Missing cell phones

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On another forum that I can't mention/link, they said he worked for All Current Electric. http://www.allcurrentelectrickc.com/ When I clicked on the link, a pop-up of lisa came up immediately. But, it's not from MSM so all rumor and speculation... :innocent:
I'm confused here. Your saying that someone on MW's phone plan, but with their own phone and phone number is the recipient of the phone call in question? And this is why MW knows nothing about the call? Then why are the cops talking to MW when they should be talking to the person who the phone belonged to?
How do we know that they haven't?
You know, people lose cell phones all the time. Without knowing the kind of phones, phone numbers or some kind of info, how would anyone know if they found these? :waitasec: I used to work retail and if one was left for more than a few hrs I would call the last number dialed and ask them to let the person know where the phone was and then get a description of the phone when someone claimed it.
I think either, no matter who made the call, accidental or intentional, and no matter what phone is was from of he 3 that are missing, it looks very bad for DB's credibility.

I thought I had heard in one of the interviews (People maybe?) that JI had told DB that he'd be home around 10 and he couldn't call DB to tell her that he was going to be later than that because none of the phones in the home with her could receive calls. And then when they discovered Lisa missing they didn't know how to call for help because the phone's could make calls either, then they remember the work phone.

Now that is just and article and maybe the reporter took some liberty with it, but based on that it makes the fact that there WAS a call made from one of the phones seem bad for DB having said they couldn't make or receive calls.

I guess it's possible that DB meant the phones couldn't make or receive calls ASIDE from the one her father gave her and the reporter kind of spun it, but as it was reported it looks like she lied or was mistaken. Know what I mean?
I think either, no matter who made the call, accidental or intentional, and no matter what phone is was from of he 3 that are missing, it looks very bad for DB's credibility.

I thought I had heard in one of the interviews (People maybe?) that JI had told DB that he'd be home around 10 and he couldn't call DB to tell her that he was going to be later than that because none of the phones in the home with her could receive calls. And then when they discovered Lisa missing they didn't know how to call for help because the phone's could make calls either, then they remember the work phone.

Now that is just and article and maybe the reporter took some liberty with it, but based on that it makes the fact that there WAS a call made from one of the phones seem bad for DB having said they couldn't make or receive calls.

I guess it's possible that DB meant the phones couldn't make or receive calls ASIDE from the one her father gave her and the reporter kind of spun it, but as it was reported it looks like she lied or was mistaken. Know what I mean?

perhaps when they said their phones were not working - their phones were not working and the phone lent to them by the family member was working.
perhaps when they said their phones were not working - their phones were not working and the phone lent to them by the family member was working.

Then why didn't JI call DB to tell her he won't be home at 10:00 pm?
perhaps when they said their phones were not working - their phones were not working and the phone lent to them by the family member was working.

But then why couldn't JI call DB to let her know that he would be late? I thought in an interview that they had gotten the phone on Sunday night over at a family member's house. It was a birthday party for the oldest boy. So, it didn't just show up in the house after JI left for work, KWIM? I guess maybe he didn't have that phone number? BUT, if it did work, then wouldn't you make sure you had the number of the 1 working phone in the house? These phones make me crazy. :banghead: I'm going back and forth from Finance to this so I don't know which one is hurting my head more. lol :crazy:

Ok all members and guests, please gather all personal belongings and be sure to check under your seats. This thread will be closing in approximately 10 minutes. We're at page 35, which is a "weedle" bit too long so I'll be opening a new thread. I'll post the link here when ready.

Please be careful and don't let any fingers get caught in the door when it closes.

I'll be back in a few with the new thread link.

Carry on...
Again, this thread will be closing in just a few minutes.

Here's the link to the new thread:

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=153145"]Missing Cell Phones #2 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

Please start making your way to the nearest exit and head on over to the new one.

The call wasn't made from Jeremy's work phone, the one they called 911 from. As to who owns it, I would assume the company he worked for. I've not seen him listed under any particular company, thought he might just contract his work out. I've not found an electrician's license for him either, but Missouri may not post licensing information.

His company van was in his driveway but I can't remember the name of the company. The work he was doing at Starbucks was not his regular job. He was working for a friend. I believe I read the friend's name was Steve.
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