Misty's letter implicating Joe

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here is what i can see. question marks are the words I couldn't make out.

So I can see her she is my best friend
and it is so hard not ??? her ? ? ? a
week. I miss her so much I don't know how much
longer I can take ? ? no one know how I
fell (should be feel) ow I hert none ? ? ? ? be in
? ? I feel so bad about this sh!! you know
cuz i didn't say it. I was scared no one know
What he said he would do you know that day
when he would not go back to the house and we
stayed at the story he put me up with a (knife?)
and said if I said he would come back and kill
me he told me at the house he would kill me to
So I didn't know what to do he has ? ?
raped me you know I knew they was coming to get
the gun he has I didn't know it was gone and that
is when Joe got mad
? ? ? gun that
is when joe took it you know I don't know wher
tommy went I don't think he did sh!! but
I know he now joe did. they was so F!!!!!
up and I mean I don't know how joe even
drove home this is why the van had scratch on
and he was so f!!!! up bad they is all for
now I just wish I new what he did you
? will I love you so much timmy and
Chelsea please right me back as soon as
you get this. O ya Lindsey is one ? it to much ? ?
Love you little sis
I love yall tell ? I love her misty xoxoxo

IMO. the bolded part says that the "he" she is talking about before that is Ron. She mentions Joe by name later. But she make it clear that the "he" is the one who had the gun...Ron.

Ron is the one who threatened her with a knife, threatened to kill her, threatened her to make her cover it up and tell the story while he set up his alibi.

This is the first time I believe Misty is telling the truth.

I could understand if, after a knock-down drag-out with Ron, followed by a 3 day anti-Ron revenge binge, Misty returned to Ron and his gun-filled mobile home and thought she might best figure out how to get rid of the guns for her own safety's sake.

I can also understand her permitting her brother to arrange for this to happen. I can also understand Tommy & Joe getting high while they were getting this little favor for Misty done.

What I don't understand is how Haleigh fits in. Accident? :waitasec:

This new wordsmithing game about "borrowing the gun for night deer hunting" vs. "stealing the gun" - that could be just semantics with regard to felony homicide - i.e. if Haleigh died accidentally during the commission of another felony (gun theft) - then there's less chance for involuntary manslaughter charge.


other thought - Any idea who the "best friend" Misty refers to at the top of this page of chicken scrawl - who she wishes to see?
Emma, she has that friend that Misty & Lisa ran away with long ago. Her name is Crystal. She put out some youtube videos, with a foul mouth. That's the only one I heard of.
IMO. the bolded part says that the "he" she is talking about before that is Ron. She mentions Joe by name later. But she make it clear that the "he" is the one who had the gun...Ron.

Ron is the one who threatened her with a knife, threatened to kill her, threatened her to make her cover it up and tell the story while he set up his alibi.

This is the first time I believe Misty is telling the truth.

I believe her too. And that's why she was AFRAID to tell....Maybe that's why the Croslins went along with these lies for so long...they know Ron has threatened to kill her and probably her family too if she told the truth. They all seemed to want to get out of SATSUMA. And their way of protecting Misty made it look like they were covering for Ron also. I think that some of the Croslins knew what had happened because Misty told them the truth. I believe that Chelsea and Lindsey knows. But to protect Misty they all rallied against one of their own. JO....But when Misty, Ron and Tommy got locked up, Chelsea thought the game was over and that's why she was confused about Misty denying Ron's involvement. "It isn't him????

JMO though
Even more, why implicate Joe, say he's stealing a gun, he kills Haleigh.......and then back off that story and say he was only going to borrow the gun to go hunting?

Why provide a loophole, such as it is?
Someone help me here. This is the old letter right? Not the one that Art was talking about recently?
Someone help me here. This is the old letter right? Not the one that Art was talking about recently?

I can't speak for anyone else, Grand, but I'm pretty sure there's no accounting for what Art's talking about at any given moment and how it's connected to anything else.

IMGHOWDATAU (in my groveling humble opinion which doesn't amount to anything, usually)
Someone help me here. This is the old letter right? Not the one that Art was talking about recently?

I think this is indeed the old letter not the one that Chelsea is said to be looking for a buyer for. Kat posted this article which was helpful.

snip~Misty implicated her cousin Joe Overstreet in the letter, Croslin said. Overstreet told First Coast News that he is innocent.

Croslin doesn't know if what was in the letter is the truth, she said. She gave the information to police and said right now all she wants is justice for Haleigh.

After she gave a copy of the letter to authorities, Chelsea Croslin said, she got rid of her copy.~ end

There must be a new letter if she got rid of her copy of the first one in my opinion. I don't know. I feel like I am running in circles actually.
I think this is indeed the old letter not the one that Chelsea is said to be looking for a buyer for. Kat posted this article which was helpful.

snip~Misty implicated her cousin Joe Overstreet in the letter, Croslin said. Overstreet told First Coast News that he is innocent.

Croslin doesn't know if what was in the letter is the truth, she said. She gave the information to police and said right now all she wants is justice for Haleigh.

After she gave a copy of the letter to authorities, Chelsea Croslin said, she got rid of her copy.~ end

There must be a new letter if she got rid of her copy of the first one in my opinion. I don't know. I feel like I am running in circles actually.

I guess I read that differently......she had a copy to give to LE and had a copy to get rid of ...... one doesn't generally make a copy of something one is going to get rid of, yanno? Why'd she make a copy first?
this maybe why none of them could come forward with what really happend that night with Haleigh.....

i hope i made since with the above.....sorry this is so long.....

i think something happend with Haleigh before ron left for work, (not sure if it was at the mobile home or not) she may have died then or later .....ron wouldnt go back to house until after work....to handle what happend with Haleigh......he told misty to stay with the story......Joe and tomi show up to steal a gun from ron....the gun is not there....Joe and Tomi find out that Haleigh had died.....Joe and/or Tomi dispose of Haleigh to pizzz off Ron who now is going to have to come up with a story of why his daughter is missing......
no one would be able to come clean??

TakeNote I agree with everything other than what I have bolded in red..
I cannot imagine anyone walking into a situation and finding a deceased child and deciding to dispose of said deceased child just to pizz someone off...We're talking about a deceased child here (as Misty would say), and not a bicycle (as Ron Cummings would say).. I am inclined to believe both Tommy and Jo may have put Haleigh in that dumpster until someone else came and removed her, however for them to do that they had to have been threatened by Ron C or Misty begged them to do it because Ronald had hightailed it to work and left her to handle the whole situation by her lonesome.. And yes, I can believe he would do something like that.. JMO
I guess I read that differently......she had a copy to give to LE and had a copy to get rid of ...... one doesn't generally make a copy of something one is going to get rid of, yanno? Why'd she make a copy first?

I can't explain why these peeps do what they do...nothing makes a bit of sense to me.
Quote Respect Scanner, Maryanne123 and all the other WSers who were able to read any part of this letter. You are amazing! :thumb:

I was scared no one now what he said he would do you know that day when he would not go back to the house and we stayed at the store, he put me up with a knife and said if I said he would come back and kill me he told me at the house he would kill me too.

Misty was scared. No one knew what he said he would do. (So now she is going to explain to Chelsea)...

"Do you know that day when he would not go back to the house, and we stayed...(Misty is asking Chelsea to recall a certain day, instead of saying "remember" she says "do you know the day.") On this day(is this the day of Haleigh's disappearance? I can't tell from this.) HE(Joe)would not go back to the house. And WE stayed at the store.

"he put me up with a knife and said if I said he would come back and kill me" With this sentence right after or as a part of the last statement, I think this reads: "Chelsea, do you remember the day Joe would not go back to the house and Joe and I stayed at the store? Well, he put a knife to me(pulled a knife on me) and said if I ever said (what he did) he would come back and kill me."

"He told me at the house he would kill me too." Here we have a separate incident of Joe threatening Misty. First, he threatens her life at the "store" and then at the house "too/also."

She says she didn't know what to do. Next Misty gives this information about Joe. "He has already raped me, you know." My understanding was Joe had molested Misty when she was younger, or that the sexual contact between Misty and Joe had happened before Haleigh's disappearance. I am happy to be corrected on that matter. TIA. I feel Misty is saying Joe had raped her previously, not the night all of this happened but I could be wrong on that.

Misty could be saying, "I didn't know what to do, he had threatened me at the store and he had already raped me that night he did what he did, you know." Is the "you know" a real "you know"? As in, was/is Chelsea aware Joe had raped Misty? This could be a liars, "you know." As in, "no we don't know until you tell us." All I can be definite about here is that Misty says Joe had already raped her before he threatened her at the store. I would figure the "store" incident was after the Haleigh incident. Next, Misty begins:

"I heard they were coming to get the gun." Right after saying Joe has already raped her and speaking of the day at the "store", Misty starts telling a part of her story regarding the day Haleigh disappeared. She "heard" "they" were coming for the gun. So, someone let her know (Joe and Tommy) were coming to get the gun, there must have been a previous incident with "the" gun and "they" must have felt a right to come and get said gun. But Misty "didn't know it was gone." And, "that is when Joe got mad", Joe must have expected that gun to be there to be mad that it wasn't.

"Tom had walked out" "and that was when Joe took it" "you know, I don't know where Tommy went" "I don't think he did **** but he knows Joe did." "They was so *advertiser censored*ked up and I mean I don't know how Joe even drove home." "That's why the van had () on and he was so f'ed up bad." "That's all for now." "I just wish I knew what he did."

Tom had walked out and that was when Joe took "it." It can not be the gun because it was gone. Joe was mad that it wasn't there. Here I think we are hearing Misty saying that Joe wanted that gun and when it wasn't there he took something else, "it." What was it? I do think she is alluding to Haleigh, but does not actually come out and say her name. What Misty says next really makes me feel she is telling us her version of why Joe is the one who murdered Haleigh. "I don't know where Tommy went." So, Tommy walking out, meant of the MH. Misty does not know whether or not Tommy "did ****"(meaning in the killing of Haleigh) leaving it open to speculation as to whether Tommy did have something to do with the actual killing and or disposal of Haleigh. But Misty does know that Tommy knows Joe did (do the killing/disposal/hurting of Haleigh.

Chelsea, I was scared no one knew what he said he would do. Do you remember the day when Joe would not go back to the house and he and I stayed at the store? Well, he threatened me with a knife and said he would come back and kill me if I told anyone that he is responsible for what happened to Haleigh. He also told me at the house he would kill me. So, I didn't know what to do, he had already raped me you know. I heard they were coming to get the gun but I didn't know it was gone. That's when Joe got mad! Tom had walked out, and that is when Joe took Haleigh. You know, I don't know where Tommy went, I don't think he did **** but I know he knows Joe did. They were so intoxicated I don't know how Joe drove home(in the van). This is why(this as in: here you go this is exactly why, not a guess but a statement of fact the van had (blank) on it because I am sure Joe being so intoxicated and driving caused it. That's all for now. I just wish I knew what Joe did to Haleigh, you know what I mean?

That last statement comes across very awkward. Misty is letting us know that she knows for sure that Joe drove the van while "****ed up" and that is an explanation for something about the Van. And, then at the end she lets us know that she wishes she knew what happened to Haleigh, she has let us know she was a victim of Joe, just as much as Haleigh.

I followed a WSer's idea of saving this letter to my desktop and I still have extreme difficulty in reading what it says. I do think the word "store" has a "y" at the end. It looks like it says, "stayed at the story." (Some on this thread did translate this word this way and I see this also) The "y" in "stayed" looks like the letter at the end of that word, so if it isn't "story" I do think it is a word with a "y" at the end. Either way, the word does not change the idea of this letter. Joe is guilty of taking Haleigh.

I remember in the very beginning of this case, Misty spoke about the van, the blanket and those that took Haleigh. Yes, she has been selling this story to different degrees all along, but she is still lying. IMHO. How was she able to be in the house with RC, with Joe no where around, LE ready at a phone call: and not tell Ron what happened? How about the safety of the police station? IMO this letter reeks of Misty trying to give a version of a story that makes her seem innocent.


OMG! Not at all a reflection on you. You've done your very best with what you had to work. All I can say is I've seen obscure foreign languages easier to translate. :doh:

People are wondering why Joe hasn't been arrested yet, based on this "evidence"? We can't figure out what she is saying without adding "or it could be" and "or maybe this is what she meant". The police need something more concrete than a letter few people can decipher. I'm not willing to see anyone arrested based on illegible accusations. I want hard core evidence. LE has Joe's clothes. I would think if Haleigh's DNA would have been even minutely on them, JO would be locked up.

Btw, Chiquita, you did an outstanding job. :clap:

Somebody, please get MC a tutor.
this maybe why none of them could come forward with what really happend that night with Haleigh.....

i hope i made since with the above.....sorry this is so long.....

i think something happend with Haleigh before ron left for work, (not sure if it was at the mobile home or not) she may have died then or later .....ron wouldnt go back to house until after work....to handle what happend with Haleigh......he told misty to stay with the story......Joe and tomi show up to steal a gun from ron....the gun is not there....Joe and Tomi find out that Haleigh had died.....Joe and/or Tomi dispose of Haleigh to pizzz off Ron who now is going to have to come up with a story of why his daughter is missing......

no one would be able to come clean??

I'm not sure I agree about them taking the body just to make RC mad. To help Misty, yes.

Even if it didn't happen exactly this way, I think you're on the right track. I've been thinking all along no one is able to come clean because they all had a hand in the events leading up to, and after, what happened to Haleigh. Each person is protecting himself/herself. I can't erase the picture of "LE bomber jacket mamma" arriving on scene with an 8x10 glossy in hand.

I also was confused reading "he, he, he" and didn't see "Joe" until the middle of the letter. Why not mention him first if he's THE ONE? :waitasec:

White Boy Greg in the slammer again? Maybe he just wants to cozy up with RC and discuss their undercover deals. :highfive:
M's letter to Chels, IMO, will closely match the version ToC's lawyer stated ToC told him.

ETA: Snip from NGS
May, 14, 2010

WERTER: No. No. I did not say that. I want a pure interview of both of these. My understanding through Robert Fields is that their stories now, even though they haven`t been together to collaborate their stories, are pretty well matched up, you know, with a reasonable amount of tolerances that you would expect normal witnesses. They`re not mirror images and they`re not widely different. So that`s a normal -- that`s what you look for in trial.

And you know this. If you get two people who are mirror image, it causes suspicion. If they`re too widely apart, then their credibility is shot there, too. So what the thing is, is to see what the pure story is. And if they have communications, third party, whatever, you know, it may taint the purity of their testimony...
M's letter to Chels, according to JW's last appearance on the NGS, will closely match the version ToC's lawyer stated ToC told him.

ETA: Snip from NGS
May, 14, 2010

WERTER: No. No. I did not say that. I want a pure interview of both of these. My understanding through Robert Fields is that their stories now, even though they haven`t been together to collaborate their stories, are pretty well matched up, you know, with a reasonable amount of tolerances that you would expect normal witnesses. They`re not mirror images and they`re not widely different. So that`s a normal -- that`s what you look for in trial.

And you know this. If you get two people who are mirror image, it causes suspicion. If they`re too widely apart, then their credibility is shot there, too. So what the thing is, is to see what the pure story is. And if they have communications, third party, whatever, you know, it may taint the purity of their testimony...

Ah-hem, cough, cough, choke, choke. So, um, Mr. Werter, are you saying these people didn't speak to each other for 11 months before their arrests? No prior corroboration before the release of these letters and before Tommy made his "statements" about the river? Give us a break! We know lawyerspeak when we hear it but we don't have to buy it. :curses:

I could understand if, after a knock-down drag-out with Ron, followed by a 3 day anti-Ron revenge binge, Misty returned to Ron and his gun-filled mobile home and thought she might best figure out how to get rid of the guns for her own safety's sake.

I can also understand her permitting her brother to arrange for this to happen. I can also understand Tommy & Joe getting high while they were getting this little favor for Misty done.

What I don't understand is how Haleigh fits in. Accident? :waitasec:

This new wordsmithing game about "borrowing the gun for night deer hunting" vs. "stealing the gun" - that could be just semantics with regard to felony homicide - i.e. if Haleigh died accidentally during the commission of another felony (gun theft) - then there's less chance for involuntary manslaughter charge.


other thought - Any idea who the "best friend" Misty refers to at the top of this page of chicken scrawl - who she wishes to see?
Emma, Haleigh's death and the fight over the gun were two separate incidents. The fight occurred and Joe went a little crazy, making threats to Ron and Misty. Misty later killed Haleigh. Yes, I do believe that she did. She somehow convinced Ron and his family that Ron was responsible. If the fight over the gun occurred at the MH near the time of Haleigh's death, and there is any chance that Misty can make her story fly, Werter wants to downplay the notion that a robbery took place, the dreaded felony homicide scenario.

If Misty inflicted bruises on Haleigh, there was no way she could let any of the Cummings see her. She had to move her quickly and called on Tommy and Joe to help her, threatening to put the blame on them if they refused.

Now, Ron's always suspected Misty was lying. After the rat incident he told Tim M that he brought her along because he wanted to see how well she could lie. He also made that statement about shooting her teeth through the back of her head. Now in jail and sober, he's opened up to LE and his attorney. They know Misty is responsible and now, so does Ron. As Hardy said, Misty knows she's in trouble. She can't blame Ron, so she's making a last ditch effort to blame Joe, and to a lesser degree, Tommy. That is what the letter is about, IMO. She's started devising this backup plan from the very beginning, thus all the implications about Joe starting in the very first week or so.
I'm looking at it as:
O ya Lindsey is over doing it to much ?? ????
O ya Lindsey is over doing it to make (mach) me ????

btw - new to this website and kinda linking it (kinda = sad circumstances/stories/events but great posts/posters) the feelings of bittersweet. Great info for a newbie to the case.
Thanks, Ruby

I have been trying to decipher that part, and I still have not had much luck, but I think it says:

"Lindsy is onle(only) doing it to mach(make) me" .......

I'm not sure if the last part is one word or it is two just squashed together, it looks like one of the words could be "the", and then ????

I don't know, but I would really hate to be on the receiving end of any of her letters, would take all day to read and translate. :crazy:

Also interesting that she said they "stayed at the STORY he put me up with a knife". :banghead:

and welcome to WS!! :seeya:
I have been trying to decipher that part, and I still have not had much luck, but I think it says:

"Lindsy is onle(only) doing it to mach(make) me" .......

I'm not sure if the last part is one word or it is two just squashed together, it looks like one of the words could be "the", and then ????

I don't know, but I would really hate to be on the receiving end of any of her letters, would take all day to read and translate. :crazy:

Also interesting that she said they "stayed at the STORY he put me up with a knife". :banghead:

and welcome to WS!! :seeya:

It makes more sense that is says only - I never saw the y, but that's because it's spelled with an e.

Thank you for the welcome - I do more reading than posting.

And the more that I read the more :crazy: I get. This whole case just breaks my heart :(


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