Here you go LL:
Q So this isn't somebody that if something had
13 happened to either yourself or your husband that you had
14 a method of reaching out and get ahold of this --
A Actually, I had phone numbers for Zanny at
16 different times and I had addresses at different times.
17 Q Why don't you tell me the phone number.
18 A I don't have it now.
19 Q Where is it?
20 A I -- I don't have it now.
21 Q Where would it have been?
22 A Would have been in an address book, something
23 that Casey had or I had.
24 Q So when you say you had -- let me get this
25 straight. You had addresses and phone numbers of Zanny,
>Rough Draft - 23
1 and Zanny is -- your understanding -- when you're saying
2 Zanny, I want to make sure, Zanny is the person that you
3 were saying was watching --
4 A Casey always gave me a phone number, yes.
5 Q And these phone numbers, you're saying they
6 are in existence and you've written them down somewhere
7 in an address book and they're out there somewhere to be
8 found; is that right?
9 A
I gave all that to the sheriff's department.
10 Q So then the sheriff's department will have all
11 that?
12 A I gave it all to the sheriff's department.
pg 19 (cont 20,21) Cindy Anthony
21 Q And once again, as far as the phone number and
22 how to get ahold of her or address, that would have been
23 all information that had been given to you by Casey and
24 you say you've turned all that over?
25 A Right. Casey would give me a new phone number
>Rough Draft - 29
1 for Zanny probably every three months because she said
2 the girl changed her phone number almost like she changed
3 her address.
pg 24
25 give those addresses to Dominic Casey, the Zenaida
>Rough Draft - 89
Gonzalez information?
2 A No, I didn't.
3 Q Why not?
A Because I gave them to José Baez when I had
5 them.
6 Q And is it your understanding that José Baez --
7 do you know what he did with them?
8 A I have no idea. And I know Dominic was
9 working for him when I gave them to him.
pg 75 Cindy Anthony depo 4/9