Michelle Young~Pregnant Mother NC Part 5

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scandi said:
I just have scattered thoughts tonight before I go to bed.

Does anyone think they have found the weapon used to kill her? He had to use something pretty substantial to literally crack her head open as Dr Baden said. A baseball bat? Something he could hide behind his back to sneak up on her if she was awake?

Any thoughts about Meredith. There is one point in the 911 call where her voice changes completely to a low matter of fact tone that does bother me as it is out of cinque with the rest.

A thought I immediately had the first day was if I walked into a house and found a murdered woman, I would immediately pick up that child and leave the house for fear the murderer would still be there. I'm a fraidy cat though. I read a post tonight at CTV and by gosh this gal said the same thing. She also wondered why, when she saw Michelle home and was there to pick up a 'paper' he didn't want Michelle to see, that she went in at all. Has anyone wondered that same thing?

Well, the fact that todays little article says 'the' arrest leads me to believe there will be only one and it sounds imminent. So I guess there is nothing to my wondering about Meredith as she was plainly used, one way or the other. I had read that M and M were not really close at all as sisters. One other thought I had that first day was I wondered if they had a hot thing going on.


ETA: My better judgment says Meredith wasn't involved in any way with JY. I guess I just had to write those thoughts out to analyze them. Anyway, when a woman is suddenly dropped into a situation like Meredith was, she had to be in shock.

I have similar thoughts about Meredith - right up to your, and including, ETA.

i did, initially, way back when, jump right in and say i thought she sounded as i would expect on the 911, as some were saying she sounded too calm. i do believe she was taking Cassidy into consideration and was controlling her feelings.

i do need to listen to the tape again and hope someone here has a copy to start a thread of its own. i want to quell my disquieting thoughts as i believe i'm reaching . . .
scandi said:
I just have scattered thoughts tonight before I go to bed.

Any thoughts about Meredith. There is one point in the 911 call where her voice changes completely to a low matter of fact tone that does bother me as it is out of cinque with the rest.

ETA: My better judgment says Meredith wasn't involved in any way with JY. I guess I just had to write those thoughts out to analyze them. Anyway, when a woman is suddenly dropped into a situation like Meredith was, she had to be in shock.

Gosh, scandi. ALL your points would make great threads, lol... I've picked your thoughts on Meredith...

Sounding like a stuck record, I still believe the tape was spliced in at least 4 places: we know the landline number was spliced out - and I also feel it was spliced around the part where the 911 op gets the Sheriff on the line... those I felt are the most obvious ... but there are 2 other parts in the tape that I feel are spliced:

When Meredith FIRST came on the tape, we could hear her anguish; her voice was shaking. And yes, later she was calmer.

IMO: I firmly feel Meredith was doing all she can to rally herself, take in the situation and the ONLY thing that managed to keep her together was the constant voice and steady tone of the 911 op. He was asking her firmly and gently enough, to NOT PANIC. Cassie's eyes must have been like a rollercoaster trying to absorb the scene before her...

Cassie's little chatter had to have been pivotal in assisting Meredith to keep it together. And in hindsight, it may be a blessing in disguise Cassie was there - Meredith would not have wanted Cassie to see her 'go crazy'...

I feel Meredith stationed herself and tried hard to distance herself from the emotion and help EMS by giving facts. We heard her almost venture back to wavering when the 911-op asked her to try move Michelle.

And .... no, from what little we know, I highly doubt Meredith and JY had anything 'going on'. Stranger things have happened .... but not IMO, right now, anyways...
I personally don't think that Jason Young has a current (or during the Marriage to Michelle) girlfriend anywhere. I think that gossip is an insideous (sp?) thing and hides behind many stories and things that cannot be verified.

I personally, being of somewhat sound mind, don't think that the husband is guilty of murdering the wife in this case. I know this won't make me popular, but I have to say what I feel in my bones.

I, too, have lain awake at night trying to figure out what happened to Michelle. I have thought about everything that I can possibly think about, and Jason is never a part of this situation . I don't know why. I normally suspect the husband straight off, especially in a situation such as this. Something in my bones, as a former abused wife, tells me that he didn't do this or contract to do this. How can I, as a woman, possibly take HIS side? I don't know, but I would think, that if he isn't guilty, that Michelle would be so glad that I did. I have laid there in the bed for hours and I can't see Jason doing this to his wife. To beat her to death to the point of blood being everywhere and to let his daughter crawl around in it for hours. To have it on her little feet and hands and possibly elsewhere on her body. I just can't see this, and I have and do continue to know a lot of MEAN people in this life that I live. Most people, IMO, are not worth the time of day. Sad to say, but it is the truth as I have found to be true for myself. This fact does not serve to make me happy. It serves to make me question most of the people that I come into contact with. If any person, having the wisdom that God gave them, does not agree w/me, then I must say that they are an eternal optimist. Even so, I, even as a skeptic, do not believe that any father would do this to his little daughter. I predict that a totally different scenario will present itself. I know for a fact that at least 99% of my fellow posters can only hope that I am right. And I know it. Little Cassidy deserves so much more. As a lover of many children who need help in my extended family, you may know this about me or not. I still don't care. I think that Michelle was killed by a neighborhood intruder that probably took the weapon with him when he left. What was "missing" from the funeral? Perhaps the viewing of the deceased? Considering the nature of her injuries, does it seem possible that there was a viewing? As a longtime former embalmer w/SCI, I don't think they would have opened her coffin for anything. People go crazy when they do in a situation like this. There would have been swelling that would not have "gone down". Not even with an electric spatuala (if you need to ask, then don't). I would even question, privately, if her skull (head) was present. Many times, such an exhibit is saved (or at least a plastercast of it) for the trial so that the jury may see and handle it firsthand. I don't mean to offend. I mean to spill my guts, as far as I could know. Sorrow is a universal thing. If we could be provided w/the elixer of forgetfulness so that we could not suffer the pain of another's death, but w/ the condition that we would never remember the deceased, I would bet that NONE of us would accept such an elixer. Michelle Young, IMO, will await her family and loved ones on the other side when the time is come.

This is much like an unexpected trip to New Orleans, for some reason. To the deepest and darkest regions of my mind. One year before Katrina, I had seen all of the people "living" underneath the overpass by the SuperDome and it had frightened me enough to want to leave that town. It seemed that each of them had a basket from a market and was ready for something, which I could not even begin to understand. An elderly black gentleman in a car told us, at Canal Street, that we had gone "too far" and that we needed to turn around immeadiately and go back towards the Garden District. May God Bless him. And he only knows who he is. The whole time we were last there, the feeling of death ruled that city.

The same with the death of Michelle Young, so bright and promising. I don't think, and I will wait for proof, that her husband did this to her. I think a relatively closeby person did this to her. People often kill what they cannot have for their own.

I think that LE is being tight-lipped because they suspect someone who is the direct opposite of the husband. Someone who has felt and lived in the soil of the area for quite some time. I have asked my "muse" (the subconscious to some) for the answer. And this is the one that I have continually gotten back after hours of thought.

That crawlspace will always upset me as a point of entry. If I am wrong, so what? I've been wrong before. I said that I thought that Natalee Holloway was cremated after her death. No right or wrong, because NO ONE knows and I find this most convenient. She is no runaway, IMO. How DOES one make a body disappear?

As for Michelle, I think Jason loved and respected her. Don't ask me why. I'm allowed my thoughts and opinions as much as anyone else here. There is something which we will soon discover that leads away from him, IMHO.

JMO and et al
Hi leann coburn (related to James ?? :D)

Your New Orleans story and the words of that Angel, the older black gentleman are special; it's wonderful you hang on to that memory and have shared it with us.

FWIW, I certainly do not think you are, or will be unpopular; the reverse may said - I may be unpopular with you for definitely belieiving JY is responsible. The great thing about this forum is that all minds, all kinds, come together.

On my part, I, too understand the plight of "battered women" and every tale is as gross, atrocious and senseless as the next. Each incident is different. Each opinion is different.

By posters here seeing things differently won't bring Michelle and her unborn baby son back. But maybe, by working through posters opinions and following the facts, we'll come to the truth together. And that truth should not 'upset' any one of us - it should unite us in justice.

You may have witnessed my (sarcasm??) attitude with some of the "Jasonites", and that is only because their posts came across as over justifying him, giving somewhat (IMO) banal reasons for his every action and they were all about JASON. Very little came over to advance their logic. Moreover, I felt they were giving excuses. That, too is fine - who am I to judge?

Unfortunately it went on too long and too strong and I just got tired of it and wondered if they weren't damaging JY's case - irrespective of his guilt/innocence.

Thanks for your thoughts - please stay and help us wage war against people who brutally murder healthy young, pregnant moms!

Best, PSA :)

Lol, leann coburn - your post GREW between my response and return to this thread.....

Have to go and re-read .... :crazy:
OK ... phew ... good post and thoughts, leann.

One thing I do not follow your beliefs is that Jason loved and respected MY.

IF... he did, then he sure changed shoes immediately! The loving husband goes ICE cold on them so suddenly? There was no sign of a rift, especially as - of all the people in MY's family - he asked Meredith to collect a fax (and that fax has become a controversy of its own). Finish. That's all we knew.

The Jasonites came in and developed a scenario FOR us, stating it was not a fax, but a print-out, for a surprise gift for MY. (No celebration impending - and all that trouble for a leather purse?????? While he was on a business trip and travelling .... anyway, that's suspect to me...)

Back to my point: Why avoid MY's family? That just does NOT come across as love and respect for my spouse, definitely not in my book. Not at all. Just the opposite. Why would I ignore my husband's family (Heaven forbid) if I were to find myself in the same, innocent situation?

I find most responses as rather lame excuses: so I guess now I've explained myself ... that's where we differ :)
PolkSaladAnnie, I hope the gators didn't get your Granny. I most heartedly agree with everything that you said and that you hoped for. None of us would want the Father to be guilty. But we never can tell.

As a frequent visitor of the Myrtles and the Inn where Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise stayed as guests during the making of "Interview with the Vampire", I understand where you are coming from. I, even though I am christened a christian, often wonder aloud and silently about life and death.

Can you believe, though I live in a normal house, that my neighbor just called and asked that I turn down the stereo (Portishead)? I'm 41 and I can't believe that. I called right back and asked if everything was okay now and if they could hear when I flushed the toilet (LOL). I'm a stinker, ain't I?

Are you the one who had the grandmother who was so accurate in saying what was going to happen in the future? Maybe that was the poster w/the extremely french name. Either way, I can't discount either.

You see, I'm adopted and my mother came to Tennessee from New Orleans to give birth to me, her third child. She asked that I be placed in a "Christian" household. And I've raised my share of hell, for sure. Since 1966, that is. She tried her best, and when ever I think of her, I can feel a cold feeling going down my spine, like she is pacing back and forth on her hardwood floor. She left me with many thing, PSA, that my adopted parents never taught me. They used to say (I would put my head against their door at night) "where did she get that? It didn't come from us. Where did she learn those things?" Nowadays, it makes me laugh. Good is good and evil is evil.

So, IMHO only, Jason didn't kill his wife. If those who believe he did are correct, I promise I will no longer post on WS. And I always keep my promises.

Memphis wants Louisiana to know that we love our sister!!!! Especially the grand city herself, New Orleans. Even the LaLaurie House and all the horrors hidden within.

Llannappe and so for.....JMO
NOOOO-OOOOO-OOO ! leann, I have lots to say about your post, but please don't promise "not to post again on W/S" if, by chance, your belief turns out wrong. That's not the way it works... No-one should really be 'right or wrong' if we're to believe we have a right to an opinion. Education changes opinions, not emabrrassment for being wrong! (Well, ha ha ... IMO, that is ..:D).

I cannot educate your opinion to change without substantially sound and verifiable reasons - reasons that have to seem logical to you - and vice versa (your views affecting my opinion)..

So, we all would love it if you stayed a while - and play this one out with us. Of course I don't WANT it to be Jason. I just THINK it is, right now.

Lol ... you have to know about Poke Salat, Elvis Presley's song about Annie who picked Poke Salat lol ... The gators didn't get my Granny :D. She was such a snappy woman, I'm sure she was a gator herself, lol.

And no ... you must be thinking of another poster, because the only "future" my granny told us about was what would happen if we didn't eat her food and clean up afterwards, LOL (and it was not a pleasant future, that's for sure...).

Welcome to Michelle Young's forum, leann! We can't hear your music, maybe you should switch to Achey-Breaky Heart for your neighbours. That would drive me insance, so I'm idding.

best ... PSA :)

Edited to add: ha ha! I unintentionally just made up a new word: insance. That's a cross between insane and insensed. It fits, too! lol... p:
I could never be angry at you, PolkSaladAnnie, as one who has eaten that very poisonous delecacy for myself. If you don't fix Polk Salad (a southern weed) exactly right, it is poisonous to those that eat it. I've never been broke enough to rely on it, but my family insisted on it as a staple that was good for the soul and good enough for them when they were growing up. That also meant, that here in TN, February was "hog killing month", for it was the month that could most be relied on for slaughtering a hog and cooking off the fat, being cold enough not to lead to spoilage. I've been around, and not ashamed of it. They seemed to think, that by pulling a chicken's feet through the chickenwire, and then using an axe to chop off it's head, that we had come to a realization of what life was really about. Most people just go to the grocery store, buy meat, and never give it a thought.

I think that that is very convenient for humankind. It certainly is. I am married to a man who has never participated in the death of any animal. I love animals, and have had many pets that I DID NOT eat. Rabbits, geese, ponies, dogs, cats, etc. I have seen firsthand the horror of the cow when separated from the calf. They will break through fences or do anything to get back together. The calf wants to suckle. The cow is suffering from the pain that comes from weaning a calf. I have had to go on horseback to retrieve one or the other numerous times as a child.

What does this have to do with Michelle and Jason Young? I can't really say except that something inside me still doesn't believe that he is guilty. I don't know the Youngs, nor have I ever. I do, however, know many fathers. And they fall all along the spectrum of good to bad fathers. I have never known one personally (I obviously don't know Scott Peterson) that wanted his pregnant wife dead. That's just my opinion, and I will stick by it until the LE in the area say different.

Don't you think, by now, that they would have had something to say if it was indeed Jason? His alibi is either verified or complete crap by now. Horowitz was briefly looked at in this way. And it was the crazy teenager in the neighborhood who was responsible. Simple as that. So we can't talk about that. And I understand, because the parents would want to sue. In my opinion, this is not a far stretch for the teens of today. I know that many of you have teens of your own, and don't observe anything strange about them, and that's fine and great. So many of our teens are throw-aways and are never really understood by anyone until they commit an act of attrocity on another human being. I know this for a fact. I just never slipped far enough down to actually do such a thing. But I hated a lot of people when I was a teenager, mainly because I didn't know where I had come from and I didn't think that the people that had me understood me at all.

Never fear....all is calm and happy now. But those teenagers who are still out there and afraid (Scott Dyleski) really have no where to turn. Trust me. I used to know how it felt.

Think I'll turn down the music for now. Peace to you all and may all your dreams be about something else much more pleasant than what I have recently been dreaming about. Michelle being watched through an air return vent by someone who later came in and beat her to death. I want to shake off this feeling, so I'm gone for now.

PSA, bless Addie Hall....you know the girl from the quarters who got cooked in the oven? I think you would know and would feel the same...............

Leann, I skipped over the macabre parts; although having recently read the worst imaginable - everything else pales in comparison. (Otherwise I couldn't watch FBI, CSI, etc in such addictive detail!)

Take care and enjoy your music; let's see how this pans out.
leann coburn: what you said here. this:

"I personally, being of somewhat sound mind, don't think that the husband is guilty of murdering the wife in this case. I know this won't make me popular, but I have to say what I feel in my bones."

and this:

"The same with the death of Michelle Young, so bright and promising. I don't think, and I will wait for proof, that her husband did this to her. I think a relatively closeby person did this to her. People often kill what they cannot have for their own."

I'm in agreement.

and i believe we really have no idea how much contact with L.E. and Michelle's family JY has had of late (last couple of weeks). he is, i understand, staying in Raleigh at present. although of course that may be incorrect.

we don't post for popularity, do we? and i'm not posting to 'win' and be able to say "i told you so" if it turns out we are correct with our thoughts. nor will i come on and apologise if it does turn out JY had anything or everything to do with MY's murder. because at present we can only toss out what we feel is possible or unlikely, when we have so little information.
We do indeed have very little information that we can rely on. I have looked at several pix of Jason for long periods of time, and I can not see him as the murderer of Michelle. Does this count for anything? Not as far as LE or others are concerned. But for me, it is an overwhelming feeling that I get that Jason did not kill or contract to kill his wife. I don't have a dog in this fight. At all. I don't even know anyone in Raleigh. I just go by the feelings that are generated in my mind when I deeply consider a case like this. I would not be ashamed if I were proven to be wrong. Not at all. I think we are created to have the feelings that we have and that we each have them for a reason.

I am hoping that Cassidy will still have a father active in her life when this investigation is completed. I will always say that I see someone coming in through the unlocked crawlspace, up through an air return vent, into the house to kill Michelle, possilby for mocking them or telling on them. This would be a relatively young person, IMO. I would have to say that, in my own thoughts, that the weapon is a "sap", a semi-soft weight like police use. But it is available many places. Please forgive if I have offended.

Not every man is a Scott Peterson. In fact, most of them are not and I know this for a fact. Surely there are others out there who could attest to this. Don't you have fathers? Brothers? Husbands? Sons? If you do, then you can believe that Jason was far away when sweet Michelle and her baby boy were sent out of this prescence and into the next.

Goodnite all and may you all have more pleasant dreams than I!!!!!
leann coburn said:
We do indeed have very little information that we can rely on. I have looked at several pix of Jason for long periods of time, and I can not see him as the murderer of Michelle. Does this count for anything? Not as far as LE or others are concerned. But for me, it is an overwhelming feeling that I get that Jason did not kill or contract to kill his wife. I don't have a dog in this fight. At all. I don't even know anyone in Raleigh. I just go by the feelings that are generated in my mind when I deeply consider a case like this. I would not be ashamed if I were proven to be wrong. Not at all. I think we are created to have the feelings that we have and that we each have them for a reason.

I am hoping that Cassidy will still have a father active in her life when this investigation is completed. I will always say that I see someone coming in through the unlocked crawlspace, up through an air return vent, into the house to kill Michelle, possilby for mocking them or telling on them. This would be a relatively young person, IMO. I would have to say that, in my own thoughts, that the weapon is a "sap", a semi-soft weight like police use. But it is available many places. Please forgive if I have offended.

Not every man is a Scott Peterson. In fact, most of them are not and I know this for a fact. Surely there are others out there who could attest to this. Don't you have fathers? Brothers? Husbands? Sons? If you do, then you can believe that Jason was far away when sweet Michelle and her baby boy were sent out of this prescence and into the next.

Goodnite all and may you all have more pleasant dreams than I!!!!!
Hi leann and welcome. I agree with you about JY not looking like he could kill anyone. I never thought Scott Peterson looked like a killer either, but in my gut I knew he killed Laci. I wish all killers and perverts looked like Charles Manson so we would be fore-warned. :) In any case the last I heard this was a discussion forum about this case-all thoughts welcome. I'd sure love to have some more facts though.

On another note, YAY for our own forum! Thanks to those that accomplished this!:blowkiss:
Regarding the weapon. I don't have a clue as to what might have been used. The only thing I can reasonably offer is that IF JY planned this out, he surely would have thought of what weapon to use beforehand and had it ready.

I think you have to be very upset, scared or angry with someone to choose bashing them in the head in the middle of the night.
Is it just my bad eyes or is Pt. 3 missing from our forum?:waitasec:
I'm really confused about the "bruises shown to a baptist preacher" thing. What?! I have a few thoughts about that, but I'll keep them to myself until that's more than a rumor! :slap:

Free breakfast buffet at my home if y'all come back soon and post....
Taximom said:
Regarding the weapon. I don't have a clue as to what might have been used. The only thing I can reasonably offer is that IF JY planned this out, he surely would have thought of what weapon to use beforehand and had it ready.

I think you have to be very upset, scared or angry with someone to choose bashing them in the head in the middle of the night.

I'm going to have to go find this article but in short, there was a print article that said during college years JY spent summers near Brevard working as a guide for a white water rafting operation and also liked rock climbing. Lots of not so big tools and gadgets involved, possibilities perhaps. I'll see if I can find that again.
I'll sit and wait while Charlie seeks the info...

Two on hand weapons immediately come to mind that are found in house and car, fast and easily accessable.

Hammer. Common household item, solid steel, most often found in garage. (Now if garage door was partly open enough for someone to slide underneath, then chances are there's a missing hammer from that garage). If it wasn't Jason then the perp would have to find the hammer...possibly making noise enough to attract Michelle's hearing if she wasn't in bed...enough for her to open the door to look into the garage...surprise attack from perp entering from garage. Ok she may suspect a rat in there digging around, but a murderer?)

A tyre iron......Again, solid steel fully portable and another good reason added amongst others to impound car under suspicion. Did they find a tyre iron in his car? If yes, was it recently washed/cleaned. If no, then where is it? (how the heck can he change a tyre without one)? I haven't seen many cars whose owner doesn't have one of these babies on board.

Michelle may well have still been up at 11pm if that's when Jason called. If her friends had coffee etc, by the time she saw them out, said their goodbyes, went inside to tidy up lounge wash coffee cups and possibly dinner dishes if she hadn't done them prior to their arrival...it would've been around 11 or thereafter. She may also have had a shower within that timeframe. Jason may also have told her that he'd ring at 11 no matter if he was at a motel or still on the road.
Samiya said:
I'll sit and wait while Charlie seeks the info...

Two on hand weapons immediately come to mind that are found in house and car, fast and easily accessable.

Hammer. Common household item, solid steel, most often found in garage. (Now if garage door was partly open enough for someone to slide underneath, then chances are there's a missing hammer from that garage). If it wasn't Jason then the perp would have to find the hammer...possibly making noise enough to attract Michelle's hearing if she wasn't in bed...enough for her to open the door to look into the garage...surprise attack from perp entering from garage. Ok she may suspect a rat in there digging around, but a murderer?)

A tyre iron......Again, solid steel fully portable and another good reason added amongst others to impound car under suspicion. Did they find a tyre iron in his car? If yes, was it recently washed/cleaned. If no, then where is it? (how the heck can he change a tyre without one)? I haven't seen many cars whose owner doesn't have one of these babies on board.

Michelle may well have still been up at 11pm if that's when Jason called. If her friends had coffee etc, by the time she saw them out, said their goodbyes, went inside to tidy up lounge wash coffee cups and possibly dinner dishes if she hadn't done them prior to their arrival...it would've been around 11 or thereafter. She may also have had a shower within that timeframe. Jason may also have told her that he'd ring at 11 no matter if he was at a motel or still on the road.
I thinking golf club or baseball bat as well as a tire iron. IF I were planning something like this, I would want to insure that one hit would do it and that I wouldn't have to get that close to the person. (shuddering at the thought though) I'm sure there are rock-climbing tools that might be the appropriate size and weight too.

Whatever I would choose in this situation is something that can be cleaned up real well and tossed somewhere. That might rule out a baseball bat because it might leave wood fibers, and be hard to clean.

Eh, I don't want to think like this!
Hi all ...<<< waves >>>. Just did the Rescue 911 Food Patrol on all my kitties outside, lol. What a job.

There are any number of items for blunt force bludgeoning that can be found at home ... strach earlier mentioned a car-jack (I think it was strach, lol)

A mallet
A hatchet/axe
A solid wooden handle for the above
An iron bar/pole - this could be from anything, from a garden stake to a batton, gymnasium-equipment ... endless..
Baseball bat
Garden eqipment
A heavy lamp base (ornament, vase, candle stand...)

Taximom, I often wondered if ISP used a golf iron!
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