Missouri - The Springfield Three--missing since June 1992 - #10

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Maybe they just did not want to leave any witnesses.

If this was a random killer then leaving people behind didn’t carry such a greater risk.

Kidnapping 3 people isn’t exactly easy one would assume and carries a even greater risk of losing control at some point. If these women had no idea who was behind this attack then leaving at least 1 behind would make sense.

Tons of sexual predators only take one victim due how tough it is to even control one person let alone 3.

Logic has to come into play and no forced entry and the fact all 3 women were taken points to somebody who knew at least some of them.

Cops have even said the same at some point or another.

If you look into the records of missing persons every year, you would not come across many cases like this"...

"I think they (other people) were brought into this not knowing what was going to happen. It's quite possible that the primary person did not know what was going to happen"...

"There are people that have knowledge who don't feel good about the knowledge they have. They may not be the primary person"....

"The abduction leader probably was an acquaintance 'who may have known their comings and goings'"

*"Secondary players may fear going to police because they think the primary culprit would retaliate."

"But anyone withholding information probably is feeling strong anxiety..."

"If you think you don't feel good about it now, don't think it's going to get any better. Don't think it's going to go away."
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If this was a random killer then leaving people behind didn’t carry such a greater risk.

Kidnapping 3 people isn’t exactly easy one would assume and carries a even greater risk of losing control at some point. If these women had no idea who was behind this attack then leaving at least 1 behind would make sense.

Tons of sexual predators only take one victim due how tough it is to even control one person let alone 3.

Logic has to come into play and no forced entry and the fact all 3 women were taken points to somebody who knew at least some of them.

Cops have even said the same at some point or another.

Completely get what you are saying and was just showing the other side. I actually think the person was known by them all, but the main target was Sherrill.
Many, if not most, single women alone burn outside lights including front door lights at night. It's called a small measure of security. The girls were not alarmed because they recognized the car that was there. The dog didn't bark when they came in because it knew Suzie, of course. They got ready for bed and then either wondered why Sherrill and the other person hadn't checked in on the sounds of two unexpected girls coming in or they decided to check on Sherrill and it went from there or they decided to go to bed because there was NOTHING on their hinky meters and were taken control of then. Nobody knew there was going to be anything bad until it went down and went too too far.
Why? What evidence do you have?

It is a theory. I just said this is what I think happened, not what did happen. I think the target was Sherrill because of the night. She was supposed to be alone. Most likely someone she knew because of the time and most likely Suzie would know as well. Stacey for me may or may not. As I said before I think, I do not know. All just a theory.
Many, if not most, single women alone burn outside lights including front door lights at night. It's called a small measure of security. The girls were not alarmed because they recognized the car that was there. The dog didn't bark when they came in because it knew Suzie, of course. They got ready for bed and then either wondered why Sherrill and the other person hadn't checked in on the sounds of two unexpected girls coming in or they decided to check on Sherrill and it went from there or they decided to go to bed because there was NOTHING on their hinky meters and were taken control of then. Nobody knew there was going to be anything bad until it went down and went too too far.

I agree
Hi Everyone! I've been reading/lurking here for years and have followed all the various theories with interest as I was roughly the same age and lived in MO. With little evidence to go on it seems the discussion, unfortunately, becomes a game of probabilities, but anything can happen in this world. That being said, I happened to read of an interesting coincidence. Nigel Kennedy was Suzie's best friend. Nigel's uncle, Walt, was also married to Cheryl Ann Kenney who's missing person case from 1991 has never been solved (along with Angela Hammond). What are the chances of that, someone losing both an Aunt (I believe it was a step-aunt, but nonetheless) and then her best friend, her best friend's Mom and another friend/classmate via unresolved disappearance? Bound to be some pretty steep odds.

Now I'm not saying Nigel was aware of anyone threatening, but maybe some connection/acquaintance involved on one side was unwittingly introduced to the other?
Is the relationship verifiable ? Thanks ! (Guess I should look myself ! )
Is the relationship verifiable ? Thanks ! (Guess I should look myself ! )
Haven't verified Nigel's familial relationship yet. Walter James appears from Nevada and a long-term estate settlement Cedar County MO (Stockton is in the area). Interesting, but not much.
Hi Everyone! I've been reading/lurking here for years and have followed all the various theories with interest as I was roughly the same age and lived in MO. With little evidence to go on it seems the discussion, unfortunately, becomes a game of probabilities, but anything can happen in this world. That being said, I happened to read of an interesting coincidence. Nigel Kennedy was Suzie's best friend. Nigel's uncle, Walt, was also married to Cheryl Ann Kenney who's missing person case from 1991 has never been solved (along with Angela Hammond). What are the chances of that, someone losing both an Aunt (I believe it was a step-aunt, but nonetheless) and then her best friend, her best friend's Mom and another friend/classmate via unresolved disappearance? Bound to be some pretty steep odds.

Now I'm not saying Nigel was aware of anyone threatening, but maybe some connection/acquaintance involved on one side was unwittingly introduced to the other?

Recall where you read this interesting coincidence ? Could be helpful if possible. TY
Two thoughts on the finances:
First, anyone in a tip profession will be told (from co-workers) that the IRS will first compare the deposits in your bank account to your paycheck. You quickly learn not to take tip money to the bank to deposit. Money orders were cheap (49 cents) and available in many places. So you used a money order instead of a check if you had to mail a pyament. Or you paid bills in cash - you used to be able to make many utility payments at grocery stores with cash back then.
Second - It is true Sherril would not be responsible for her ex's debts. But if there was joint debt they both signed for (a credit card, car loan, mortgage), she would still be liable for that debt even if the divorce decree assigned it to him. It's possible her credit was good enough to get the house and cars, but she suspected he'd not keep his end of the divorce deal and their joint debts could come back to her.
The long and short of the finance issues reside in the papers printing that police thought that Sherrill was living beyond her means, and there were some red flags about her finances beyond that. That then is followed by Worsham saying once again something to the affect of, "It nothing, we've sorted that out, we've pretty much sorted that out, there were no issues with Sherrills finances.
This is one of the major problems with this case. You have the papers reporting a story, most of which is dictated by the police. The police say there are concerns about certain things, then Worsham or another cop chimes in at the end of the story, "Oh there's nothing to see......Move along". Give me a freaking break already. I'm surprised that no one in the media ever called him and others out for this idiocy in the weeks and months that followed the crime. I would love to ask him why he allowed the media to print things the police still had issues with, but then butt-dressed everything that seemed potentially important with, "We've pretty much sorted all that out", "He was just off on some of his times".(MH timeline issue). Or, Bla Bla Bla Sherrills finances, followed by him saying, "There was nothing wrong with her finances".
Very hard to say. There are a couple of threads here on WS re: the Cheryl Kenney case and there definitely are some negative comments around LE and some curiosities involving her husband. Her son is on here, as well. But even if there's nothing concrete there it sure strikes me as an odd coincidence that Nigel would have family/friends involved in two, separate, unsolved disappearances. Again, casting no aspersions her way - just that there may be a common thread amongst the cases.
I have to say, if you are correct with these connections, those are very very strange to say the least!!! Although, I personally believe that the two men and may be a couple more, that are responsible for the Trudy Darby murder, were also possibly responsible for Cheryl Kenney and potentially Angela Hammond. Hammond a little less likely based on the M.O. But Cheryl Kenney's M.O. matches almost exactly to the M.O. of the Trudy Darby case. And, one of the men serving live for Trudy Darby's murder, confessed that, "If they knew all that we'd did, they'd fry us for sure". I'm pretty sure Trudy Darby wasn't their only crime!
But all that aside, very interesting and odd connection if it's true. The Nigel one.
Hello, papers get things wrong, they ALWAYS have depending on where they get their information. I was the victim of a crime while I was at work years ago. The hospital I worked for gave a statement to the local newspaper that wasn't exactly the way things happened at all but staff was warned against talking to the press. The paper printed what the hospital's spokesman told them. It wasn't correct. Law enforcement knew the truth but the community only knew the false information that was printed.
Hello, papers get things wrong, they ALWAYS have depending on where they get their information. I was the victim of a crime while I was at work years ago. The hospital I worked for gave a statement to the local newspaper that wasn't exactly the way things happened at all but staff was warned against talking to the press. The paper printed what the hospital's spokesman told them. It wasn't correct. Law enforcement knew the truth but the community only knew the false information that was printed.
Yes, but there is a huge difference with what happened in this case. In this case you have police giving the papers and other media stories, but then contradicting their own stories at the end of the stories. Pending sense of urgency, Nothing to see. Red flag suspicion, Nothing to see. It wasn't just necessarily the papers getting the stories wrong, which you're right they very much had a tendency to do that with this case. But rather, it's the police telling the papers stories, that lead one to think that the police are concerned about something, or looking for a lead on something, and then at end of at least two major issues, Worsham says, Nothings wrong, everything is normal. If that's the case, then why tell the story or raise the suspicion in the first place. Not normal!
I dont think some reporter trying to fill a newspaper article really has anything to do with finding any answers that would supply any conclusions that would help solve this case.

The streeter family was not some big haunchos living on wall street, nor were they involved with the horse mafia, so the question of their finances would be completely mute to the equivalent of grabbing for straws when it comes to bringing a conclusion to this case.
I dont think some reporter trying to fill a newspaper article really has anything to do with finding any answers that would supply any conclusions that would help solve this case.

The streeter family was not some big haunchos living on wall street, nor were they involved with the horse mafia, so the question of their finances would be completely mute to the equivalent of grabbing for straws when it comes to bringing a conclusion to this case.

Would you care to define the "horse mafia " please ?
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