Mid-Atlantic States - DE, DC, MD, NJ, NY, PA, VA, W. VA - Weather Discussion

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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
School cancelled tomorrow, probably only 3", but the roads are icy. Snow didn't start today until 11:00 am, but fell steadily after that.
School cancelled again tomorrow- at 8:30 pm, just a light dusting of snow, put out the trash & recycling, hope it gets picked up. I'm thinking about my friends down south, who don't usually get this kind of weather-stay safe & warm, folks.
Septa will be suspending all bus routes as of 10am. Spokesman said they had are getting stuck despite preemptive detours. Subway and El still running.
Just talked to someone in Frederick, MD. They got 18-24 inches there.
So I get on line today and have a warning from the NWS. Today it is 70, sunny and perfect on my little section of the East Coast. Tomorrow---warning---lol Winter driving advisory as temps drop 40 degrees and we possibly get freezing rain and 4 inches of snow. I want spring. ;)
Late evening 4/15/2014: anyone else in the DC/Nova/MD I95 corridor seeing snow? It has coated the cars and bushes, in our yard. Beloved said that this is the latest he has ever seen it snow, here.
A slow rain -- and certainly a gentling one -- falls in the Catskills this October evening, trees in their oranges, reds, yellows luminescent against the green-black night.
that's poetic

A slow rain -- and certainly a gentling one -- falls in the Catskills this October evening, trees in their oranges, reds, yellows luminescent against the green-black night.
Little chance of seeing the Blood Moon where I am tonight as, though the sun, moon and earth assume their positions,
the clouds outmaneuver each; nearlng dawn, the only reds and ochres will be the rainy colors of the soft October trees.
Two weeks past peak the autumn colors ever more delight, whole trees yellow red green like so many Jamaican flags, the season itself a mighty lion stalking Time, its prey. A Turner watercolor -- its tinted mists arising from valley to hilltop, dales awash in the slowly swooping colors of an October afternoon.

So, here I set this AM in long pants and sweatshirt, feeling a bit chilly. Need a sweater. It is -1, wind 10-15 gusts, and 41% humidity. Damned cold. I have lived in much colder climes, -20 or more, but little wind or humidity. This wind, cold, and humidity cuts through to the bone, more so than the drier 20 below - although 20 below would freeze your lungs more quickly.

I feel so sorry for those, human and animal, out in this weather. I wish there was something I could do.
It is -10 here in rural VA. That's actual temp on the thermometer. My work is canceled for today, has been all week, so I'm going a little stir crazy. I wanted to go in to the office for a little while today just to get out of the house but I really don't think I can bring myself to go outside. I know that people deal with this kind of cold and worse all the time but I'm just not used to it. So many people in this area leave their pets outside all the time. It worries me to death. I wish I could bring them all in and let them cuddle up inside with me. :(
Stay safe all of you it's a big news story over here how bad your weather is. The photos of the mountains of snow and ice have been amazing. I saw a gif of a cat launching himself through his snow blocked front door to get his dinner which was pretty amazing.

Governor announces a state of emergency in New Jersey as Hurricane Joaquin
barrels towards the Eastern seaboard and could make a direct hit on New York City

• Hurricane Joaquin upgraded to a Category 3 storm late Wednesday with winds reaching up to 120mph
• Meteorologists are still unsure whether the storm will make landfall on the East Coast or head out to sea and dissipate
• The tri-state area is on edge as one forecast shows the hurricane hitting the area devastated by Superstorm Sandy in 2012
• If that model is right, the storm will hit on Monday
• Heavy rain caused the flooding of roads, closing of schools and forced some people from their homes on the East Coast Wednesday
• The rainstorms will likely soon be joined by Hurricane Joaquin in a weather system that could linger for days with up to 10 inches of rain
• The deluge has the potential to saturate the ground so heavily that trees topple onto power lines even without heavy winds
• The heaviest rain is expected in wide swaths of North Carolina and Virginia, along with parts of Maryland, Delaware and New Jersey
N.J. weather: Ice, freezing rain on tap for Valentine weekend storm

A mix of light snow, sleet and freezing rain is expected to arrive Saturday in New Jersey, bringing the possibility of dangerous road conditions.

In an early Saturday morning update, the National Weather Service’s Mount Holly office expanded its widespread winter weather advisories to include Morris County. The agency on Friday issued similar alerts for 13 other counties.

In addition, the weather service’s New York regional office has issued winter weather advisories in Essex, Hudson and Union counties, along with New York City.

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