Misty C. #3

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I seem to remember Ron saying that Misty phoned because he was running around searching the house. Not sure where that I heard that though.

If he was searching the house I never heard him calling out for Haleigh on the 9-11 tapes.. I just heard him cussing at Misty and yelling at the 9-11 operator. That is when he wasn't hanging up on her..
(respectfully snipped, bold mine) Buffalo Bluffs at Tyler is where Haleigh was both picked up at and dropped off from her school bus every day--including as recently as 3:20 that afternoon. This also accounts IMO for the entire length of Tyler St. which would have been the route she followed home. JMO


I have no idea where Buffalo Bluffs is...is that over by the railroad tracks? If there is a road over there...there is still the possibility that someone parked over there and walked to the mobile...took Haleigh and went back to their car. Anything is possible. Someone took that little girl and somehow they got her out of the mobile and took her somewhere. Hiding their vehicle across the way is as good a possibility as anything else. If there is water there a boat is another possibility.

I'm wondering why the dog stopped right there at the tracks three times instead of heading back to the house if he was following an earlier scent. It sounds to me like where the dog stopped is where Haleigh disappeared and the dog was no longer able to follow her scent.
If he was searching the house I never heard him calling out for Haleigh on the 9-11 tapes.. I just heard him cussing at Misty and yelling at the 9-11 operator. That is when he wasn't hanging up on her..

I do not think he was actually looking for Haleigh, unless she could be found in the upper cabinets and such. I thought I heard cabinet doors slamming in the 911 recording. Methinks illegal stashes were being flushed or something. JMOO
Quick question

Did Misty have an income ? :confused:

Maybe Ron was making the payments on the van in return for Misty babysitting. When you have small children you really need two vehicles to a family. Ron hadn't always worked the night shift and he did go to work earlier in the day to where if Misty and the kids wanted to go somewhere they would have a vehicle. There should always be a second vehicle also in case someone gets hurt and needs to go to the doctor or ER. It sounds like all they had before the van was Ron's vehicle that he drove to work.
that's my observation to. it just seems kind of odd to me, like she is saying if i was washing her blanket then .... but if she was so quick to wash them when one became dirty there would be a clean on some place right.. moo I dont like where this is headed. i just have a real bad feeling. I try to be hopeful but its just not sounding good.

Ron had been living with his mother and before that with Crystal. A single man doesn't think of having lots of spare blankets in the closet. They have just what they use or most of them do anyway. It sounds like they all slept with one blanket. It just depends how warm blooded you are and how much heat you leave on at night...how many blankets you need. Misty might have misjudged how long the washing and drying would take and the blankets weren't done by the time the kids went to bed. If the house was warm maybe a sheet was warm enough for Haleigh until her blanket finished drying.

Misty has probably never kept house for a family before and most kids don't have full responsibility of the home they grew up in. She is learning. At least she did the washing and cleaning of the house. It looked really clean in the videos of it.
I'm more interested in learning if Misty had a key to the new locks that Ron had installed. Surely she would need a key to lock the doors when she took Haleigh to school on the days that Ron slept in.
And who might have had access to her keys when she was away from the home and possibly copied one of the keys without her knowledge?
Were her keys missing for a period of time and then suddenly found?
How about Ron's keys? Did someone have access to them as well?

If the doors were truly locked and there was no forced entry into the home and the windows were not tampered with, whoever came into the home did so with a key.

I wish that we would hear something about the door that LE took. I remember them saying something about wanting to check the lock to see if it had been tampered with. I can't figure out why they waited so long to take it in the first place. That doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

Wasn't there a possibility that the man working on the air conditioner might have left the door open. He could have even put the brick there to keep it open while he went back and forth and then forgot to take it away when he was done. If Misty wasn't aware that he had done that she probably just assumed that it was locked.
Wasn't there a possibility that the man working on the air conditioner might have left the door open. He could have even put the brick there to keep it open while he went back and forth and then forgot to take it away when he was done. If Misty wasn't aware that he had done that she probably just assumed that it was locked.

He might have put the brick there but what with all the laundry Misty was doing that night in the room, she should have been able to notice the cool draft from the door if it was wide open as she says, IMO.
I'm curious about something. Misty has been with this family babysitting, homemaking, etc. for the last 6-7 months prior to Haleigh going missing. She lived in this home. IIRC, RC has been said to have abusive tendencies. Verbal, physical, as well as emotional. Typical DV in regards to "control". Misty is a 17 year old kid that could have been very easily manipulated. Haleigh goes missing, Misty gives inconsistant interviews, and the next thing you know the two of them are married. "What Haleigh would have wanted". WTH???

I cannot help, but think that the two of these people are protecting themselves. The marriage being part of that. I cannot get past this *major* hinky. Didn't Misty's sister state that Misty borrowed her van and that she called her after finding a dent? I can't find it to provide a link, but I know I read something awhile back. I have some theories, but I would like to hear from some of you before I share. TIA

Misti might be easily manipulated by older men due to her young age, but she puts off some very controlling vibes regarding what she wants. Then, she boldly made the statement on national tv about Haleigh being hers. I think marriage is what she wanted and was set on. I thought Misti's sister borrowed the van and Misti asked her later about the scratch. Is the dent a different time?
Misti might be easily manipulated by older men due to her young age, but she puts off some very controlling vibes regarding what she wants. Then, she boldly made the statement on national tv about Haleigh being hers. I think marriage is what she wanted and was set on. I thought Misti's sister borrowed the van and Misti asked her later about the scratch. Is the dent a different time?

I think that was her sister-in-law.

Misty has probably never kept house for a family before and most kids don't have full responsibility of the home they grew up in. She is learning. At least she did the washing and cleaning of the house. It looked really clean in the videos of it.

Snipped --

when were the videos taken, before or after Haleigh was missing?
LE would know if the A/C man used the cement block to keep the screen door open while he was doing his work. And, there is no reason whatsoever to do such a thing. It just isn't that hard to open 2 doors.

The cement blocks were stored behind a shed on the property. Whoever propped the screen door open knew where the blocks were, found them and carried one to the side door in the dark of night.

Assume for a moment that MC killed Haleigh and then removed her body from the house. Why would she use a prop to hold the screen door open? Who was she going to awaken with a perhaps squeaky hinge or a door that slams shut? No one. Why prop the door? Did she drag the child from the house, then all over the neighborhood? No? Oh, so she carried her? Then again why the propped screen door? Makes no sense.

Assume for a moment Ron killed Haleigh. Again, ask all the same questions and the propped door makes no sense whatsoever. He could surely carry his child and had no reason to conceal the noise from a squeaky or slamming screen door.

Assume for a moment that MC did in fact have an ongoing affair with WBG and that he was at the Cummings home that night and that he and MC were having sex and bouncing on the sofa. Again, why the cement block? Did WBG leave the house, MC sleeping, kids sleeping, go to the back of the shed in case he can find something to prop open the screen so as to not wake MC, enter the house and take Haleigh? If so, then MC had nothing to hide from LE, Ron already knew about WBG - it was part of the local gossip before Haleigh went missing. If MC didn't mention him to LE, Ron would have. And, someone did because WBG was interviewed by LE. WBG may be in big trouble for having sex with a minor, but LE didn't arrest him for this or anything else and although we have heard that she was with him the week before, there is no information that he was at the house that night, invited or otherwise.

Whoever took Haleigh was trying to not wake anyone in the house, hence the prop on the screen door. Either to limit the squeaking, slamming or to keep it open to pick the wooden door lock. Everyone, including Ron and MC said that there was no evidence of a forced entry. This means no broken windows, no busted locks, no pry marks on door jambs, no broken doors or jambs.

Both door locks require key entry from the outside. Anyone with lock picks can pop the locks with no problem and leave no visible marks.

Who had an argument with Ron over a gun? Who molested MC when she was only 13 years old? Who was staying with relatives in a home behind the Cummings, within walking distance and would see the cement blocks as he was walking up from behind the house? Who had a grudge against MC for putting him in jail? Who was on parole and not supposed to leave the State of Tennessee? Who had use of the "family van"?

Why did LE go straight to the house where this "Who" had been staying? Who was it that was last seen at 'the residence' at about 2am as reported by LE at Timmy's house? Who scratched the van that night and then parked it in a different spot than it was left by any of the Croslins?
There is one reason RC and MC, or anybody else who knew, might have used the brick: to throw suspicion on somebody who's been known to brick the doors.

I thought the Who was staying with Chelsea and her husband and not the brother next door.
These are very limited people we are talking about. They don't have the intellectual capacity to invent master plans that can allude detection by LE and the FBI. For pete's sake. On one side we have professionaly trained and educated detectives, the FBI agents with all their training and degrees and on the other a handful of people who couldn't graduate high school. In the real world, it is no match.

They aren't smart enough or evil enough to stage a fake abduction to hide a murder without leaving a trace or breaking under pressure. They are dumb, not evil. And someone took advantage of the circumstances. Just like in Danielle, Jessica and Elizabeth. All the parents/grandparents were taken advatage of while they slept. All were watched for the perfect opportunity to enter the house and take the child.

There are SO's falling out of the trees in Satsuma and a bunch of them live within walking distance to the Cummings trailer. Drugs are ominipresent, as is a lot of seemingly indiscriminate sex, illegitimate kids, drunks, divorces, domestic violence, poverty, sex with minors, meth labs, hog pits, arrests issues, custody problems, molestation, ex-cons and probation violators.

On top of this, there is a 24 year old father who gained custody of his kids and chose to leave them in the care of a 16/17 year old who came with her own baggage of being molested at 13, unable to graduate HS Add guns. Add tattoos. Add a visiting SO cousin, statutory rape, seizures, cocaine abuse, new baby, unemployment, new bf/step-brother by marriage.

Poor little children.

I hope and pray that Haleigh was taken to save her from her own family. She had no chance with them.
These are very limited people we are talking about. They don't have the intellectual capacity to invent master plans that can allude detection by LE and the FBI. For pete's sake. On one side we have professionaly trained and educated detectives, the FBI agents with all their training and degrees and on the other a handful of people who couldn't graduate high school. In the real world, it is no match.

They aren't smart enough or evil enough to stage a fake abduction to hide a murder without leaving a trace or breaking under pressure. They are dumb, not evil. And someone took advantage of the circumstances. Just like in Danielle, Jessica and Elizabeth. All the parents/grandparents were taken advatage of while they slept. All were watched for the perfect opportunity to enter the house and take the child.

There are SO's falling out of the trees in Satsuma and a bunch of them live within walking distance to the Cummings trailer. Drugs are ominipresent, as is a lot of seemingly indiscriminate sex, illegitimate kids, drunks, divorces, domestic violence, poverty, sex with minors, meth labs, hog pits, arrests issues, custody problems, molestation, ex-cons and probation violators.

On top of this, there is a 24 year old father who gained custody of his kids and chose to leave them in the care of a 16/17 year old who came with her own baggage of being molested at 13, unable to graduate HS Add guns. Add tattoos. Add a visiting SO cousin, statutory rape, seizures, cocaine abuse, new baby, unemployment, new bf/step-brother by marriage.

Poor little children.

I hope and pray that Haleigh was taken to save her from her own family. She had no chance with them.

So we're looking for a genius SO? That should narrow the field down considerably...

I agree, the case seems like an unholy mess, and ever more so when new things are discovered.

I don't think the cousin has ever been officially named as a SO.
O/T but in keeping with the depictions by many here; It finally occurred to me what all of the repeated references to meth labs, toothless people, and the movie "Deliverance" made throughout the Haleigh case threads reminded me of; for anyone who has read "Invisible Chains - Shawn Hornbeck and the Kidnapping Case that Shook the Nation" (pg. 292-293) The author Kristina Sauerwein talks about the effect that the media had on the town - or should I say, how the town's people viewed their (media) presence while covering the case(s). She tells of a couple that owned the local grocery store there which happened to be a hot spot for media to set up...anyhow the grocery store owner tells how the media fell right into the stereotyping that had, from the time the case broke, run rampant on internet message boards..."that it was the backwoods town straight out of the movie Deliverance, populated by toothless barnyard pumpkins with mangy mullets and meth addicts." :eek: I knew I'd read that somewhere before. Anyhow enough about teeth (or no teeth), mullets, meth, and Deliverance, what's new - specifically has Misty met again with LE since her last "I got a boo-boo - gotta run home and get a band-aid" incident? TIA
I would have to agree with her statement of you can't fool everyone. Not possible in a close family with children going to school, the doctor, etc. Someone would have seen SOMETHING amiss long, long ago.
I wish this were true, but it's not. Family, friends, neighbors, acquaintances, family doctors...all can be fooled, long-term.

As the child of a family that has fooled the world for decades, I don't think this isn't because people are stupid or blind or negligent, or that they don't want to get involved. It's because of the better part of human nature--we expect and wish for the best from others. When we don't see something that positively SCREAMS abuse, we are content.

We're innately suspicious, many times. But we accept good news more readily than we accept bad, and we are happy to say, "Oh, that's good, then!" when told our suspicions are unfounded.

The inquiring teacher, doctor, friend? They really want to hear, "Oh, I'm fine," not, "help me!" Not because they wouldn't step up to help--they would! But because it hurts when others are in distress.

Those who have been in distress know this, and respond accordingly--it's easier for everyone, ourselves included. (And it's easier for those who abuse us--who we love, despite it all.)
Misty's statement about putting her to bed at 8 because that's her bedtime when she has school....way too much information. She is justifying why Haleigh was in the bedroom at 8. I tend to believe Haleigh was in a time out. Jr got the couch, Haleigh got the bedroom and punishment. Possibly for fighting over the movie they were going to watch.
Dotseye - regarding your post #252, Why don't you tell us how you really feel?

(hugs) to you. This case is very frustrating!

IMOO..... I can't state this enough.
I see a 17 year old who is obviously uneducated that has been asked a million questions a thousand different ways by hundreds of people. It is the media and public that have misconstruded her comments and rearranged the chronology of events and interjected rumors and hearsay.
I do not see Misty trying to stick to a rehearsed story, but trying to recall from memory everything that happened that afternoon and evening. Does any one maintain a per second, min, hour, timeline in our everyday activities? I don't unless I have a reason to.

IMOO, I believe that anyone that can give an exact timeline and perfect rendition from memory of every single event and action is most likely the one to have committed the crime.
Misty has been cooperative with LE (except the time mentioned on THE TODAY SHOW) and has provided additional information to be of help not to mislead. (The van and blanket, Haleigh's shirt in laundry,throwing her own relative under the bus, offering the snake an unneeded, unofficial reenactment. It sounds to me that someone advised her against it, she is only 17. (Parent, Adult,LE, an attorney)
Aside from Haleigh and Jr. this young girl needs to be protected also.
Until she is proven guilty she is innocent and still a minor.
IF Misty is guilty of this crime her status of married adult will solidify her as being tried as an adult and Ron can not testify in her defence. I don't see where getting married is a motive to cover or obstruct or save her behind.
IMOO, I don't see a motive for misty to have committed this crime or be a part of and she would be my first POI and was.
This case has more victims daily.
The thought that keeps crossing my mind is when a victim is asked to relate the events and time lines of a crime are the really that specific as to every detail and the second it occurred or is it approximate and to the best of their ability to recall their memories?

Food for thought.
IMOO..... I can't state this enough.
I see a 17 year old who is obviously uneducated that has been asked a million questions a thousand different ways by hundreds of people. It is the media and public that have misconstruded her comments and rearranged the chronology of events and interjected rumors and hearsay.
I do not see Misty trying to stick to a rehearsed story, but trying to recall from memory everything that happened that afternoon and evening. Does any one maintain a per second, min, hour, timeline in our everyday activities? I don't unless I have a reason to.

IMOO, I believe that anyone that can give an exact timeline and perfect rendition from memory of every single event and action is most likely the one to have committed the crime.
Misty has been cooperative with LE (except the time mentioned on THE TODAY SHOW) and has provided additional information to be of help not to mislead. (The van and blanket, Haleigh's shirt in laundry,throwing her own relative under the bus, offering the snake an unneeded, unofficial reenactment. It sounds to me that someone advised her against it, she is only 17. (Parent, Adult,LE, an attorney)
Aside from Haleigh and Jr. this young girl needs to be protected also.
Until she is proven guilty she is innocent and still a minor.
IF Misty is guilty of this crime her status of married adult will solidify her as being tried as an adult and Ron can not testify in her defence. I don't see where getting married is a motive to cover or obstruct or save her behind.
IMOO, I don't see a motive for misty to have committed this crime or be a part of and she would be my first POI and was.
This case has more victims daily.
The thought that keeps crossing my mind is when a victim is asked to relate the events and time lines of a crime are the really that specific as to every detail and the second it occurred or is it approximate and to the best of their ability to recall their memories?

Food for thought.

If - and I stress IF - Misty (or Ron but this isn't the Ron thread so...) is personally responsible for Haleigh's "disappearance" I believe that it happened as a result of the following;
Source: Investigating Child Fatalities - (OJP/USDOJ) Link below-------

(Bold Me)
Some inexperienced caretakers have unrealistic expectations about what is appropriate child behavior and what children are even capable of doing in the
early stages of their development. Some caretakers become angry because they view a child’s crying or bedwetting as an act of defiance rather than as normal behavior for a young child. The deadly combination of an angry adult and a physically vulnerable child can result in fatal or life threatening injuries to the child.

Many maltreatment deaths involve a delay between the time the child sustains the fatal injury and the subsequent death of the child. Although this may also be true with any serious injury, it commonly happens in cases of abusive head trauma (AHT) and in cases involving internal injuries to the chest and abdomen. The most common type of fatal injury in maltreatment deaths, includes brain trauma resulting from SBS and other types of direct blunt trauma to the brain. In fact, you often will be called to the hospital about a severely injured child being treated or surviving on a life support system and learn that the prognosis for survival is slim. Depending on the injuries sustained, that child may survive anywhere from hours to days.


It's a possibility, that's all I'm saying...
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