Misty's New Interview

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It appears that Misty has finally cleared her head of drugs, but not of the relative ease with which she continues to lie through her teeth. I find nothing credible about Misty in this new video. Noticeably, she doesn't seek to blame Ron for HaLeigh's disappearance. We've heard this particular Croslin theory before. Misty's back to laying the seeds for drug-dealers stealthily scooping H out of the trailer as she slept that night.

This case boils down to an uncooperative family-the Croslin Family, and how every one of the Croslin siblings (and their wives) will do and say whatever is necessary to protect the 2 Croslins who were present the night HaLeigh was murdered by one or both of them. Chelsea and/or Timmy were involved in the cover-up that night (van), but Tommy---and Misty as either a major player or complicit in H's murder and coverup are responsible for the homicide.

As another poster noted, there are likely several elements of truth in the tale Tommy instructed Misty to tell re the van, implied sexual assault, brick and yellow rope, and river. Tommy places himself at the trailer door, van and at the river with HaLeigh. He was out of his mind on drugs that evening, and committed the homicide alone or with help.

If Ron were responsible, one, two or all of the Croslins would have given him up ages ago. Sure, Ron was a druggie, a dealer, an abuser and possessed guns, but he didn't murder his daughter either accidentally or deliberately. No drug dealer, gang member, etc. took HaLeigh because of money Ron owed. And Misty and the Croslin siblings took full advantage of Ron's history in the explanation Misty likely provided Ron when he returned home.

Misty cannot tell the truth because she would rather be in prison for 25 long years on drug charges, than to be labelled a child murderer, or found complicit with her brother Tommy in the murder and coverup. The original crime was sexual in nature, and therefore, Misty and Tommy will do anything to not take responsibility for it.

All, IMO.
Misty cannot tell the truth because she would rather be in prison for 25 long years on drug charges, than to be labelled a child murderer, or found complicit with her brother Tommy in the murder and coverup. The original crime was sexual in nature, and therefore, Misty and Tommy will do anything to not take responsibility for it.

All, IMO.

The drugs they were all on kill the sex drive. jmo
somehow related to those bruises and abrasions on his hand, right....lol

When his record was researched way back when, i was floored that someone with all that on his rap sheet didn't do any time in prison. (maintaining a drug vehicle...WTF is that???--i know what it is..lol)

Then the light when off when Geraldo interviewed him....i love that one, not only b/c you get to see the family dynamics and how they all rally around one another, but you also get to see what Ron looks like when he lies...VERY TELLING to me. and i also suspect he was high as a kite in that video.


Leopards NEVER change their spots!


I remember seeing Ron high many times, imo. How about the video where he is at his lawyers office and is pleading to the public and has a total drug high right on camera and couldnt talk for about 20 seconds. Unreal.
It appears that Misty has finally cleared her head of drugs, but not of the relative ease with which she continues to lie through her teeth. I find nothing credible about Misty in this new video. Noticeably, she doesn't seek to blame Ron for HaLeigh's disappearance. We've heard this particular Croslin theory before. Misty's back to laying the seeds for drug-dealers stealthily scooping H out of the trailer as she slept that night.

This case boils down to an uncooperative family-the Croslin Family, and how every one of the Croslin siblings (and their wives) will do and say whatever is necessary to protect the 2 Croslins who were present the night HaLeigh was murdered by one or both of them. Chelsea and/or Timmy were involved in the cover-up that night (van), but Tommy---and Misty as either a major player or complicit in H's murder and coverup are responsible for the homicide.

As another poster noted, there are likely several elements of truth in the tale Tommy instructed Misty to tell re the van, implied sexual assault, brick and yellow rope, and river. Tommy places himself at the trailer door, van and at the river with HaLeigh. He was out of his mind on drugs that evening, and committed the homicide alone or with help.

If Ron were responsible, one, two or all of the Croslins would have given him up ages ago. Sure, Ron was a druggie, a dealer, an abuser and possessed guns, but he didn't murder his daughter either accidentally or deliberately. No drug dealer, gang member, etc. took HaLeigh because of money Ron owed. And Misty and the Croslin siblings took full advantage of Ron's history in the explanation Misty likely provided Ron when he returned home.

Misty cannot tell the truth because she would rather be in prison for 25 long years on drug charges, than to be labelled a child murderer, or found complicit with her brother Tommy in the murder and coverup. The original crime was sexual in nature, and therefore, Misty and Tommy will do anything to not take responsibility for it.All, IMO.

bbm, I agree, and do not believe Ron harmed HaLeigh. Also believe none of the Croslins would cover for Ronald. If HaLeigh is deceased, and I pray she isn't, I can see this either being a sexual crime and murder, or covering up of a sexual encounter. JMO
I think Misty is lying, and the only reason to lie is to protect yourself. If she knew Tommy or Timmy had anything to do with this, she would have sung like a bird. Ron is another story, she would stand by him up to a point. I think the only person she is protecting at this time is herself. We have heard that same old story from day one, that she recites like a memory she created and has down pat. I think she looks good now and she wanted to get her face on TV so now Ron can see how good she looks and maybe even get some money in the mail from past admirers. JMO
I remember seeing Ron high many times, imo. How about the video where he is at his lawyers office and is pleading to the public and has a total drug high right on camera and couldnt talk for about 20 seconds. Unreal.

Oh yes, another one of my favorites....that 20 second pause.... ackward moment for him... totally spaced out and forgot what he was saying...if that were me, i'd be pizzed that my attorney didn't edit the tape atleast to make the pause a little shorter....or maybe he was suppose to look sad, as if holding himself back from crying, during that pause that that is why it stayed either way, i am right there with you, many times he has been high in interviews. JMO

Ron IS right where he belongs! JMO

all of this is JMO :)
I think Misty is lying, and the only reason to lie is to protect yourself. If she knew Tommy or Timmy had anything to do with this, she would have sung like a bird. Ron is another story, she would stand by him up to a point. I think the only person she is protecting at this time is herself. We have heard that same old story from day one, that she recites like a memory she created and has down pat. I think she looks good now and she wanted to get her face on TV so now Ron can see how good she looks and maybe even get some money in the mail from past admirers. JMO

bbm, that's interesting, I never thought of those possibilities
Well, hello there sober Misty. Nice to meet you.
Lots more growing up to do. Hopefully, lots more counseling ahead.
Somewhere locked in that head of your's - you'll get to it - the truth.

Like everyone says: So ... the couch bouncing and peeking from under the covers with Junior and the Haleigh screaming in her bed and Ronald's gun that Joe came to steal and Timmy and Joe with his knife and the van and the river and the pee blanket and the other blanket - where's that part? On the cutting room floor? Or was that just another crazy night in the trailer.

New information: Misty saying that Ronald abused them all, including the children.

Old story: Black guy at the car said the Mexicans did it and he can get Haleigh back for $$$.

(New question, if that's true: Who was he referring to? The group Misty partied with? Or the group Ron owed money to? Or are they the same group?)

I believe Misty loved the children (in the immature way she could) and had hoped she'd found a family and a way out of her tough childhood.

It is not hard to believe that Ronald abused them. Also, I can believe the teen-child Misty would have stay anyway if Ron only abused them "on occasion". She spent her life to date loving and relying on people who abused drugs and all that came with that. She married him because after such a great loss of a child they both loved, they were bonded. IMO, Misty was ready to have his next child, to heal his wounds and so he would love her even more.

It's such a mess. Clearly there's cover-up. IMO, cover-up is all about the drugs. Can't tell if Misty has anything to cover-up.

IIRC, she slept with the children - kept them with her in the master bedroom, with a gun under her pillow. :eek:

Sometimes I even wonder if Misty may indeed, have "let Haleigh get stole". (by sleeping through it - or most of it.)

Glad to see Haleigh's still in the news. Thanks for that Misty. Otherwise...:dunno:
I think Misty is lying, and the only reason to lie is to protect yourself. If she knew Tommy or Timmy had anything to do with this, she would have sung like a bird. Ron is another story, she would stand by him up to a point. I think the only person she is protecting at this time is herself. We have heard that same old story from day one, that she recites like a memory she created and has down pat. I think she looks good now and she wanted to get her face on TV so now Ron can see how good she looks and maybe even get some money in the mail from past admirers. JMO

She got his name tattooed on an intimate part of her body AFTER a divorce. I have never followed a case where the clues are so obvious and some are still just baffled. The writing is literally on the wall and some just gloss over it. jmo
Growing up as they did, the Croslin siblings would do anything to protect each other. They were all each had. The bond is very strong. There is no reason for brother Tommy to concoct and put out the filthy stories he eventually told about the night H disappeared. I still lean towards Tommy as most responsible, or Tommy with Misty's complicity to cover up something H may have witnessed. I believe the crime stems from something sexual in nature, and therefore, the Croslins will continue to deny, deny and deny.
Growing up as they did, the Croslin siblings would do anything to protect each other. They were all each had. The bond is very strong. There is no reason for brother Tommy to concoct and put out the filthy stories he eventually told about the night H disappeared. I still lean towards Tommy as most responsible, or Tommy with Misty's complicity to cover up something H may have witnessed. I believe the crime stems from something sexual in nature, and therefore, the Croslins will continue to deny, deny and deny.

I can see this, and if there was something going on between Misty and Tommy, and HaLeigh told, Tommy would lose Lindsy and his family, and Misty would lose Ron imo. possible motive imo
I can see this, and if there was something going on between Misty and Tommy, and HaLeigh told, Tommy would lose Lindsy and his family, and Misty would lose Ron imo. possible motive imo

Yes, because the words of a child really hold a lot of weight. Even if Tommy and Misty were in the intimate throws of passion, Ron probably wouldn't of even cared. jmo
ok i'm confused... in the beginning part of the video, mistys talking about trying to call ron etc and then she says something like "he pulled up and he wasn't upset, he looked like he was on drugs"

why would ron be upset if he supposedly had no idea haleigh was missing at that point?

was she saying he should have been upset at that point? if so, why?
Items in Misty’s interview which are different than earlier stories:

1.We put Haleigh on the bus (on the LVA, Ron drove like a maniac that morning because they had to go over to Grandma Sykes to get Haleigh’s favorite outfit, then Misty walked Haleigh to her classroom). So which story is true? This one would be real easy to answer if LE would share with us how Haleigh got to school that Monday morning.

2. She tried to call Ron more than twenty times and he wouldn’t answer (Ron’s statement was that he noticed Misty was calling him as he was pulling into the driveway so he didn’t answer it) I tend to believe Misty on this one. Ronald is lying in his answer, IMO.

3. When Ron got home, Ron didn’t look upset, he just looked like he was more messed up on drugs (first time this observation was stated by Misty) I can easily believe Misty on this statement. I have seen for myself that Ronald was under the influence of drugs as soon as he was shown on TV for the very first time and continued to be on drugs after that, IMO.

4. Twenty-three times she called him and he didn’t answer the phone (Misty stated something similar to her father on the jail videos, this is the first time that she stated the calls were after she found that Haleigh was gone) I tend to believe Misty on this statement. It is public knowledge that LE has the phone records so even Misty should know better than to lie now. What is interesting to me is that she is stating that the twenty-three calls were made after she found Haleigh missing.

5. Ron was dealing drugs before he met her and he owed money. This is an easy one, I believe Misty is telling the truth on this one, IMO.

6. In this story she and Ron were getting out of his truck at a biker’s bar at one of Ron’s relatives when a black man approached Ron and Ron told Misty to get back in the truck. Black man says that he knows where Haleigh is, that the Mexicans have her and if Ron pays this much money back, he will go get her and Ron will have her back on Friday. (in the earlier story, they were at a convenience store when the black man approached Ron) I think that the first time this story came out, the convenience store location was used in order to protect the family relative biker. This is probably the same family biker who held onto the assault rifle for Ron until he finally dropped it off to LE. However, I’m not so sure that this story is true. The fact that Misty states that she heard it from the black man makes me think that that part is a lie. If Misty did hear this story, I believe it came from Ronald.

7. The abuse that Ron gave Misty, Haleigh and Jr. (all during this case Misty and Ron and Ron’s family denied that Ron ever beat on the children or any women he was with) I believe Misty on this statement. I’ve always believed that Ronald was abusive to Misty and the children. I also believe he was abusive to Crystal as well.

8. He was always (meaning Ron)messed up on pills (Ron denied he was on drugs) IMO, Misty is telling the truth on this statement. Ron however, lied his head off on this subject.

9. He beat on the children and when Misty would take up for them, she would get beaten (Ron denied ever beating on the children or beating on a woman) I believe that Misty is telling the truth. Ronald is the liar on this one, IMO.

10. Ron introduced her to the pills (this was discussed on the jail videos between Misty and Hank Sr.) I believe that Misty is telling the truth on this statement. She has no history of drugs prior to meeting Ronald. She has stated that she smoked pot.

So, that is my summary of Misty’s statements on the interview. It is clear to me that while she is reciting the actions of that morning, she is lying her head off. Starting with putting Haleigh on the bus, doing what she was suppose to be doing, Ronald picking up Haleigh at the bus stop……yada, yada, yada. But as I noted above, there are some things that she is telling the truth about, IMO.
Thanks Titan. I can't believe how good she looks. Not sure what I think, she seems really believable, but she is saying the same old things about the details of that night. So hard to believe her. She's probably been taking acting lessions. :waitasec:
It would be easier to believe what she is saying if she would explain why she told the other stories. Was she just having fun playing with everyone; was she lieing to cover for someone; was she lieing because someone else told her to? I really could possibly believe her if she would fess up on the other stories she told.

She does look a lot different than I saw her last at her sentencing. I'm going to have to change my opinion about the photograph that was posted a few days ago. I didn't think it was Misty but now that I've seen her with her eye makeup on, the photo could be her.
She does look a lot different than I saw her last at her sentencing. I'm going to have to change my opinion about the photograph that was posted a few days ago. I didn't think it was Misty but now that I've seen her with her eye makeup on, the photo could be her.

I thought it wasnt her too! I am freaked out by the eye color change or rather appearance of a change. No way they would have the real misty stashed somewhere right?:floorlaugh:
:eek: Can't discuss sites with stars, peeps. I removed those posts.

Coming in late as I've not been around, but I have to say that when I see someone's eyes darting around like Misty's are in much of her interview, I believe they are lying. That's usually an indicator of someone who is searching for a lie to tell and I believe she told quite a few of them.

My :twocents:
I may have missed some, but viewing Ger's photos up top I found three bars....

Hideaway - Lake Como
Log Cabin Bar - Welaka
Spurs - Palatka

Which one was Misty talking about? Anybody know?
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