"Mistatements" and/or Lies by Cindy & George

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Yes, I understand. This is really gross, but how would you compare it to a rotting pig? And how clear would you be about it 20 years from now? Remember, the air samples said only that there MAY have been a human decomp event. I've seen nothing that shows me yet it couldn't have been pig or pork product. So are you saying there is no way that they could now think it was something else they smelled and they are absolutely lying? They couldn't have been reacting out of fear? I know, LE said it smelled like human too. How long before they impounded the car? Sometime on the 16th it looks like according to p294 but I don't know how much of this isn't a misstatement. I know one for sure, but it isn't from the Anthony's. They have Cindy listed as a black female, DOB 9/22/1980, 27 years old, black hair and brown eyes. (p293) Hmmm. They first smelled it the night of July 15th? How sure were they? The detective that took the car as evidence used the term, "unidentifiable odor" when making his report. I see he made a correct notation of the vin but overlooked the black woman. Seems like this case is just filled with misstatements or misjudgments.

Ok I found it. On p.310, on 7/17/08 at 15:45 the cadaver dog hit on the passenger fender at the trunk. Now, isn't that where the garbage bag was, on the passenger side of the trunk?

Yes, I'm saying they (LE) knew exactly what they were smelling and there was no mistake on their part. I have no idea how a rotting pig smells so I can't help you there. As for how long I will remember the smell, I'll never forget it. I have many friends in LE and they tell me they will never forget it or mistake it for anything else. There is a very distinct difference between human decomposition and spoiled lunch meat. I doubt any of the detectives mistook the smell for anything other than what it was, Caylee!

Cadaver dogs are trained to hit on human decomposition, not animal. They will not hit on process meat regardless the origin. The dogs are trained by exposing them to gases that are emitted at certain stages of decomposition. The gases are specific to humans. Dogs that are not able to differentiate between human and animal are usually put to work in search and rescue missions. I say usually because I can only speak to what my friend knew of their dogs.

As for misstatements in the reports, they've been clarified in further reports and/or statements by LE. I'm not sure how much mileage JB will get out of typos.

I got the info on the cadaver dogs from a retired NYPD homicide detective who had no idea why I was asking. He asked me if I was in some sort of trouble. :eek:

I've read your posts and I think I know how you feel about LE. I have a very long business and personal relationship with LE. I have my opinion and you, rightfully and respectfully, have yours. :)
I am terribly embarrassed for both of the A's right now. I hope whoever is coaching them impresses that they cannot behave this way in the criminal court trial. Can you just imagine telling the state attorney you don't like the questions so you are going to get up and leave?

I think GA's most glaring inconsistency is that the Jay Blanchard story was news to him that day. As for CA, the whole thing about did the detectives show KC the photo of THIS ZFG or not was way over done on both sides. She's going to step around that question because it makes her appear to further the slander. Accusing the cops of lying to her about showing KC the photo just makes her sound like she's reaching for something that is not there.

The thing that made me feel the worst for GA was the whole 'pushing the glasses up with the middle finger' episode. Clearly, a man who would say something like that knowing it's being taped and shown nationwide is extremely paranoid. The thing that made me the worst for CA was trying to deny that she knew something was dreadfully wrong by the first of July. That was just pitiful. We've seen the text messages begging KC to call or come home, seen the interviews with her co-workers and heard her own statements about the famous 31 days. She knew something wasn't right, but not necessarily what was wrong. Denying it now doesn't help anything.

I don't think either of them 'lied' to the point it can be proven, because if you ask someone what they know or think, you can never prove what is in the mind of another.

They seriously need to never speak publicly if this is the best they can do.

The thing I don't understand is why they kept asking CA questions about things she had no first hand knowledge of...like, did they show Casey the picture of this ZG. Cindy could truthfully say "I don't know" as I doubt she was there with Casey at the jail if she was shown the picture. Other questions of this type were also asked...questions that CA would know the answers to only through hearsay.

I also thought that the line of questioning where they were asking about the psychic was really bizarre. Cindy told them DC was talking to the psychic as far as she knew. Then, they tried to get her to say if it wasn't the psychic, who would it be? Well, if she thought it was the psychic, because that's what she was told, what was with the rest of that line of questioning? Did they want her to make something up and take a guess? How fair is this type of deposition? If I'd been her, I would have just said over and over "I don't know as I wasn't there." Otherwise, she's being forced to say things that may or may not be true...purely on speculation. That's how innocent people's reputations get damaged, so in truth the attorneys were doing to some other possibly innocent person exactly what they are suing for on behalf of their client! Just very unsettling IMO.
I remember about a year ago Casey -- actually,
9 it wasn't a curling iron. It was a hair straightener
10 that Casey had at the house. I saw it. I asked her
11 where did you get that. She said Zanny gave it to me.

Why would Cindy ask KC this? To me...it seems that she is looking for proof that KC is stealing either things or money to buy things. Very telling, for me. Such a simple thing that is remembered a year ago that KC had a hair striaghtener but for some reason it sticks out in Cindy's mind....Why??? Because she is looking for clues that KC is lying about a job and a nanny....MOO

I agree. I think Cindy knew something was going on for a while (probably why she went to the counseling session) and was trying to figure out how severe her daughter's stealing problem was. I think everything came to a head in June when Cindy started clamping down on KC after the theft of her grandmother's check.
yes, i understand. This is really gross, but how would you compare it to a rotting pig? And how clear would you be about it 20 years from now? Remember, the air samples said only that there may have been a human decomp event. I've seen nothing that shows me yet it couldn't have been pig or pork product. So are you saying there is no way that they could now think it was something else they smelled and they are absolutely lying? They couldn't have been reacting out of fear? I know, le said it smelled like human too. How long before they impounded the car? Sometime on the 16th it looks like according to p294 but i don't know how much of this isn't a misstatement. I know one for sure, but it isn't from the anthony's. They have cindy listed as a black female, dob 9/22/1980, 27 years old, black hair and brown eyes. (p293) hmmm. They first smelled it the night of july 15th? How sure were they? The detective that took the car as evidence used the term, "unidentifiable odor" when making his report. I see he made a correct notation of the vin but overlooked the black woman. Seems like this case is just filled with misstatements or misjudgments.

Ok i found it. On p.310, on 7/17/08 at 15:45 the cadaver dog hit on the passenger fender at the trunk. Now, isn't that where the garbage bag was, on the passenger side of the trunk?

huh ??
Absolutely! I can't understand why they are not behind bars.

Probably so they can dig their hole (and casey's) even deeper..:woohoo:

On another note, I think the "Caylee is missing" discrepancy (myspace vs the 911 call week+ later) is not necessarily contradictory. I took the myspace as Caylee was missing from her life (but assumed to be with KC). On the 15 she realized that she was missing altogether. CA says a lot of doubletalk, but I didn't see this as one.

With family like this, who needs enemies, is all I gotta say!
Mimimama, if you put the statements in context I don't see how they can be said to be lies. In her myspace she says she was distraught, so much so she didn't do a spell check or notice Firefox underline in red. She clearly is saying that Casey is withholding Caylee. She was missing from her home, her grandparents, her bed, just as Casey was at that time. She was sharing intense feelings and it is common to exaggerate, adding an s to turn singular (if that is the case, we don't have those facts) into a plural.

The comment about Casey's friends, put in context with the lead in to the question asked was reffering to a specific time frame and was not an ever and always question.

If I am remembering correctly, George had his first day on that particular job on June 15. He moved around in his line of work.

As far as Jesse G, she may have only had their land line, not cells or home address. Understandable and quite common. Your other quote about Jesse and the name Zanny would be based on the keyword, "typically". That word allows for an exception.

There is nothing to say about JMH or Zachary at this point because the facts haven't been looked into or shared on this subject, only about the other JH. (As I've said elsewhere, there are 25 men in my state with first, middle, last name same as my husband so isn't unreasonable there are other JHs.

I could not claim a bold faced lie based on whether or not LE searched anything since they had made up their mind right away that Casey lied about every single thing and was guilty herself. They didn't follow up to find the IP of Franck or the others, they didn't look for JMH, as far as I can see......If Tony told Lee the truth that Casey didn't start staying nightly till June 27, I don't even see where they attempted to pinpoint exactly where she slept on those key nights before then.

Watching a ZFG in PR doesn't negate that the person never was in Orlando, does it? I won't go on. I just wanted to show that they aren't necessarily lying when looked at objectively.

bold mine

newsflash: kc did lie about every single thing
I believe she is saying that Casey didn't "give" her child away, only loaned her with the intention of getting her back later that day. But, I would wonder here why she didn't hear George say that Casey had said they may stay at Zanny's because she might work late, if he said that in an interview when she was present. Then the question might be, why didn't she find it strange that Casey didn't take the air mattress. But I'm sure she wouldn't have automatically thought to go look for it, since she may not have always taken it with her or Cindy may not have paid attention to what Casey took each time. And she wasn't there when she left the house. The diaper bag I can understand her knowing about though. It's standard procedure and routine with a little one.

Hi! Are you a Defense Attorney?
Just happened to catch this while reading George's deposition this afternoon. My eye's landed on the bolded text...

Q I'm sorry. Was someone watching Caylee?
14 A I just answered that. Besides my wife and I,
15 one other person who was watching my granddaughter is
16 Zanny.
17 Q So the answer would be to your knowledge no
18 one --
19 A No one else besides the three of us were
20 watching my child -- watching our granddaughter.
21 Q There we go.
22 A Yes.

Hey...don't know if I'm posting in the right place. Have been here ages ago and just had the urge to get this post out -haven't reviewed all the rules again. Apologies if this has already been covered. I've had this suspicion for quite a while that George is Caylee's father. The above quote is an interesting slip of the tongue.
Just happened to catch this while reading George's deposition this afternoon. My eye's landed on the bolded text...

Q I'm sorry. Was someone watching Caylee?
14 A I just answered that. Besides my wife and I,
15 one other person who was watching my granddaughter is
16 Zanny.
17 Q So the answer would be to your knowledge no
18 one --
19 A No one else besides the three of us were
20 watching my child -- watching our granddaughter.
21 Q There we go.
22 A Yes.

Hey...don't know if I'm posting in the right place. Have been here ages ago and just had the urge to get this post out -haven't reviewed all the rules again. Apologies if this has already been covered. I've had this suspicion for quite a while that George is Caylee's father. The above quote is an interesting slip of the tongue.

Wow-------good catch. And--------->Hmmmmmmmm!
Hi Dallasally! Welcome to sleuthville! Great first post and we're happpy to have you here
Quote SteelyDan, snipped repectfully
"Her message about "My Caylee is missing" means she misses Caylee and wants to see her. She went on MySpace and tried to be KC's friend so she could open up a dialog with her. Be her friend means to have KC add her as a friend on Myspace.

IMO, she never would have made the 911 call about the dead body if she knew. If it were me I'd strap the kid into her car seat and drive the car into a lake. "

I understand what you are saying about "be my friend" on the myspace deal, what I am not following is how you translate "My Caylee is Missing" into "I miss Caylee and want her to come home" When I read the myspace blog it sounds like a desperate woman who is obviously upset.I get that, completely. By why go into "Where did she go? Who is now watching out for the little angel?". If she truly didn't think Caylee was missing, why ask where she went? or who is taking care of her?. I'm not trying to be argumentative, I really do want to understand how you came to your understanding of this post.
There is nothing to say about JMH or Zachary at this point because the facts haven't been looked into or shared on this subject, only about the other JH. (As I've said elsewhere, there are 25 men in my state with first, middle, last name same as my husband so isn't unreasonable there are other JHs.

Actually, from what I can remember, LE did look into Universal's records to see if a Jeffrey Hopkins or a Juliette Lewis worked there. They only found one Jeffrey Hopkins, and that's the one that Casey went to high school with. I don't know if they searched other Jeffrey Hopkins outside of Universal, but Casey is the one who insists that she met him there, and being that there's only one Jeffrey Hopkins on file (who, coincidentally, also went to high school with Casey)...

They didn't follow up to find the IP of Franck or the others, they didn't look for JMH, as far as I can see...

If I can remember correctly, LE found that no Thomas Franck worked at Universal, as Universal did not use @events.universal.com email addresses. Casey said that she worked at Universal, and that the emails she received about her "job" were coming from Thomas Franck at Universal; therefore, Casey was lying about Thomas Franck being her boss. Should LE look up every Thomas Franck in the country because Casey lied about where she worked? I don't know, but man, I can't imagine how long it would take to comb through every Thomas Franck, every Juliette Lewis, and every Jeffrey Hopkins in the country, especially when all Casey would have to do is provide correct contact info for them.

Also, if I remember correctly, Casey Anthony had a number for "Juliette Lewis" in her phone, and when Lee called that number, he reached a neighbor. Plus, I've read that Casey called the Jeff Hopkins she went to high school with on July 16th. Coincidence? I don't think so. Not just that, but if this Jeff is the "wrong" Jeff, then why wasn't there a number for him listed in Casey's phone? If she told him about Caylee's disappearance before she told her own family, he must have been a very close, very trusted friend, yet she doesn't have any contact info for him? I don't buy it. Didn't she also say she had his number in the phone Universal gave her, the phone that (conveniently) also stored Zenaida's number? But since she didn't work at Universal, I think it follows that this phone did/does not exist.

I hope I don't sound snarky or anything. Just my opinions above. :)
Hmmm... I know she denied there was a fight or falling out, then I why in the world would she need to reach out to be friends? Hmmmm

KC wasn't talking to her. She tried talking to her through the internet. Why would she call the police about a dead body?
Quote EastTexas, snipped repectfully
"Her message about "My Caylee is missing" means she misses Caylee and wants to see her. She went on MySpace and tried to be KC's friend so she could open up a dialog with her. Be her friend means to have KC add her as a friend on Myspace.

IMO, she never would have made the 911 call about the dead body if she knew. If it were me I'd strap the kid into her car seat and drive the car into a lake. "

I understand what you are saying about "be my friend" on the myspace deal, what I am not following is how you translate "My Caylee is Missing" into "I miss Caylee and want her to come home" When I read the myspace blog it sounds like a desperate woman who is obviously upset.I get that, completely. By why go into "Where did she go? Who is now watching out for the little angel?". If she truly didn't think Caylee was missing, why ask where she went? or who is taking care of her?. I'm not trying to be argumentative, I really do want to understand how you came to your understanding of this post.

I agree, I said that earlier in this thread too.
I agree, I said that earlier in this thread too.

So sorry Steely, I actually typed East Texas but was quoting your post!
If your not too confused now, sorry bout that, could you please answer how you came to your understanding?
Ok I found it. On p.310, on 7/17/08 at 15:45 the cadaver dog hit on the passenger fender at the trunk. Now, isn't that where the garbage bag was, on the passenger side of the trunk?

From what I understand, cadaver dogs are trained to differentiate between human and animal remains. I will have to search around for this, but I believe I've read somewhere that there are some chemical differences between human and pig decomp (though the two are quite similar). And like another poster pointed out, I suspect there would be a difference in the decomposition of cooked and "live" flesh. Also, could someone please post a link to Dr. Vass' report on the air samples from Casey's trunk? I can't seem to find it. Thanks in advance. :)
Now Cindy stated that she has seen a picture of JH and his son, where is that picture? If KC and him dated, you would think there would be pictures of them on one of KC photobuckets or my space.She posted pictures of everyone else. And with all the hundreds of pictures taken, of KC and friends, NOT ONE of ZFG. I would think if your a 10, you have tons of pictures.
From what I understand, cadaver dogs are trained to differentiate between human and animal remains. I will have to search around for this, but I believe I've read somewhere that there are some chemical differences between human and pig decomp (though the two are quite similar). And like another poster pointed out, I suspect there would be a difference in the decomposition of cooked and "live" flesh. Also, could someone please post a link to Dr. Vass' report on the air samples from Casey's trunk? I can't seem to find it. Thanks in advance. :)

Ah, nevermind, found it. Apparently, Dr. Vass found decomp chemicals in her trunk not found in pig decomp.

Yes, I'm saying they (LE) knew exactly what they were smelling and there was no mistake on their part. I have no idea how a rotting pig smells so I can't help you there. As for how long I will remember the smell, I'll never forget it. I have many friends in LE and they tell me they will never forget it or mistake it for anything else. There is a very distinct difference between human decomposition and spoiled lunch meat. I doubt any of the detectives mistook the smell for anything other than what it was, Caylee!

Cadaver dogs are trained to hit on human decomposition, not animal. They will not hit on process meat regardless the origin. The dogs are trained by exposing them to gases that are emitted at certain stages of decomposition. The gases are specific to humans. Dogs that are not able to differentiate between human and animal are usually put to work in search and rescue missions. I say usually because I can only speak to what my friend knew of their dogs.

As for misstatements in the reports, they've been clarified in further reports and/or statements by LE. I'm not sure how much mileage JB will get out of typos.

I got the info on the cadaver dogs from a retired NYPD homicide detective who had no idea why I was asking. He asked me if I was in some sort of trouble. :eek:

I've read your posts and I think I know how you feel about LE. I have a very long business and personal relationship with LE. I have my opinion and you, rightfully and respectfully, have yours. :)

So, my question still is then, if the dog started at the drivers door, moved counterclockwise, why did it pass by the left and center of the trunk before alerting to the passenger or right side of the trunk? This is very important, I'm sure.
Actually, from what I can remember, LE did look into Universal's records to see if a Jeffrey Hopkins or a Juliette Lewis worked there. They only found one Jeffrey Hopkins, and that's the one that Casey went to high school with. I don't know if they searched other Jeffrey Hopkins outside of Universal, but Casey is the one who insists that she met him there, and being that there's only one Jeffrey Hopkins on file (who, coincidentally, also went to high school with Casey)...

If I can remember correctly, LE found that no Thomas Franck worked at Universal, as Universal did not use @events.universal.com email addresses. Casey said that she worked at Universal, and that the emails she received about her "job" were coming from Thomas Franck at Universal; therefore, Casey was lying about Thomas Franck being her boss. Should LE look up every Thomas Franck in the country because Casey lied about where she worked? I don't know, but man, I can't imagine how long it would take to comb through every Thomas Franck, every Juliette Lewis, and every Jeffrey Hopkins in the country, especially when all Casey would have to do is provide correct contact info for them.

Also, if I remember correctly, Casey Anthony had a number for "Juliette Lewis" in her phone, and when Lee called that number, he reached a neighbor. Plus, I've read that Casey called the Jeff Hopkins she went to high school with on July 16th. Coincidence? I don't think so. Not just that, but if this Jeff is the "wrong" Jeff, then why wasn't there a number for him listed in Casey's phone? If she told him about Caylee's disappearance before she told her own family, he must have been a very close, very trusted friend, yet she doesn't have any contact info for him? I don't buy it. Didn't she also say she had his number in the phone Universal gave her, the phone that (conveniently) also stored Zenaida's number? But since she didn't work at Universal, I think it follows that this phone did/does not exist.

I hope I don't sound snarky or anything. Just my opinions above. :)

It looks to me like Casey had been doing some under the table type of work for a company using the Universal name. There is a Canadian software company with the name in the email but not the email address. I'm wondering if this "company" used this name as a cover. No, they didn't track the IP. They only called THE Universal where she worked at one time. Also, the detective said none of the addresses were valid but I sent out an email to a couple to test them and they were valid address, just closed down. There are ways illegal businesses can fake email addresses and make a phone number look like someone else's. To my knowledge they have yet to release any other phone company records Casey has been attached to. I'm still convinced there was a blackjack due to a comment on her former boss' myspace. They haven't bothered to track that record down or if they have, are withholding it. If there was a Julliette Lewis in her phone book I missed it. But just because something is or isn't in that phone doesn't mean it or that person doesn't exist. My first thought was that these people should be in that phone but when I read the myspace comment, then read there were several other phones taken by LE I have to withhold judgment on that because I obviously don't have all the facts.
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