Minnesota Infant Infected with Polio Virus

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T-Rex said:
I thought of you guys and this thread when I read this on Friday. http://www.nypost.com/seven/10212005/news/regionalnews/53757.htm

"An infant died yesterday...had just arrived...from a doctor, who had immunized him for hepatitis B and polio....It appears the baby had a reaction to an immunization."

What do you say in a case like that, "Ooops"?

I think we've seen enough practices go from routine to reviled in our lifetimes (Thalidomide, anyone?), that people shouldn't be afraid to question the status quo.
Yep, oops. The baby had better odds from the immunizations than from polio. The problem is what we forget in our lifetimes. My grandmother remembers polio, whooping cough, all those horrible diseases that killed and maimed so many children when she was growing up. These diseases were everywhere, the terror of parents throughout the children's lifetime. Children were told not to play with each other, self-quarrentined to avoid possible contact with these diseases. It was miserable, horrible. This is not rumor, this is not government propaganda - this is my grandmother's personal memories.

Vaccines work - for their faults (many of which are myths spread by parents who wish for someone to blame for their child's disease), they work. Society, children, parents are better, healthier because of vaccines. And the vaccines are effective, but not 100%, so when enough people decide not to get them, the epidemics can happen again, kill and maim again. When you decide not to get the polio vaccine, and your kid gets polio, they can spread it to other kids - this decision doesn't just stop with impacting your own family. This was understood when the vaccines first were introduced, but since then people have forgotten what these diseases are like, the impact on others when you choose to take a risk.

Question the status quo - but listen to the answer! Pay attention to the real facts, not rumors, not uncredentialed doctors and frightening web sites which often have fake credentials or 'endorsements' from doctors who have never even heard of the site and disagree with their principles. Find the real substantial studies, and even then, consider the risks from not using the vaccine.
Excellent post Details,

Vaccines are the victim of their own success. Since they have been around for 50 years, a whole generation of people have never had to experience the devestating and deadly effects of not having vaccines available to prevent diseases. People in other countries, like Asia, have no problem with vaccines, because they "know" about these diseases, have seen the effects and the result of immunization.

So the people who have never seen the deadly and devestating effects of these diseases, turn to other "concerns" like the vaccines that prevented the diseases in the first place.

The reason that Polio did not spread from a "particular" community to the general population was that over 98% of children were immunized, therefore only unimmunized children were effected by the Polio outbreak in a "particular" community.

Can you imagine if those 98% of the children were not immunized.......


1916 The first major polio epidemic strikes in the United States; 27,000 people suffer paralysis and 6,000 die. Increasing numbers of outbreaks occur each year.

1928 Iron lungs are introduced to help patients with acute polio breathe.

1952 The United States reports 57,628 polio cases -- the worst U.S. epidemic on record.

1955-57 Once the vaccine becomes available, U.S. polio cases drop by 85-90 percent.

1963 Congress creates the Immunization Grant Program. Reported U.S. polio cases plummet to just 396.

1979 The last U.S. case of polio caused by wild poliovirus is reported.

1988 Worldwide, polio continues to affect some 350,000 people in 125 countries. In response, the World Health Organization, UNICEF, Rotary International and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention launch the Global Polio Eradication Initiative

1994 The Americas are certified polio-free.

2005 April 12, 2005, marks the 50th anniversary of the Salk vaccine. Global eradication efforts have helped lower worldwide polio cases to just 1,263 reported cases in 2004.

To think that some people have a problem with a vaccine which eliminated Polio by 85-90%. The "typical" results of getting Polio..........

Poliomyelitis (polio) is caused by a virus that enters the body through the mouth. The virus multiplies in the intestine and invades the nervous system. It can cause total paralysis in a matter of hours.
One in 200 infections leads to irreversible paralysis. Among those paralyzed, 5-10 percent die when their breathing muscles are immobilized.
Polio mainly affects children under age 5.
Polio has no cure, but it can be prevented. Given multiple times, polio vaccine can protect a child for life.
Isn't prevention a lot better then to suffer the health consequences of a preventable disease. Prevention is always a lot better........
I notice that there is an article regarding vaccination and Chicken Pox parties in this weeks People. FWIW:p
Another case where people think that the disease is worse then the vaccine.

But kids are routinly hospitalized with complications from chicken Pox.
Update in the paper this evening about the polio cases:

Full story: (2 pages) http://www.startribune.com/stories/462/5697170.html

Use: http://www.bugmenot.com for a username / password if needed

BERTHA, MINN. -- It is a word, the 19-year-old teacher said nervously, that she never mentions in her one-room Amish schoolhouse. Polio, teacher Sovilla Yoder explained, should be discussed among families at home and not in school. Or maybe not at all.

Behind Yoder, 18 children sat at thick, wooden desks in a room heated by a wood stove and illuminated only by daylight streaming through windows. When asked by a visitor if anyone knew what polio is, none responded -- even though their Oak Grove School in Bertha is just 8 miles from the central Minnesota town of Clarissa, where five cases of polio infection were confirmed this month, the first outbreak in the United States since 1979.

The Oak Grove School children, who range from 5 to 14 in age, were then asked if they had been vaccinated. Again, none responded. One, a fresh-faced 13-year-old with a Buster Brown haircut, mentioned that he played baseball and showed off his glove. He was asked if he knew who was playing in the World Series.

"What's the World Series?" Alvin asked. "And what does vaccination mean?"

Two weeks ago, state health officials disclosed that five Amish children in Todd County -- three from the same family -- contracted the polio infection.

The Minnesota Department of Health is now scrambling to find ways to immunize an Amish society that embraces a 19th-century lifestyle in a world with 21st-century problems.

Only 20 percent of the Amish interviewed by state health officials in seven counties have agreed to be examined or have their homes inspected, said Dr. Harry Hull, the state's epidemiologist. Hull said he was encouraged to learn that eight of the 24 Amish families living near Clarissa have been immunized.

But state officials also have visited Amish communities in which no family has been vaccinated.

"In the Amish community in which I grew up, you'd hear parents say, 'If God meant for my child to have polio, then that's the way it's supposed to be,' " said Anna Olson, 37, who was vaccinated for polio after leaving the Amish 14 years ago.
Here are some good links to read vis-a-vis vaccines:




(This next one is a MUST read. This is a University of Calgary video which shows just how deadly mercury is to brain cells.)



Last but not least, this link is a GREAT read:



How are you? Haven't spoken to you in a LONG while. I'll go ahead and post this here...we are having our son treated homeopathically for metals poisoning. We just cannot believe our eyes! The results have been amazing! Cognitively, even his speech/language therapist was shocked. Turns out, though our son is not on the autism spectrum (he has severe learning disorder issues stemming from life-threatening vaccine reactions as an infant)...natural chelation has been working wonders!

Feel free to pm me if you'd like.
Hmmm...it would appear most of my links do not work. Can't figure that one out. Well, take the info. I've provided prior to the link and you should be able to find the information that way. Sorry about that...when I have more time, I'll try and post these links again.
I am beginning to think many who vaccinate believe those of us that don't are anti-vaccine. In my case that couldn't be farther from the truth; I wish there were safe vaccines to give to the children, choosing not to use dangerous ones is an extremely difficult position to hold. We have to look at those damaged children, the worst which were born between 1989-2003, and wonder how any of us allowed this. Are we sheep? The numbers were piling in and we chose to believe it was "something" else causing this? Since few states keep stats, we have to believe in the ones that do ,like California, that show autism is starting to slowly decline, fewer two year olds are being diagnosed. It likely won't disappear, we are continuing to give pregnant women flu shots containing thimerosal. There is something else going on with our children's immune systems, their t cells are dropping to levels of AIDS patients in some children after receiving the MMR, this has to be addressed!! We need to address ,as well, the odd migrating of measle virus into the gut and brains of some children. Why do we not wait to vaccinate until the blood brain barriers are developed? As with any worthwhile cause the people need to get involved and fight for safety as consumers. In this case what more precious than our children could we fight for?

Each case of polio in Minn. is vaccine related, we do know this, this is suggesting we vaccinate HOW?

Back on topic.....I really would like to know what to use for natural chelation.
We have so many damaged boys in our family that need help. Which, btw, suggests an interaction between testosterone and mercury.
Kim Ii said:
Here are some good links to read vis-a-vis vaccines:




(This next one is a MUST read. This is a University of Calgary video which shows just how deadly mercury is to brain cells.)



Last but not least, this link is a GREAT read:



How are you? Haven't spoken to you in a LONG while. I'll go ahead and post this here...we are having our son treated homeopathically for metals poisoning. We just cannot believe our eyes! The results have been amazing! Cognitively, even his speech/language therapist was shocked. Turns out, though our son is not on the autism spectrum (he has severe learning disorder issues stemming from life-threatening vaccine reactions as an infant)...natural chelation has been working wonders!

Feel free to pm me if you'd like.
The links only fail because there is a semi colon at the end of each one.

You might still have time to edit and remove those semi colons from the ends of the links.
generationrescue.org explains the "thimerosal" throughout the links better than I've read anywhere!
Well there is what people believe and what is the truth, obviously some people choose to believe what they believe(because of course that fits in with their thoughts and beliefs) and there is the truth that those people ignore.

No matter how many studies are published, no matter how many published reports are made, no matter how many doctors "try to dispel" these myths with fact, those people still won't and refuse to believe what is not in keeping with their "beliefs".

You can show them 50 published reports dispelling their "beliefs" and one that agrees with their position and they will ignore 50 and wave the one report saying:See I am right, I have a report.

They just say: I don't believe you, I know more then you, I know more then all of the scientist and doctors, I just know that I am right, because that is what I believe. But the report they are waving has not been peer reviewed and dispelled by the other medical professionals, but do they listen, no, of course not. They choose to ignore the 50 peer review reports and say: I don't know what "flawed" means, I don't know what "mytholodogy" means. All I know is that I have this one reports that says I am right. The websites that these people use are not credible.....or they are one doctors opinion....not a majority of doctors who know what they are talking about.

I weigh all of the facts, use logic, not "hysteria" and emotion and I know for a fact that what some people "believe is just what they choose to".

So when the flu hits, when the bird flu hits those people are still going to find fault with any vaccine, therefore they will be putting their children and family at a undue risk. That is their choice. I for one will "welcome" any vaccine that will protect my family from disease and death.

There still are people that believe that HIV does not cause AIDS, that sitting on a toilet seat will give you HIV, that HIV can be "caught" by "touching" something that an infected person has touched.

But rational and educated people know better. But try to convince those myth believing people of that, and they just will not listen to the whole truth, but choose to believe "myths" and their own version of what they believe to be the truth.

As long as these people don't risk the health of other people........is of no consequence to me......but when they believe that a vaccine is more dangerous than a disease.....maybe they should go to a third world countries and see children who suffer from the very diseases that people in the developed world are protected by.

Oh by the way, you can request a vaccine without mercury, actually it is recommended for pregnant women.........

Autism is genitically based.......

MMR does not "cause" autism........

Chicken pox parties are far more dangerous than the vaccine.

No medication, or vaccine is 100% safe. Let me guess, you never take any RX medication because of course they are not safe and may cause side effects.......and the "big bad drug companies" only make these drugs to make money, not to help people, prevent disease and treat disease.

But side effects are listed with RX along with any "contradicitons" and vaccines "may" have rare side effects........

What people believe as "myths" and what if fact, is a gray area.

Often people believe that myths are facts.......that is their mistake........but they don't know the difference between fact and fiction. They choose to believe that fiction is fact.........

From one of your links: American Board of Toxicology........

The federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the U.S. Institute of Medicine, among other science and medical groups, have found Haley's evidence wanting. But many parents passionately believe him. The Web site of Moms on a Mission for Autism lists Haley under "Heroes."

Haley says he has no doubt that he is right, and that the CDC, the Institute of Medicine and anyone else who disagrees with him are wrong.

So if this was a court case: You would have Haley saying that he is right and 100 people saying that he is wrong. Who do you think the jury would believe. The one or the many..............guess what it would be the many.....
Cyberlaw, what you say is the truth. We do choose our sources. Drug company studies have been historically slanted . There is a profit motivation we surely can't deny, can we?

Yes, you are correct when you say autism has a genetic basis, published in pub med and other medical journals , there clearly seems to be a deficit of glutathione in patients with chemical sensitivity, autism, and schizophrenia.

Glutathione is an enzyme present in all plant and animal cells. In humans, Glutathione is found in all tissues and protects against potential damage from wastes and toxins. Glutathione may be effective in preventing accelerated ageing. Glutathione is composed of the amino acids glutamine, cysteine and glycine. Glutathione is synthesised within most cells of the body.

Does this not make sense then, that some of the population should have been protected, more than others, from mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde and other substances we injected into their bodies?
I am very pro-vaccine. But,I see many of you are not.

So my question is this. With the possibility of a bird flu pandemic looming overhead, will those of you that are opposed to vaccines have your kids and yourselves vaccinated if one becomes available?

This thread has been going on for awhile, so if this was covered earlier, please forgive, I just don't recall a discussion about it in this vaccine specific thread.


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