Missouri, St. Louis - Teenage girl critically injured after brutal fight with another female teen near Hazelwood East High School, 8 March 2024

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So MD “just trying to get on the bus to go home”seems to be losing steam. Both girls agreed to a one on one fight according to KG’s father. Thus the reason the video clip shows others jumping in when someone attempted to help KG during the fight. And now we know why none of them were carrying back packs. (None that I saw, anyway.) Honor student or not, this scenario does not bode well for MD in my opinion. Both girls made some terrible decisions. Neither may fully recover to lead productive lives because of it.
Now that it has been confirmed that both rival groups planned the fight, including MD and KG directly, it still doesn't change the culpability of MD for attempted murder, IMO. Agreeing to duke it out after school is a long way from attempted murder to annihilate your foe.

So it looks like there will be a case management hearing on May 1 and a hearing to decide if MD will be transferred to adult court on May 10. So we should know the perpetrator's fate soon, as far as jurisdiction of accountability.

At this time, I still don't understand why a tiny KG would agree to engage in a one-on-one fight with someone of MD's size. I am assuming that these fight events would often result in some piling on of others in one's group if things were going badly for one of their own. But that didn't happen this time, it seems. Maybe because the almost murderous beating took place really quickly after their fight began?
The old truth says:

"Education is by example,
Not by lecture."

It is worth reflecting on parents/carers own ways of dealing with difficult emotions,
of which the child/teen is a very careful observer.

This may help discover the reason for child/teen's erroneous belief in the effectiveness and adequacy of force solutions.

Many everyday situations may lead to a pattern of behavior which,
- in the case of a child/ teenager with an undeveloped nervous system and a lack of other experiences -
manifests itself in aggressive behaviour/reactions.

As a teacher I sometimes meet parents who believe that the child:
should be strong,
should be able to cope,
be able to fight for himself/herself,
and react forcefully when someone gets in his/her way.

The child/teen implements the relationship scenario
based on these statements.

How does school react to violence of students?

Are there any class meetings with psychologists?

Discussions about bullying?

Can a troubled teen find help with a School Counselor?
Just to talk about problems?
Discuss solutions?

Are there School Projects promoting cooperation among students?

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Now that it has been confirmed that both rival groups planned the fight, including MD and KG directly, it still doesn't change the culpability of MD for attempted murder, IMO. Agreeing to duke it out after school is a long way from attempted murder to annihilate your foe.

So it looks like there will be a case management hearing on May 1 and a hearing to decide if MD will be transferred to adult court on May 10. So we should know the perpetrator's fate soon, as far as jurisdiction of accountability.

At this time, I still don't understand why a tiny KG would agree to engage in a one-on-one fight with someone of MD's size. I am assuming that these fight events would often result in some piling on of others in one's group if things were going badly for one of their own. But that didn't happen this time, it seems. Maybe because the almost murderous beating took place really quickly after their fight began?
One jumped in to help Kaylee and was quickly engaged by the opposing side.
That altercation set off a fresh round of phone threats between Gain and DeClue — now charged with felony assault — and the two girls agreed to square off one-on-one, her dad said, adding he didn’t want to disclose the exact content of the messages.

“They both agreed to the fight, to meet up and settle what was going on,” he said.

The heartbroken father’s current wife, Jamie, accompanies him to visit his child in the hospital on a daily basis. She said both teens had made the “terrible decision” to address their dispute with violence.

The couple pushed back on the narrative Kaylee had bullied DeClue, 15, and said their messages to each other were equally hostile.
Kaylee Gain’s father reveals details of text war which led to near-fatal fight, updates her recovery: ‘Some days better than others’

'They both agreed to the fight, to meet up and settle what was going on,' Gain told the New York Post, adding that Kaylee and DeClue had been insulting each other for weeks ahead of the fight.
The girls continued to text hateful messages and threats to one another before setting up the confrontation, which took place about a mile from Hazelwood East High School near St. Louis where they took classes.

Gain also told the Post that the two girls were equally cruel to each other and refused suggestions that Kaylee had bullied the 15-year-old.
Kaylee Gain's father reveals texts that led up to beating by bully

I am glad Kaylee's father is not sugar coating his daughter's involvement in the events that led up to her injuries. I believe what he said about those events. Just as the initial spin suggesting Kaylee was "attacked" or "jumped" as an innocent bystander was baloney, so too was the accused family's spin that she was this blameless bullied girl who finally stood her ground and went too far is baloney. JMO

the truth is somewhere in the middle of those two extremes. Two girls from rival cliques, egged on by their friend groups and wanting to be bad bishes, set a place and time to meet and throw hands. That fight became a melee very quickly and it went way too far.

This more balanced information about the events leading up to the fight does not change my original opinion. MD should be charged as an adult and if there are mitigators showing her actions were out of character or she has redeeming qualities or faces unusual hardships that information should be introduced at her sentencing. JMO
I am happy to see a parent stepping forward with transparency during what must be a very difficult time for them. If what he is saying is true, and I believe it is, the honor student/athlete stigma is tarnished quite a bit. Both girls made adult decisions that fateful day, with life long consequences. Neither girl was jumped or caught off guard or in the wrong place at the wrong time. When you take to no holds barred street fighting to solve your problems, you risk running into the laws that govern our land. Neither girl was a victim when they showed up that day. 12 seconds later….lives changed forever. All that being said, I think that MD should be charged as an adult. She has a frightening capability that doesn’t belong in a civilized society. If KG is able to fully recover, I hope she is given guidance and counseling to divert the behavior that led to this. And I further hope that all people that showed up, encouraged, and took part in that situation are put into diversion programs as well.
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I am happy to see a parent stepping forward with transparency during what must be a very difficult time for them. If what he is saying is true, and I believe it is, the honor student/athlete stigma is tarnished quite a bit. Both girls made adult decisions that fateful day, with life long consequences. Neither girl was jumped or caught off guard or in the wrong place at the wrong time. When you take to no holds barred street fighting to solve your problems, you risk running into the laws that govern our land. Neither girl was a victim when they showed up that day. 12 seconds later….lives changed forever. All that being said, I think that MD should be charged as an adult. She has a frightening capability that doesn’t belong in a civilized society. If KG is able to fully recover, I hope she is given guidance and counseling to divert the behavior that led to this. And I further hope that all people that showed up, encouraged, and took part in that situation are put into diversion programs as well.
And if she was able to make the honor roll, whatever that may mean in a school like this one, that makes her all the more dangerous.
I am not sure if KG lived with her mother by choice, or whether it was court appointed at some time, but her dad seems to be throwing shade at mom with his comment that Kaylee needs stability and structure and that she will be living with him when she finally goes home. I do wonder how involved the mom may have been in her teen daughter's life, and I think that may be a wise decision. I wish her the best in her recovery. JMO

Clinton also vowed he will be there for his daughter when she finally recovers.

“It’s been really hard. It’s very slow. When she gets out of the hospital she’s going to live with me, it’s already been decided. She needs that stability and structure again,” he added.

I am not sure if KG lived with her mother by choice, or whether it was court appointed at some time, but her dad seems to be throwing shade at mom with his comment that Kaylee needs stability and structure and that she will be living with him when she finally goes home. I do wonder how involved the mom may have been in her teen daughter's life, and I think that may be a wise decision. I wish her the best in her recovery. JMO

Clinton also vowed he will be there for his daughter when she finally recovers.

“It’s been really hard. It’s very slow. When she gets out of the hospital she’s going to live with me, it’s already been decided. She needs that stability and structure again,” he added.

I drew the same conclusion.
More from the interview with KG's dad...

Kaylee’s parents split up when she was just five, leaving her and her little brother living with Nordstrom. While she has since righted herself, the troubled mother raised the tots while in the throes of addiction, Clinton said.

Their home predicament became so dire the children were sent to live with their grandparents when Kaylee was eight years old and stayed with them for two years.

By that point, Clinton said he had rehabilitated himself, remarried and maintained steady employment. Kaylee and her brother came to live with him and his new spouse, Jamie Gain, and remained with them for five years.

But as she entered her teenage years, Kaylee began to yearn for her mother and lobbied her dad to let her return to Nordstrom’s home.

“She was becoming a young woman,” he said. “She said she needed her mother, and April was in a good place by that time. She was working, she was doing okay.”

With some reservations, Kaylee’s father agreed to the arrangement — but soon came to regret the decision.

His daughter, he said, began to have problems at school and was routinely involved in altercations.

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That altercation set off a fresh round of phone threats between Gain and DeClue — now charged with felony assault — and the two girls agreed to square off one-on-one, her dad said, adding he didn’t want to disclose the exact content of the messages.

“They both agreed to the fight, to meet up and settle what was going on,” he said.

The heartbroken father’s current wife, Jamie, accompanies him to visit his child in the hospital on a daily basis. She said both teens had made the “terrible decision” to address their dispute with violence.

The couple pushed back on the narrative Kaylee had bullied DeClue, 15, and said their messages to each other were equally hostile.
Kaylee Gain’s father reveals details of text war which led to near-fatal fight, updates her recovery: ‘Some days better than others’

'They both agreed to the fight, to meet up and settle what was going on,' Gain told the New York Post, adding that Kaylee and DeClue had been insulting each other for weeks ahead of the fight.
The girls continued to text hateful messages and threats to one another before setting up the confrontation, which took place about a mile from Hazelwood East High School near St. Louis where they took classes.

Gain also told the Post that the two girls were equally cruel to each other and refused suggestions that Kaylee had bullied the 15-year-old.
Kaylee Gain's father reveals texts that led up to beating by bully

I am glad Kaylee's father is not sugar coating his daughter's involvement in the events that led up to her injuries. I believe what he said about those events. Just as the initial spin suggesting Kaylee was "attacked" or "jumped" as an innocent bystander was baloney, so too was the accused family's spin that she was this blameless bullied girl who finally stood her ground and went too far is baloney. JMO

the truth is somewhere in the middle of those two extremes. Two girls from rival cliques, egged on by their friend groups and wanting to be bad bishes, set a place and time to meet and throw hands. That fight became a melee very quickly and it went way too far.

This more balanced information about the events leading up to the fight does not change my original opinion. MD should be charged as an adult and if there are mitigators showing her actions were out of character or she has redeeming qualities or faces unusual hardships that information should be introduced at her sentencing. JMO
I give this father a great deal of credit. In the midst of his most profound sadness, he has admitted openly that both girls made a terrible decision to fight and that the texts from both parties were equally hateful.

I don't think this mitigates MD's culpability, and I think she should be charged as an adult. moo
I give this father a great deal of credit. In the midst of his most profound sadness, he has admitted openly that both girls made a terrible decision to fight and that the texts from both parties were equally hateful.

I don't think this mitigates MD's culpability, and I think she should be charged as an adult. moo
I agree that the new details, if true, certainly indicate that both were equally culpable, and there appear to be fewer mitigating circumstances than I once thought may exist, if any at all. I am pretty sure this case will be tried in adult court, and I continue to believe, and always have, that is the appropriate court to hear it. JMO
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Does anyone think it is possible that MD reported bullying to the school to somehow justify the fight?
I don't know if bullying was ever reported, by MD, or the girl who was involved the day before, or even KG, but if it was, who knows if there is any record of the report or of any action taken. We know that KG and apparently one other student were both suspended for fighting, inside the school, the day before the brawl, but was the school aware of the apparently-ongoing tension between two rival "groups" of students? Were they doing everything they could to provide a safe learning place for students? I do see where the school system could become an important part of the upcoming case against MD. JMO

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