Missing 8 mth pregnant Marine Maria Frances Lauterbach- NC #6

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I totally agree with you 100% on that one!! Not one iota of me thinks Maria was even contemplating adoption what so ever! She already had his name picked out and everything! And as for Christina's mother saying Christina is ''heartbroken...pfffft yeah right i'm not buying that either.

from what i've read, it wasn't Maria that was contemplating adoption...it was her mother that WANTED her to put the baby up for adoption.....it was one theory that Maria left because she was upset with her mother advising her to put the child up for adoption.....that's the way i understood this....

obviously we now know that Maria didn't run away though....

That could very well be MGS.
I'm just trying to figure out why a rape victim would go to the rapist house. Know what I mean? If she went willingly it wasn't because they were dating...he raped her. :confused:

According to what I've read, during the last hearing or whatever, she apparently decided to drop the charges. Unfortunately, that backfired as then they were considering filing charges against Maria for filing a 'false report' and she was facing dishonorable discharge from the service. IMO, that's what her mom meant when she said the 'case had gone south,' and she was trying to talk Maria into giving the baby up.

I could just imagine the dispair this poor girl felt at the end. She wasn't protected by the military and threatened with disgrace and she was due almost any day, she needed to do something!

These liar-cheater guys are good at what they do, convince you they're out for your best interest. What if he told her he had someone who would take care of her until the baby was born? The catch is they live in Texas. So she buys a ticket and goes to his house. Or, maybe the ticket was for him. Who knows. Somehow he convinced her to go to his house and he murdered her and her baby.

See..........it DOES NOT matter WHY she went to his house. She did and he killed her and the baby. He's wrong, she's dead. Now he needs to pay for his crime.

Just as an aside, I don't know if his wife was involved in the actual murder, but there is no way- no how that she didn't know what she was doing when she was painting and cleaning up blood. IF we can see it, so can LE.

My money is on LE. They'll get their man and EVERYONE who helped him.:behindbar


PS.......The using the victim's money to flee LE isn't going to help his case any. He also probably thought that by burning her, they wouldn't be able to tell COD. Once again, he was wrong.........fran
Has it been confirmed if Christina knew of the rape charges against her husband? If it was kept hush hush she may not have been aware. JMO
Look how long it took before maria was reported missing?

Wasn't it 4 days after the mother had the last phone conversation with her and she was reported missing by her mother too?

My daughter is pregnant right now, and I don't call her every single day.
Again, not defending or anything, but I certainly don't know everything that Maria told her Mom. How do we know that Mom knew about the keying, punching in face, etc.? All we know is that Maria and her mother had a fight/disagreement in their last phone call together about baby Gabriel.

With all these posts, it wouldn't have been hard for me to have missed some information! :)
Rum Tum, I read it correctly that Christina's father was stating that SHE spoke to Laurean before he fled and asked that he turn himself in ...

My point is why didn't she go to the police right away?

Why did she wait until sometime AFTER she found the letter?

Hi GolfMom .. :)

I figured from your post that you had most likely interpreted the quote correctly. I used the quote in your post to respond to the topic as it was the quickest & easiest one for me to locate.

(Server keeps knocking me off or giving me aggravating busy server messages - so, locating the posters that initially misconstrued the quote was somewhere between difficult & near impossible. My apologies, if you thought - or I gave the impression - that you perpetrated the misconstrued quote. Certainly not my intention.)

I agree with your query about Christina's apparent lack of immediacy in reporting the note to the authorities. I think my 1st reaction would have been to immediately call the Sheriff's office.

We've been told - Christina took the note to someone at Camp LeJune - not the Co. Sheriff. She arrived at 8 A.M. apparently. That also means she probably did not make a phone call - but, took the time to "get ready" (shower, hair, make-up, feed & ready her toddler daughter for the trip, etc) before leaving for the base. *Precious time* that Cesar was getting further away.

Now, whether that "time" was by design to give her husband some leeway or simply the time she felt she needed to ready herself for the task ahead of her - who knows!

If - Cesar was still in his driveway at 6:30 A.M. as the neighbor reported that his wife witnessed - then Christina showed up at the base just an hour & a half later with the incriminating (& exonerating!) note in hand.

IF - Cesar left around 4 A.M. as either Cristina reported or a time on the note may suggest then we have a whole different time frame of why Christina didn't act more expediently in contacting authorities.

So little *accurate* information on the vital details is known or reported that some things are anybody's guess - and obviously 'fair game' for much speculation.

I'm very suspicious of Christina's involvement regarding Maria's death - however, I'm trying, once again, to not jump to rash conclusions and convict her of anything until all the facts are known. (Yesterday - I couldn't begin to conceive the notion that she did not know, participate or at least, see all the red flags that we all see in hindsight. I guess it's possible that she was simply clueless - some women people are, unfortunately.)

Who knows - Cesar Armando Laurean may be just as clever, evil & cunning as Scott Peterson was. Much of the public perception, back then, had Amber Frey as the villain and were ready to burn her at the stake.

I'd like to learn more about Christina - and especially, to hear directly from her .. but, doubt that's going to happen anytime soon.

I'm rather amazed that Cesar has avoided capture for so many days. Let's hope he makes a mistake and today is "his day" for capture & arrest.

Rum Tum
i'm trying to catch up, so this may have been posted already....

it had to be 6:30 am because the guy said the wife would always wake up their daughter for school, after she walked the dogs....it was am, not pm..

Cesar fled sometime betw 6:30 am & 8 am....

I saw the interview with the neighbor's husband. I think he said that his wife heard Christina and Cesar arguing while she was outside with her dog at 6:30am. The time is probably correct, since letting the dog pee is a set routine, but if she heard Christina arguing with a man, it would make sense to assume it was Cesar, but she did not say she SAW Cesar, so the man's voice could have been someone else, like maybe one of his buddies who kept stalling the Sheriff when he tried to get Cesar's name and info about the rape case.

Could have been Cesar, but I don't think we can call it confirmed unless the neighbor took a good enough look to be sure it was him.

TGI, I would do those exact things if my husband was involved with another woman!
one thing about the neighbors account- she said the daughter got the school bus every morning somewhere i read that on here - what 18 month old gets on a school bus????
CL will NOT go to Canada - he would stick out there. On the other hand - he will NOT stick out in Las Vegas, Dallas, S Texas, AZ or CA. The immigrant Hispanic community HERE (in Dallas) is closed and secretive - and a perfect place to hide out if you ARE Hispanic and speak fluent Spanish - it's like the military - don't ask, don't tell.

I still think CL is in Mexico for ONE REASON- it takes the DEATH PENALTY off the table. And he could have crossed the border anytime and with no scrutiny. I know - it isn't supposed to be like that, but frankly Mexico does not care who comes IN and the US ONLY cares who comes OUT.

The truck is history and CL is holed up somewhere he feels safe and has "help" of some sort to stay hidden.

My Opinion
If this has been asked sry, did they live on base or off?
Has it been confirmed if Christina knew of the rape charges against her husband? If it was kept hush hush she may not have been aware. JMO

Christina's father did, so I would assume that Christina did.
I saw the interview with the neighbor's husband. I think he said that his wife heard Christina and Cesar arguing while she was outside with her dog at 6:30am. The time is probably correct, since letting the dog pee is a set routine, but if she heard Christina arguing with a man, it would make sense to assume it was Cesar, but she did not say she SAW Cesar, so the man's voice could have been someone else, like maybe one of his buddies who kept stalling the Sheriff when he tried to get Cesar's name and info about the rape case.

Could have been Cesar, but I don't think we can call it confirmed unless the neighbor took a good enough look to be sure it was him.


There were two sightings. One was thye night of the 10th about 6:30 PM when she saw the couple arguing and was trying to hear. Then the next morning at around 6:30 Am
Don't get me wrong, I'm sure she didn't want to give her baby up for adoption but maybe she went over to his house to confront him about what he was planning to do for her, maybe help her pay for an apartment (pure speculation in my part) It's possible that reality was setting in as she was getting so close to having her baby. I mean, she had no place of her own to even live, did she? (since she was being helped out by somebody she didn't even know that well, who was letting her stay with him during the last months of her pregnancy). Where was she going to live...sounds like she didn't even have any furniture or anything much of her own. Maybe she was counting on her mother helping her out and after the argument it was obvious she wasn't wanting to . but her mother knew she would ultimately need to help her raise the child (hence the adoption option came up). It's almost impossible to do on one's own...this girl needed help in a big way. I can only imagine panic that was setting in. That's a very scary emotional place to be. What are the military policies about single mothers. Do they provide day care for infants?
I'd think she was rather confused at this point and maybe grasping at the last straw thinking he'd help her out. I don't think she wanted to give up the baby either but I also have questions about her being able to stay in the Marines as a single mother. I heard if she'd try to enlist as as a single mother she wouldn't be accepted unless someone was appointed to take care of the baby.

it was ipswitch who posted about her friend:

here it is:

Yes, Littledeer. That's her. I hope she reconsiders and continues to post. I think she felt ignored or something. I think the thread was just moving too fast and many didn't catch it.

I believe her friend DID see the . Which, is why LE hasn't located his truck if he allegedly took the bus. Plus the sighting falls into a valid time-line of his movements and the finding of the credit card.

Hey Rum Tum, another critical piece of the puzzle is: what time did they speak? See in my opinion, right after the conversation about him turning himself in, she should have been dialing 9-1-1. Instead she waited until after she found the note. For all we know, she could have packed his bags for him and made him a peanut butter and jelly sandwich to take on the road.

That could very well be MGS.
I'm just trying to figure out why a rape victim would go to the rapist house. Know what I mean? If she went willingly it wasn't because they were dating...he raped her. :confused:

we'll ever know, for sure, if he raped her or not....jmo
one thing about the neighbors account- she said the daughter got the school bus every morning somewhere i read that on here - what 18 month old gets on a school bus????

The neighbors were talking about their daughter
one thing about the neighbors account- she said the daughter got the school bus every morning somewhere i read that on here - what 18 month old gets on a school bus????

LOL jenny ... it was the neighbor's child that got on the bus!
Is anybody else here worried about the fact that the sheriff keeps talking about the suspect in terms assuming that he is the perp, he is quilty, instead of saying "alledged" suspect. I mean, we all know he is quilty but this could hurt the case, grounds for change of venue, etc.
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