Missouri, St. Louis - Teenage girl critically injured after brutal fight with another female teen near Hazelwood East High School, 8 March 2024

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It is extremely important. In my opinion, it is possible for KG to face corrective measures in family court, but none of us really know if she is physically or cognitively able to do so. With the damage done to her skull, it stands to reason that she has no memory of the event. We also don’t know if she would be able to verbalize her thoughts. In the end, I think cell phone records etc will determine the reason that group was at that location.
You're talking about the potential for KG to be charged in juvenile court? It is possible I suppose but she would only face misdemeanor fighting charge at most. And I don't see even that as very likely.
Corrective measure for getting the tar beaten out of her?
Of course not. It was reported that 8 of the students there that day were referred to the family court for corrective measures. I am guessing, since there were far more than 8 there, that it was the ones identified as “fighting”. That would potentially encompass KG. Just my opinion
Respectfully, MD's attorney does not "need to base his argument of "innocent" on anything. It is not his job to prove that she is innocent. Rather, it is the state's job to prove that she is guilty, which I am sure everyone here must know. JMO

"Prove it" type defenses may work well in some scenarios, but not in others.

The video evidence alone that the State is likely to bring would seem to establish the defendants participation in the beating.

I think that wth this scenario (participation apparently established) an effective defense at trial is going to involve presenting counter explanations or justifications.

In contrast, "Prove it" could be the defense of choice in scenarios where the States evidence regarding participation can be challenged. OJ's attorneys took this approach- and were very successful. But.... with video evidence, it might not be viable.
"Prove it" type defenses may work well in some scenarios, but not in others.

The video evidence alone that the State is likely to bring would seem to establish the defendants participation in the beating.

I think that wth this scenario (participation apparently established) an effective defense at trial is going to involve presenting counter explanations or justifications.

In contrast, "Prove it" could be the defense of choice in scenarios where the States evidence regarding participation can be challenged. OJ's attorneys took this approach- and were very successful. But.... with video evidence, it might not be viable.
Again, I have argued more than once that the defense attorney likely knows that it is going to be extremely difficult to prove his client innocent, which is not even a legal term, but he doesn't have to. It is incumbent upon the state to prove that she is guilty. And yes, I actually have seen the video . I am well aware what it shows, but what it DOESN'T show are things that may have led up to it, mitigating circumstances, which is a legal term. While one never knows what any given jury will decide, I think the defense attorney is probably trying to pave the way for his client to be shown some leniency, in sentencing, and perhaps even to put her in a position to perhaps take some type of plea bargain, prior to going to trial. And just a reminder that I am sure we all know, 'not guilty' does not necessarily mean the same thing as 'innocent'. JMO, and OMO
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I am well aware what it shows, but what it DOESN'T show are things that may have led up to it, mitigating circumstances, which is a legal term. I think the defense attorney is probably trying to pave the way for his client to be shown some leniency, in sentencing, and perhaps even to put her in a position to perhaps take some type of plea bargain
Very true.

Presenting mitigating circumstances at trial would involve presenting what I described as "justifications and counter explanations".

As for the defense attorney's abilities and plans, he could be extremely competent. Then again, there are alot of bad attorneys out there.

We just analyze the "probably skillfully implementing plans A and B" differently. You seem to view him as probably skilled. I view him, in the absence of information to the contrary, as "probably not skilled".

Our different analysis regarding the face value of his abilities might depend on our own experiences and our own personalities.
Stand Your Ground? No Duty to Retreat?
The right to be there / stand your ground implications would also apply to the first victim as well. Likewise, as the aggressor evidently also attacked a second individual the right to be there would also apply to that victim too.

Theoretical arguments like the following....:
- "Right to be there / Stood her ground"....

snipped for focus @Cryptic
[ETA: Not sure why my post is mostly italicized as if most is a quote. I trIed to correct but could not. For reasons unknown to me, I cannot change or insert formatting (like bolding, font size, colors, etc) in my posts. Any suggestions to correct? TiA ]

If ^ post is saying MD & KG, both teens initially involved, had a right to be where the altercation occurred, then I agree, as that (main) fight was on a public street, sidewalk, and/or easement.

Per MO. law both MD & K had a right to be there on the public property, i.e., neither had a duty to retreat.

MO. Use of Force statute provides that under some circumstances, a person has "no duty to retreat" (sometimes called Stand Your Ground).

"563.031. Use of force in defense of persons. — "
Sets forth principles about use of force, qualified by this ¶:
  "3. A person does not have a duty to retreat:
  "(1) From a dwelling, residence, or vehicle where the person is not unlawfully entering or unlawfully remaining;
  "(2) From private property that is owned or leased by such individual; or
  "(3) If the person is in any other location such person has the right to be."

I'm not following line of thought about why some posts discuss Stand Your Ground or Duty to Retreat. AFAIK it's not an issue in these possible juvie or crim charges.

BTW, not clear to me who the "second individual" in ^ post is. Does it refer to a teen in another fight there?
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Stand Your Ground? No Duty to Retreat?

snipped for focus @Cryptic

If ^ post is saying MD & KG, both teens initially involved, had a right to be where the altercation occurred, then I agree, as that (main) fight was on a public street, sidewalk, and/or easement.

Per MO. law both MD & K had a right to be there on the public property, i.e., neither had a duty to retreat.

MO. Use of Force statute provides that under some circumstances, a person has "no duty to retreat" (sometimes called Stand Your Ground).
"563.031. Use of force in defense of persons. — "
Sets forth principles about use of force, qualified by this ¶:
  "3. A person does not have a duty to retreat:
  "(1) From a dwelling, residence, or vehicle where the person is not unlawfully entering or unlawfully remaining;
  "(2) From private property that is owned or leased by such individual; or
  "(3) If the person is in any other location such person has the right to be."

I'm not following line of thought about why some posts discuss Stand Your Ground or Duty to Retreat. AFAIK it's not an issue in these possible juvie or crim charges.

BTW, not clear to me who the "second individual" in ^ post is. Does it refer to a teen in another fight there?
I only watched the video once, because it was revolting. I could be wrong, but I believe I saw MD step over KG’s body and briefly engage another person.
If ^ post is saying MD & KG, both teens initially involved, had a right to be where the altercation occurred, then I agree, as that (main) fight was on a public street, sidewalk, and/or easement.

Per MO. law both MD & K had a right to be there on the public property, i.e., neither had a duty to retreat.

BTW, not clear to me who the "second individual" in ^ post is. Does it refer to a teen in another fight there?
Yes, I was stating that both people, not just the one specified in a previous post, had a right to use that street / side walk.

I dont, however, feel that an SYG defense is viable as it is still likely based on the idea that defensive force must be proportional to the threat. Given the totality of the number of head poundings to pavement, proportional force would be hard to show.

The second person is a reference that MD is stated to have then fought with another individual after finishing with KG (maybe something of a round robbin tournament, or all out group brawl).

If there was a second fight, even if brief, its going to detract from possible defense claims of an uncontrollabe 'syndrome' type response to a threat.
Of course not. It was reported that 8 of the students there that day were referred to the family court for corrective measures. I am guessing, since there were far more than 8 there, that it was the ones identified as “fighting”. That would potentially encompass KG. Just my opinion

I think it's pretty obvious that they were referred to family court for the crime was inflicted upon Kaylee. MOO
I respect your opinion, so which 8 do you believe were referred to family court out of that huge group? I am not asking for names, but description of involvement. Why only 8?
I am not the OP, but I have seen the video, and the eight teens referred to the family court for corrective measures were almost certainly seen, and identified, due to their presence at the scene of the brawl involving KG and MD, although just being there was no crime, and none of their probable crimes were actually inflicted upon Kaylee. Watching the video, it is obvious that no one is fighting KG, at any time, other than MD. There were several other teens, it appeared to be about 8 or 9, most likely from the two rival groups that we have learned of, fighting each other, and that is where any charges for them likely will arise. There were others standing around, watching, but they did not appear to be actively engaged in any brawl, so likely would face no charges JMO
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I am not the OP, but I have seen the video, and the eight teens referred to the family court for corrective measures were almost certainly seen, and identified, due to their presence at the scene of the brawl involving KG and MD, although just being there was no crime, and none of their probable crimes were actually inflicted upon Kaylee. Watching the video, it is obvious that no one is fighting KG, at any time, other than MD. There were several other teens, it appeared to be about 8 or 9, most likely from the two rival groups that we have learned of, fighting each other, and that is where any charges for them likely will arise. There were others standing around, watching, but they did not appear to be actively engaged in any brawl, so likely would face no charges JMO
Right. That is what I stated also. The 8 referred for corrective measures were the ones actively engaging in fighting. The one arrested was the only one that hurt KG. The OP seemed to disagree with me so I was curious to hear their perception.
Right. That is what I stated also. The 8 referred for corrective measures were the ones actively engaging in fighting. The one arrested was the only one that hurt KG. The OP seemed to disagree with me so I was curious to hear their perception.

I don't really understand what these 8 could be charged with in relation to Kaylee's injuries, or really for any of the fighting that was happening around KG and MD, as far as I am aware nobody else sustained any injuries that day, and they were just kids being stupid and getting caught up in the drama surrounding the two groups.

I am wondering if some people's confusion comes from not having watched the video and just relying on other peoples descriptions of the incident. It would be easy to assume that KG was jumped and attacked by an out of control gang just going off posts and news articles because it seems that the fact that both girls appear to have been at an arranged showdown has been lost due to Kaylee's serious condition and MG's loss of control, which is understandable, but I think that unless someone has watched the video with their own eyes, they can only guess at what happened, or perceive a version that's not based entirely on facts and comes with a person's own natural bias.

As others have stated, having actually watched the video, I personally don't think anyone other than MD would be facing charges relating to Kaylee's injuries.

It's difficult have a healthy discussion if you aren't basing your opinion on all the known facts. For me, those facts are that nobody touched Kaylee apart from MD, nobody appeared to incite MD towards violence, in fact I heard someone say "get her Kaylee", and I also didn't see MD engage in Amy other fighting, she appeared to be trying to breakup the other scuffles.

Based on having watched the video, both the longer version and the slowed down version, it is my opinion that both girls went there expecting to fight, neither expecting it to go down how it did, and it all went terribly wrong.

Kaylee did not deserve what happened to her, and regardless of the reason it may have happened, MD lost control and she should have to face the consequences, I do believe that MD is the only one who will be charged.

I don't really understand what these 8 could be charged with in relation to Kaylee's injuries, or really for any of the fighting that was happening around KG and MD, as far as I am aware nobody else sustained any injuries that day, and they were just kids being stupid and getting caught up in the drama surrounding the two groups.

I am wondering if some people's confusion comes from not having watched the video and just relying on other peoples descriptions of the incident. It would be easy to assume that KG was jumped and attacked by an out of control gang just going off posts and news articles because it seems that the fact that both girls appear to have been at an arranged showdown has been lost due to Kaylee's serious condition and MG's loss of control, which is understandable, but I think that unless someone has watched the video with their own eyes, they can only guess at what happened, or perceive a version that's not based entirely on facts and comes with a person's own natural bias.

As others have stated, having actually watched the video, I personally don't think anyone other than MD would be facing charges relating to Kaylee's injuries.

It's difficult have a healthy discussion if you aren't basing your opinion on all the known facts. For me, those facts are that nobody touched Kaylee apart from MD, nobody appeared to incite MD towards violence, in fact I heard someone say "get her Kaylee", and I also didn't see MD engage in Amy other fighting, she appeared to be trying to breakup the other scuffles.

Based on having watched the video, both the longer version and the slowed down version, it is my opinion that both girls went there expecting to fight, neither expecting it to go down how it did, and it all went terribly wrong.

Kaylee did not deserve what happened to her, and regardless of the reason it may have happened, MD lost control and she should have to face the consequences, I do believe that MD is the only one who will be charged.

Unfortunately we don't know a lot of the facts. But from the video, I think many of the others seen in the video could be charged with fighting. You don't need injuries for a fighting charge and really typically if "fighting" is the charge, there isn't much injury, otherwise it is charged differently. Now, I think some of those individuals might be able to put forward good defenses to those charged, but again that would depend on some facts we don't know yet. I think it is possible (though maybe not likely) that if some were found to have been actively engaged in organizing/arranging this fight, they could face charges in regards to Kaylee's injuries. But again, that would depend on information we just haven't seen yet. I'm sure police have a real good idea by now of how this all came to be, but we just haven't been given access to that info. The prosecutor's office and juvenile authorities will charge as they see fit and since most are juveniles, we may not hear much.
I am wondering if some people's confusion comes from not having watched the video and just relying on other peoples descriptions of the incident. It would be easy to assume that KG was jumped and attacked by an out of control gang just going off posts and news articles because it seems that the fact that both girls appear to have been at an arranged showdown has been lost due to Kaylee's serious condition and MG's loss of control, which is understandable, but I think that unless someone has watched the video with their own eyes, they can only guess at what happened, or perceive a version that's not based entirely on facts and comes with a person's own natural bias.
BBM...I agree. While I respect every individual's decision whether or not to view the troubling video of the brawl, and I would never try to tell another poster what or how to post, I do feel that video is certainly the single most important piece of evidence that exists in this case, and is a must-view for anyone wishing to have as fully an informed view of the events of this case as possible. JMO
MD's Soc Media A/c's. If Hacked, LE Investigation-Worthy?
Wait- somebody hacked her social media accounts? The police need to be made aware of that immediately....
snipped for focus @Cryptic
She was in custody, and had NO access to cell phones or computers at the time the posts were first made.... My guess is that in St Louis, or almost any city of size, LE have far more important things to investigate than someone's social media account being hacked. Besides, it is far more likely that someone just created a new account, using her name. JMO
snipped for focus @SteveP
Agreeing, @SteveP, on both points.

1.Seems likely imo some rando opened a/c w same or similar name & posted about MMA & WWE. Or maybe MD gave password, etc to a friend, who posted. Or something I'm overlooking.

2. Soc media hacking? In general, sometimes "worthy" of LE investigation. Sometimes not.
Extreeeeemely doubtful imo the issue will come up in juvie or crim proceedings here, but ICBWrong.
Respectfully, MD's attorney does not "need to base his argument of "innocent" on anything. It is not his job to prove that she is innocent. Rather, it is the state's job to prove that she is guilty, which I am sure everyone here must know. JMO
The state's burden of proof became much less burdensome, imo, when the video surfaced.
Again, I have argued more than once that the defense attorney likely knows that it is going to be extremely difficult to prove his client innocent, which is not even a legal term, but he doesn't have to. It is incumbent upon the state to prove that she is guilty. And yes, I actually have seen the video . I am well aware what it shows, but what it DOESN'T show are things that may have led up to it, mitigating circumstances, which is a legal term. While one never knows what any given jury will decide, I think the defense attorney is probably trying to pave the way for his client to be shown some leniency, in sentencing, and perhaps even to put her in a position to perhaps take some type of plea bargain, prior to going to trial. And just a reminder that I am sure we all know, 'not guilty' does not necessarily mean the same thing as 'innocent'. JMO, and OMO
Mitigating circumstances, for the most part, are considered during the penalty phase. No??

While proving someone innocent may not be a legal term, it's certainly a human construct. All of the distinctions in the world between what is and is not a legal term, imo, won't amount to a hill of beans once the jury sees the video. amoo

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