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I wanted to ask: why aren't the defense team out there looking for the "real" nanny, if they truly want to have the jury believe there WAS one? :rolleyes:

Husband says he's confused as to why they aren't doing this? Thoughts?
I wanted to ask: why aren't the defense team out there looking for the "real" nanny, if they truly want to have the jury believe there WAS one? :rolleyes:

Husband says he's confused as to why they aren't doing this? Thoughts?

They don't have to prove anything.
There are a few reasons "why not?"

- While we may be 99% convinced that it is Caylee, until the full forensics come back it cannot be stated as a legal fact. They cannot and will not let a third party into the autopsy of a child without absolute confirmation that that person has a right to be there. There are serious concerns about violations of privacy of the victim and there family. If that body were to turn out not to be Caylee, and Dr. Lee was in there it becomes a huge issue. Yes these people may be frquest consultants and teachers in forensic pathology. And they may be allowed to observe frequently. But that is when they are wearing a diferent hat. As soon as they signed on as an advocate for the defense, that courtesy can no longer easily be extended.

- The State is legitimately concerned about protecting the victim, the child, in this affair. One of their major points was they did not feel it would be appropriate for graphic descriptions of the childs remains and autopsy to be plastered on every news show within hours of the autopsy. The defense experts ARE paid TV experts. It's what they do. It's why they are involved in the first place.

- At least one of the key defense experts has an isssue with altering or removing evidence from a crime scene. There is no way that LE will let Dr. Lee anywhere near a scene or a body until they are 100% they have everything they need from it. It is very telling that they would let TM in to look at the location, and get his opinion, but not HL. And that is a professional courtesy thing and is wholly in the domain of LE.

- This is also a major slight to the Anthony family and their antics. When dealing with a sane grieving family, LE may have allowed an outside expert if they were convinced that the body was the missing childs. But just look at the stream of comments, lies, mistruths and absolute insanity coming out of the family. LE has provided CA with proof after proof of what happened to Caylee. She has publicly attacked them each and every time, denied, lied and used there words against them. They have no obligation to do the defences work for them, so in this case they are choosing to hedge to the letter of the law. They don't get access until it is proven to be Caylee beyond any scientific doubt. How you treat people does effect how they treat you.

- and finally remember, the family and defense has publicly released photo's of a child obviously not their's taken at a mall using cell phone cameras. Something they certainly had no right to do,a nd something that opened up another child to potential danger from the craziness that they continue to feed. LE has no expectations that any information from that autopsy would be treated with respect, privacy or in an ethical manner at this point.

All of this means that LE is fed up, and the family and defense will not get access until the law says they must. They will not get materials except those the law requires them to get.

Just wanted to say thank you for your insight and very well said!
The other piece is.. they all work on the defense side. They know if they get such an obviously guilty perp off, they will get even MORE business from the rich murderers. The Claus von Bulows and OJ Simpsons.
Dr. B. did the autopsy for Drew P's 3rd wife, K. Savio, who was exhumed. Second wife is still living, as is the 1st wife.:)

Oops! Thank you. I knew that seemed wrong. Hard to keep track. :)

Honestly I don't think there is a benefactor, just a bunch of high-profile people latching on to a high-profile case. They are going to save poor Casey.
Has anyone thought about emailing these experts and asking them not assist KC?
Frankly, all those "experts" are so hinky, that if I were on the jury it would immediately make me feel their testimony is suspect. JMHO
I don't understand your reply ... they don't have to prove anything? I thought that's exactly what they're there for.

Wouldn't it at least LOOK good, if they were out looking for such a person?

Yes it would 'look good' yet the defense doesn't have the burden of proof - the state does

It's going to be a forensic case - thats why all the experts - to refute what the state says
Yes it would 'look good' yet the defense doesn't have the burden of proof - the state does

It's going to be a forensic case - thats why all the experts - to refute what the state says

Exactly, and the defense cannot waste resources looking for a nanny they know doesn't exist either. That could blow up in their face when they turn up nothing.
Something to keep in mind about the 'xxxxx team'. the only one committed to the trial is LKB, as she has been signed on as co counsel. Baden, Lee, Spitzer, Reich have all been called in to give their expert opinions AFTER examining the evidence. Granted they have all testified for the defense in various cases - well I don't know about Kathy Reich - but the others have. There is NOTHING that prevents them from examining all the evidence and saying to JB - oh man, she is toast!!! This girl is as guilty as you can get. Get your butt down to the State Attorney's office and try to get a plea bargain NOW!

Do I think that is realistic - maybe on Kathy Reichs part, I think she will be forthright in her comments/opinion no matter which way she sees whatever it is they want her to look at.

There have been numerous times an expert has been called upon by a defense lawyer only to have that expert tell them 'my examination was thorough and in my opinion, you don't have a chance in HE** of getting your client off on the charges.' I would dearly love to see this happen in this case, especially since if the expert does give an expert opinion and it is not one JB wants to hear - he MUST still turn this info over to the prosecution due to discovery.

Let's keep our fingers crossed that these guys have some shred of ethics left and this is how it goes down. Wouldn't that be just soooooooooooo sweet?
Oops! Thank you. I knew that seemed wrong. Hard to keep track. :)

Honestly I don't think there is a benefactor, just a bunch of high-profile people latching on to a high-profile case. They are going to save poor Casey.

You're welcome...I know, one just kind of loses track of the wives, after you hit 3 or 4! :blowkiss: Let's hope he gets arrested before he gets hitched to #5.
CU professor consults with defense team

Concordia University Assistant Professor Dr. Tim Huntington is using his skills as a board-certified forensics entomologist to assist the defense team for Casey Anthony, a Florida woman accused of murdering her daughter, Caylee.

"Forensic entomology applies the study of insects to a legal system context to establish a time of death and post-mortem movement of a body," Huntington said. "It is a key element in the construction of a timeline relating to death."
I wondered last night how many of the dream team will hang in there in light of the new evidence. As things pile up against Casey and they are piling mighty high, who among them will want to stay on and have to chalk up a LOSS on their record?

I figure the science people will testify because they really don't have a vested intrest (or they aren't supposed to have anyway). But, isn't it important to the high profile defense people to keep their Win/Loss record up there?

I'm thinking LKB may drop out. Can she afford to have a Loss this big on her record?

I feel like the Scott Peterson trial reduced Mark Garhigos (sic) to a pathetic second rate stand-in. The same goes for the Marsha Clark

Is the legal profession like show business? Your only as good as your last hit?

These very high profile cases seem to be the kiss of death for which ever side comes out at the bottom. Will LKB allow Casey to be her kiss of death? I wouldn't.
I saw Reichs on a show the other day. I think she said they needed to examine the bones where they were. Uhhhhhh, if you worked for the prosecution you would have had access. Sheesh.
I wondered last night how many of the dream team will hang in there in light of the new evidence. As things pile up against Casey and they are piling mighty high, who among them will want to stay on and have to chalk up a LOSS on their record?

I figure the science people will testify because they really don't have a vested intrest (or they aren't supposed to have anyway). But, isn't it important to the high profile defense people to keep their Win/Loss record up there?

I'm thinking LKB may drop out. Can she afford to have a Loss this big on her record?

I feel like the Scott Peterson trial reduced Mark Garhigos (sic) to a pathetic second rate stand-in. The same goes for the Marsha Clark

Is the legal profession like show business? Your only as good as your last hit?

These very high profile cases seem to be the kiss of death for which ever side comes out at the bottom. Will LKB allow Casey to be her kiss of death? I wouldn't.

I think it is possible that KC actually smooth talked JB so well that he was able to convince these people to jump on the case BEFORE they realized what was going on. Have we heard of any of the dream team visiting KC? Or just JB? At this point all they have to go on is her word (lol) and what JB tells them. That's not much, IMO.
I think it is possible that KC actually smooth talked JB so well that he was able to convince these people to jump on the case BEFORE they realized what was going on. Have we heard of any of the dream team visiting KC? Or just JB? At this point all they have to go on is her word (lol) and what JB tells them. That's not much, IMO.

I remember hearing LKB on some show on FOX I believe, saying that she had yet to meet KC and that this case is unlike any she has seen before. I would think, if she's smart and cares about her reputation, she'll find some way to get out of this mess before she gets "bodyslammed" by it too. And I don't think she'll be alone!:rolleyes:
Mods, if this is in the wrong place, please move it, thank-you.

If her defense experts were to discover in their investigations something damaging to Casey, are they obligated to report it?
Do you think they would continue to work for her or would they resign? If they did resign, could the LE question them about their findings?
Mods, if this is in the wrong place, please move it, thank-you.

If her defense experts were to discover in their investigations something damaging to Casey. Are they obligated to report it?
Do you think they would continue to work for her or would they resign? If they did resign, could the LE question them about their findings?

I've always understood that all lawyer's are essentially 'officers of the court'. Doesn't that mean they are bound by some oath to uphold justice? I've also always heard that the defense never asks their client 'did you do this', if the client maintains they are innocent.

On the other hand if their client admits the crime to them it seems like they would be obliged to get their client the lightest sentance allowed under the law.

Does anyone know? Also isn't it really difficult for a lawyer to 'quit' a case? Easy to be fired, but hard to quit?

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