Misty C. #4

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yeah, wow! She really thought she was under during the hypnosis. LOL, not hardly. closing your eyes and running the whole script thing doesnt pass for me.

I feel stuff going to hit the fan any day now. She's got a bunch of folks mad now, even NG.
OMG :bang::bang::bang:

Did she really say that?

oh yeah she did. She also said she saw 3, but knew the exact time ronald pulled up at 3:24 AM and that they search & called for Haleigh all over. and at 3:27 am called the "cops". Very strange.
I'm usually content to lurk, but seeing that got me riled. The defense attys on the panels have taken their shots at TM too. :mad:

The good news is that both the FBI guy and the other atty (I think he is TES' atty?) and Nancy put them to shame for criticizing TM's handling of this. :thumb: If they hadn't, my heart would be broken.

TM deserves nothing but gratitude by anyone whose priority is finding little Haliegh. Those who condemn him show their priorities lie elsewhere. :(

Nancy even yelled, *Leave Tim Miller ALONE!* Loved it, I tell ya!

(bbm, snip) ITA


Oh boy the more she talks during the polygraph segment, the more I say....."Why did Ronald agree to let her do this?" She dug herself a hole and I can imagine it was worse, we didnt get to see the whole tape. Would love to see the whole thing.
OMG kiki. LOL oh my...after all this misery this afternoon, you made me actually belly laugh! Thanks sweetie.
Where`s Busylady when you need her to sing
*The wheels on the bus go round and round.....*

I am thinking we are gonna need a fleet of buses at this point everyone is not gonna fit under one bus. lol

Where`s Busylady when you need her to sing
*The wheels on the bus go round and round.....*

Anybody notice that Misty said that RC was home when the A/C man was there. That means Granny is his only evidence that HaLeigh was alive after he went to werk.

Yes exactly, that's the problem.

Re Misty's "hypnosis," I too thought it strange that she retains so much of her usual affect, also the same perserverating and so manhy of the other deceptive mechanisms she uses, odd...

Do you think Misty is a pathological liar and at this point believes her lies? I don't know how people do that but they say people that lie continously eventually believe their own lies.
Do you think Misty is a pathological liar and at this point believes her lies? I don't know how people do that but they say people that lie continously eventually believe their own lies.

I have heard in the past that pathological liars would be able to successfully beat a polygraph, I am sure that does not apply to all but it seems like Misty herself is unsure. For instance when the test administrator asks why she is unsure of Ron's involvement she says "I don't know why" instead of denying that she has doubts altogether.
Do you think Misty is a pathological liar and at this point believes her lies? I don't know how people do that but they say people that lie continously eventually believe their own lies.

That's a good possibility busy. All I know at this point, after seeing the two videos of her during the interviews is that I'm blown away. I think all of us here have a deep and abiding interest not only in Haleigh, but crime and criminals itself. Sorry if I spoke out of turn about anyone. I haven't digested it all yet, but she's one different animal in my humble opinion. I'd love to see a study on her body language by a professional. I would love to know what other questions they asked her if any during the LDT.
ummmm...better question here is what might have been MAKING him sleep so much, and did Haleigh perhaps get her own dose of that later on around 8 or so? Could the bouncing couch have been someone trying to revive Haleigh from respiratory arrest after getting too much help to sleep? If a normal child had slept that much during the day, no way would he have slept through all that yelling and screaming on the 911 call.



I've often wondered if MC called RC because Haleigh wouldn't go to sleep, and he suggested that she get into his "medication" and give her a half a tablet, something like that. Didn't Haleigh have some respiratory issues already? Many medications for pain or anxiety can depress the respiratory system - and they can be VERY dangerous for someone whose system is already compromised.

If MC either went to sleep (which now seems doubtful) or left, it's possible that Haleigh was in bad shape by the time she returned. Could be that she called someone to help her, and that might well account for the "bouncing on the couch", as you pointed out.

If that scenario is correct, RC wouldn't have had to be home in order to be responsible for what happened to Haleigh - and if the medication given to Haleigh was obtained illegally, then he'd be in some mighty deep trouble.

My head is spinning with all the newest information, and all the possibilities. Could be that RC and MC are equally culpable, and are covering for each other. Who knows anymore?

UPDATED: 10:31 pm EDT August 27, 2009

Private Investigator Speaks On Stepmom
Man Who Gave Misty Cummings Test Says It's Clear She's Withholding Information

...Ward commented on the results of that test.

"In my opinion, as to the results of the test, she knows something that occurred on the night of Feb. 9 and to Feb. 10 as far as Haleigh going missing," Ward said in a phone interview with Channel 4's Jennifer Waugh...

..."The system works with involuntary changes of the voice and works off of stress, and I can see from pertinent questions and answers that she's given me and her responses that not only was she not telling me the truth there was a lot of inaccuracies and there was a lot of things that she didn't tell me completely that I can detect in the course of the test," Ward said...

...Misty and her husband, Haleigh's father Ronald, met with Ward at a home in central Florida...

..."What I could see in the results of the tes was that she knows more than what she's telling me and that she knows about who or what why Haleigh went missing."(Ward)...

..."Some people think they can beat the test, that there's going to be some kind of different results where she could use it against three other tests on the polygraph that said she was not telling the truth. My test just confirms that the polygraphs have come out the same."...

My My My (I'm on my second glass of wine BTW sorry OT)
OH, and Misty said that JR was up *freaking out too*.....Hmmmm..why in the world didn't we hear him on that 911 call? Where was he?

This is purely speculation, but I can invision Ron telling Junior to be quiet while he and Misty made the the fake my daughter is missing 911 call. There may have been lots of activity in the household, hiding drugs, deciding what to say, Misty freaking out, etc., that woke Junior up. Junior may have been freaking out because he picked up on the anxiety Misty and Ron were feeling.


OH, and Misty said that JR was up *freaking out too*.....Hmmmm..why in the world didn't we hear him on that 911 call? Where was he?

Amen...and if the poor little guy was freaking out, where in the heck was he when RC saw MC standing in the doorway when he arrived home from work? RC mentions MC standing there, but not a word about Jr. Seems to me that a frightened, freaked out little boy would be clinging to MC for dear life!
Do you think Misty is a pathological liar and at this point believes her lies? I don't know how people do that but they say people that lie continously eventually believe their own lies.

That's a good explanation as any....:)

I went to a certified hypnotist years ago to quit smoking--a legit guy who truly had helped others--but he told me my brain was too strong or some such stuff....I didn't fake it...but I am not a candidate for hypnosis...

ps..I do use this brain strength for good not evil

That's a good explanation as any....:)

I went to a certified hypnotist years ago to quit smoking--a legit guy who truly had helped others--but he told me my brain was too strong or some such stuff....I didn't fake it...but I am not a candidate for hypnosis...

ps..I do use this brain strength for good not evil


I just went 6 months ago to hypnotist to quit smoking:) When it happen I could tell you I didnt think it worked I knew everything going on around me but I havent touched a cirgarette for 6 months and have no desire to:) LMAO on the good not evil brain strength:woohoo:
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