Missing 8 mth pregnant Marine Maria Frances Lauterbach- NC #3

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Nope House was off the base.


Oh well, he can't get out of Maria's murder!:behindbar


But, if it had been on 'federal land,' they could impliment "Laci and Connor's Law." But, thanks to JDB, my bubble burst! His home is off-base. :(

I have a question. Does anyone know how long Maria had been in the Marines?
Good day all,

Boy you guys are on it! I had to read for a half an hour to catch up!

Anyway, about her COD...I sincerely doubt her throat was just slit. That would n't cause alot of spatter...and although it's horribly cruel, I wouldn't say it's "vilolent". The blood drains or ozzes as oppossed to squirting or being projected (I have watched too many CSI's, maybe? :crazy: ). He could have waved the knife around, but even then, I just don't think it would have produced the violent scene they are suggesting. I think rage took over and he beat her with something repeatedly, maybe cut her first, but in a fit of rage, beat her and tossed her around. Sounds more like extreme BFT to me. Spatter has to have some force behind it....especially to reach the ceiling.

A friend of mine once told me about a site called rotten (dot) com. Out of curiosity I went on there and looked at some things (long time ago. that site is disgusting!) and every throat slitting I've seen on there, the blood did not spray like BFT would do. Like I said earlier, it just kind of pours and oozes. Faces of Death is also another one I've witnesed that on. I've also watched a few beheadings from the middle east. The blood doesn't even squirt then. Sorry to be so graphic...but I just don't think that slashing her throat was the COD. I think was enraged and really did a number on her...especially since it was stated that the remains were not intact.

I wonder if they can still tell, even though she burned, what kind of shape her body was in before her burnt her.

Gross to even type, but trying to think of all angles and figure out just how dangerous this is. And maybe that's is why there was so much blood. :confused:
I've watched the "real" CSI shows like Forensic Files, and seen "real" crime scene photos and I will agree, this had to be a brutal beating to cause the spatter on the ceiling. I'm also thinking she could've been incapacitated and down on the floor and stabbed or hit repeatedly. I'm really wondering what caused the description the sheriff gave of the baby's hand being separated? Could that have been caused from a stab wound to the abdomen? I hate to be graphic too, but I'm just thinking "out loud" so to speak and try to figure out what happened to Maria.
Graphic warning...........
Skip to next post if you don't want to read this.

I think the blood very well could splat and splat far depending on what artery he hit. And old ( and now deceased ) friend of mine was a carpenter. He leaned into a circular saw years before we knew one another. Saw was on... hit his thigh. He told me blood shot a good 7-8'. Told me he kept himself calm to keep the blood from spraying, but the guys on his crew really panicked.

ok..... sorry......
Good day all,

Boy you guys are on it! I had to read for a half an hour to catch up!

Anyway, about her COD...I sincerely doubt her throat was just slit. That would n't cause alot of spatter...and although it's horribly cruel, I wouldn't say it's "vilolent". The blood drains or ozzes as oppossed to squirting or being projected (I have watched too many CSI's, maybe? :crazy: ). He could have waved the knife around, but even then, I just don't think it would have produced the violent scene they are suggesting. I think rage took over and he beat her with something repeatedly, maybe cut her first, but in a fit of rage, beat her and tossed her around. Sounds more like extreme BFT to me. Spatter has to have some force behind it....especially to reach the ceiling.

A friend of mine once told me about a site called rotten (dot) com. Out of curiosity I went on there and looked at some things (long time ago. that site is disgusting!) and every throat slitting I've seen on there, the blood did not spray like BFT would do. Like I said earlier, it just kind of pours and oozes. Faces of Death is also another one I've witnesed that on. I've also watched a few beheadings from the middle east. The blood doesn't even squirt then. Sorry to be so graphic...but I just don't think that slashing her throat was the COD. I think was enraged and really did a number on her...especially since it was stated that the remains were not intact.

I wonder if they can still tell, even though she burned, what kind of shape her body was in before her burnt her.

Gross to even type, but trying to think of all angles and figure out just how dangerous this is. And maybe that's is why there was so much blood. :confused:

Wow, I am trying to catch up too!

Usually with that amount of blood it would involve repeated blunt force with an object and multiple stabbings.
They would have still find her dead. I woinder why her Mom did not report her missing till the 19th?

Well, since she was located so far away, the mom probably didn't get concerned until the 16th. She probably then, MAY have contacted the base and they gave her the run a round for a couple of days. AFter a few days, she just took it into her own hands and contacted the local LE. But then, the rest is history, the sheriff got the run a round too.

I don't recall that the baby's finger was "outside" the womb, but I read it as the stomach was cut open and the baby could be seen.

Is there a link for the sheriff's description?

Oh well, he can't get out of Maria's murder!:behindbar


But, if it had been on 'federal land,' they could impliment "Laci and Connor's Law." But, thanks to JDB, my bubble burst! His home is off-base. :(


I'm pretty sure JDB is right, let me call my friend again. Her husband still in the marines they live on Camp Pendleton CA.
They would have still find her dead. I woinder why her Mom did not report her missing till the 19th?
Another thing is the mom said she spoke with Maria on the 13th (a Thursday) and was making plans to come visit Maria that weekend which would've been the 16th or 17th (Saturday/Sunday) unless she misspoke and meant the following one right before Christmas? She said she talked with Maria many times a week so I'm also lost on the 5 days she hadn't heard from Maria.
stomping..........sharpening antlers.....


Link on the finding of Maria's body please???
First post...

Boy are ya'll hopping today

According to what I pulled up via Greyhound he should be in El Paso by 8:00pm today if he left Shreveport, La at 2:30am last night.It takes a long time to get across Texas especially via a bus.
First post...

Boy are ya'll hopping today

According to what I pulled up via Greyhound he should be in El Paso by 8:00pm today if he left Shreveport, La at 2:30am last night.It takes a long time to get across Texas especially via a bus.

Welcome to WS Txlurker! Glad you came out of hiding. And thanks for the info! And since you're in TX, get your butt down to the station and let us know what's going on, lol.

I so hope they get him!
First post...

Boy are ya'll hopping today

According to what I pulled up via Greyhound he should be in El Paso by 8:00pm today if he left Shreveport, La at 2:30am last night.It takes a long time to get across Texas especially via a bus.

Thanks Txlurker!

Oh, and welcome to Websleuths!:)

Thanks Lurker.

So if he is actually going to Texas, he SHOULD still be on a bus right now??

Man, he must be laying low or else the passengers are not aware of the fact they have this person who is being wanted on their bus.

Or, he has hopped off somewhere...................No news coming out. Is anyone seeing any bulletins in their states??
Graphic warning...........
Skip to next post if you don't want to read this.

I think the blood very well could splat and splat far depending on what artery he hit. And old ( and now deceased ) friend of mine was a carpenter. He leaned into a circular saw years before we knew one another. Saw was on... hit his thigh. He told me blood shot a good 7-8'. Told me he kept himself calm to keep the blood from spraying, but the guys on his crew really panicked.

ok..... sorry......

Wouldn't the saw cause the blood to spray everywhere....kind of like throwing water into a fan? Or did it continue to really squirt after the saw was off? Just trying to figure this all out.

Your hubby should be home from church by now. Has he heard anything???
Thanks JDB.

There was a reason for me asking that question. But dang if I can remember now. Will have to go back to previous page or two to see what made me ask that question.

Posts are flying fast here now. :)
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