Misty C.

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It is a rumor at this point. It has been on several blogs, but I only posted it after I heard it reported on a local Tampa radio show. They spent some time discussing the case and somewhat comparing it to the Anthony case. They said that "word on the street" is that Misti was gone for the three days prior on a drug binge, and that Ron went and found her and brought her home the day this happened. I was shocked to hear it on the air, but everyone was discussing it like it was common knowledge down there.

If she was gone on a drug binge then she woulod be exhausted and wasted and agravated with yelling kids, IMO
Let us know if it is a fact, I bet the town is talking!
Family lying to help Misti.
Ron for his custody.
I think she would have told (by now if not alot sooner) if someone was there.
IMO she left the trailer after H was asleep and when she she came back H was missing.

Hmm...I don't know, but a relative has come forward to say that Misti was home and she doesn't believe Misti left the house after the realitve visited. I think it was RC's mom who said this.
Misty needs to come clean about what happened that night, if anything to just clear herself say if she was just passed out drunk or on drugs or wasn't home. She's got major issues since all she cares about is saving her own aZZ when a 5 year old's life may be on the line. Their is no excuse other than that she may not be talking if she is directed related to Haleigh's death. You would think she would at least want to clear her name if it's something as if she wasn't home, or passed out drunk; then at least people wouldn't suspect her of murder..
I think Misty is much more street smart than she looks
Also, in my opinion, she either knows what happened to Haleigh, or she played a part in it
I think she is afraid to lose Ronald, thus losing her place to live, a place where she could be the woman of the house, something she has never experienced, remember, she is new at this
She is proud to have Ronald as her boyfriend, he would protect her against any percieved or actual threats, and this is probably very foreign to her. Her own parents dont seem to be doing it.
I get the impression she uses alcohol and drugs, no proof, but I would bet the farm.
She is surrounded by people who are at best, very disfunctional.
I also think she would do ANYTHING to keep herself with Ronald i.e. her home and her version of stability. This includes lie until the bitter end about what happened that night. The longer this goes on, the more she digs her heels in.
I also think she is a very bad actress
If Misty is using, I would like to know what her drug of choice is. I mean is she using pain pills, alcohol, pot, meth or what? And if Ronald had to go find her, why would he leave her with his kids?

It is no wonder that Misty doesn't know feet from inches.

I haven't been too critical of the age difference between Misty and Ronald, but I am beginning to think everyone involved is dysfunctional.
Hmm...I don't know, but a relative has come forward to say that Misti was home and she doesn't believe Misti left the house after the realitve visited. I think it was RC's mom who said this.

Yes, RC's Mom said on NG tonight that she knew that Misti was there up to a certain time because a relative dropped off clothes to the house. She further stated she believed that Misti was there later too. I guess cause she believes Misti.
Remember when the 911 operator asked Misti the numeric # of her house? She didn't know what the word numeric meant. Sad! That girl could use some more schooling.

I am college educated but in a stressful situation if someone asked me what's my "numeric" # of my house I probably would have taken a couple of seconds to understand the question. Now if they ask what's my address I would've responded right away.

Unless you have been around people like this you cannot understand how or why they act or speak the way they do. It doesn't make them bad people it just, well, makes them appear to be uneducated.

I am from Upstate NY and whenever I went home I would cringe at some of the things that they would say. Even my own family and many of them are college educated. They are products of their enviroment and to most that live around them, it's okay. They are "simple" people and I am saying that with a-lot of love in my heart.
I think she's come from a family with domestic problems,especially since she's not been living with family since very young.In time,we'll probably find out why she's had to go from home to home of other family members.According to her,also possibly a child molester in her family,which any child in contact with her would be in danger of child molestation and should have been strictly supervised at all times.I also think she has possible drug problems,because seeing myspace comments,pics and both her brothers myspace sites they are drug related.And at even the age of fourteen pics of her and sister in law according to her sister in law's captions and other pics,drinking.This was no environment for a child to live in at home or other family members homes where drugs and drinking are involved.But,I can say the same for the bio mother,from her myspace pics.I also believe since the grandmother stated tonight on Greta and Nancy Grace family members were sent to check up on the children,it speaks to me that she found cause in the safety of the children or if the gf was there at the house.Grandma said gf was responsible,if she was responsible,why would she feel it was necessary to check on the children?
I thought it was weird that she would say to the dad, "The back door is open and YOUR DAUGHTER's gone." Why wouldn't she call her by name? Just very strange and leaves the door open to possibility that she was doing something she shouldn't or knows more than she's saying. I don't believe that she's in the clear completely.
Thank you for that link,I hadn't seen this interview,now I have more questions.What in the world does this mean....

Croslin and Ronald Cummings reported Haleigh missing around 3:30 a.m. last Tuesday. The little girl's brother was also there.

"I remember him being up...I was half asleep...That was right after I laid down...Got up and walked out of my room...And the next thing I know I was out. I don't remember nothing after that," Croslin said.
So now she's saying the little brother walked out of the room?What is wrong with this girl?Everytime she talks it's a new story.This was not normal,I am wondering if drugs were involved,the boy is too little to be up and out of the room by himself if she went to sleep at 10:30.She previously said the children were asleep and she went to bed at 10:30.
I think the back door was unlocked,Haleigh turned the light on and someone's came in and got her or she walked out the door.If the boy was up when gf laid down and walked out of the room,it's a wonder he didn't go out the door,also.I have five children and you can never say your child won't ever do anything,you never know what they'll do next.They need to drag that river,if they haven't already.
I am getting a theory in my head of the new story of the boy leaving her room after she laid down.She's placing the boy not in her room sleeping with her,which means he might have been in another room.So if she's afraid he's told people that she wasn't there where he was sleeping,she could say he was sleepwalking and doesn't remember sleeping with her or who knows what she's thinking,she's told so many stories.I feel as confused as when I was trying to figure out KC.I am definitely getting the feeling this girl is more complicated than we thought,not this young girl that's overwhelmed by what's happened.Anybody else getting this feeling?
Did you see the bio Mom and her mother on interview with Shep on Fox,when asked what they thought about Misty.Bio mom didn't say anything and looked at her Mom,they just looked at each other for an instant and just said they didn't know.They are not saying what they know,I feel it,they either don't want to endanger being able to see Jr. or have been asked not to talk about the investigation.
I have the feeling that whatever happened in that trailer that night is way more sinister on Mistys part than we could have ever imagined. Im starting to see her in a different light.
I wonder if Misty laid down and the kids weren't ready to go to sleep so she propped the door open to allow the kids to run in and out of the house without disturbing her sleep and when she finally did wake up, Haleigh was gone.
...I think she propped it open so she could go in and out without anyone noticing.IMO the kids were asleep when she left
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