Missing 8 mth pregnant Marine Maria Frances Lauterbach- NC #3

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The sheriff doesn't seem to think that the wife had been involved. He keeps talking around in circles ! Finally Geraldo asked him for a yes or no , and he didn't give him a straight answer. The guy should step down and retire after this. Barney Fife indeed !
Sheriff has an attitude all right, seems a bit on the defensive! Probably tired of ppl thinking he dropped the ball, know what I mean?

My husband works in military LE, and his opinion is that the military dropped the ball, not the locals. The locals have just recently learned of the case, and didn't even know about the rape accusations until just the other day. The way this was handled by the military from the beginning seems unsatisfactory and not according to the book from what we're hearing at this time.
I know the case isn't funny at all. But I can't help cracking up at that sheriff keeps calling Geraldo "Mr. Feraldo."
I'm laughing at that too! He's not going to answer what he doesn't want to and made that very clear! I was interested in what Mark was saying about the time-line for the USMC to report someone missing but he was cut off by :rolleyes: more commercials.
My husband works in military LE, and his opinion is that the military dropped the ball, not the locals. The locals have just recently learned of the case, and didn't even know about the rape accusations until just the other day. The way this was handled by the military from the beginning seems unsatisfactory and not according to the book from what we're hearing at this time.

After everything I've read I agree with your DH 100%.
The sheriff doesn't seem to think that the wife had been involved. He keeps talking around in circles ! Finally Geraldo asked him for a yes or no , and he didn't give him a straight answer. The guy should step down and retire after this. Barney Fife indeed !

I got the impression that the sheriff does think the wife is involved, but he's not going to talk about it now. He says they're still getting information in.
That's funny-- sheriff on larry king kept calling him "Mr. Larry." It must be an affectation.
Now Geraldo is going to move on to OJ Simpson. Man, I wanted more info on Maria. :behindbar
Now Geraldo is going to move on to OJ Simpson. Man, I wanted more info on Maria. :behindbar
I know but I had to get the tv back to football anyways! :) Is Greta on later tonight?
This is a case that could have been prevented in my eyes. When there are threats and the military is supposed to protect us why weren't they protecting their own? This is so troubling in light of contractor abuses overseas and in light of another female contractor who was abused. Can't we get this straight as a country? This murder was totally preventable if someone had bothered to investigate. Someone took an offhand statement and ran with that vs. making a full inquiry. Is this what we are suppose to look forward to in the future? Not even counting politics where we know that is dirty but we entrust our military to follow procedure that is written. OK, off my soapbox, but Houston we have a problem.
I don't think I would let my H off so easily if he raped someone. I might feeel like killing him, but I'd more likely let him rot in Leavenworth.


True, but if you were in on the murder, or knew enough to be in deep trouble with the military (obstructing justice, etc..) and hubby was the only one who could prove you were guilty of something,,,plus add in panic, fear, maybe a bad fight with hubby ,,,and what's one more murder if it will keep you from going to jail.
This is a case that could have been prevented in my eyes. When there are threats and the military is supposed to protect us why weren't they protecting their own? This is so troubling in light of contractor abuses overseas and in light of another female contractor who was abused. Can't we get this straight as a country? This murder was totally preventable if someone had bothered to investigate. Someone took an offhand statement and ran with that vs. making a full inquiry. Is this what we are suppose to look forward to in the future? Not even counting politics where we know that is dirty but we entrust our military to follow procedure that is written. OK, off my soapbox, but Houston we have a problem.

I totally agree with you. Something should have been done much sooner, and maybe this could have been prevented. I am so angry I could spit nails! And Houston we definitely have a problem!!!!!

I totally agree with you. Something should have been done much sooner, and maybe this could have been prevented. I am so angry I could spit nails! And Houston we definitely have a problem!!!!!

ditto....should of sent either of them to another command post and still have ppl watching out for her safety...
This is a case that could have been prevented in my eyes. When there are threats and the military is supposed to protect us why weren't they protecting their own? This is so troubling in light of contractor abuses overseas and in light of another female contractor who was abused. Can't we get this straight as a country? This murder was totally preventable if someone had bothered to investigate. Someone took an offhand statement and ran with that vs. making a full inquiry. Is this what we are suppose to look forward to in the future? Not even counting politics where we know that is dirty but we entrust our military to follow procedure that is written. OK, off my soapbox, but Houston we have a problem.


According to Camp Lejeune's official web site, these are the commanders responsible for Lauterbach's safety from a member of their commands and as a member of their commands. Decisions such as not putting either Lauterbach or Laurean on temporary duty elsewhere, not initiating search for Lauterbach, etc. would be their responsibility.
Col. David M. Smith, Commanding Officer, Combat Logistics Regiment 27
Col. Steven J. Thompson, Commanding Officer, II Marine Logistics Group
I also think something should have been done sooner when she was raped. According to Dr. Boudin the DNA of the fetus could have been gotten a lot sooner by the military. Wasn't she about ready to go to court on the rape charges? Another question is what about her step-mother who said maria was bipolar and a compulsive liar? Then Maria's best friend appeared on "Mr. Feraldo" and said she was perfectly normal. Was Maria being harassed by peers since her rape charges? Was she really friendly with her accused rapist after the rape or was she so fragile that she thought she better be friendly. Is that why she moved off base and rented a room from a fellow marine? These are all questions I have.
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