"Mistatements" and/or Lies by Cindy & George

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Does anyone doubt that J Hoover, the other PI, shared the information with either the A's or DC about a person reportedly seeing KC's car backed into that area where Caylee was found and that is why they were looking and probing that area? I can't see JH keeping that as a secret. jmo
Does anyone doubt that J Hoover, the other PI, shared the information with either the A's or DC about a person reportedly seeing KC's car backed into that area where Caylee was found and that is why they were looking and probing that area? I can't see JH keeping that as a secret. jmo

I am skeptical about it. I have long felt that KC sent a message about Caylee's location through JB to CA. No doubt, blaiming the outcome on that terrible Zany Nany person. Perhaps framed by, "I heard this in jail from another inmate... Caylee is located at..."
I am skeptical about it. I have long felt that KC sent a message about Caylee's location through JB to CA. No doubt, blaiming the outcome on that terrible Zany Nany person. Perhaps framed by, "I heard this in jail from another inmate... Caylee is located at..."

I don't think so. I don't think KC would ever tell anything or send any messages that would lead anyone to Caylee. She never wanted her found. She doubled over when she was. She is a sociopath and is never going to admit her involvement, this is just my opinion. She is not going to do it.

So Dominic started looking behind the school - big shock - KC went to school there - she drove around with the body for about three days and it started to smell and she dropped her in a place she knew best - behind her school.

I think people read too much into things. This is a transparent crime committed by a sociopath who is BEYOND transparent. I would have been surprised if she buried her someplace else. Although I would not be surprised if she considered her back yard.
ok- I I know this is not a florida room but this is the one video I have not been able to find that always seemed Cindy led and I assumed it was with Holly. With the fenced background and outdoors, not being widly spread I guess I kinda remembered it as it may have been done on a porch so when I read this post this is the first video that popped into my head. The quality isn't that great, looks like someone just taped it off their TV but I could not find another anywhwere. I hope this is what you were looking for.. if not sorry for butting in!! :)





ETA- and it cuts off- it isn't the full interview. I wish I could find the whole thing. Julia will find it for us!!

2nd ETA- Boy if she don't seem manic!
Cindy should never have given up her day job.
Oh boy! Public speaking isn't one of her fortes.
Much of what you say I relate to, however, we do have a statement that was made, something to the effect of, Common, were going to find Caylee, bring your camara. And also didn't JB say not to notify the police if Caylee's body was found? This says to me that someone told them were to look. They brought a camara, and a rod to probe the soil with. A tool they were told they were going to need, as most people don't walk around with a steel rod in their hands. They were within a couple of feet of Caylee's body, but do to the thick undergrowth, couldn't find it.
Much of what you say I relate to, however, we do have a statement that was made, something to the effect of, Common, were going to find Caylee, bring your camara. And also didn't JB say not to notify the police if Caylee's body was found? This says to me that someone told them were to look. They brought a camara, and a rod to probe the soil with. A tool they were told they were going to need, as most people don't walk around with a steel rod in their hands. They were within a couple of feet of Caylee's body, but do to the thick undergrowth, couldn't find it.

He did not find Caylee, but he did find a pink floral blanket with a hole in it that looks very much like a blanket LE now has in their possession, passed over as evidence to the defense. Hole in the evidence blanket is similar/in the same spot as the blanket DC picked up with his stick. I believe there are comparison photos of the blankets in another thread....so, even if DC just went back and told CA he found a certain blanket, she could have linked it back to Caylee easily.

ETA: Bumped the thread where we went over the blanket with the hole in it....If not before, than after DC went down there, CA knew for sure Caylee was/had been there, IMO. I believe the way that blanket is presented in the doc dumps is indicative that it was of some investigative value, but it is not the Pooh blanket....see the other thread, Pooh blanket is not all Caylee had, she had a pink floral blanket, too, which CA would have been very aware of.
THANK YOU for posting that long lost interview with Cindy. I sat through the whole thing saying to myself "jesus". All that nonsense about November elections and being proud of her county commissioners and WHAT????? Absolute fruitcake lunacy.

I am FASCINATED by Cindy Anthony. Truly fascinated.

Me too, in case ya haven't already noticed. LOL
LolaMoon08 said:
This just made me think of something that happened between me and my niece when she was only three years old and I was seventeen.

I was driving down the road and the car in front of me hit a cat and the cat flew up into the air and landed on my car. I was devastated. I was so distraught that I had to pull over because I was crying (I had and still have a cat). Well, my little niece comforted me until I was able to drive. Saying "It wasn't your fault Aunt Heather. It'll be okay Aunt Heather. It was the other cars fault. etc..." She came up in front of the car to sit with me. Give me hugs and kisses. Talking me into being able to stop crying enough to drive us home.

I still remind my niece (now 16 ) about that day. She's still the same caring (when she isn't having one of her own teenage meltdowns) kid as she was when she was three. Love her! Love her! Love her!

Anyways... I do think that Caylee witnessed a lot in her short life. I think Cindy had no problem playing off of the innocent emotions of a two-year-old Caylee. Getting some kind of sick satisfaction of playing the victim for Caylee so that Caylee would comfort her. I don't really know how to explain it... but I just think that Cindy would have no problem saying negative things about Casey to Caylee... like "Mommy hurt Na Na's feelings, etc...) Only for Caylee to shower her with kisses cause Na Na was sad... etc... Children are just always so willing to give you their love. It's a shame when it is abused and forced. Because the memories when it does happen naturally are truely magical and things you take with you the rest of your life.

Bold is mine-

Emotional incest
Were CA and GA or evene LA asked directly if any of them attempted to clean the car other than "air it out"?
Were CA and GA or evene LA asked directly if any of them attempted to clean the car other than "air it out"?

YES, CA was asked and she drew on paper where items were in the Pontiac she removed and what she did with them. CA also went into her de-rail detailed version of what/why/how she did it.

Now, this info is either in her depo with the state (look here first up in the reference thread) or an interview. I don't remember about GA or LA but CA I do.
As many "mis-statements" or "lies" we have from George and Cindy to use against them... nothing is going to be as powerful come trial time as what was never said by either one of them.... which was a public appeal to the "kidnapper" for the safe return of Caylee. Not once, in all of their public tirades did they ask for this. Not only did they never ask/plead/beg for Caylee's safe return... once it was confirmed that the remains were in fact Caylee's, in I believe one of the depositions (can't recall which one), Cindy was asked if she was actively seeking to find the "killer" of her grandbaby... Cindy replied that it was not her job... it was Law Enforcement's/her Private Investigators job.

Seriously, who answers a question like that? Her two-year-old grandbaby was found murdered. Not only murdered, but thrown away like trash. Duct tape wrapped around her airwaves. Her tiny bones scattered by the elements of being out in those woods for months on end and it isn't her job to find out who killed her? She had no problem making it her job to impend the investigation on the "disappearance" of Caylee... but once Caylee is found to be in fact, deceased, she no longer cared? That is how it came across to me?

I really don't know what Cindy thinks she will gain by now claiming that Caylee is alive. How is she to explain the fact that she had a child's remains cremated, if not Caylee's? How is she to explain away the fact that she had a very public memorial for Caylee, if Caylee was alive? How is she to explain away all the "anniversary" appearances on national/local news stations, if Caylee is alive? If she claims Caylee to still be alive on the stand, come trial time, she will have to explain these things.

I don't think for a minute that Cindy believes Caylee to be alive. I think this another one of her attempts to... I really don't know what she is trying to do by claiming this... but it has "malicious intent" written all over it. It is evil all the way around. Cindy scares me. A lot. I find her to be a disgusting human being and I believe a jury of sensible people will see right through her. They won't fall for her "grieving grandmother" act.

I do believe that Cindy loved Caylee... but not a good kind of love. She used Caylee. She used that innocent baby to gain whatever it is that she was seeking at the time she was seeking it. Casey played Cindy's game right along with her. A disgusting game of tug-a-war for the ultimate control over one another... and over Caylee.

Poor Caylee! I seriously can not wait until this trial is over! I want so much to see justice for Caylee. I want so much for that precious baby to finally have peace. I want so much to never have to hear another word come out of any of their mouths. Cindy, George, Lee, Casey, Jose, etc... I want them all to just go away. Forever. I want to remember Caylee... without having to think of all the horrible people she was surrounded with in life... and in death. To be able to be a part of this forum when all is said and done... and we can all breath and look up to the sky and say.... Caylee, this was for you! Justice is yours... and only yours! That she will see nothing but the love of thousands of strangers who stood by her side for that moment when the person responsible for her death is found guilty.

Okay... I am getting really sentimental...
I don't think so. I don't think KC would ever tell anything or send any messages that would lead anyone to Caylee. She never wanted her found. She doubled over when she was. She is a sociopath and is never going to admit her involvement, this is just my opinion. She is not going to do it.

So Dominic started looking behind the school - big shock - KC went to school there - she drove around with the body for about three days and it started to smell and she dropped her in a place she knew best - behind her school.

I think people read too much into things. This is a transparent crime committed by a sociopath who is BEYOND transparent. I would have been surprised if she buried her someplace else. Although I would not be surprised if she considered her back yard.

I totally agree.
Very good post, LolaMoon. Now think about this. Defense is looking for ANOTHER person who put the body at the remains site. If CA is saying that the remains are NOT Caylee then what child was killed and placed there with all of the articles from the A's home. Obviously if it is someone else's child and not Caylee then someone from the A's home placed her there in their trash bags, in Caylee's clothes, in their laundry bag, in Caylee's blanket and other articles which match items of Caylee's and the A's home. So which is it CA? If Caylee is still alive that would mean KC may have killed another child?

Does CA really believe someone would actually believe this? Because if she keeps up with this "Caylee is alive" she may as well inject KC right now. jmo
Very good post, LolaMoon. Now think about this. Defense is looking for ANOTHER person who put the body at the remains site. If CA is saying that the remains are NOT Caylee then what child was killed and placed there with all of the articles from the A's home. Obviously if it is someone else's child and not Caylee then someone from the A's home placed her there in their trash bags, in Caylee's clothes, in their laundry bag, in Caylee's blanket and other articles which match items of Caylee's and the A's home. So which is it CA? If Caylee is still alive that would mean KC may have killed another child?

Does CA really believe someone would actually believe this? Because if she keeps up with this "Caylee is alive" she may as well inject KC right now. jmo

Great thinking...

On another note... Cindy really has NO idea how this could REALLY backfire on her.

*** Caylee is alive. Okay, Mrs. Anthony. I'll go along with your "story." Amazingly, a child, of toddler years, with the same exact DNA as Caylee Marie, is found out in those woods just down the street from your home. With items that link directly back to your home. Your own private investigator, Dominic Casey, was out in those woods in November... which we have on tape. Not only that... but we have in your own words that you had sent someone out there and nothing was there in November. I realize that you now claim to have known nothing about Dominic Casey being out into those woods prior to December 11th, 2008... but your son has informed us that you DID in fact know that Dominic Casey was out in those woods in November... Is your son lying? We understand that it runs in the family, but what would Lee gain by lying about something like this?

Okay, let's move on. You say that the remains of this "unknown child" were not there in November. Okay, I believe you. So, Casey was in jail... lucky for us, we have proof that Caylee Marie is in fact deceased, we had enough evidence to convict Casey without Caylee's body. The evidence is in the trunk of the car... so, now we have two deceased toddlers on our hands... according to you.

Again, this "unknown toddler" was found with items directly leading back to your home and according to you, and only you, the child's remains were placed there between mid-November and early December. Now how would anyone, other than the murderer, know this Mrs. Anthony? We know that no one, not Zanny, not Jesse, not Tony, not Ricardo, not Amy, not Roy, or anyone you would like to point the finger at this week, had access to your home between July 2008 and December 2008. You had even set up your own personal security cameras that would have caught anyone gaining access to your home. We have you using duct tape, that matches the duct tape found on this "unknown toddlers" skull in the months leading up to the remains being found in December. We even have the same rare brand of duct tape found on a gas can in your home... a piece that you have stated that your husband, George Anthony, placed on the gas can himself... something that he adamently denies. We can place you, by way of your private detective, with having access to the area where the remains were found. We have a blanket, a laundry bag, and garbage bags (similar to the ones in your home), that were found with this child's remains. We have clothes, that belonged to Caylee with the remains of this child... clothes that according to you and your husband, Caylee was not wearing the day her mother murdered her...

So, Mrs. Anthony, we would really like to know the name of this "unknown toddler" that you placed out in those woods to make it look like your granddaughters remains were placed there after your daughter was incarcerated?

No? Okay, Mrs. Anthony... you have the right to remain silent (giggles)... anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law... etc...***

I mean seriously, does Cindy even listen to herself when she says the things that she says? Isn't it just amazing at how they really think that people will believe the crap that comes out of their mouth? That we all should just take everything they say at face value... that we should never question them. How dare we question their word? It would be laughable if it weren't so disgusting, sick, and as close to evil as I have ever seen.
Great thinking...

On another note... Cindy really has NO idea how this could REALLY backfire on her.

*** Caylee is alive. Okay, Mrs. Anthony. I'll go along with your "story." Amazingly, a child, of toddler years, with the same exact DNA as Caylee Marie, is found out in those woods just down the street from your home. With items that link directly back to your home. Your own private investigator, Dominic Casey, was out in those woods in November... which we have on tape. Not only that... but we have in your own words that you had sent someone out there and nothing was there in November. I realize that you now claim to have known nothing about Dominic Casey being out into those woods prior to December 11th, 2008... but your son has informed us that you DID in fact know that Dominic Casey was out in those woods in November... Is your son lying? We understand that it runs in the family, but what would Lee gain by lying about something like this?

Okay, let's move on. You say that the remains of this "unknown child" were not there in November. Okay, I believe you. So, Casey was in jail... lucky for us, we have proof that Caylee Marie is in fact deceased, we had enough evidence to convict Casey without Caylee's body. The evidence is in the trunk of the car... so, now we have two deceased toddlers on our hands... according to you.

Again, this "unknown toddler" was found with items directly leading back to your home and according to you, and only you, the child's remains were placed there between mid-November and early December. Now how would anyone, other than the murderer, know this Mrs. Anthony? We know that no one, not Zanny, not Jesse, not Tony, not Ricardo, not Amy, not Roy, or anyone you would like to point the finger at this week, had access to your home between July 2008 and December 2008. You had even set up your own personal security cameras that would have caught anyone gaining access to your home. We have you using duct tape, that matches the duct tape found on this "unknown toddlers" skull in the months leading up to the remains being found in December. We even have the same rare brand of duct tape found on a gas can in your home... a piece that you have stated that your husband, George Anthony, placed on the gas can himself... something that he adamently denies. We can place you, by way of your private detective, with having access to the area where the remains were found. We have a blanket, a laundry bag, and garbage bags (similar to the ones in your home), that were found with this child's remains. We have clothes, that belonged to Caylee with the remains of this child... clothes that according to you and your husband, Caylee was not wearing the day her mother murdered her...

So, Mrs. Anthony, we would really like to know the name of this "unknown toddler" that you placed out in those woods to make it look like your granddaughters remains were placed there after your daughter was incarcerated?

No? Okay, Mrs. Anthony... you have the right to remain silent (giggles)... anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law... etc...***

I mean seriously, does Cindy even listen to herself when she says the things that she says? Isn't it just amazing at how they really think that people will believe the crap that comes out of their mouth? That we all should just take everything they say at face value... that we should never question them. How dare we question their word? It would be laughable if it weren't so disgusting, sick, and as close to evil as I have ever seen.

I think come trial, Cindy Anthony's opinions about anything will be irrelevant. She' a witness......end of story.
FYI: DC was working for the A's and in particular, CA. They knew he searched because he was obligated to tell them as an investigator working for them. Look at the emails DC sent to CA. Of course she knew and DC would have reported that to her directly. He would not have been doing his job if he hadn't told her.
As many "mis-statements" or "lies" we have from George and Cindy to use against them... nothing is going to be as powerful come trial time as what was never said by either one of them.... which was a public appeal to the "kidnapper" for the safe return of Caylee. Not once, in all of their public tirades did they ask for this. Not only did they never ask/plead/beg for Caylee's safe return... once it was confirmed that the remains were in fact Caylee's, in I believe one of the depositions (can't recall which one), Cindy was asked if she was actively seeking to find the "killer" of her grandbaby... Cindy replied that it was not her job... it was Law Enforcement's/her Private Investigators job.

Seriously, who answers a question like that? Her two-year-old grandbaby was found murdered. Not only murdered, but thrown away like trash. Duct tape wrapped around her airwaves. Her tiny bones scattered by the elements of being out in those woods for months on end and it isn't her job to find out who killed her? She had no problem making it her job to impend the investigation on the "disappearance" of Caylee... but once Caylee is found to be in fact, deceased, she no longer cared? That is how it came across to me?

I really don't know what Cindy thinks she will gain by now claiming that Caylee is alive. How is she to explain the fact that she had a child's remains cremated, if not Caylee's? How is she to explain away the fact that she had a very public memorial for Caylee, if Caylee was alive? How is she to explain away all the "anniversary" appearances on national/local news stations, if Caylee is alive? If she claims Caylee to still be alive on the stand, come trial time, she will have to explain these things.

I don't think for a minute that Cindy believes Caylee to be alive. I think this another one of her attempts to... I really don't know what she is trying to do by claiming this... but it has "malicious intent" written all over it. It is evil all the way around. Cindy scares me. A lot. I find her to be a disgusting human being and I believe a jury of sensible people will see right through her. They won't fall for her "grieving grandmother" act.

I do believe that Cindy loved Caylee... but not a good kind of love. She used Caylee. She used that innocent baby to gain whatever it is that she was seeking at the time she was seeking it. Casey played Cindy's game right along with her. A disgusting game of tug-a-war for the ultimate control over one another... and over Caylee.

Poor Caylee! I seriously can not wait until this trial is over! I want so much to see justice for Caylee. I want so much for that precious baby to finally have peace. I want so much to never have to hear another word come out of any of their mouths. Cindy, George, Lee, Casey, Jose, etc... I want them all to just go away. Forever. I want to remember Caylee... without having to think of all the horrible people she was surrounded with in life... and in death. To be able to be a part of this forum when all is said and done... and we can all breath and look up to the sky and say.... Caylee, this was for you! Justice is yours... and only yours! That she will see nothing but the love of thousands of strangers who stood by her side for that moment when the person responsible for her death is found guilty.

Okay... I am getting really sentimental...

I couldn't let this post go by Moon without commenting. It's a great post. You write with passion.

The title of this thread to me is misleading. I don't believe Cindy has any "misstatements." To me they are all lies and she knows it. She is obessed with saving her daughter, Casey and thereby saving herself.

Did Cindy love Caylee? I don't think so. I think Cindy saw Caylee as a constant reminder of Casey's behavior and how it reflects badly on Cindy's abilities as a mother and mentor. How dare her daughter have a child out of wedlock. Yes, there are parents who still look harshly on that.

She didn't hate Caylee, but instead hated what she thought that little child represented - Casey's total disrespect for her parent guidence.

In my mind, Cindy is elbow deep into this case. She has done her best to railroad the evidence and progress of events. I would hope that once her daughter's trial is over, Cindy will have charges leveled against herself. jmo
I couldn't let this post go by Moon without commenting. It's a great post. You write with passion.

The title of this thread to me is misleading. I don't believe Cindy has any "misstatements." To me they are all lies and she knows it. She is obessed with saving her daughter, Casey and thereby saving herself.

Did Cindy love Caylee? I don't think so. I think Cindy saw Caylee as a constant reminder of Casey's behavior and how it reflects badly on Cindy's abilities as a mother and mentor. How dare her daughter have a child out of wedlock. Yes, there are parents who still look harshly on that.

She didn't hate Caylee, but instead hated what she thought that little child represented - Casey's total disrespect for her parent guidence.

In my mind, Cindy is elbow deep into this case. She has done her best to railroad the evidence and progress of events. I would hope that once her daughter's trial is over, Cindy will have charges leveled against herself. jmo

BBM: From your mouth to Gods ears AZ. If not I think she will have a mob again in front of her house, this time looking for her not ICA!
There are some statements made that I wish the Anthony's were confronted with. One of those statements is when George was screaming at the reporters/protestors and belted out "The body in my granddaughters trunk is not my granddaughter" or something close to that. IMO, it clearly shows that George knows that a body was in the trunk of that car... just that it wasn't Caylee's.

How many bodies are the Anthony's going to claim? We have the remains of a toddler found off Surburban Drive, that according to Cindy, do not belong to Caylee... and we have a body that was in the trunk of Casey's car that according to George, did not belong to Caylee.

So many things that they said in their interviews bothers me... things that I don't even know if they will be brought up at trial? Can the State bring some of these statements up? Like when George claimed that he was "watching" the people who had Caylee? Or when Cindy made her little "slip" about Caylee not being in those woods, prior to Caylee's remains being found? I would like to have to hear them explain their motivations behind statements like these. We know that no reporter (that the Anthony's talk to) is going to call them out on them... so why not at trial? On the stand? Under oath?
You know the statements that have been made by both George and Cindy are so outrageous I can almost see them being brought up in mitigation.
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