Big sigh, more of the same from Judge Markley!
Thinking logically ... after the mistrial, the judge knew he was going to hear the violation of the gag order case. Likely, he also had an idea of the length of time he was going to make him serve, and if he would remand him immediately. In addition, a change of venue was also on the table.
On July 15th, 800 juror questionnaires were mailed out, and a trial was put on the schedule for August 29th. Does that make any sense at all in light of the above? Sid has to serve five months on the gag order violation. I'm sure they will let him out a few days before Christmas (I can see the photo op that will present).
Is anyone else scratching their head, something in the legality of all this I'm just not getting? Ironic that Markley comments on the "cost of sequestering a jury brought in from another county". Hasn't a carp ton of money already been wasted? I won't even comment on Truslow's request for a PD, and help with the cost of the trial transcript. I recall seeing pics of a brand new truck, and trips to Disney, but of course there is no money to pay legal expenses.