"Mistatements" and/or Lies by Cindy & George

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Sorry,:truce: but as much as I'd like the Anthonys to be publicly admonished, I doubt the SAO will prosecute them. And that is simply down to how difficult it is from taking a suspicion and proving it to a standard required in a court of law.

Its not against the law to be a loud mouth, or a complete idiot. Cindy Anthony could stand nekid at the street corner with a megaphone in one hand and a banana in the other, telling the world Caylee is alive. She might get lifted for a leud act but not for what she said.

Evidence tampering is also extremely difficult to prove.
Cindy freely admitted she removed items from the trunk, washed slacks, sprayed febreze and although many of us believe she did far more thorough a job, the state would have to prove she did these things with the knowledge the trunk was a crimescene.

They all have "use" immunity so lets see what they do at trial. I doubt any of the Anthonys are dumb enough to perjur themselves during the trial. Expect alot of "I cant recall" "It was a long time ago" "I was upset at the time" "I hadn't slept in 3 days"....."I dont know" no matter, they can obfuscate as much as they dare, in front of a Judge, but their early statements speak for themselves and the SAO will have them right there. The Anthonys are beyond helping Casey except possibly at penalty phase.
I'm with you. I'm with you ! I wish they would be charged, and I have said publicly and privately that if the Grund family should ever wish to sue the Anthonys , I would happily write the kid a check myself. You know how I feel about the VILE behavior. Wishing and hoping they would have a severe consequence I do, believing it will happen, I just dont.

It is very very present to us studying the case, but unfortunately the OCSD has priorities, and a finiite amount of funds.
The only reason she wont be charged with lying by ommission for giving the federal officer ( which is a federal offense ) when she gave that hairbrush is that it did contian Caylee and Casey's hair (IIRC), she did have another baby hair brush that was ever used only on Caylee, but she did not effectuated any delay in them getting the sample hair.

I am often criticized, you'd be shocked to know the notes and e mails I have received telling me I go too far blaming Cindy, she is not the one who murdered the child, her daughter is and there is a distinction, so you know I am no Cindy Anthony fan.

From last May, forgive the tone, at the moment I was writing I had just read Mr. Miller's account and I was, well, in his words, "I was pissed off". http://websleuths.com/forums/blog.php?b=736

I just looked up the statistics and it seems perjury is rarely prosecuted. The fraud, is another matter.

I always thoroughly enjoy your posts too. Happy Thanksgiving!! I try hard to post the videos and legal documents fo folks can hear it from the horse's mouth, all the lies! http://websleuths.com/forums/blog.php?b=813


TWA your post from last May was absolutely superb! Had not seen it before so thank you for bringing it to our attention. A succinct enumeration of 2+ years worth of lies from the Anthony camp.

A huge "THANK YOU" to you for all your posts. Your posts are much like E.F. Hutton: When you post, I listen!
So many of us who have been following this debacle from the beginning are incensed beyond comprehension by the audacity of this family and their deceptive tactics. We want nothing more than for them to be called on the carpet for deeds that wouldn't go unpunished by others. I believe their 'punishment' will be far worse in that they have, by their own hand, created a public reputation that will follow them through life. As bad as that reputation is now, it will only worsen when more of their dirty laundry comes to light between now and the end of the trial (if I were them, I would be begging ICA to plea asap to cut their losses immediately and avoid that.) The pain of their loss of Caylee and Casey aside, just considering their despicable behavior (the small sampling outlined in TWA's May post) I wouldn't want to be in their shoes for anything. Oh and p.s. agree with TWA, I would buy brother Rick's book (should he write one) in a heartbeat. It would shed much light on the dynamics of this family. :cow:
I waiting for the convicted felon to throw them all under the bus during the mitigation phase.
Lets not forget that Cindy said she gave the Zannie numer she had to the burly police officer the evening of July 16th, but never tried to call it. Neither did George or Lee. Please. Also I rarely hear people mention the fact that "Zanny the Nanny" is a character from a children's book.

Also, if you listen to Shirley Plesea's interview or read her e-mails (I believe) she says Cindy is (not verbatim) going nuts trying to find KC but all the phone numbers are bogus.

Also, Padilla's "aides" Tracey and Dick (no pun intended - those are their names I believe) said no one was looking for Caylee when they were there. No one. Richard Grund says George told him he was not shaking the trees because Cindy did not want him to.
We talked about the Zanny and Nanny character from the getgo. If the As read here, as I think they did way back when, then they know about it as well. Unfortunately, nothing stops these people. It'll be interesting to see what Cindy will do come January when her disability ends. Wonder if she'll be plugging her "foundation" in earnest then.
As many "mis-statements" or "lies" we have from George and Cindy to use against them... nothing is going to be as powerful come trial time as what was never said by either one of them.... which was a public appeal to the "kidnapper" for the safe return of Caylee. Not once, in all of their public tirades did they ask for this. Not only did they never ask/plead/beg for Caylee's safe return... once it was confirmed that the remains were in fact Caylee's, in I believe one of the depositions (can't recall which one), Cindy was asked if she was actively seeking to find the "killer" of her grandbaby... Cindy replied that it was not her job... it was Law Enforcement's/her Private Investigators job.

Seriously, who answers a question like that? Her two-year-old grandbaby was found murdered. Not only murdered, but thrown away like trash. Duct tape wrapped around her airwaves. Her tiny bones scattered by the elements of being out in those woods for months on end and it isn't her job to find out who killed her? She had no problem making it her job to impend the investigation on the "disappearance" of Caylee... but once Caylee is found to be in fact, deceased, she no longer cared? That is how it came across to me?

I really don't know what Cindy thinks she will gain by now claiming that Caylee is alive. How is she to explain the fact that she had a child's remains cremated, if not Caylee's? How is she to explain away the fact that she had a very public memorial for Caylee, if Caylee was alive? How is she to explain away all the "anniversary" appearances on national/local news stations, if Caylee is alive? If she claims Caylee to still be alive on the stand, come trial time, she will have to explain these things.

I don't think for a minute that Cindy believes Caylee to be alive. I think this another one of her attempts to... I really don't know what she is trying to do by claiming this... but it has "malicious intent" written all over it. It is evil all the way around. Cindy scares me. A lot. I find her to be a disgusting human being and I believe a jury of sensible people will see right through her. They won't fall for her "grieving grandmother" act.

I do believe that Cindy loved Caylee... but not a good kind of love. She used Caylee. She used that innocent baby to gain whatever it is that she was seeking at the time she was seeking it. Casey played Cindy's game right along with her. A disgusting game of tug-a-war for the ultimate control over one another... and over Caylee.

Poor Caylee! I seriously can not wait until this trial is over! I want so much to see justice for Caylee. I want so much for that precious baby to finally have peace. I want so much to never have to hear another word come out of any of their mouths. Cindy, George, Lee, Casey, Jose, etc... I want them all to just go away. Forever. I want to remember Caylee... without having to think of all the horrible people she was surrounded with in life... and in death. To be able to be a part of this forum when all is said and done... and we can all breath and look up to the sky and say.... Caylee, this was for you! Justice is yours... and only yours! That she will see nothing but the love of thousands of strangers who stood by her side for that moment when the person responsible for her death is found guilty.

Okay... I am getting really sentimental...
...and on that day I will release Caylee's balloon to the heavens.
Sorry,:truce: but as much as I'd like the Anthonys to be publicly admonished, I doubt the SAO will prosecute them. And that is simply down to how difficult it is from taking a suspicion and proving it to a standard required in a court of law.

Its not against the law to be a loud mouth, or a complete idiot. Cindy Anthony could stand nekid at the street corner with a megaphone in one hand and a banana in the other, telling the world Caylee is alive. She might get lifted for a leud act but not for what she said.

Evidence tampering is also extremely difficult to prove.
Cindy freely admitted she removed items from the trunk, washed slacks, sprayed febreze and although many of us believe she did far more thorough a job, the state would have to prove she did these things with the knowledge the trunk was a crimescene.

They all have "use" immunity so lets see what they do at trial. I doubt any of the Anthonys are dumb enough to perjur themselves during the trial. Expect alot of "I cant recall" "It was a long time ago" "I was upset at the time" "I hadn't slept in 3 days"....."I dont know" no matter, they can obfuscate as much as they dare, in front of a Judge, but their early statements speak for themselves and the SAO will have them right there. The Anthonys are beyond helping Casey except possibly at penalty phase.
I agree in part...I happen to think there is a lot about the As that we don't know...and the SA does.
Precisely. Moreover, having the phone number and address, why walk the floor at night worrying, why not drive over or phone up the babysitter? Was she ever asked that? Ever? Come on! Even if I thought a neighbor may have my missing dog, I would be on their porch in two minutes flat. One would not write thoroughly despondent facebook messages if they had numbers for where the child was.
I do remember Cindy saying LE asked her not to go out banging on doors (so to speak). This was in the very beginning. Sorry I can't be more specific and provide a link...it was about 793 days ago (according to wolf mom's calculations).
TWA, I admire your intelligent posts but this time, I do hope you aren't correct.

This family impeded an investigation.

This family (CA) intentionally gave the incorrect hairbrush to the FBI, which IMO manipulated the outcome of the evidence.

This family obstructed justice when they spewed all those false Caylee sightings from the East coast to the West coast, and beyond..

This family has told many lies, even as CA states, lying isn't a crime!

This family (CA) took donations from an allegedly "missing" child when she knew all along, Caylee was deceased...fraud comes to mind...

I know you can't arrest someone for talking but CA has talked smack since ICA's first arrest on a whim. :innocent:

CA is still obstructing with her, "she believes Caylee is alive", BS...she is trying hard to cause/create reasonable doubt but little does she know, she's putting the nails in ICA's coffin word by word...I just hope, that these new attorneys have control over these parents for the others couldn't shut their traps. I think the parents might be at the point of (with the help of these new attorneys), we better shut up before we are locked up..something has gotten them quiet, too quiet as a matter of fact. Could they be scared of charges coming down the pike? JMHO

It is inexcusable for their actions and as ICA is being held accountable for her actions, they too need to be held accountable. For they are sending the wrong message to the public...do as you will, walk across that fine line of LE and fear no charges...JMHO

Justice for Caylee

While I am not disputing any of your statements, the question I have is:

When did anyone believe anything Cindy Anthony had to say?

Pretty hard to obstruct justice when the LE already know you are a liar.
I agree in part...I happen to think there is a lot about the As that we don't know...and the SA does.

Im sure you are right about that. I have no doubt OCSD were conducting a parallel investigation into the activities of the Anthonys. Tracking down River proved that imo. BUT I happen to think the Anthonys knew they were very much on LE's radar. I think Lee's hostility towards LE was down to this. He expected NOT to be treated like any other family member of a missing child.
i.e. they would all be initially under suspicion. Made it that bit easier for him to go along with Cindy's conspiracy claims..
Im sure you are right about that. I have no doubt OCSD were conducting a parallel investigation into the activities of the Anthonys. Tracking down River proved that imo. BUT I happen to think the Anthonys knew they were very much on LE's radar. I think Lee's hostility towards LE was down to this. He expected NOT to be treated like any other family member of a missing child.
i.e. they would all be initially under suspicion. Made it that bit easier for him to go along with Cindy's conspiracy claims..

Yes, some good points you make. The Anthony's were acting so bizarrely and unlike the family of a missing and presumed murdered two year old, I feel confident the LE was doing a thorough sidebar investigation of the family as a whole while appearing to focus primarily on ICA. IMO it would have been incompetent of them not to have.
IMO Cindy will never be held accountable for any of this.
.... on this earth.


The worst thing that can happen to Cindy, on this earth, is for this trial to be over and done with... for Casey to be in jail... sentenced to LWOP or death... and for the media/public to forget that she ever existed.

I can only speak for myself, but the only reason I even tune in to watch anything they (the Anthony's) say is because I am keeping track of their lies leading up to trial. Unfortunately, this trial has lingered on a lot longer than I thought it would. Once the trial is over with... I will have no reason to give them another thought.

Sure, they'll write their books... They may even get their little "Movie of the Week", but it will be no blockbuster deal for them... publishers/producers are not going to invest a lot of money into something they know they can not sell... and I really believe that anything the Anthony's put out there will NOT sell... I'm talking blockbuster money where everyone makes money!

This is not FACT... It is just something that I am assuming that has happened based on this Jim character being attached to the Anthony's hips.

I personally believe that this Jim character has secured the "rights" to the Anthony story... He more than likely paid an "up-front" fee... which, I believe is probably no more than $100,000... I would even make a guess that it was $50,000. The deal would also include a percentage once the story was sold to a network... which could be between $50,000 - to hundreds of thousands of dollars... then a percentage of other future earnings (DVD's?). I have been paying attention to the sales (film and television) and it has not been picked up by a network that I know of... I guess they could have snuck it in there, but I think I would have been able to tell if they did... It would have been put under "Untitled Jim L. project" or "Untitled Anthony project" by Jim L. Anyways...

I know it sounds like a lot of money... and some of you are probably spitting nails right now, but with a deal like this... it's a huge risk for all involved. A network is going to have to pick it up... there is NO WAY that a studio would touch this so I won't even get into that. The network has to have financial backing for the project... the people who are financially backing the product want to know that they will not only get their money back, but make a profit. It will be interesting to see if a network will attach themselves to the project? I would think that a network would be much more interested in securing the rights to any "books" written by the detectives in this case... even jurors and adapting them into films with their own screenwriters.

I guess Jim could find a way to get financial backing (maybe?) and make a "straight-to-DVD" movie... but, I would venture to guess that it would not sell more than 50,000 copies (I'm being very generous with starting out at 50,000 people).

Again... this is not based on any FACTS... Just an assumption... I have no way to know if Jim L. has secured the any rights, etc...

Also, anyone can write a "book" or "screenplay" about this case. The Anthony's have "privacy rights"... but anything that is in the public domain is fair game... You can't blatantly make things up about them or use confidential information that is not publicly available. Other than that, Freedom of Speech protects anyone from writing their own story... anyone on this forum could write a book about their own personal experience with this case. From the moment Caylee was reported missing, to the moment you first seen Cindy Anthony on television (what she said, how she acted, etc...), to seeing Casey strut into the court room for her first appearance... and so on and the Anthony's can not do anything about it.

I think that we, the public, will have a huge say in how far the Anthony's can go with their story and again... I can only speak for myself, but anything they do once this trial is over with... will be 100% ignored by me. I can only hope that other people will follow. That, in my opinion, would punish the Anthony's more than Law Enforcement ever could.

The worst thing that can happen to Cindy, on this earth, is for this trial to be over and done with... for Casey to be in jail... sentenced to LWOP or death... and for the media/public to forget that she ever existed.

I can only speak for myself, but the only reason I even tune in to watch anything they (the Anthony's) say is because I am keeping track of their lies leading up to trial. Unfortunately, this trial has lingered on a lot longer than I thought it would. Once the trial is over with... I will have no reason to give them another thought.

Sure, they'll write their books... They may even get their little "Movie of the Week", but it will be no blockbuster deal for them... publishers/producers are not going to invest a lot of money into something they know they can not sell... and I really believe that anything the Anthony's put out there will NOT sell... I'm talking blockbuster money where everyone makes money!

This is not FACT... It is just something that I am assuming that has happened based on this Jim character being attached to the Anthony's hips.

I personally believe that this Jim character has secured the "rights" to the Anthony story... He more than likely paid an "up-front" fee... which, I believe is probably no more than $100,000... I would even make a guess that it was $50,000. The deal would also include a percentage once the story was sold to a network... which could be between $50,000 - to hundreds of thousands of dollars... then a percentage of other future earnings (DVD's?). I have been paying attention to the sales (film and television) and it has not been picked up by a network that I know of... I guess they could have snuck it in there, but I think I would have been able to tell if they did... It would have been put under "Untitled Jim L. project" or "Untitled Anthony project" by Jim L. Anyways...

I know it sounds like a lot of money... and some of you are probably spitting nails right now, but with a deal like this... it's a huge risk for all involved. A network is going to have to pick it up... there is NO WAY that a studio would touch this so I won't even get into that. The network has to have financial backing for the project... the people who are financially backing the product want to know that they will not only get their money back, but make a profit. It will be interesting to see if a network will attach themselves to the project? I would think that a network would be much more interested in securing the rights to any "books" written by the detectives in this case... even jurors and adapting them into films with their own screenwriters.

I guess Jim could find a way to get financial backing (maybe?) and make a "straight-to-DVD" movie... but, I would venture to guess that it would not sell more than 50,000 copies (I'm being very generous with starting out at 50,000 people).

Again... this is not based on any FACTS... Just an assumption... I have no way to know if Jim L. has secured the any rights, etc...

Also, anyone can write a "book" or "screenplay" about this case. The Anthony's have "privacy rights"... but anything that is in the public domain is fair game... You can't blatantly make things up about them or use confidential information that is not publicly available. Other than that, Freedom of Speech protects anyone from writing their own story... anyone on this forum could write a book about their own personal experience with this case. From the moment Caylee was reported missing, to the moment you first seen Cindy Anthony on television (what she said, how she acted, etc...), to seeing Casey strut into the court room for her first appearance... and so on and the Anthony's can not do anything about it.

I think that we, the public, will have a huge say in how far the Anthony's can go with their story and again... I can only speak for myself, but anything they do once this trial is over with... will be 100% ignored by me. I can only hope that other people will follow. That, in my opinion, would punish the Anthony's more than Law Enforcement ever could.
Ya know, I can't even imagine a movie being made of "their story". Casey's yes, but the As? And I would think that the telling of Casey's story...the one that would sell...would not make the As look good at all!! I hope the family isn't banking on this...'cause nothing would turn off a viewer more than knowing that they would make a dime off their murdered granddaughter.
Ya know, I can't even imagine a movie being made of "their story". Casey's yes, but the As? And I would think that the telling of Casey's story...the one that would sell...would not make the As look good at all!! I hope the family isn't banking on this...'cause nothing would turn off a viewer more than knowing that they would make a dime off their murdered granddaughter.

I believe they (the Anthony's) will make some money... I just don't think that it will be any where near what they expected/wanted. They will write a book... what would be the best thing, IMO, is that no publisher picks it up, and they are left to publish it themselves, but I'm afraid that someone is going to pick it up. I've prepared myself for this, but I stand by my opinion that no one is going to pay them a substancial amount of money for it. That doesn't mean that we, the public, will buy what they're selling. As long as there is no demand, the Anthony's financial opportunities will dry up quick.

With as many people who are involved in this case, no one really "needs" to have the Anthony's "story." I am sure that we are going to see a lot of the characters and non-characters trying to cash in on their involvement... however big or small.

I think the only way I will purchase any book on this case is if it is written by Nick Savage or Yuri Melich. I would really like to get their perspective on this case. The ins and outs, from beginning to end. I also think that any movie made, should be told through their experience (The Diane Downs Lifetime Movie was done this way). Also, LDB or JA! I would love to know how they went about preparing for the trial, how they laid everything out for the jury, dealing with Jose Baez, etc... Yup, that's a wrap!

Oh, and I wouldn't mind if AZLawyer, JamesBond, The World According, Muzik (sp?), JoyPath (again sp?) and a few others got together and wrote a book through the eyes of all of us who have followed this case here! I really think the people here, who have dedicated so much time and energy to this case through their amazing work would make for an excellent source on how this case unfolded and I think it would be one of the most honest stories of how Caylee's life was ended. GET TO WORK!!
Respectfully snipped from LolaMoon8

Also, anyone can write a "book" or "screenplay" about this case. The Anthony's have "privacy rights"... but anything that is in the public domain is fair game... You can't blatantly make things up about them or use confidential information that is not publicly available. Other than that, Freedom of Speech protects anyone from writing their own story... anyone on this forum could write a book about their own personal experience with this case. From the moment Caylee was reported missing, to the moment you first seen Cindy Anthony on television (what she said, how she acted, etc...), to seeing Casey strut into the court room for her first appearance... and so on and the Anthony's can not do anything about it.

So right on! The fact is, by being so "out there" during the run-up to the trial, the Anthony family has put a lot of stuff in the public domain. Anything they write from their "perspective" is already known and we know how they lie to cover up family secrets and to keep up the illusion of One Happy Family.

The only way they could make any "real" money would be to tell the truth in a down-and-dirty tell-all. It's never going to happen.

Also, any contract with Jim L. would probably give him editorial rights. I wonder how much of a "real" family friend he might be? I've seen a lot of "authorized" stories where the writer or producer runs off the rails as to content.

Did Cindy say the dogs did not alert?

(Thanks Lancelot)

The worst thing that can happen to Cindy, on this earth, is for this trial to be over and done with... for Casey to be in jail... sentenced to LWOP or death... and for the media/public to forget that she ever existed.

I can only speak for myself, but the only reason I even tune in to watch anything they (the Anthony's) say is because I am keeping track of their lies leading up to trial. Unfortunately, this trial has lingered on a lot longer than I thought it would. Once the trial is over with... I will have no reason to give them another thought.

Sure, they'll write their books... They may even get their little "Movie of the Week", but it will be no blockbuster deal for them... publishers/producers are not going to invest a lot of money into something they know they can not sell... and I really believe that anything the Anthony's put out there will NOT sell... I'm talking blockbuster money where everyone makes money!

This is not FACT... It is just something that I am assuming that has happened based on this Jim character being attached to the Anthony's hips.

I personally believe that this Jim character has secured the "rights" to the Anthony story... He more than likely paid an "up-front" fee... which, I believe is probably no more than $100,000... I would even make a guess that it was $50,000. The deal would also include a percentage once the story was sold to a network... which could be between $50,000 - to hundreds of thousands of dollars... then a percentage of other future earnings (DVD's?). I have been paying attention to the sales (film and television) and it has not been picked up by a network that I know of... I guess they could have snuck it in there, but I think I would have been able to tell if they did... It would have been put under "Untitled Jim L. project" or "Untitled Anthony project" by Jim L. Anyways...

I know it sounds like a lot of money... and some of you are probably spitting nails right now, but with a deal like this... it's a huge risk for all involved. A network is going to have to pick it up... there is NO WAY that a studio would touch this so I won't even get into that. The network has to have financial backing for the project... the people who are financially backing the product want to know that they will not only get their money back, but make a profit. It will be interesting to see if a network will attach themselves to the project? I would think that a network would be much more interested in securing the rights to any "books" written by the detectives in this case... even jurors and adapting them into films with their own screenwriters.

I guess Jim could find a way to get financial backing (maybe?) and make a "straight-to-DVD" movie... but, I would venture to guess that it would not sell more than 50,000 copies (I'm being very generous with starting out at 50,000 people).

Again... this is not based on any FACTS... Just an assumption... I have no way to know if Jim L. has secured the any rights, etc...

Also, anyone can write a "book" or "screenplay" about this case. The Anthony's have "privacy rights"... but anything that is in the public domain is fair game... You can't blatantly make things up about them or use confidential information that is not publicly available. Other than that, Freedom of Speech protects anyone from writing their own story... anyone on this forum could write a book about their own personal experience with this case. From the moment Caylee was reported missing, to the moment you first seen Cindy Anthony on television (what she said, how she acted, etc...), to seeing Casey strut into the court room for her first appearance... and so on and the Anthony's can not do anything about it.

I think that we, the public, will have a huge say in how far the Anthony's can go with their story and again... I can only speak for myself, but anything they do once this trial is over with... will be 100% ignored by me. I can only hope that other people will follow. That, in my opinion, would punish the Anthony's more than Law Enforcement ever could.

You make some excellent points! However in my opinion only, the worst thing has already happened to Cindy.

Caylee is dead and ICA will be found guilty of her murder. There is nothing you or I can do or say, the law can do or the media can pay that will ever bring real happiness to CA again on this earth.
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