guys already because I’ve been lurking here since December and since mid November at CTV. I learned of the case during the Panthers Monday Night Football game against Tampa. It may surprise you but I single-handedly control their destiny with my actions. I left the game early to watch the second half from home and being scared I had caused them a defeat I found myself flipping during commercials. That is when I ran across Greta’s show talking about this horrible crime. From the moment I heard this happened in my state of NC and saw her picture I’ve been obsessed about the case and justice for Michelle. Following the case daily since then the arrest of JY can’t come soon enough.

RC that makes perfect sense. Something set him off that night and he put a quick plan in motion.

As far as gojo is concerned I see him (them) as being attention seekers that like to play mind games without any remorse for a mother, sister, and daughter’s lose of life. That’s despicable.

(re: Edwards - right there with ya)
jilly said:
Think of it this way melaki - In all probability, this will be the last season that he watches. :)

And by the way - welcome! :)
Now that is a positive spin and great way to look at it! Thank you!
Kadie said:
I looked for it, RC but didn't see anything about Massenburg. Maybe I missed it?
Sorry Kadie - I should have put the link in but didn't because it doesn't relate to this case but here it is:


This man chased his wife down in her car - rammed the car and proceded to beat on her and then strangle her with the seatbelt in her car. He admitted to this when LE arrived. Of course he has now pleaded not guilty and his lawyer claims the strangulation was a seatbealt malfunction.

I found it interesting that it was not a DP case - the difference - he admitted it, possibly can show heat of the moment but I still think the lawyer is nuts but inventive.
jilly said:
First of all - I know squat about Grand Juries so I don't know what you mean when you say True Bill.

Is that their opinion?

I understand from recent posts that you don't need their decision for an arrest.

I'm thinking that with a highly cicumstantial case that they would want to know what the Grand Jury thinks before they arrest him. Isn't this what they did with the Ramseys?

Could you please explain it to me?

I would agree, an indictment before arrest would be nice but my point is - it is not neccessary for an arrest to occur. If you follow just WRAL you will note several arrests are made without a GJ involvement. In this case, I believe the DA will take it to a GJ just because they know the perp is not going anywhere and most likely will not kill again so the case is being built to accomodate a speedy trial potential. Cases in point - the guy from Wendell was arrested the same day his wife was found murdered - same with Massenburg and several others.

Does that mean the DA must wait for the GJ - no - if JY is the perp he can be arrested at any time - the GJ indictment is not a requirement to arrest this murderer. An arrest however means that the DA must be prepared to take it to the GJ for an indictment ASAP. So you see, I'm not sure why everyone is waiting and thinking only the GJ can bring in a reason to arrest this perp.
I understand now RC. Thank you! :)

I just hope something happens soon. The more days that go by, the more I feel that this guy might get away with it. :( Then again, when I start feeling like this (like someone else mentioned) just think how the Fishers' must feel.
jilly said:
I understand now RC. Thank you! :)

I just hope something happens soon. The more days that go by, the more I feel that this guy might get away with it. :( Then again, when I start feeling like this (like someone else mentioned) just think how the Fishers' must feel.
I think this is normal - at first one thinks soon, as time goes on the doubts creep in. I also think there are several factors that must be kept in mind. We can assume the lab work may or should be back but that may or may not be the case. We can assume that LE has tracked down every movement JY made but again that may or may not be true - lot of ground to cover especially when JY will not respond. Then there is the law firm involved - I would assume there is familiarity there with how that firm operates - seems to me that knowledge and anticipating the strategy may be the end line of the investigation.

Justice delayed does not equate to justice denied. Although I would like to see an arrest, I would rather see a court case that is not going to be beat. Hang in there.
Someone at LR emailed gojo and he responded with "I thought it was time to take a break. Nobody said or did anything, I just think I need to duck for a while."

Kadie said:
Someone at LR emailed gojo and he responded with "I thought it was time to take a break. Nobody said or did anything, I just think I need to duck for a while."

Since he requested that all his posts be deleted - it's more than a break and probably a whole lot of ducking.
raisincharlie said:
I think this is normal - at first one thinks soon, as time goes on the doubts creep in. I also think there are several factors that must be kept in mind. We can assume the lab work may or should be back but that may or may not be the case. We can assume that LE has tracked down every movement JY made but again that may or may not be true - lot of ground to cover especially when JY will not respond. Then there is the law firm involved - I would assume there is familiarity there with how that firm operates - seems to me that knowledge and anticipating the strategy may be the end line of the investigation.

Justice delayed does not equate to justice denied. Although I would like to see an arrest, I would rather see a court case that is not going to be beat. Hang in there.



Now founding father, RC!

*I agree!*
raisincharlie said:
Since he requested that all his posts be deleted - it's more than a break and probably a whole lot of ducking.

He is naught but a 'sick pup'.

He has been consistant in that and he is not honest, we know that.

Good deletions and good riddance...now if the Young faction or TEAM were as astute as we are?

What does it tell you about folks who harbor GOGO at the same level that they harbor family? We have seen what he has to say (he can't shut up!) but they encourage him/her/it...that much is obvious....what does that tell us about them [team-jy]?

It tells me what I need to know...
Dominique said:
He is naught but a 'sick pup'.

He has been consistant in that and he is not honest, we know that.

Good deletions and good riddance...now if the Young faction or TEAM were as astute as we are?

What does it tell you about folks who harbor GOGO at the same level that they harbor family? We have seen what he has to say (he can't shut up!) but they encourage him/her/it...that much is obvious....what does that tell us about them [team-jy]?

It tells me what I need to know...
Pretty sick game that fellow was playing, and I agree, if that is what surrounds JY, it tells the tale.
raisincharlie said:
Since he requested that all his posts be deleted - it's more than a break and probably a whole lot of ducking.
Agreed! Makes me wonder though if something is "up"

Probably wishful thinking. :)
Kadie said:
Agreed! Makes me wonder though if something is "up"

Probably wishful thinking. :)
Seems to be lots of wishful thinking going on Kadie ! :)

If Johnboy is who he says he is, it is possible that someone got wind of his vocalizations and asked for it to be stopped. We have seen this at CTV-for some reason both families, or at least a representative of the families, are keeping an eye on what is said on CTV at least.

Maybe, it's that supposed good news he got wasn't quite as good as he thought...
Well.....Tennisbuff has just announced that JY has got a job in Charlotte and will be relocating. Seem's he's "moving on".
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