"Mistatements" and/or Lies by Cindy & George

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Just happened to catch this while reading George's deposition this afternoon. My eye's landed on the bolded text...

Q I'm sorry. Was someone watching Caylee?
14 A I just answered that. Besides my wife and I,
15 one other person who was watching my granddaughter is
16 Zanny.
17 Q So the answer would be to your knowledge no
18 one --
19 A No one else besides the three of us were
20 watching my child -- watching our granddaughter.
21 Q There we go.
22 A Yes.

Hey...don't know if I'm posting in the right place. Have been here ages ago and just had the urge to get this post out -haven't reviewed all the rules again. Apologies if this has already been covered. I've had this suspicion for quite a while that George is Caylee's father. The above quote is an interesting slip of the tongue.

I am still reading the rest of this thread. But I just wanted to say that my In-laws are always calling my kids their babies. They will call and say 'How are my kids today?' Drives me batty. They are MY kids not theirs. I don't think GA is the father. I think it is just something grandparents say.
I have listened to the video, this is not in it, though it is in the "rough draft." I believe this is a "typo," and as far as I can tell, she never says, "It is."

What does it say (in the video) instead?
I am still reading the rest of this thread. But I just wanted to say that my In-laws are always calling my kids their babies. They will call and say 'How are my kids today?' Drives me batty. They are MY kids not theirs. I don't think GA is the father. I think it is just something grandparents say.

It probably was just a slip of the tongue,but very hypocritical because George got very upset when the lawyer mispoke and referred to Caylee as Casey or said your daughter instead of grandaughter.
It probably was just a slip of the tongue,but very hypocritical because George got very upset when the lawyer mispoke and referred to Caylee as Casey or said your daughter instead of grandaughter.

That struck me as an odd reaction from George because Cindy is always saying Casey when she means Caylee and vice versa.
Does anyone here know if the decomp smell given off by a dead body is the same as the smell given off by gangrenous human tissue? I know someone whose leg was amputated in 1997 below the knee and it became gangrenous. They had to go back 6 weeks later and amputate it above the knee. I changed a bandage on it once during that point (and I think it was only the ACE bandage, not what was underneath it), and it was, bar NONE, the absolute WORST smell I had ever encountered in my entire life; it was ALL I could do not to reflexively vomit. It took maybe up to a month until I was able to control my vomiting reflex just at the memory of it because it was THAT bad and THAT pungent.

I couldn't conjure up that smell from memory today (thank GOD), but if I were to smell it again, I feel certain I would INSTANTLY recognize it.

ALERT for those with weak constitutions STOP READING THIS POST NOW!!!

Having sadly smelled both a few times too many (a previous carreer in emergency services/ems/fire rescue) I can say with 100% certainty that they are not exactly the same. Both are horrible, and once smelled you will never forget them. The smell of a body decomposing includes the smell of decaying flesh such as that encountered with gangrene. But it also throws in the wonderful fragrant bouquet of all the bodilly fluids, digestive fluids and bodily waste. So the overall smell is diferent. Also unless you encounter the body at a very very early and specific point of decomposition, the smell of gangrene from a living person will be much much stronger and overwelming. I don't know that I could even begin to adequitely describe the diferences, but once you have encountered them, you can sort of tell which is which, provided your nose hasn't simply shut down in protest. In the case of the decomposing body your nose has enough time to say "something is dead", while in the case of gangrene or similar decay you really have trouble staying in the room/house/county long enough to even form that thought.
To show such disrespect during the depo by CA unfortunately reflects back on her own attorney. First with the gum chewing and secondly with the remarks to ZG that sorry but you are not a 10. It makes BC look as if he has not prepared his clients very well. No wonder he did not want to ride down in the elevator with them.

I bet MN is SO glad he got out when he did! Did anyone else notice how BC would lean in front of CA when he knew she was going to answer inappropriately? It was almost as if he were trying to "hide" her from the atty's and camera, and so obvious that he felt out of control of his client. Watching her depo was like a long, drawn out root canal for me:doh:.
Carrie, I'm sorry, I don't believe a word that comes out of the woman's mouth. It is easy to see how KC ended up the way she is, having to deal with this woman all her life. I find so little she says in the entire depo plausible, almost nothing sounds like truth to me, except her anger which is very real.

For instance, she said she saw pictures of Jeff and Zac,
A. I doubt it,
B. If she did, she now knows that Jeff isn't married and doesn't have children so... To be honest she should have said; KC showed me pictures, she told me they were of Jeff and Zac. I now know Jeff doesn't have children, so I don't know who they were of.

CA is very much like KC in that she spins things how ever she feels like it. She sees what ever comes out of her mouth as the present "truth," or she is justified in saying anything because every one is against her and her little girl, KC so therefore CA might say; "Truth, you can't handle the truth!!!"

Hi Usardog,

Thanks for your response. A few things I want to say in response to your post.

I can completely understand your not being able to believe CA. I agree that much of what she says does not seem plausible (to use your word  ), believable, or even likely.

In the example you give re: the pictures of Jeff and Zach, you are quite right. As in other statements she’s made, she comes across as evasive (IMO) by not giving the most straightforward, logical, and honest sounding answer (of which you give a good example.)

Of course, people have the right to believe or disbelieve anyone regardless of whether or not they come across as plausible or honest sounding. But, because GA and, especially, CA often seem less than straightforward, most folks do not believe them.

There are a few reasons I have ‘challenged’ some posts where people say (I’m paraphrasing) “Here, or there, is where a misstatement was made and this is the proof it’s a lie/misstatement:”

- It’s fine for someone to say: I don’t believe X because it’s not plausible, or it’s not likely, or it seems evasive, or because I have a gut feeling, or because he/she lied before, etc. etc. I could go on but I won’t-lol. :) No doubt that person is often correct to believe X is a lie.

- It is not accurate, though, for someone to say: “X is a lie/misstatement and here’s why, or here’s proof,” if the proof they give is not logical or based on sound reasoning.

IMO this is especially important here at WS where we are trying to get at the truth behind, or solve, these cases. How good can our sleuthing be if someone can easily pick apart our arguments, facts, and theories? Also, we build fact upon fact. IOW, when trying to solve cases, we sometime’s draw conclusions by saying: “Okay, if X is a fact, then, logically, it must follow that, Y.” What good is what we are building if it is based on faulty reasoning?

Admittedly, speculation is a large part of sleuthing. However, one must be clear, with both himself and others, that he/she is speculating and that his conclusion is not yet proven fact or it loses it’s value.

Very often (a pet peeve of mine :) ), I see things accepted as fact when they are not. It goes like this:

- Person 1 posts something with inaccurate or unproven information but they state it as if it’s a proven fact.

- Person 2 (and maybe 3-18 lol) reads it, doesn’t check it out but, rather, assumes it’s true/accepts it as fact. It becomes part of their thinking and their posts. Now it’s all over the board.

- Now, even more people accept it as fact due to the sheer volume of people repeating it as if it is true.

- If this continues we aren’t sleuthing, merely gossiping. :)

Thank goodness for the mods who work to keep this under control. It happens more often on busy threads like Caylees. IMO, this due to the large number or posters and emotions (understandably) riding high.

I just kind of wanted to tell everyone where I’m coming from. It’s not me trying to defend the A’s.

At times, I do wonder if CA isn’t in so much “cling-desperately-to-KC-denial” that she actually believes what she is saying. If that’s true, then she wouldn’t really be lying. I’m not sure about this.

That said, even if I couldn’t stand Cindy and was convinced every word that left her mouth was a deliberate lie, I would still comment on or challenge the same posts on this thread in the same way that I did. :)

P.S. As JBean mentioned earlier, just because the news reports something does mean it is true.

Thanks to anyone who read this far down – lol. :)
IF KC had given CA any of this information that she claimed, don't you think KC would have referenced it when asked by LE? Isn't it logical to at least infer, if not conclude, that rather than the missing blackjack fable, a more reasonable alternative would have been, 'I gave that info to my mom and you can get it from her.' This would have a more credible follow-up lie, 'I don't know why they don't work, my mom must have messed up the info I gave her and wrote the wrong name or number down.'

LE has stated, iirc, and it is commonly reported that KC was not able to provide any contact info for ZG. IF CA had this information at any time, isn't it reasonable to conclude that she would have mentioned it during her media tour? I mean, really, c'mon here. CA was asking KC what she should say on TV and the response was something along the lines of, 'We forgive her.' Why not, 'Hey, mom, get that address book and broadcast all the contact info. And while you're at it, put out that pic of Jeff and Zach.' It's not like KC didn't have plenty of time on her hands to think of things like this.

And please don't forget that this contact info that CA claims she had was not available due to it being given either to LE or JB and that it was written down in CA's address book. Whoops, I mean CA or KC's address book. Either CA had the info or she didn't. Either it was in CA's book or it was in KC's book. These are clearly lies.

I appreciate you trying to look for alternate explanations. The OP asked for just such discussion. However, on this particular lie, I respectfully disagree with the explanation you offered. This is one of the clear lies, imo.

Hi Lin,
Thanks for your response. :)

I do agree with you that it is logical to infer she is likely lying based on her answer not making a whole lot of sense perhaps and being less than the most straightforward answer.

If you will kindly see my post directly above, (response to Usardog) I hope you will see where I am coming from in many of my comments on this thread. Thanks.
Be sure to put in the ad it's about this case. You'll surely get a lot of calls from folks that 'just want to help' and will do so pro bono. :)

:waitasec: They have to be Sonny and Cher fans?! :applause:

(I'm here all week folks. Don't forget to tip your waitress!)

I am still reading the rest of this thread. But I just wanted to say that my In-laws are always calling my kids their babies. They will call and say 'How are my kids today?' Drives me batty. They are MY kids not theirs. I don't think GA is the father. I think it is just something grandparents say.

What if hubby sold them behind your back? :doh:

Hi Usardog,

Thanks for your response. A few things I want to say in response to your post.

I can completely understand your not being able to believe CA. I agree that much of what she says does not seem plausible (to use your word  ), believable, or even likely.

In the example you give re: the pictures of Jeff and Zach, you are quite right. As in other statements she’s made, she comes across as evasive (IMO) by not giving the most straightforward, logical, and honest sounding answer (of which you give a good example.)

Of course, people have the right to believe or disbelieve anyone regardless of whether or not they come across as plausible or honest sounding. But, because GA and, especially, CA often seem less than straightforward, most folks do not believe them.

There are a few reasons I have ‘challenged’ some posts where people say (I’m paraphrasing) “Here, or there, is where a misstatement was made and this is the proof it’s a lie/misstatement:”

- It’s fine for someone to say: I don’t believe X because it’s not plausible, or it’s not likely, or it seems evasive, or because I have a gut feeling, or because he/she lied before, etc. etc. I could go on but I won’t-lol. :) No doubt that person is often correct to believe X is a lie.

- It is not accurate, though, for someone to say: “X is a lie/misstatement and here’s why, or here’s proof,” if the proof they give is not logical or based on sound reasoning.

IMO this is especially important here at WS where we are trying to get at the truth behind, or solve, these cases. How good can our sleuthing be if someone can easily pick apart our arguments, facts, and theories? Also, we build fact upon fact. IOW, when trying to solve cases, we sometime’s draw conclusions by saying: “Okay, if X is a fact, then, logically, it must follow that, Y.” What good is what we are building if it is based on faulty reasoning?

Admittedly, speculation is a large part of sleuthing. However, one must be clear, with both himself and others, that he/she is speculating and that his conclusion is not yet proven fact or it loses it’s value.

Very often (a pet peeve of mine :) ), I see things accepted as fact when they are not. It goes like this:

- Person 1 posts something with inaccurate or unproven information but they state it as if it’s a proven fact.

- Person 2 (and maybe 3-18 lol) reads it, doesn’t check it out but, rather, assumes it’s true/accepts it as fact. It becomes part of their thinking and their posts. Now it’s all over the board.

- Now, even more people accept it as fact due to the sheer volume of people repeating it as if it is true.

- If this continues we aren’t sleuthing, merely gossiping. :)

Thank goodness for the mods who work to keep this under control. It happens more often on busy threads like Caylees. IMO, this due to the large number or posters and emotions (understandably) riding high.

I just kind of wanted to tell everyone where I’m coming from. It’s not me trying to defend the A’s.

At times, I do wonder if CA isn’t in so much “cling-desperately-to-KC-denial” that she actually believes what she is saying. If that’s true, then she wouldn’t really be lying. I’m not sure about this.

That said, even if I couldn’t stand Cindy and was convinced every word that left her mouth was a deliberate lie, I would still comment on or challenge the same posts on this thread in the same way that I did. :)

P.S. As JBean mentioned earlier, just because the news reports something does mean it is true.

Thanks to anyone who read this far down – lol. :)

I would add too that when someone questions where information has come from it's not an attack on them it's just a question to confirm the information. That's not a slam on their believability it's just everything should be linked to the source. I will use IIRC when I can't remember the source or it was on TV and there is no way to link it. People shouldn't take that personally. :cow:
I would add too that when someone questions where information has come from it's not an attack on them it's just a question to confirm the information. That's not a slam on their believability it's just everything should be linked to the source. I will use IIRC when I can't remember the source or it was on TV and there is no way to link it. People shouldn't take that personally. :cow:


Yes. Thank you. That is very important for folks to realize.

Also, sometimes when I ask where something came from, it's because I just heard of it and want to go to the source to see what other info might be there so I can learn more about it.
you're last statement says it all.. read between the lines.

Caylee was NEVER missing. They knew something happened and needed to get to the bottom of it. All a cover up from there in on! tsk tsk tsk, Cindy I believe you may have dug your grave dear. Maybe someone should issue a citizens arrest for the A's. Enough is enough with the BS lies & cover ups.

LOL, maybe Cindy should get that shovel back to the neighbor she
borrowed it from. The Anthonys sure looked psycho during the depos.
BC must've told them yes or no answers are best, but those Anthonys,
always have to elaborate, embroider and fill in. Less is best Anthonys!
Q Have you ever talked to your daughter about
12 why she won't say this Zenaida Gonzalez is not the person
13 I was talking about?
14 A I have not had a chance to talk to my daughter
15 since she's been incarcerated.
16 Q I thought I saw you on tapes on the phone with
17 her since she's been incarcerated.
18 MR. CONWAY: You haven't, Mr. Mitnik. He
19 hasn't talked to his daughter since she was
20 incarcerated, period.
22 Q Before the murder charge, you didn't talk to
23 her when all this was going on at the jail?
24 A In August I did, yeah, when she was
25 incarcerated, but I didn't ask her anything about anyone.
© Copyright 2009 Morgan & Morgan, P.A. All rights reserved.
1 I was just seeing how she was doing.
2 Q Have you ever had a conversation with your
3 daughter in which you questioned her about her whole
4 story about Zenaida, Zenaida or Zanny, Zenny, any of
5 team?
6 A Have not.

Per Orlando Sentinel while Casey was out on bond (the first time?)

Casey Anthony is talking freely with her parents and helping with new leads into whereabouts of missing 3-year-old Caylee Marie, the family's spokesman said today.

"She is being cooperative and is sincerely worried about the well-being of her child. There is no doubt that this child has been kidnapped," said Los Angeles-based spokesman Larry Garrison. He said she is providing more details she couldn't give in jail.

Didn't George say he did not speak to Casey about details to do with Caylee's disappearance when she was out on bond in his depo?
If so then why the heck did the spokesperson say so. Another mistruth I guess.
ALERT for those with weak constitutions STOP READING THIS POST NOW!!!

Having sadly smelled both a few times too many (a previous carreer in emergency services/ems/fire rescue) I can say with 100% certainty that they are not exactly the same. Both are horrible, and once smelled you will never forget them. The smell of a body decomposing includes the smell of decaying flesh such as that encountered with gangrene. But it also throws in the wonderful fragrant bouquet of all the bodilly fluids, digestive fluids and bodily waste. So the overall smell is diferent. Also unless you encounter the body at a very very early and specific point of decomposition, the smell of gangrene from a living person will be much much stronger and overwelming. I don't know that I could even begin to adequitely describe the diferences, but once you have encountered them, you can sort of tell which is which, provided your nose hasn't simply shut down in protest. In the case of the decomposing body your nose has enough time to say "something is dead", while in the case of gangrene or similar decay you really have trouble staying in the room/house/county long enough to even form that thought.

May I pls ask you a question...After someone passes do their bowels let loose... would there maybe be something in a diaper/pull-up that may be tested for drugs that may of been used?
May I pls ask you a question...After someone passes do their bowels let loose... would there maybe be something in a diaper/pull-up that may be tested for drugs that may of been used?

I know you didn't ask me, but I believe the answer is yes. I know in the case of my infant son, the homicide detectives did indeed refrigerate his diaper and kept it as evidence. ( My son was not a victim of homicide, but all un-natural deaths go to that division in our state) . My thinking is that w/o refrigeration, the pull up wouldn't be able to yield much evidence. This is my opinion only though, I'm by no means a forensic toxicology expert.
Just happened to catch this while reading George's deposition this afternoon. My eye's landed on the bolded text...

Q I'm sorry. Was someone watching Caylee?
14 A I just answered that. Besides my wife and I,
15 one other person who was watching my granddaughter is
16 Zanny.
17 Q So the answer would be to your knowledge no
18 one --
19 A No one else besides the three of us were
20 watching my child -- watching our granddaughter.
21 Q There we go.
22 A Yes.

Hey...don't know if I'm posting in the right place. Have been here ages ago and just had the urge to get this post out -haven't reviewed all the rules again. Apologies if this has already been covered. I've had this suspicion for quite a while that George is Caylee's father. The above quote is an interesting slip of the tongue.

While I'm sure it's possible, but truly I don't think so, the A's went through months of listening to this rumor about Lee, that was busted by the FBI. Let's just decide not to go there.
I am not sure I am on the correct thread. Does anyone know if the air mattress has been taken in as evidence? In CA depo she states that KC used the air mattress at Zanny's for overnight stays, and that according to 2 yo Caylee Zanny had a dog (even though Caylee did not have any reaction to the name Zanny ?!?) I would think that there should be some white dog hair on the mattress. I also wonder if RM or any of KC's friends had a dog.

I do not believe there was a dog or a zanny, or if there is even reason enough to dispute this piece of info given by CA, I guess my point is this is yet another "mistruth" or spin of CA that could be proven as not factual.

I never put much faith in anything Cindy says... we have seen her say one thing to the media and yet another to LE. This depo was the first time I ever heard about an air mattress. It seemed to me at the depo Cindy had on her I am talking to the media hat, and maybe she wasn't thinking about the fact that she was "sworn in".
May I pls ask you a question...After someone passes do their bowels let loose... would there maybe be something in a diaper/pull-up that may be tested for drugs that may of been used?

Yes, I'm not sure how which drugs they would find in stool, they can find many in urine. Some drugs are broken down too quickly to be found in either, like chloroform.

Certain capsules are actually not digested and pass through the body in stool and could be identified. It would help if the diaper/pull up could be refrigerated to stop germs from growing and possibly spreading disease.
I am not sure I am on the correct thread. Does anyone know if the air mattress has been taken in as evidence? In CA depo she states that KC used the air mattress at Zanny's for overnight stays, and that according to 2 yo Caylee Zanny had a dog (even though Caylee did not have any reaction to the name Zanny ?!?) I would think that there should be some white dog hair on the mattress. I also wonder if RM or any of KC's friends had a dog.

I do not believe there was a dog or a zanny, or if there is even reason enough to dispute this piece of info given by CA, I guess my point is this is yet another "mistruth" or spin of CA that could be proven as not factual.


I never saw it on any list of evidence but, Cindy said she gave the mattress to J Allan, it would be interesting if they found white dog hairs on it though, wouldn't it!!

The thing about the dog/puppy is, KC could be taking Caylee to the mall and letting her see/pet the puppies there and calling them Zany's puppy. When Cindy asked her about Zany's puppy Caylee would say "Yes, I played with it", it would also sound like Zany had taken Caylee to the mall.

KC's biggest problem would be, Caylee was just hitting the age where she would start becoming articulate. Very soon all of the secrets that Caylee had been keeping would have become public knowledge.

Anyone who has tried knows the most sure fire way to get a 3 y.o. to talk about something, is to tell him/her don't tell, it's our secret.
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