"Mistatements" and/or Lies by Cindy & George

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One Crazy mama cowgirl
Jan 21, 2009
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Alright, because I like my duckies in a row, I have started a list of direct quotes from the April 9th depositions that point out "mistatements" or downright lies and "inconsistencies" in the testimony given today. Beware this is a long list! I am working from the PDF transcripts on Morgans website.

15 Q And you also knew some of your daughter's
16 friends is my understanding?
17 A Some of them, yes

25 A I didn't talk to Casey's friends.

Which one is it, did you know them or didn't you?

And did you help contribute
4 for feeding her and clothing her, all that type of stuff?
5 A Yes, I did.
6 Q Paid medical bills, I assume?
7 A No, I never paid -- I think I only paid one
8 medical bill for Caylee, and that was right after Caylee
9 was born.

Wasn't it CA who in her infamous myspace post claims to have paid for Caylee's mdical bills?

12 Q And your husband was also working back in
13 2008; is that correct?
14 A Yes.
15 Q And what was his job, let's say, starting with
16 January through December 2008?
17 A You know, I can't remember. George has had a
18 couple jobs in 2008. I can't remember what he had.

Did we miss it when George was working? I thought the day caylee was reported missing was his first day of work?

5 Q Now, all these people -- again, we're talking
6 about the time period when your granddaughter was from an
7 infant through being a toddler, of all these people,
8 though, they were all people that you could reach out to
9 and get ahold of if necessary; is that fair to say? If
10 something happened and something happened to either you
11 or your husband --
12 A No, that's not true. I never had Jesse
13 Grund's cell phone number. I never had Richard Grund's
14 cell phone number. I do not know where they lived. I
15 never went to their house. So, no, that's not correct.

Didn't CA call Jesse and have him over during the timeline calendar party?

22 know, there was other people. I saw pictures of Jeffrey
23 Hopkins. The other gentleman that Zenaida watched, Zanny
24 watched, her son Zachary, I saw a picture of Zachary and
25 Jeff. I could pick them out because I saw pictures of
>Rough Draft - 22
1 them.

I don't even know what to say here...so insert witty commentary at random

15 A Actually, I had phone numbers for Zanny at
16 different times and I had addresses at different times.
17 Q Why don't you tell me the phone number.
18 A I don't have it now.
19 Q Where is it?
20 A I -- I don't have it now.
21 Q Where would it have been?
22 A Would have been in an address book, something
23 that Casey had or I had.
24 Q So when you say you had -- let me get this
25 straight. You had addresses and phone numbers of Zanny,
>Rough Draft - 23
1 and Zanny is -- your understanding -- when you're saying
2 Zanny, I want to make sure, Zanny is the person that you
3 were saying was watching --
4 A Casey always gave me a phone number, yes.
5 Q And these phone numbers, you're saying they
6 are in existence and you've written them down somewhere
7 in an address book and they're out there somewhere to be
8 found; is that right?
9 A I gave all that to the sheriff's department.
10 Q So then the sheriff's department will have all
11 that?
12 A I gave it all to the sheriff's department.
13 Q That will include the address of Zanny, of
14 this person?

Bold faced lie, because I can guarantee that LE would have been looking for ZFG at those locations instead of Kissimmee!

12 Q That statement, just to be clear on the record
13 that this is somebody whose name has been in normal
14 conversation around your house for three years prior to
15 Caylee's birth, that's inaccurate?
16 A That's inaccurate.
17 Q Right.
18 A From about 2006, to clarify that.
19 Q So you're sitting here as we sit here today,
20 again, this is at a different circumstance than that --
21 are you saying that her Zanny's identity was conversed
22 around your house from when until when?
23 A Zanny's name came up back around when Jesse
24 and Casey were engaged, and that was in 2006.
Page25 Q So in 2006, you first heard the name Zanny.
>Rough Draft - 26
1 Did you ever hear Jesse talk about Zanny?
2 A Yes.
3 Q Did jesse Grund talk about Zanny?
4 A Yes.
now a few pages further she goes on to say...10 A No, I never -- Zanny never came up in
11 conversation with anybody other than Casey typically.

As to who was paying Zanny...this one just boggles the mind...did they discuss it, yes, wait no, wait yes....2
9 A My understanding was Jeffrey Hopkins was
10 paying Zanny, who was his ex-girlfriend, to watch his
11 little boy Zachary when Casey first met Zanny, and
12 Jeffrey was compensating for both children.

Q And after that, do you have an understanding
3 in your mind as to who, if anybody, was compensating
4 Zanny for her childcare services?
5 A No, because I was never -- I never spoke to
6 Casey about that. So, again, Casey told me that she was
7 being compensated by Jeffrey. When Jeffrey moved, I
8 didn't ask who was compensating Zanny, so I have no
9 understanding. I do not know. Again, Zanny was a friend
10 of Casey's, so she could very well have volunteered.
11 That did not come up.

Yet another interesting issue, was Casey working or wasn't she?

18 A At this -- at that point, I was under the
19 impression that she was working. I do not have any proof
20 that she was working.
21 Q And you've come to learn that she was not
22 working; is that correct?
23 A That's correct.
24 Q So when you said before that Casey was working
25 then, it's your understanding now that Casey was not
>Rough Draft - 36
1 working then; is that right?
2 A My understanding now is that she wasn't
3 working at those particular places.
4 Q Or anywhere else?
5 A I don't know that.
6 Q So you don't have any information that she was
7 working anywhere else?
8 A I don't know that. I can't answer that.

And the mysterious living arrangements of Zanny the Nanny5
A Zanny only lived in Orange County.
6 Q She only lived in Orange County, and how do
7 you know that?
8 A Because Casey told me.

but she goes on to say...
We have a Zenaida
8 Fernandez-Gonzalez Rivera in Puerto Rico that he had been
9 watching, still watching.

15 A Casey, from my understanding, never gave
16 Caylee to Zanny.
17 Q Okay. I think you understand what I'm asking.
18 A (Shakes head.) .
19 Q When she went missing on June 15 --
20 A She didn't go missing on June 15. It was June
21 16.

Again, at a loss for words, so apparently GA is going with the original Casey dropped Caylee off story, but CA prefers the ZFG and posse snatched Caylee from JBP story....WTH! If you can't even agree on how and when this woman came to be in possesion of Caylee, how can you actually use this as the defense???

17 Q So during the 31 day time period when Caylee
18 in your mind was missing, that you --
19 A 31 day period Caylee was not missing in my
20 mind.
21 Q There came a point by July 3rd at least you
22 that thought she was missing?
23 A No, I did not believe that Caylee Marie was
Page 42
24 missing until July 15th. If I would have thought that
25 Caylee Marie was missing before July 15th, I would have
>Rough Draft - 51
1 called 911 before July 15th.
2 Q Okay. Let me -- we'll get back to the air
3 mattress in just a bit. You had a Myspace account, did
4 you not?
5 A Yes, I opened a Myspace account.
6 Q And you actually would post on Myspace, right?
7 A I posted it for my daughter -- for Casey's
8 benefit only because I didn't have any friends on
9 Myspace, and I did it --
10 Q Let me hand you -- we'll go ahead and mark
11 this as an exhibit. And that's -- you recognize that,
12 don't you.
13 (Plaintiff's Exhibit No. 1 was marked.)
14 A Yeah, I know it. I wrote it.
15 Q You wrote it and this is something you put on
16 Myspace, correct?
17 A Right, for Casey. And I tried to get her to
18 be my friend so she could read that.
19 Q All right. So what is the date of that
20 posting?
21 A July the 3rd.
22 Q All right. And you say, what? What is the
23 title of the posting?
24 A My Caylee is missing.
25 Q All right. So is it fair to say that when you
>Rough Draft - 52
1 wrote this, your mind was that Caylee, in fact, was
Page 43
2 missing?
3 A No.
4 Q So that doesn't mean -- my Caylee's missing
5 doesn't mean what it says?
6 A No.
7 Q Okay.
Oh, nevermind Caylee wasn't even missing on June 16th like CA has stated in the paragraph above, no wonder we are all so confused!!!
you're last statement says it all.. read between the lines.

Caylee was NEVER missing. They knew something happened and needed to get to the bottom of it. All a cover up from there in on! tsk tsk tsk, Cindy I believe you may have dug your grave dear. Maybe someone should issue a citizens arrest for the A's. Enough is enough with the BS lies & cover ups.
CA stated that she and KC did NOT have a fight that June night before KC left the house for the last time.
LA, neighbors, friends all confirm there was a very heated fight...CA choking KC.
CA stated that she and KC did NOT have a fight that June night before KC left the house for the last time.
LA, neighbors, friends all confirm there was a very heated fight...CA choking KC.

AND Cindy tells him to basically BRING IT ON... WTF is that about?

You know my gut tells me that KC told Cindy that 'it'll be a cold day in hell b4 Cindy ever gets custody of Caylee, she'd rather kill her....' That then brought on the choking incident... and ultimately we know the rest of the story.

That is truly what I think what was said during the fight and ALL the A's KNEW that KC followed through & it's been cover up from then on.
I tried really hard to go through all of CA's testimony and just use her own words to show her deceipt, good lord knows how long this will be in the end, esp. if I go back through all the media and cross reference all her statements...I have a lifetime of work ahead of me!
another thought...

mimi, you cited CA's testimony in re. having imagiZanny's phone #s and addresses -

it should be noted that in CA's statement to police when they asked her who she thought Zanny was, she replied that she thought KC was referring to either JG or AH.

she has impeached herself soooo many times it is unbelievable.
4 A I really didn't realize he was out there three
5 times until I heard it all on the news.
6 Q But the whole time he'd worked for you up
7 until the day at Brad's office, they had never told you
8 about this tip or about going out on any day?
9 A Correct.
10 Q And when you finally learned about it that day
11 in Brad's office, what did he tell you?
12 A Mr. Hoover is the one, I believe --
13 Q Mr. Hoover.
14 A Is the one I believe brought it up and said
15 something. I can't recall.

Here's another doozy...but on December 21st I believe she said to YM " I had my people search there, there was nothing there"
another thought...

mimi, you cited CA's testimony in re. having imagiZanny's phone #s and addresses -

it should be noted that in CA's statement to police when they asked her who she thought Zanny was, she replied that she thought KC was referring to either JG or AH.

she has impeached herself soooo many times it is unbelievable.

Don't even get me started on this one LOL. Zanny is AH,JG, and whoever has Caylee, but she's also Zanny....but don't worry she has Zanny's numbers, but doesn't have JG's, and happened upon AH's when the car was brought home....
23 Q -- Caylee is close?
24 A Yes, and someone probably heard that and put
25 Caylee's body there after the fact.
>Rough Draft - 157
1 Q What does that mean? Say that again?
2 A What does that mean? She wasn 't there when
3 Dominic was there in November so someone had to put her
4 there.
5 Q How would Casey know that she was close?
6 A She felt -- what she meant by that is what she
7 explained to me is that she felt that Zanny was still in
8 the area because Zanny told her she'd bring her back to
9 her in 50 days, which was Caylee's birthday.

Here CA is confirming that DC found no Caylee in November when he was out there, and that she knew that...
AND Cindy tells him to basically BRING IT ON... WTF is that about?

You know my gut tells me that KC told Cindy that 'it'll be a cold day in hell b4 Cindy ever gets custody of Caylee, she'd rather kill her....' That then brought on the choking incident... and ultimately we know the rest of the story.

That is truly what I think what was said during the fight and ALL the A's KNEW that KC followed through & it's been cover up from then on.

Here it is!
19 Q Isn't that right after the Casey had a fight
20 with her family --
21 A It is.
22 Q -- and left the home.
23 A She didn't have a fight with me.
sleuth it guys! post depos - i'm on BS and drama overload tonight. i'm a paralegal and feel like i've worked a double today. lol heading to bed to let it all sink in and give the brain a rest. night and happy sleuthing!
Mimimama and Patty. Thanks for all your good research and posting on this thread. I don't have the energy to do one more thing today. I am worn out from G and C today. KC is not the only one who is a diabolical liar.
CA is already laying groundwork for her "misstatements". At one point in the depo where JM pointed out that she said one thing, and now another, she says something like "well, sir, that was 4 days after I found out my granddaughter was missing. I was upset". She is going to claim that throughout the trial.....that statements she made early on were "wrong" because she was soooooo distraught.
23 Q -- Caylee is close?
24 A Yes, and someone probably heard that and put
25 Caylee's body there after the fact.
>Rough Draft - 157
1 Q What does that mean? Say that again?
2 A What does that mean? She wasn 't there when
3 Dominic was there in November so someone had to put her
4 there.
5 Q How would Casey know that she was close?
6 A She felt -- what she meant by that is what she
7 explained to me is that she felt that Zanny was still in
8 the area because Zanny told her she'd bring her back to
9 her in 50 days, which was Caylee's birthday.

Here CA is confirming that DC found no Caylee in November when he was out there, and that she knew that...

This is one of my favorites...so according to Cindy, Caylee wasnt at the location in November but planted there AFTER DC went looking for her. So this Jeannette psychic is really really good -- when she is on the phone with DC giving instructions she isnt telling DC where the body is, she tells DC where the body will be planted at a future date! Priceless...lol
Mimimama, if you put the statements in context I don't see how they can be said to be lies. In her myspace she says she was distraught, so much so she didn't do a spell check or notice Firefox underline in red. She clearly is saying that Casey is withholding Caylee. She was missing from her home, her grandparents, her bed, just as Casey was at that time. She was sharing intense feelings and it is common to exaggerate, adding an s to turn singular (if that is the case, we don't have those facts) into a plural.

The comment about Casey's friends, put in context with the lead in to the question asked was reffering to a specific time frame and was not an ever and always question.

If I am remembering correctly, George had his first day on that particular job on June 15. He moved around in his line of work.

As far as Jesse G, she may have only had their land line, not cells or home address. Understandable and quite common. Your other quote about Jesse and the name Zanny would be based on the keyword, "typically". That word allows for an exception.

There is nothing to say about JMH or Zachary at this point because the facts haven't been looked into or shared on this subject, only about the other JH. (As I've said elsewhere, there are 25 men in my state with first, middle, last name same as my husband so isn't unreasonable there are other JHs.

I could not claim a bold faced lie based on whether or not LE searched anything since they had made up their mind right away that Casey lied about every single thing and was guilty herself. They didn't follow up to find the IP of Franck or the others, they didn't look for JMH, as far as I can see......If Tony told Lee the truth that Casey didn't start staying nightly till June 27, I don't even see where they attempted to pinpoint exactly where she slept on those key nights before then.

Watching a ZFG in PR doesn't negate that the person never was in Orlando, does it? I won't go on. I just wanted to show that they aren't necessarily lying when looked at objectively.
No name calling of anyone..posters or players
Do not attack each other

Lively debate of this topic is welcome! Please do so in a civilized manner and do not insult or attack each other. Debate the points and challenge posts when appropriate..but keep it constructive please.

CA is already laying groundwork for her "misstatements". At one point in the depo where JM pointed out that she said one thing, and now another, she says something like "well, sir, that was 4 days after I found out my granddaughter was missing. I was upset". She is going to claim that throughout the trial.....that statements she made early on were "wrong" because she was soooooo distraught.

Of course she can claim this type of distress,and she will. But the facts remain the same that even under tragic amounts of stress you still have to tell the truth. ( Personal spotlight on mimi for a moment, when my infant son passed away we were actually questioned by the police and family services right in the hospital! Distraught isn't even a strong enough word when you are holding your child for the very last time and people are asking you if you did anything to hurt him) Its a horrific thing to go have to go through that kind of interrogation at any time in your life, but we opened our home willingly so they could do their job of protecting our child from posssible harm.I remember thinking at the time, I am so thankful that it is someone's job to come in and investigate a family when a child passes away under mysterious circumstances....of course it was hard for us, but I know I was thinking that if it helps one child who is in actual danger then this is a great system.There just isn't ANY compassion in the A home, for anyone especially Caylee.:furious:
Of course she can claim this type of distress,and she will. But the facts remain the same that even under tragic amounts of stress you still have to tell the truth. ( Personal spotlight on mimi for a moment, when my infant son passed away we were actually questioned by the police and family services right in the hospital! Distraught isn't even a strong enough word when you are holding your child for the very last time and people are asking you if you did anything to hurt him) Its a horrific thing to go have to go through that kind of interrogation at any time in your life, but we opened our home willingly so they could do their job of protecting our child from posssible harm.I remember thinking at the time, I am so thankful that it is someone's job to come in and investigate a family when a child passes away under mysterious circumstances....of course it was hard for us, but I know I was thinking that if it helps one child who is in actual danger then this is a great system.There just isn't ANY compassion in the A home, for anyone especially Caylee.:furious:

Very very sorry to hear about your loss.
you're last statement says it all.. read between the lines.

Caylee was NEVER missing. They knew something happened and needed to get to the bottom of it. All a cover up from there in on! tsk tsk tsk, Cindy I believe you may have dug your grave dear. Maybe someone should issue a citizens arrest for the A's. Enough is enough with the BS lies & cover ups.

Absolutely! I can't understand why they are not behind bars.
Mimimama5, Great work:blowkiss:
Mimimama, if you put the statements in context I don't see how they can be said to be lies. In her myspace she says she was distraught, so much so she didn't do a spell check or notice Firefox underline in red. She clearly is saying that Casey is withholding Caylee. She was missing from her home, her grandparents, her bed, just as Casey was at that time. She was sharing intense feelings and it is common to exaggerate, adding an s to turn singular (if that is the case, we don't have those facts) into a plural.

The comment about Casey's friends, put in context with the lead in to the question asked was reffering to a specific time frame and was not an ever and always question.

If I am remembering correctly, George had his first day on that particular job on June 15. He moved around in his line of work.

As far as Jesse G, she may have only had their land line, not cells or home address. Understandable and quite common. Your other quote about Jesse and the name Zanny would be based on the keyword, "typically". That word allows for an exception.

There is nothing to say about JMH or Zachary at this point because the facts haven't been looked into or shared on this subject, only about the other JH. (As I've said elsewhere, there are 25 men in my state with first, middle, last name same as my husband so isn't unreasonable there are other JHs.

I could not claim a bold faced lie based on whether or not LE searched anything since they had made up their mind right away that Casey lied about every single thing and was guilty herself. They didn't follow up to find the IP of Franck or the others, they didn't look for JMH, as far as I can see......If Tony told Lee the truth that Casey didn't start staying nightly till June 27, I don't even see where they attempted to pinpoint exactly where she slept on those key nights before then.

Watching a ZFG in PR doesn't negate that the person never was in Orlando, does it? I won't go on. I just wanted to show that they aren't necessarily lying when looked at objectively.

Thank you for all of this, this is what I was hoping this thread would turn into! I was attempting to point out the inconsistencies in CA's testimony only, not based on anything she has said in previous media. While I agree that she did allow some "wiggle room" in many of her answers by qualifying, I can only say I credit BC with preparing his witness. I am interested to know if you find and inconsistencies or mistatements in the depos?
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