Missouri - The Springfield Three--missing since June 1992 - #16

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I’ll ask again...If this “party 40” existed...

1) where was the stage
2) how many people were there
3) where did they park
4) your “Dyke’s” connection is incorrect. The property owner shares the same last name, but there is no relationship.

1996 aerial imagery shows no stage.
The north side of the road is a steep hill.
The south side of the road is a flood plain next to the creek.
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This has always troubled me as well. It makes no sense.

I attribute this to Janelle’s fear that something was going to happen or had happened. Her worst fears were realized and she couldn’t think straight that day. Her actions are inexplicable that day. None of what she did seemed logical.

I would certainly like to know who the girls were talking to at the Hanover party. I’m speculating that Janelle may have seen someone she suspected was a potential predator.

Why did Janelle go to Appleby’s house? She could have called the McCalls from the Delmar home and cut short all the delay. Evidently it never made sense to the SPD either. She complained about this and wanted to know if they ever talked to one another.

If I were the police I would have a long discussion with Appleby. I don’t see him as a suspect but I would want to pick his brains. There must have been some reason why Janelle went to see him that day. Why? What might he know?

Didn’t Asher tell Janelle “there is still time.” What is that supposed to mean?

A FYI: The distance between Janelle’s home and the Delmar home is 11.6 miles. Being familiar with the area, I would guess it would take about 20 minutes to drive.

Brian Joy lived around the corner from Janelle. So it is highly unlikely the girls or anyone else would be at his home.

Having followed many murder cases, one question always is posed to witnesses, relatives or friends. “Who do they suspect?” I’ll bet there would be many of the same names that would come up by most people.

If we think about our own circumstances and a family member went missing, had no enemies, no motive, the chances are great each of us could still come up with suspects and many would key on the same person or persons. Not in all cases but in most cases. The first suspects are always the spouses, close family members and business associates. And last but not least who stands to benefit? How much life insurance was being carried on the decedent or missing person?

Did we ever get a solid distance between Janelles and Brian Joy's house? I recall someone early on saying it was actually a pretty far walk. And as for the girls not staying there because it was so close, remember, unless Brian Joy was lying they actually WERE going to stay there until he decided they couldn't later on. So apparently they weren't afraid of the proximity to JK's house. After all, without their cars in the Joy driveway it's not like her mom would be peeping in windows and see them there.

Do you have a link to the video where Janelle complains to the police about whether or not they even talk to each other? I'd like to see it. To me, this could offer more support for Asher agreeing not to broadcast her actual alibi to the media. In other words, "didn't Asher tell you not to ask me these questions?" If Asher checked Janelle/Mike's real alibi and it was solid (for instance if they stayed at the Joy's and other party goers confirmed), and Ms Kirby asked him to please be discrete about it, I could see her getting pissed off if other cops kept poking and trying to reveal it to the media.
I’ll ask again...If this “party 40” existed...

1) where was the stage
2) how many people were there
3) where did they park
4) your “Dyke’s” connection is incorrect. The property owner shares the same last name, but there is no relationship.

1996 aerial imagery shows no stage.
The north side of the road is a steep hill.
The south side of the road is a flood plain next to the creek.
I've hosted some decent-sized "field parties" on our farm so I've always found this interesting. I've attached a street view shot of the alleged field (complete with the "Little House on the Prairie" sign) and I'm also not sure how this field would support much of a party. There's no obvious spot for a stage and, more than that, it's completely bisected by a tree-lined run-off ditch that would confine vehicles to one side or the other. Plus not much room for all of that plus a tour bus and equipment trucks. And on top of that, it's not well-hidden. If nefarious activity was happening there, it was happening without the benefit of much in the way of tree cover.


  • The Party 40.jpg
    The Party 40.jpg
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1. Janelle says she called and called with no answer. I guess she assumed they were still asleep, tired from the activities the day before.

They had plenty of time to go to White Water and spend the day there. What's the rush?

2. If Stacy and Suzie were actually at Joy's, they could have walked back to Janelle's as they walked from Janelle's to Joy's the day before.
Also, The two girls go missing and Suzie's mom does, too? From two different places? What are the odds?

Do we know for a fact that Janelle did not call The McCall house? Remember, Janis said they spent the day at a boat race, so there was no one to answer their phone.

If you're referring to my comments, I definitely do not think Susie and Stacy stayed at the Joy's. With the evidence presented, I'm 99.9% confident they were taken from Delmar. It's Janelle and Mike who I think may have shacked up together at the Joy residence. Apparently, some people did stay there because Joy tells the girls later they can't stay because there are "already too many people" or something along those lines. And if this was the case and JK/MH stayed at Brian Joy's house, they wouldn't be able to walk home that morning to get a car for fear of Janelle's mom seeing her. You never do the walk of shame back to your parents house. lol.

Think about it and just pretend my theory is true: since they walked, Janelle wouldn't have taken an overnight bag with her to have to cart around all night, nobody would do that- my guess is that her overnight bag would have been in Stacy's car (did we get a content list for the cars?). Brian Joy says they can all stay with him. Janelle calls her mom and says plans have changed, now I'm staying with Stacy. Stacy calls her mom and says plans have changed, now I'm staying with Janelle (confirmed). Moms say fine. Jk/MH stay there the whole time, Susie and Stacy go to Michelle Elders with Appleby or someone else. Elder party is broken up and now more people from that party come back to Joy's house (confirmed). Joy says to the new crowd: Can't stay, too many people already staying (confirmed). Stacy/Susie/Appleby leave, JK/MH stay there with intent that Stacy will come back and pick Janelle up early the next morning. Sherrill may be cool but she's not going to let Mike shack up over there.

When Stacy doesn't pick up the phone at 7:30am, Janelle is now stuck without a ride or her bag. She's only got the clothes she was partying in the night before and with all the family staying at her house, there's no way to walk home in her party clothes without her mom figuring out the lie. So she's getting frantic. She keeps calling Stacy over and over. It's super early and the other kids who stayed at Joy's are all hungover and asleep, no one will take her anywhere right now. They will when they get up later. So she keeps calling. She thinks maybe "mommy's girl" ended up staying home after all but she doesn't want to get them all caught if she didn't, so she has someone else call to see if Stacy is there (Adina?). Stacy isn't there. Stacy's mom is getting ready to leave for the lake and tries to call Janelle's to check in before they go. Janelle's sister (not Janelle, why?) says Stacy isn't there. Don't you think Ms McCall would have asked to talk to Janelle to find out what's going on? Yet she didn't talk to her. This tells me Janelle wasn't there either. This is at 10:30, long before Janelle's 12:30 trip to Delmar.

Finally, around lunchtime, Janelle (and Mike?) are able to get a ride from a friend to Sherill's to check it out. (News Leader article from June 19 says that Janelle arrives at the residence "with friends" (plural).

Edit: Had a little more time to think about this. So supposing all the above is true, once Janelle gets to Susie's, she can now get her overnight bag and change clothes if it was in the car. Cars are locked, Janelle gets the keys from Stacy's purse and gets them out, changes, and now she's free to go back home without her clothes/car giving her away. She's pissed at Stacie and Susie, but still mostly worried about herself getting caught. She goes back home and finds out that Stacy's mom has already called and talked to her sister. Crap. So at least for Stacy, the gig is now up. If Janelle's sister is loyal, she hasn't told Janelle's mom yet and Janelle can still salvage her own story as long as Stacy's mom doesn't call her house again. So Janelle calls Ms McCall first and gives her Susie's unlisted number to prevent that from happening, obviously not telling her that she's already been there and seen purses/cars/etc. (confirmed by MsMcCall who says she wasn't made aware of any of this until much later on when Adina's mother told her).

Edit Edit: And we actually KNOW that Janelle makes no mention to MsMcCall about having been there because Ms McCall says at this point she believes the girls are still just sleeping which is why Stacy doesn't answer. If indeed Janelle stayed home that night and therefore has nothing to hide (and MsMcCall now knows Stacy stayed at Susie's) why doesn't she disclose that she's already been there?
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Another thing I just thought of. Back in the 80's, a lot of waterparks had changing rooms with lockers and people actually used them. So you could arrive at the water park in clothes, go to the locker room, put on your suit and walk barefooted straight out to the slides. This was common. Suppose Janelle packed with this in mind, so she didn't have shoes other than maybe the cute slip ons she was wearing out the night before. Would work fine at a water park with a locker room, wouldn't look so convincing if she showed up at her own house wearing a bathing suit and those shoes right? So she'd be barefoot by necessity even though it makes absolutely zero sense for walking across the parking lot of a theme park. This detail makes me believe she didn't get dressed for WW at her own house, where she would have had access to a multitude of shoes.
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Also: and I promise I will shut up after this. The fact that BOTH Mr. and Mrs. Kirby show up at Delmar that night. We know that for a while at least, even Stacy's own father wasn't at Delmar. But Janelle's father was? Why? I would suggest it could be because she had been busted for shacking up with Mike and was in serious trouble with her folks. This reminds me of my teenage years: serious trouble meant both parents, including my dad who wasn't usually that involved. In this case I could see Ms Kirby freaking out that her daughter's transgressions (remember even Staci and Susie didn't really do anything bad by sleeping over at Sherrill's) are about to be broadcast all over the news. And right before she goes to college and tries to join a sorority, what will all the good churchgoers of Springfield think? It would be a family disgrace to people like this- I know because I'm from a similar town. Adina and her mother's involvement throughout the day makes me feel like perhaps Adina had stayed wherever Janelle and mike did. This could have created the weird sort of camaraderie we have all wondered about at Delmar....where Adina's mother and Ms Kirby are hanging out, brewing coffee and acting like it's social hour. A "we're in this together" sort of thing
Did we ever get a solid distance between Janelles and Brian Joy's house? I recall someone early on saying it was actually a pretty far walk. And as for the girls not staying there because it was so close, remember, unless Brian Joy was lying they actually WERE going to stay there until he decided they couldn't later on. So apparently they weren't afraid of the proximity to JK's house. After all, without their cars in the Joy driveway it's not like her mom would be peeping in windows and see them there.

Do you have a link to the video where Janelle complains to the police about whether or not they even talk to each other? I'd like to see it. To me, this could offer more support for Asher agreeing not to broadcast her actual alibi to the media. In other words, "didn't Asher tell you not to ask me these questions?" If Asher checked Janelle/Mike's real alibi and it was solid (for instance if they stayed at the Joy's and other party goers confirmed), and Ms Kirby asked him to please be discrete about it, I could see her getting pissed off if other cops kept poking and trying to reveal it to the media.
BBM: I don't think LE's first priority was to preserve Janelle's reputation. MOO
I've hosted some decent-sized "field parties" on our farm so I've always found this interesting. I've attached a street view shot of the alleged field (complete with the "Little House on the Prairie" sign) and I'm also not sure how this field would support much of a party. There's no obvious spot for a stage and, more than that, it's completely bisected by a tree-lined run-off ditch that would confine vehicles to one side or the other. Plus not much room for all of that plus a tour bus and equipment trucks. And on top of that, it's not well-hidden. If nefarious activity was happening there, it was happening without the benefit of much in the way of tree cover.

And, that field is not even part of the 40 acres owned by a person with the last name Dykes. But, we are told this is where the stage and party was?

While others will disagree (and that is fine) I don’t have any reason not to trust Asher in what he has said. What I personally (opinion) think hurt the investigation, is what sounds like confusion / turmoil within the department due to how high of a profile this case was.
I'm struggling with this timeline regarding the foundation pour. Per the attached article, Randy Little only "announced plans" for the new store in mid-November 1992, with "construction" to begin in December. Yet by that point our 3MW had already been missing for 5mos. For this storyline to be true that means there would have been bare concrete standing there, just waiting for building construction, ever since the prime weather summer months?

That aside, does anyone know if PFI has a basement (this would be somewhat rare for a modern commercial, retail building)? If not, the "foundation" is likely nothing more than a 4 or 6in floor and some supporting wing walls if there are grade/elevation changes or in the area of a loading dock (does it have one?). If the pour really happened on a Sunday morning (also very rare) it would already have been "formed up" on Saturday, which means the underlying rock would have been graded and rebar/wire grid would have been tied up. Who's going to tear all that up ( in the wee hours of the morning) to then dig a hole and dispose of 1 to 3 women, and then regrade and re-tire the rebar/wire? There's no way a 6in floor covers up an adult body.
This narrative just seems quite fantastical from a real-world concrete flatwork perspective.
the pour was done on that sunday , the concrete co,was boliver ready mix , the owner was austin underdahl , the forms were set by larry melton , randy kessler , the cement slab was a crew kenny price , ask any of the crew -the concrete burped and cracked it required another yard and plenty of water to trough it , there is not 3 bodies there , only one , boliver ready mix was ran out of cattlemens truck stop on hwy 60 , randy little almost lived in the truck stop restaurant , randy kessler lived in the mobile home with his mother , and was austins brother in law , larry melton lived in the motel ,the forms were set for weeks in advance , the crew reflected that little ordered it poured on sunday with only a days advance notice ,
This has always troubled me as well. It makes no sense.

I attribute this to Janelle’s fear that something was going to happen or had happened. Her worst fears were realized and she couldn’t think straight that day. Her actions are inexplicable that day. None of what she did seemed logical.

I would certainly like to know who the girls were talking to at the Hanover party. I’m speculating that Janelle may have seen someone she suspected was a potential predator.

Why did Janelle go to Appleby’s house? She could have called the McCalls from the Delmar home and cut short all the delay. Evidently it never made sense to the SPD either. She complained about this and wanted to know if they ever talked to one another.

If I were the police I would have a long discussion with Appleby. I don’t see him as a suspect but I would want to pick his brains. There must have been some reason why Janelle went to see him that day. Why? What might he know?

Didn’t Asher tell Janelle “there is still time.” What is that supposed to mean?

A FYI: The distance between Janelle’s home and the Delmar home is 11.6 miles. Being familiar with the area, I would guess it would take about 20 minutes to drive.

Brian Joy lived around the corner from Janelle. So it is highly unlikely the girls or anyone else would be at his home.

Having followed many murder cases, one question always is posed to witnesses, relatives or friends. “Who do they suspect?” I’ll bet there would be many of the same names that would come up by most people.

If we think about our own circumstances and a family member went missing, had no enemies, no motive, the chances are great each of us could still come up with suspects and many would key on the same person or persons. Not in all cases but in most cases. The first suspects are always the spouses, close family members and business associates. And last but not least who stands to benefit? How much life insurance was being carried on the decedent or missing person?

That's a lot of different subjects to unpack, let me comment on the last few lines of your lengthy post.

I don't much care for giving unsolicited advice, however you do know that I'm an avid fisherman.

It.didn't take me long to realize that I needed to purchase fresh bait if I wanted to catch trophy worthy fish because using spoiled bait will only result in catching bottom feeders.
@Bartt Streeter
I have one question if you don’t mind , was your mother and sister known to ever walk to George’s and back ? Or did they commonly go for walks or go jogging around the neighbor hood or beyond ?
Thank you ,
mr, bartt , we,ve all ended up with demons , that haunt us , over this , BUT , to finally and hopefully put you in the right direction . on the subject ( RICKY DYKES ) , forget for one second how hes involved , he admitted he was and the connections support his ties , i want you to remember cheryl kenny the young blonde missing from nevada mo, in 1991 , her son left behind was josh darnell , his real father from time in the town of eldorado springs was none other then larry roberts , NEPHEW ``to ricky dykes , the cases are linked
-the pawn shop owner paid for rickys wifes funeral ,JUDY
-ricky had the green van
ricky did time in leavenworth with steve garrison
-ricky worked for gerald carnahan , at diversified plastic , -per case .net - 2 guys seen driving the green van by northview , concrete workers , ricky and danny dykes , -both working for kenny price concrete contractin


  • the real van.jpg
    the real van.jpg
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@Bartt Streeter
I have one question if you don’t mind , was your mother and sister known to ever walk to George’s and back ? Or did they commonly go for walks or go jogging around the neighbor hood or beyond ?
Thank you ,

I do not believe my mother ever stepped foot into George's Steakhouse.

As far as, my mother and sister specifically walking the Delmar neighborhood. I do not know.
mr, bartt , we,ve all ended up with demons , that haunt us , over this , BUT , to finally and hopefully put you in the right direction . on the subject ( RICKY DYKES ) , forget for one second how hes involved , he admitted he was and the connections support his ties , i want you to remember cheryl kenny the young blonde missing from nevada mo, in 1991 , her son left behind was josh darnell , his real father from time in the town of eldorado springs was none other then larry roberts , NEPHEW ``to ricky dykes , the cases are linked
-the pawn shop owner paid for rickys wifes funeral ,JUDY
-ricky had the green van
ricky did time in leavenworth with steve garrison
-ricky worked for gerald carnahan , at diversified plastic , -per case .net - 2 guys seen driving the green van by northview , concrete workers , ricky and danny dykes , -both working for kenny price concrete contractin

Please continue and if you could inform me of the direct connection to anyone in my family it would be greatly appreciated.
Please continue and if you could inform me of the direct connection to anyone in my family it would be greatly appreciated.
i can put you to suzys most recent boyfriend , at the time of her disappearece - or 3 days prior to the abduction . my guess is suzy was greatly admired and knew lots of friends , but one came forward swears that suzy told him , carnahan was dating sheryl , and that suzy said more than once , she -suzy was scared of him , the way he looked at her and talked filthy to her . all all this in thev 72 hours before they went missing ,
I just found a roster of Kickapoo High School class of 1991 and I don't know if this was common knowledge but Brian Joy and Mike Henson were in the same class, a year older than Janelle/Susie/Stacy.
Kickapoo High School Class Of 1991 Alumni, Springfield, MO

I'm really feeling like Mike and Brian were friends and this was the connection the girls had to the Brian Joy party. And if "people" did stay at Brian Joy's house, I think it's a pretty good bet that Mike Henson was one of them.
i can put you to suzys most recent boyfriend , at the time of her disappearece - or 3 days prior to the abduction . my guess is suzy was greatly admired and knew lots of friends , but one came forward swears that suzy told him , carnahan was dating sheryl , and that suzy said more than once , she -suzy was scared of him , the way he looked at her and talked filthy to her . all all this in thev 72 hours before they went missing ,

Thank you for your quick and concise response.

Who are you referring to as Suzie's boyfriend within 3 days of their abductions ?
the pour was done on that sunday , the concrete co,was boliver ready mix , the owner was austin underdahl , the forms were set by larry melton , randy kessler , the cement slab was a crew kenny price , ask any of the crew -the concrete burped and cracked it required another yard and plenty of water to trough it , there is not 3 bodies there , only one , boliver ready mix was ran out of cattlemens truck stop on hwy 60 , randy little almost lived in the truck stop restaurant , randy kessler lived in the mobile home with his mother , and was austins brother in law , larry melton lived in the motel ,the forms were set for weeks in advance , the crew reflected that little ordered it poured on sunday with only a days advance notice ,
But...none of this fits with the timeline of the new PFI building. You're saying they poured the floor on Sunday (!!) June 7, but waited until the following November to announce construction of the building to sit on the slab?
Thank you for your quick and concise response.

Who are you referring to as Suzie's boyfriend within 3 days of their abductions ?
i will look for a link to send the info to you , off this site ( our group had threats of harm in the 30 days leading to june 6th, no less then 6 times , facebook threats with pages with dead links , direct threats from some on behalf of names we have seen on here ,
But...none of this fits with the timeline of the new PFI building. You're saying they poured the floor on Sunday (!!) June 7, but waited until the following November to announce construction of the building to sit on the slab?
the foundation on that sunday morning , yes indeed . it was the oddest thing ever , the entire crew had to pull double time and work on their day off .
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