Miscellaneous - off the beaten path idea's.

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DNA Solves


fly the W!
Feb 7, 2007
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I have a few idea's to get Anna's information out into the public. Mostly long shots, but various places that people may read online.

One of the places is a site called oceangram. It's a site where people send and recieve messages in a bottle..... I've sent a few and replied to a few including a short message with the searchingforanna.com site, hopefully to get people to take a look at Anna's age progressed photo in the event someone might recognize her, or become interested in the search.

Another is popularfrontsnowdays. http://www.popularfront.com/snowdays/ This is a site which allows users to make snowflakes with a small message. The site is relatively slow now, but during the holidays it is quite active with a goal to make several million snowflakes for a donation to the salvation army. I've made about 60 snowflakes thus far and signed the name searchingforanna with a small message with the new site and the following message. www.searchingforanna.com "Please take a look, you may recognize Anna's age progressed photo and help reunite her with her family. Thank you. " misterx.ca ( or something similiar ) gives tips and trix on making cool snowflakes. Yes, a long shot but who knows...... It's also relaxing and for a good cause.

The last idea I have involves personalized stamps. I haven't used them myself, but have family who do. I was hoping we could come up with a design with Anna's age progressed photo and www.searchingforanna.com . I've done a little reading on sites which you can use to send your jpg picture, order the stamps and make them available for sale. I think it would be cool if we decided on a single site and made it public allowing anyone who chooses to purchase these stamps. The one site I did a little more reading on allows the user to make the design available for sale and the owner makes a 17% profit on all sales. I'd like to see Annasmom or Doogie become the owner and use the profits to help offset their costs. I'll look further into this, unless someone else has a site they have already used and are happy with. Myself, I wouldn't mind spending a little extra and sending Anna's pic and info on my stamps. I believe the one site also has area's for users to purchase postcards, t-shirts and other personalized items.

I'm looking for some feedback and any other off the beaten path idea's anyone else may have.
This is the postage site I was thinking of......

Having never used them, or never used any photo stamps I was wondering if anyone has used a site or has any idea's?

Also, I don't have the ability to create the artwork and send a jpg pic for the stamps. Anyone able to do this? I could ask family, but it would take some time.....


Wow, this picture is much bigger than I expected.

This is the "stamp" I designed. Feel free to save it and use it, or design your own if you choose to order stamps from the site I posted previously, or a different stamp site.
Cubby, those are all great ideas. The stamp is cool too. I have another idea that may or may not be so great, but I'll go ahead and throw it out there in case any one might agree.

Having done research on several psychological disorders of the brain, I have met a few parents with paranoid schizophrenia who also had an adult child with the disease. Though most resources list the hereditary factor of around a 10% chance, I feel it's a slightly higher percentage. If alive today there is a good chance that Anna would also have the disease her father had. Depending on the quality of her adoptive family life would probably increase or decrease her chances of also developing drug/alcohol or suicidal problems that are very prevalent in PS.

I think we need to send age enhanced pictures of Anna to all state mental facilities. although the new age enhanced picture of Anna is very beautiful, I feel she would only look that way in the best case scenario. She probably would only look like that, (nice hair, perfect teeth, makeup) if the Georges gave her to a family that took excellent care of her. It would be nice to have an age enhanced picture of someone who was less "cared for". I don't know how to say it without sounding offensive..but more like a "druggie".

Anyway, I would be happy to start working on that if there is no resistance from Anna's family.
Cubby, those are all great ideas. The stamp is cool too. I have another idea that may or may not be so great, but I'll go ahead and throw it out there in case any one might agree.

I think we need to send age enhanced pictures of Anna to all state mental facilities. although the new age enhanced picture of Anna is very beautiful, I feel she would only look that way in the best case scenario. She probably would only look like that, (nice hair, perfect teeth, makeup) if the Georges gave her to a family that took excellent care of her. It would be nice to have an age enhanced picture of someone who was less "cared for". I don't know how to say it without sounding offensive..but more like a "druggie".

Anyway, I would be happy to start working on that if there is no resistance from Anna's family.

Certainly it wouldn’t hurt to circulate the picture as widely as possible. It occurred to me also after reading this post that it might be good to send George Brody’s picture to area hospitals where we know he was treated in his last days...and it would be OK to alter the pictures we have on the Forum to reflect the ravages of his final illness. As regards altering the NCMEC image of Anna, however, I would rather it not be changed in any way. It was created by a senior forensic artist very familiar with Anna’s case, using family photographs and feedback from relatives. More than 800 missing children have been identified through the NCMEC's age-progressed images since they began creating them 17 years ago. The artist who did Anna's picture is a retired police officer who has been with the center for ten years. He did an age progression of a baby only 47 days old when he disappeared, and the person was identified 21 years later through the age-progressed image. That image and the photograph of the young man when he was found are virtually identical. I very much like the suggested image with the reference to www.searchingforanna and would prefer that we go with that one for a stamp. Also, of the many possible scenarios for Anna, we would prefer to accent the positive and keep our hopes up. The various negative outcomes which have been suggested over the years hardly motivate us to keep on looking. The family has been heartened by this current age-progressed image, even though it might seem overly idealized to you.
iW I like the idea of sending the picture to all state mental health facilities as you suggested. (plus those doctors, health care workers etc. may have associates or may have also worked in the private sector ......) The thought did occur to me as well that Anna may have inhertited her fathers disease. While this may be disheartening, it does not necessarily mean she wasn't able to get succesful treatment etc.

I do agree with using the current age progressed photo. I went to HS with someone who, went through extreme stress and as a result she looked aged. However, even 12-15 years after we graduated it was still easy to see a strong resemblence with her younger pictures.
Cubby, those are all great ideas. The stamp is cool too. I have another idea that may or may not be so great, but I'll go ahead and throw it out there in case any one might agree.

Having done research on several psychological disorders of the brain, I have met a few parents with paranoid schizophrenia who also had an adult child with the disease. Though most resources list the hereditary factor of around a 10% chance, I feel it's a slightly higher percentage. If alive today there is a good chance that Anna would also have the disease her father had. Depending on the quality of her adoptive family life would probably increase or decrease her chances of also developing drug/alcohol or suicidal problems that are very prevalent in PS.

I think we need to send age enhanced pictures of Anna to all state mental facilities. although the new age enhanced picture of Anna is very beautiful, I feel she would only look that way in the best case scenario. She probably would only look like that, (nice hair, perfect teeth, makeup) if the Georges gave her to a family that took excellent care of her. It would be nice to have an age enhanced picture of someone who was less "cared for". I don't know how to say it without sounding offensive..but more like a "druggie".

Anyway, I would be happy to start working on that if there is no resistance from Anna's family.

My deceased husband was diagnosed paranoid schitzophrenic back in 1978, at the time of his suicide, and when our daughter grew up, she became ill as well, however, not with the same diagnosis as her father. I believe that back in the 70's and 80's, the term paranoid schitzophrenia was a title given to almost anyone with a mental illness, and many were misdiagnosed by today's standards. My daughter has become very successful, and works in the mental health field. I asked if it would be possible to put a picture of a missing person in her center, and her reply was "no, because of the various types of people that she is dealing with and their disabilities." Something like that could frighten them and would not be healthy. I also discussed sending photos to clinics, which she felt would be considered junk mail by most. Also, even if a Dr. or other professional recognised Anna, would they be able to share their find with her? This is an avenue that I would certainly help to research with you, however, the illness is one blocker for us, and the priviacy laws are another.
Hi, Robin. Good to see that you are still with us! Thanks for sharing your daughter's story.
Hi, Robin. Good to see that you are still with us! Thanks for sharing your daughter's story.

Thanks!! I guess my point is that I do not believe that GW was diagnosed correctly. I have had to deal with paranoid schitzophrenia more than once. Far too often, when these people have an episode, they are non functional or extremely combative. I am of the opinion that the chances of Anna really being in a mental facility are very slim. If she suffers from a mental disability, I believe that it is one that does not necessairly require hospitalization.
.... Also, even if a Dr. or other professional recognised Anna, would they be able to share their find with her? This is an avenue that I would certainly help to research with you, however, the illness is one blocker for us, and the priviacy laws are another.

You know,that's a really good point that I totally didn't think of. I was thinking of sending them to the facility for the staff to view, but with the Doctor/Patient confidentiality, even if someone did recognize her they probably wouldn't be able to report it unless she was admitted as a Doe. I've seen a few such cases listed on Doenetwork where the patient could never be identified, thats where I got the idea.
...Far too often, when these people have an episode, they are non functional or extremely combative...

George Waters, as his disease (whatever it was) progressed, did become more combative in his workplaces. He was fired from at least one for insubordination and creating disturbances at staff meetings. These disturbances were more along the lines of inappropriate comments such as "The administrators here are idiots", etc. However, he was able to remain functioning at a high enough level to continue as a doctor. Joe Ford has commented that the nature of his places of employment allowed him minimal interaction with patients which may have protected him from exposure as mentally ill. But, in my layman's opinion, he never seemed to rise to the level of mental illness where he was ranting about the Queen of England was stealing his underwear or other such delusions that I have seen in true paranoid schizophrenics.

...I am of the opinion that the chances of Anna really being in a mental facility are very slim. If she suffers from a mental disability, I believe that it is one that does not necessairly require hospitalization.

I may be idealizing my vision of Anna today, but I agree with your assessment.
.... But, in my layman's opinion, he never seemed to rise to the level of mental illness where he was ranting about the Queen of England was stealing his underwear or other such delusions that I have seen in true paranoid schizophrenics....

However he did commit suicide by drinking poison.
At times, bold statements are made about particular individuals here. I think it's best to keep some opinions to ourselves. I'm sure there are members of those families who read these forums. I certainly would not want to be reading what is written here about my brother or uncle, etc. If you were GW's sister and you read this forum, would you want to assist if you received a call from Anna's family?
However he did commit suicide by drinking poison. You can't get much more mentally ill than that. In my humble oppenion.

I very much agree that he had a mental illness, I just believe that it was not quite to the extent that he was diagnosed. I also believe that Anna probably has some mental issues, but probably more with an identity crisis or abandoment issue, maybe a panic disorder, or something like that. Something much less than schitzophrenia. I feel that the only way to find her through any mental disability would be to find a way to get her picture out to private clinics, not institutions or hospitals, but some type of private practice. Any ideas on how we might do this?
I have a few idea's to get Anna's information out into the public. Mostly long shots, but various places that people may read online.

One of the places is a site called oceangram. It's a site where people send and recieve messages in a bottle..... I've sent a few and replied to a few including a short message with the searchingforanna.com site, hopefully to get people to take a look at Anna's age progressed photo in the event someone might recognize her, or become interested in the search.

Another is popularfrontsnowdays. http://www.popularfront.com/snowdays/ This is a site which allows users to make snowflakes with a small message. The site is relatively slow now, but during the holidays it is quite active with a goal to make several million snowflakes for a donation to the salvation army. I've made about 60 snowflakes thus far and signed the name searchingforanna with a small message with the new site and the following message. www.searchingforanna.com "Please take a look, you may recognize Anna's age progressed photo and help reunite her with her family. Thank you. " misterx.ca ( or something similiar ) gives tips and trix on making cool snowflakes. Yes, a long shot but who knows...... It's also relaxing and for a good cause.

The last idea I have involves personalized stamps. I haven't used them myself, but have family who do. I was hoping we could come up with a design with Anna's age progressed photo and www.searchingforanna.com . I've done a little reading on sites which you can use to send your jpg picture, order the stamps and make them available for sale. I think it would be cool if we decided on a single site and made it public allowing anyone who chooses to purchase these stamps. The one site I did a little more reading on allows the user to make the design available for sale and the owner makes a 17% profit on all sales. I'd like to see Annasmom or Doogie become the owner and use the profits to help offset their costs. I'll look further into this, unless someone else has a site they have already used and are happy with. Myself, I wouldn't mind spending a little extra and sending Anna's pic and info on my stamps. I believe the one site also has area's for users to purchase postcards, t-shirts and other personalized items.

I'm looking for some feedback and any other off the beaten path idea's anyone else may have.

Cubby, I think these are all great ideas. I'm looking at the oceangram site - how cool, a virtual "message in a bottle"! The snowflake one would be great to do during the holidays. The personalized stamps and T-shirts would be up to Anna's family - if those were made, I would definitely purchase a bunch.

I found another message in a bottle site - http://www.islandgram.com/
Also, even if a Dr. or other professional recognised Anna, would they be able to share their find with her? This is an avenue that I would certainly help to research with you, however, the illness is one blocker for us, and the priviacy laws are another.

Hi Robin,

From what I understand about privacy laws, a doctor could mention to his patient that she resembled Anna's age progressed photo if he had reason to believe that his patient was Anna. He just could not come forward to Anna's family or LE and say, "My patient ____ resembles Anna's age progression" because that would identify her as his patient. I could be wrong but that's the way I understand it.
Cubby, I think these are all great ideas. I'm looking at the oceangram site - how cool, a virtual "message in a bottle"! The snowflake one would be great to do during the holidays. The personalized stamps and T-shirts would be up to Anna's family - if those were made, I would definitely purchase a bunch.

I found another message in a bottle site - http://www.islandgram.com/

Thanks Gina. I hadn't seen the islandgram site before. I do "flake" year round. They still get some activity daily with regulars. I'll make a note to post it again around the holidays when the contest starts.

Regarding the stamps we have two choices. Annas family could set up an acccount and provide us the link to order allowing them to make whatever small profit is available. Zazzle allows users to create their own designs and make them available for sale to the public. I misread the first site- zazzle, it looks like it is a 5% profit, and the 17% has something to do with referals...... The second site allows the user to print stamps from home. -or- we can simply use the photo I posted above and print them or order them ourselves. Either way is fine with me...... Whichever Anna's family prefers.

The two sites I found were

& http://www.stamps.com/welcome/
Regarding the stamps we have two choices. Annas family could set up an acccount and provide us the link to order allowing them to make whatever small profit is available. Zazzle allows users to create their own designs and make them available for sale to the public. I misread the first site- zazzle, it looks like it is a 5% profit, and the 17% has something to do with referals...... The second site allows the user to print stamps from home. -or- we can simply use the photo I posted above and print them or order them ourselves. Either way is fine with me...... Whichever Anna's family prefers.

The two sites I found were

& http://www.stamps.com/welcome/
I'd rather you use the photo you posted and order them as you like. Great idea. Thank you.
I have hesitated for some time in commenting on this subject, but it is important. In the interest of Anna's family, the mental illness idea is not something anyone wants to discuss, and we don't like facing it, so addressing it and all of you being tactful is wonderful, and moving ahead is best... in fact, I have become somewhat of an expert in schizophrenia, the missing, and the misdiagnosis, and the fact that a high percentage are actual severe bipolar, and/or epileptic, due to the genetics. I can tell you factually, from first hand knowledge, that there are no facilities or doctors in them, that will help you. If a person is an adult, the privacy laws prevail. I do have a new resource for locating people, but I believe the statement is correct that it is most unlikely that she would be so ill as to be institutionalized, again, I say this from first hand knowledge, related to me, but not me. I understand exactly the genetics of these diseases, and the ratio commit rates that are involved, and this direction probably would end up being fruitless, and also painful for family, with no results...Just my opinion.
If, in the future, this avenue becomes viable for some reason, I can help in it and cover ANYTHING that would be necessary to facilitate it, I know the innerworkings of how to get information and help legally and responsibly, and I can be contacted by Anna's family if this is needed in the future.
I have been offline for some time, and busy these days, but I will check in as time allows and help wherever I can! Miss you all!
I have hesitated for some time in commenting on this subject, but it is important. In the interest of Anna's family, the mental illness idea is not something anyone wants to discuss, and we don't like facing it, so addressing it and all of you being tactful is wonderful, and moving ahead is best... in fact, I have become somewhat of an expert in schizophrenia, the missing, and the misdiagnosis, and the fact that a high percentage are actual severe bipolar, and/or epileptic, due to the genetics. I can tell you factually, from first hand knowledge, that there are no facilities or doctors in them, that will help you. If a person is an adult, the privacy laws prevail. I do have a new resource for locating people, but I believe the statement is correct that it is most unlikely that she would be so ill as to be institutionalized, again, I say this from first hand knowledge, related to me, but not me. I understand exactly the genetics of these diseases, and the ratio commit rates that are involved, and this direction probably would end up being fruitless, and also painful for family, with no results...Just my opinion.
If, in the future, this avenue becomes viable for some reason, I can help in it and cover ANYTHING that would be necessary to facilitate it, I know the innerworkings of how to get information and help legally and responsibly, and I can be contacted by Anna's family if this is needed in the future.
I have been offline for some time, and busy these days, but I will check in as time allows and help wherever I can! Miss you all!
Welcome back! I was wondering where you were. And thanks for your input on institutions.

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