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I don't even know how exactly I ended up with this link....I think maybe thinking through if the George's kidnapped Anna, certainly they realized that they weren't in a position to raise her...And so, I went from there to trying to think of where (if they believed that they had her interests at heart) would they place her? Either with a family or with an orphanage...From there, I thought of the only other individual who they seemed to have interacted with and Poughkeepsie...And somehow, I found this:


Has this possibility been discussed already? Am I beating a "dead horse"???

I realize that much of what I've been posting are stabs in the dark but I don't know where else to look!

Thank you Pink Panther! You reminded me of something I need to look for. I guess it was about a year ago, I notified Doogie about an article about a girl named Anna living in a childrens home. Let me see if I can still find that and post it, possibly someone can look it up for us.
Hi Cubby,

Just to add to this, I doubt that they would have abducted Anna to collect on an insurance policy. I know I live in another country but I would think some laws would be similar.

Would you not have to have proof that the person had died or after a statutory period (I think it's 7 years here) have that person declared legally dead before being able to claim on the policy? If this is the case, I would imagine that Annasmom would have to be consulted to have Anna declared legally dead.

I still think that GW and GB either new that Anna was still alive, or maybe they were just covering all bases, and that is why GW left a nominal amount to Anna in the insurance policies.

I still believe the "plan" note from the BFH had everything to do with an insurance policy on Anna.


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I still believe the "plan" note from the BFH had everything to do with an insurance policy on Anna.

I enlarged the thumbnail and wrote below what I 'could make out'... red is what I wasn't sure of at all. Those pens drop alot of ink. SherlockJr could you correct where necessary. Yes it appears by the timeframe very well could be about Anna.


1. Contact Mont prepare Final arrangement
with L's liab been made. (Jan 1973)

2. Apply for $100.000 with ACE
as ?Beneficiary

3. 3 months later negotiat
increase to 5. still with ACE

4. 3 months later change B.
I enlarged the thumbnail and wrote below what I 'could make out'... red is what I wasn't sure of at all. Those pens drop alot of ink. SherlockJr could you correct where necessary. Yes it appears by the timeframe very well could be about Anna.


1. Contact Mont prepare Final arrangement
with L's liab been made. (Jan 1973)

2. Apply for $100.000 with ACE
as ?Beneficiary

3. 3 months later negotiat
increase to 5. still with ACE

4. 3 months later change B.
I think we decided it was 1. Contact MONY (Mutual of New York), final arrangement with Lloyd's, that the figure in No. 2 was $100,000 (European way of expressing thousands). The notebook is discussed in the Box From Hell thread around #107.
I still believe the "plan" note from the BFH had everything to do with an insurance policy on Anna.
I haven't looked at this in a while. It is really chilling, especially the date. Tonight after Chorale rehearsal, I was walking to my car when another car passed in front of me. There wasn't another soul outside the building, and I thought that those people in the car could have snatched me in no time flat and could have been at the SF Airport in a half hour.

By the way, thank you, Sherlock, for trying to get to the SF public records. Being on hold for 45 minutes is, well, pretty amazing. I would have wanted to throw the phone.
I don't even know how exactly I ended up with this link....I think maybe thinking through if the George's kidnapped Anna, certainly they realized that they weren't in a position to raise her...And so, I went from there to trying to think of where (if they believed that they had her interests at heart) would they place her? Either with a family or with an orphanage...From there, I thought of the only other individual who they seemed to have interacted with and Poughkeepsie...And somehow, I found this:


Has this possibility been discussed already? Am I beating a "dead horse"???

I realize that much of what I've been posting are stabs in the dark but I don't know where else to look!

Actually I don't think this avenue has been explored in these threads (at least not in depth). The idea that Anna may have been placed into an orphanage or children's group home could be another area for research. As Annasmom said, the Synanon cult theory was researched pretty thoroughly.
Although orphanges and group homes were not as prevalent in the 70's as they were in earlier decades, they did exist.
Good idea Pink Panther.
Actually I don't think this avenue has been explored in these threads (at least not in depth). The idea that Anna may have been placed into an orphanage or children's group home could be another area for research. As Annasmom said, the Synanon cult theory was researched pretty thoroughly.
Although orphanges and group homes were not as prevalent in the 70's as they were in earlier decades, they did exist.
Good idea Pink Panther.

I remember how I got to that particular children's home! I was googling "Mr. and Mrs. Baright". (Their names appear with MK's at one of the social events that are in mentioned in the Poughkeepsie journals.) Their names showed up because they were involved with the children's home. It would seem quite likely that MK knew about the home.

If you click on the link in my earlier post, and then go to "history" it describes how they would also take in children who had met with uncertain circumstances or whose parents couldn't care for them. I'm not sure but it's likely that there was a lot less bureaucracy and fact checking back then...

ETA - I searched several places on the site to see if they had alumni lists but they do not.
I remember how I got to that particular children's home! I was googling "Mr. and Mrs. Baright". (Their names appear with MK's at one of the social events that are in mentioned in the Poughkeepsie journals.) Their names showed up because they were involved with the children's home. It would seem quite likely that MK knew about the home.

If you click on the link in my earlier post, and then go to "history" it describes how they would also take in children who had met with uncertain circumstances or whose parents couldn't care for them. I'm not sure but it's likely that there was a lot less bureaucracy and fact checking back then...

ETA - I searched several places on the site to see if they had alumni lists but they do not.

Pink Panther, after I logged off last night I couldn't stop thinking. Ozziemum's post made sense as well as the note 'plan'. I got to thinking GB felt pretty supported by GW as long as he stayed alive. What if it was fear rather then a scam with getting the insurance but then Anna being the sole surviving child became the barrier.... he came up with that 1.00 to cover it. Yet I don't believe he felt that was enough and I doubt with GW's medical condition that it would work. If by chance GW died in an accident, Anna being there could have held that money up for sometime. I'm no legal eagle, but I just don't think GB would have received any monies to easily. I went to sleep coming to a possible conclusion that's how the plan morphed into removing her from that probability.

So your posts of childrens home/shelters really makes sense unless he found a couple that wanted a child (hence that large sum of money he had squirled away). From what I've read so far I don't see GB as a murderer, just plain self-serving and greedy.

Is there anyway to find out records of any children left at this place around that time period?
Pink Panther, after I logged off last night I couldn't stop thinking. Ozziemum's post made sense as well as the note 'plan'. I got to thinking GB felt pretty supported by GW as long as he stayed alive. What if it was fear rather then a scam with getting the insurance but then Anna being the sole surviving child became the barrier.... he came up with that 1.00 to cover it. Yet I don't believe he felt that was enough and I doubt with GW's medical condition that it would work. If by chance GW died in an accident, Anna being there could have held that money up for sometime. I'm no legal eagle, but I just don't think GB would have received any monies to easily. I went to sleep coming to a possible conclusion that's how the plan morphed into removing her from that probability.

So your posts of childrens home/shelters really makes sense unless he found a couple that wanted a child (hence that large sum of money he had squirled away). From what I've read so far I don't see GB as a murderer, just plain self-serving and greedy.

Is there anyway to find out records of any children left at this place around that time period?

Mystic - I've been thinking along the same lines. I searched the Children's Home website that I linked above and was unable to find any records there but I would imagine that a school such as this would keep records! I wonder if there is anyone on the board who lives near there to go and inquire???
I still believe the "plan" note from the BFH had everything to do with an insurance policy on Anna.

The date on this is chilling as was posted.
thinking outloud, why couldn't GW simply take a policy out on GB to begin with? Why did it have to be Anna? Could it have been the difference between her being a minor and GB being an old man? I can't for the life of me wrap my head around why GW couldn't have just taken the policy out on GB. I guess I don't know enough about insurance to know that answer... anyone have more indepth knowledge of the insurance industry?

Unless.... they had planned an accident on GW to pay someone to care for Anna? but then why the plan to change the beneficiary to GB? Unless they were going to put the money in trust? for GB to have 'control' over a trust for Anna's care?

Maybe someone with more knowledge of not only the insurance industry, but of estate planning would have a reasonable explaination of why this was done this way by the two G's.
The date on this is chilling as was posted.
thinking outloud, why couldn't GW simply take a policy out on GB to begin with? Why did it have to be Anna? Could it have been the difference between her being a minor and GB being an old man? I can't for the life of me wrap my head around why GW couldn't have just taken the policy out on GB. I guess I don't know enough about insurance to know that answer... anyone have more indepth knowledge of the insurance industry?

Unless.... they had planned an accident on GW to pay someone to care for Anna? but then why the plan to change the beneficiary to GB? Unless they were going to put the money in trust? for GB to have 'control' over a trust for Anna's care?

Maybe someone with more knowledge of not only the insurance industry, but of estate planning would have a reasonable explaination of why this was done this way by the two G's.
All the insurance policies had GB as the beneficiary. It seems that GW wanted to make sure GB was compensated if he (Waters) died. I have no idea why in "the plan" he was going to make Anna the beneficiary and then change the beneficiary to Brody, but it makes you think, especially with that date.
I don't even know how exactly I ended up with this link....I think maybe thinking through if the George's kidnapped Anna, certainly they realized that they weren't in a position to raise her...And so, I went from there to trying to think of where (if they believed that they had her interests at heart) would they place her? Either with a family or with an orphanage...From there, I thought of the only other individual who they seemed to have interacted with and Poughkeepsie...And somehow, I found this:


I went to the site today, looked for 'Contact Us' to no avail, I did notice a fax number so I faxed the home asking if they had any records from 1973, mentioned Anna's full name and that she may have been sent there in and around that year. I gave my email and fax number, yet to hear back, when I do I will let you know what they say....

Thanks, SKick.
The date on this is chilling as was posted.
thinking outloud, why couldn't GW simply take a policy out on GB to begin with?

The date is totally chilling. No doubt in my mind they had something to do with Anna's disappearance, just trying to decifer what the heck they did is the challenge! LOL not.

The white van with the younger and older man in it on the Perisima Rd seen prior to the disappearance as well... my mind tells me IT HAD TO BE THEM.

Also GW's had a medical slip dated January 16, 1973 with a patient's name on it, how convenient? I still wonder what that slip intended to do in Water's hands and found in the BFH?

I am going to search around and see if there are any other orphanages in the SF/Bay area in business at that time.

I don't even know how exactly I ended up with this link....I think maybe thinking through if the George's kidnapped Anna, certainly they realized that they weren't in a position to raise her...And so, I went from there to trying to think of where (if they believed that they had her interests at heart) would they place her? Either with a family or with an orphanage...From there, I thought of the only other individual who they seemed to have interacted with and Poughkeepsie...And somehow, I found this:


I went to the site today, looked for 'Contact Us' to no avail, I did notice a fax number so I faxed the home asking if they had any records from 1973, mentioned Anna's full name and that she may have been sent there in and around that year. I gave my email and fax number, yet to hear back, when I do I will let you know what they say....

Thanks, SKick.

Hats off to you Sidekick! I would truly be surprised to see anything under Anna's true name but would feel grateful to be able to peruse ANY list from the year that Anna went missing! I hope that they respond!
Hats off to you Sidekick! I would truly be surprised to see anything under Anna's true name but would feel grateful to be able to peruse ANY list from the year that Anna went missing! I hope that they respond!

They also may have taken photo's of the children when they entered the home or class photos. Would LE ever check the childrens homes in the area when a child goes missing.
I don't even know how exactly I ended up with this link....I think maybe thinking through if the George's kidnapped Anna, certainly they realized that they weren't in a position to raise her...And so, I went from there to trying to think of where (if they believed that they had her interests at heart) would they place her? Either with a family or with an orphanage...From there, I thought of the only other individual who they seemed to have interacted with and Poughkeepsie...And somehow, I found this:


I went to the site today, looked for 'Contact Us' to no avail, I did notice a fax number so I faxed the home asking if they had any records from 1973, mentioned Anna's full name and that she may have been sent there in and around that year. I gave my email and fax number, yet to hear back, when I do I will let you know what they say....

Thanks, SKick.

That's great! I hope they get back to you soon. I doubt she would be under her real name full name. We need to know how well she pronounced her name... and consider variations of how it may be interpreted.

As well, I was checking mapquest today from Half Moon Bay to Vancouver... its only 16 hours. (I don't know why I keep thinking along that route but I do and also the Ferry Crossing to the Island - of course with the idea she was passed off to someone else to do that trip)

I have no idea how to go about finding orphanges within that range and time period.

Also, wonder if revisiting placing the age-progressed posters in some highly traveled areas.... focusing on the above range would be a good idea?
That's great! I hope they get back to you soon. I doubt she would be under her real name full name. We need to know how well she pronounced her name... and consider variations of how it may be interpreted.

As well, I was checking mapquest today from Half Moon Bay to Vancouver... its only 16 hours. (I don't know why I keep thinking along that route but I do and also the Ferry Crossing to the Island - of course with the idea she was passed off to someone else to do that trip)

I have no idea how to go about finding orphanges within that range and time period.

Also, wonder if revisiting placing the age-progressed posters in some highly traveled areas.... focusing on the above range would be a good idea?

Well, we've got to try anything possible, no stone... thankyou tho, and yes I agree Anna may not know or recall her full name however, the more her name is out there the higher the chances of locating Anna.

Living in Canada and searching for adoptees within Canada, there is very good website I often check to see if Anna signed up whether she was legally or not legally adopted doesn't matter.

She could have been taken to Canada, I'll have to google away again!

They also may have taken photo's of the children when they entered the home or class photos. Would LE ever check the childrens homes in the area when a child goes missing.

IIRC from previous postings, Anna would have been able to tell someone her full name. However, if she were taken to an orphange or children's home, there is no telling what kind of story was given upon her admittance, to her or to her potential caregivers. The photo thing is a great idea and the best way to go with this I think.
I doubt LE would have checked children's homes for missing children back in those days, but don't know for sure.

ETA: That quote did something strange. I was quoting Ozziemum, but it shows up as Pink. But you can all see what I mean.
I found this listing for poughkeepsie High School alumni:


Anna would have most likely graduated from High School in 1985 or 1986???

(For some reason, there is no listing for 1985).

ETA - Here's another related link:

She was in kindergarten 1972-73, so that would put high school graduation at 84-85 if no grades were skipped or repeated. The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children did an age-advanced picture to age 17 or 18 which could be compared to pictures in high school yearbooks.

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