Mistrial, Hung Jury - Raven Abaroa Murder in the 1st

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WS has come up in more recent cases for sure. I can think of at least 3.

The challenge for any defense or prosecution team would be wading through the 99% of speculative flotsam that abounds in cases, especially since one encounters a public that watches CSI type shows and members of the public often fancy themselves a secret agent or a detective of whatever case is being followed. As much as social media and forums help get the word out, they also create a lot of bad info and rumors too. Double-edged sword.
I agree Madeleine, especially with the CSI mentality out there. I have yet to see a CSI show, maybe if I did I wouldn't know what the heck I was talking about when it came to this case:floorlaugh:

Unfortunately, so many people don't understand that Circumstantial Evidence is Evidence, that's something that should be taught by those CSI type shows.
Glad you found it! :seeya:
I am just into day 1...

Hell my darling Genius friends-

Whew- escape the Pistorious thread - that place is on fire- five pages get created in ike 5 minutes... its mayhem over there. So nice to return to the peace and tranquility of the RA thread and your fine company.

Soooooo... we have been good. We have been patient. What's new? Anything new? WHen are we going live for Round II ?? Any updates??
Love ya,

The Gajonka
:) I know that Raven was very aware of Websleuths since the first thread was made, almost to an obsession. I do know that his attorneys are very aware of Websleuths, considering they brought it up quite often during the last trial.

If you did get a chance to go through the ending of the Prosecutions case you will notice l there is a video tape Raven took of himself after speaking with a Detective on the case and he was rambling on about wanting to win the lotto and needing money to fight the internet people. It's so creepy and surreal to watch. This guy is seriously wanting to win $3 million so he can have power and fight against those on the internet (Websleuths posters) and then he made an odd comment about using some of the winnings to get Janet's name more well known at SVU (her college) and then of course some for Kaiden's future. How crazy is that? He mentions NOTHING about trying to find the so-called real killer. His obsession with WS is quite weird, then again in the five years this guy has roamed free, he did NOTHING to help LE, nothing to find the real killer, because he got to see the real killer in the mirror every single day.

Another strange thing is Websleuths has been around a long time, we've seen serious high profile cases here, Scott Peterson, Michael Peterson, Casey Anthony, Jodi Arias, not once in all the time did I see the defense attorneys bring up Websleuths. What does WS have to do with Raven murdering Janet?
We have the right to talk about the case. This is not even a very high profile case, it's not National news. I am willing to bet people walking around in Durham right now, if you asked them who Raven Abaroa is or hey have you heard of Janet Christiansen Abaroa, the pregnant woman that was killed most people would have no clue who either one of them are.

Whether or not Raven has 'posted' here is something none of us can really truly know though, but I'm sure if you go back to the beginning you will find some very close ties with Raven.

Raven killed Janet and their unborn child and I hope Justice will be served, but we all know that sometimes that doesn't happen.

Was reading this post... and I began thinking to myself... wow, great post! So I hit reply - and then looked up to see who I would be compliementing on the fine post - and guess who! Yes! The Terminatrixator!! ha!

Finer work once again T, was watching some test. and I did hear Tyndall reference WS... funny.

Oh, and the video... yeah - he is such a creep - excellent point you highlight and introduce.... he doesn't say shi^&t about finding the possible killer - its all about MONEY! MOney getya da power... typical... sounds like a guy willing to hire someone to help him earn a insurance check.... no help to LE.... he is such a guilty acting maniac. ALL about money. Good video... wish there were more so we can find out more about this wreck.

Well, be in touch.. hoping this thing kicks off soon!

Thanks Gajonka, Raven didn't hire a single person to kill Janet, he did it with his own two hands.

If you go back and really delve into the case you will know that there is no foreign DNA found. You will know that the their two LARGE HOUSE DOGS, were locked into their crates, in their shed. Raven admitted doing this, so Janet could "sleep". Raven told many people she was in bed. Janet doesn't wear contacts to bed....she had her contacts on still.

Not only that Raven himself told people that she spoke to him and said "why does it hurt". Janet did not have her wedding ring on, it was on the countertop.

She was not ready for bed yet, she did not watch TV, she was (by photographs by the CSI Woman) getting ready to make lunches and Raven probably called her upstairs and as she entered the room he stabbed her.

Raven and ONLY Raven killed Janet and her unborn child. He did know she was pregnant. He told his family she was pregnant again and was going to tell her family that weekend. He also was losing his job...again.

Raven killed Janet period, though I do believe there are one or two people out there that know the truth about what he did, these people will go to their grave without acknowledging the Murderer that Raven is.
Just received a couple news alerts that a plea deal is on the table for Abaroa.

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Just received a couple news alerts that a plea deal is on the table for Abaroa.

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Nicely done!!!

Ha! There is NO WAY he takes anything. Heck, I wouldn't either If I had Mani Deter defending me - I think she is unstoppable- and I highly doubt her losing - she is undefeated for a reason... because she has a mesmerizing charisma- that once a jury sees she has sided with a defendant, over time, now remember 0 her appeal enhances with each day - and with a long trial, these jurists wil be hypnotized by her.

ODDS OF Plea being accepted: 1,000,000,000 to 1

Odds of hung jury, non guilty: 10-1

Odds of gulty: 20-1

Scary figures....

Love ya,
Mani Dexter is smart, she's a Harvard Grad. I truly think that Raven would be found guilty 12-0 this time around though.

I don't see Raven taken a plea deal, but he has smart attorneys and I would imagine they will do their best to get him to just take the plea deal.

I believe Raven deserves life without parole for killing his wife and unborn child, but Raven has always had a slap on his wrist for anything he has done wrong his entire life. We'll see what happens.
From the article linked in NCE's post:

A previously scheduled hearing for pre-trial motions in his retrial – set to begin next week – is still scheduled for Wednesday. Sources say members of Janet Abaroa's family are expected to be in court then.

So a hearing tomorrow and if he doesn't take the deal, trial begins next week? Kinda about time. Thanks for the quick action on the article, NCE. :)
I'm with you friend.....I don't see him taking it either. You're right when you say his attorneys will attempt to get him to take it. I truly believe that.

This go round, no matter how good his attorneys are, I honestly feel a guilty verdict is coming.

Looking forward to "seeing" all of you again next week.........
Nearly nine years after Janet Abaroa was found dead in her Durham home, her husband, Raven Abaroa, has pleaded guilty to voluntary manslaughter in her stabbing death.

More details at http://www.wral.com/news/video/13471818/

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§ 14-18. Punishment for manslaughter. Voluntary manslaughter shall be punishable as a Class D felony, and involuntary manslaughter shall be punishable as a Class F felony. (4 Hen. VII, s. 13; 1816, c. 918, P.R.; R.C., c. 34, s. 24; 1879, c. 255; Code, s. 1055; Rev., s. 3632; C.S., s. 4201; 1933, c. 249; 1979, c. 760, s. 5; 1979, 2nd Sess., c. 1316, s. 47; 1981, c. 63, s. 1; c. 179, s. 14; 1993, c. 539, s. 112; 1994, Ex. Sess., c. 24, s. 14(c); 1997-443, s. 19.25(q).)

from: http://www.ncleg.net/enactedlegislation/statutes/html/bysection/chapter_14/gs_14-18.html

Voluntary Manslaughter, a Class D felony - sentence for someone with NO (zero) prior felony points:

Mitigated:...........38--51 months

Pitiful, paltry, and petite, but there it is.

I don't think he has any prior felony points, darnit.
The is still proclaiming his innocence. What a stupid, evil man.
That &*%&*&^ took an Alford Plea. What a flippin' crock.

Well, it's over.
IMO the state should have retried him, now he will be out of prison before you know it, 95 to 123 months. Also, he still claims he didn't do it. :jail:
So what did the judge sentence him--95-123 months with credit for time served while waiting?

§ 14-18. Punishment for manslaughter. Voluntary manslaughter shall be punishable as a Class D felony, and involuntary manslaughter shall be punishable as a Class F felony. (4 Hen. VII, s. 13; 1816, c. 918, P.R.; R.C., c. 34, s. 24; 1879, c. 255; Code, s. 1055; Rev., s. 3632; C.S., s. 4201; 1933, c. 249; 1979, c. 760, s. 5; 1979, 2nd Sess., c. 1316, s. 47; 1981, c. 63, s. 1; c. 179, s. 14; 1993, c. 539, s. 112; 1994, Ex. Sess., c. 24, s. 14(c); 1997-443, s. 19.25(q).)

from: http://www.ncleg.net/enactedlegislation/statutes/html/bysection/chapter_14/gs_14-18.html

Voluntary Manslaughter, a Class D felony - sentence for someone with NO (zero) prior felony points:

Mitigated:...........38--51 months

Pitiful, paltry, and petite, but there it is.

I don't think he has any prior felony points, darnit.

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