Misty's New Interview

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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I'm not sure... IMO the news release just says that they've been doing tests to find DNA traces but it didn't help them identify a suspect. It does not say whether or not they found any unidentified DNA that could be the perp's.

Purely JMO, they didn't, because if they had a stranger's DNA in a strategic place they would have been more careful saying that they think it was not a stranger abduction.

(I am assuming that they have the DNA of everybody who was known to have been there.)[/QUOTE]

They have all of the DNA to those who are sitting in jail. From what i understand, LE takes your DNA and enters it into a database, so IF there was DNA in the MH found by LE, that matched Tommy or Joe, or Timmy, or someone other than Ron, Misty, HaLeigh and Jr then more then likely there would have been an arrest re HaLeigh's case. JMO

ITA :)
I'm not sure... IMO the news release just says that they've been doing tests to find DNA traces but it didn't help them identify a suspect. It does not say whether or not they found any unidentified DNA that could be the perp's.

Purely JMO, they didn't, because if they had a stranger's DNA in a strategic place they would have been more careful saying that they think it was not a stranger abduction.

(I am assuming that they have the DNA of everybody who was known to have been there.)[/QUOTE]

They have all of the DNA to those who are sitting in jail. From what i understand, LE takes your DNA and enters it into a database, so IF there was DNA in the MH found by LE, that matched Tommy or Joe, or Timmy, or someone other than Ron, Misty, HaLeigh and Jr then more then likely there would have been an arrest re HaLeigh's case. JMO

ITA :)

bbm, I haven't heard that, although I don't know a lot about Florida, do you have a link please? TIA
Thank you to the OP that brought the vid here. I did listen and watch it.

This doesn't change my viewpoint. IMHO MC is complicit in what happened to Haleigh and this isn't a theory thread so I'll keep that off this thread.

But I wanted to share that I've had the recent experience of dealing very closely with someone who was diagnosed with personality disorder. I'm not saying that MC is---but since I've had this latest experience I have realized that lies can be told and the person lying really isn't cognizant of the fact they are lying. The coping and defense mechanisims are so deeply ingrained in their psyche that they are telling what their minds will allow them to accept. Also, what we as those that are non-disordered see as manipulation may also fall into the above definition.

Again not saying she is disordered, no one but a doc can determine that. But given the history we do know about her childhood and adolescence it's not a stretch for me personally to look at what she has said in the past and what she says in this video and come away with the impression that she may just be a deeply troubled young woman.

All of the above IMHO doesn't excuse her but rather makes it more difficult to ever determine what it was that happened to Haleigh. I do still think she knows more. Whether she is deliberately withholding info or if her mind won't let her even confront that knowledge---I'm not sure we will ever know.

All JMHO. Again thanks she looks good.

I could not agree more with this assessment. Misty is a liar and I believe that sometimes she deliberately lies and is well aware that she is lying. However, I think other times Misty's lies are pathological, i.e., she may not be aware that what she says is not the truth. As for her failed polys, there are people who can never pass a poly no matter what, just as there are those who can lie through their teeth and pass with flying colors.

In order to really determine what Misty may or may not know about Haleigh's disappearance, a battery of psych tests would have to be done combined with an extensive psychiatric evaluation. This could only be accomplished with Misty's permission; it is not something that can be required or forced (accurate assessment and test results require full cooperation).

Misty may have some facts, or she may have all the facts, or she may have no facts in this case. Until someone is charged, however, Haleigh's case is not likely to move forward.
It's comments like this that prevent me from taking the accusations made about how Ron 'must' be involved seriously. :twocents:
LE has made recent statements about people, including Ron, not being truthful. But about the statement you quoted...nobody can know if he would have cared or not, but we do know that he took Misty back after the WBG weekend and we do know that he married Misty after Haleigh came up missing. A lot of people could and do interpret that as him not caring. I'm not sure how I interpret it, but I can honestly say I don't blame anyone for thinking Ron didn't care what Misty did. MOO.
LE has made recent statements about people, including Ron, not being truthful. But about the statement you quoted...nobody can know if he would have cared or not, but we do know that he took Misty back after the WBG weekend and we do know that he married Misty after Haleigh came up missing. A lot of people could and do interpret that as him not caring. I'm not sure how I interpret it, but I can honestly say I don't blame anyone for thinking Ron didn't care what Misty did. MOO.
bbm, iirc the part about Ron was retracted, I think it was only in one paper iirc, I don't believe LE ever said that about Ron

as many times as they have been arrested, i am pretty confident LE has all their DNA :)

i have no link about the DNA in the MH, i was responding to another poster who was discussing a link posted by someone else...lol. (confused yet?lol) :)
Thanks! I didn't know that.

I think the DNA, if they have it, inside the MH, is as LE said, folks known to them, so their DNA being in the MH wouldn't led to an arrest imo
bbm, iirc the part about Ron was retracted, I think it was only in one paper iirc, I don't believe LE ever said that about Ron
I could be wrong and if I am, I stand corrected, but the only retraction I remember was when a news outlet reported that Ron and Misty were suspects. They aren't evidently. But like I said, I could be wrong...because statements, reports and retractions were flying and I could have missed it. MOO.
We have seen him lie in front of cameras but maybe he was truthful in interrogations *shrug*. IMO Ron himself more or less admitted that LE weren't all that convinced that he was being truthful and gave them all the information he had.

Cummings said he and former girlfriend Misty Croslin — who he has since married and is now Misty Cummings — have been unfairly targeted.

“There should have been more attention to Crystal’s family,” he said. “I think they should have paid more attention to everyone rather than just me and Misty.”

Cummings has cut off interviews with investigators.

“Besides ‘No I didn’t have nothing to do with my child being missing,’ what do you say?” he asked.

Maj. Gary Bowling, director of law enforcement for the department, said detectives would like to interview Cummings again but have been resisted.
Read more at Jacksonville.com: http://jacksonville.com/news/metro/..._remains_divided_6_months_later#ixzz1LVf6e0cz

There would have been no reason for these comments IMO if LE had been able to verify Ronald's story and confirm he had nothing to do with his child going missing.

Edited to add that at least some of them apparently gave DNA samples voluntarily:

March 2009
Investigators in the Haleigh Cummings missing person / abduction case have collected DNA samples from several people involved in ongoing investigation. Among those who provided
authorities with DNA samples, according to CNN, were Haleigh Cummings' father, Ronald Cummings, her mother, Crystal Sheffield, and Ronald Cummings' girlfriend, Misty Croslin.
Re: both kat and krkrjx posts about Misty's mental state, possible disturbances, and likelihood that some of Misty's lies are not even intentional but rather pathological and believed possibly even by her personally...

This is an excellent point IMO and one that is further brought to light from watching this interview. How could Misty not be somehow emotionally and/or mentally damaged from her upbringing and abuses??
ImO it's just not possible to escape this when raised in this type environment.

IMO we havent even begun to scratch the surface on Misty's truly disturbed mental and emotional state. And just as krkrjx mentioned I certainly wish that we were able to get a full and complete evaluation and possibly begin some extensive therapy with Misty. IMO this may be the only chance there is at getting to the truth. I do believe that misty feels guilt over what happened to Haleigh but I believe the damage done to Misty emotionally/mentally allows her to displace and disengage herself from any responsibility in what happened to Haleigh. I think with intensive treatment with her being slowly allowed to accept and adjust to her responsibilities in the crime that there's a great chance that the part of Misty that does care, does feel, and seemed to care for Haleigh at one time.. After some amount of time, therapy, adjustment, and proper guidance it could lead us to finally getting the whole truth.


Posting via mobile so please excuse errors as there is not the same amount of control as I'd have posting from my laptop! Thanks! :)
Thanks! I didn't know that.

I think the DNA, if they have it, inside the MH, is as LE said, folks known to them, so their DNA being in the MH wouldn't led to an arrest imo

No problem :) Several different state use this same system.

IOW, how long does ones DNA last in one certain area? specifically in a MH with two small children.
It is a strange world she lives in...first saying she had an okay childhood and then goes right on telling how there were a lot of problems with her parents addictions and she got raped and couldn't read and couldn't go to school anymore. I suppose there are several definitions of OK and that could fall under one of them.

She didn't say anything about the laundry or the visitors they had or freaking out because of the back door was open in this interview, did she?

The bar story sounds like so much hogwash. Dunno, maybe someone really said so hoping to see some cash for himself but IMO, if someone really kidnapped Haleigh for money RC owed them they would have made sure he knew and not waited around for the gossip to eventually reach him through some guy hanging out in a bar.
It is a strange world she lives in...first saying she had an okay childhood and then goes right on telling how there were a lot of problems with her parents addictions and she got raped and couldn't read and couldn't go to school anymore. I suppose there are several definitions of OK and that could fall under one of them.

She didn't say anything about the laundry or the visitors they had or freaking out because of the back door was open in this interview, did she?

The bar story sounds like so much hogwash. Dunno, maybe someone really said so hoping to see some cash for himself but IMO, if someone really kidnapped Haleigh for money RC owed them they would have made sure he knew and not waited around for the gossip to eventually reach him through some guy hanging out in a bar.
The funny thing about childhood is most of us think ours were normal and ok, even if they were horrible. Misty doesn't have another childhood to compare hers to, it's all she knows, so her statements don't surprise me...victimized but defensive. about the bar story...I believe the conversation took place but doubt very seriously it was a true story. I would imagine in a situation like this, rumors were flying and all kinds of people were trying to insert themselves for attention, money, whatever. My question is this...how seriously did Ron and Misty take this story? Did they check into it? contact the cops? ignore it? Is it something, like the 'Haleigh' picture, that Misty is now trying to glob onto? to point away from her? MOO.
It is a strange world she lives in...first saying she had an okay childhood and then goes right on telling how there were a lot of problems with her parents addictions and she got raped and couldn't read and couldn't go to school anymore. I suppose there are several definitions of OK and that could fall under one of them. She didn't say anything about the laundry or the visitors they had or freaking out because of the back door was open in this interview, did she?

The bar story sounds like so much hogwash. Dunno, maybe someone really said so hoping to see some cash for himself but IMO, if someone really kidnapped Haleigh for money RC owed them they would have made sure he knew and not waited around for the gossip to eventually reach him through some guy hanging out in a bar.

imo now that she has been removed from her family for so long, it's possible that when she looks back on her childhood she thinks it was okay..she may be thinking "oh it wasn't as bad as i thought it was".. she seems like the out of sight out of mind person. i'm sure she had a very hard childhood however now that she's no longer living that type of lifestyle she may think it wasn't as bad as it truly was

i hope that makes sense
imo now that she has been removed from her family for so long, it's possible that when she looks back on her childhood she thinks it was okay..she may be thinking "oh it wasn't as bad as i thought it was".. she seems like the out of sight out of mind person. i'm sure she had a very hard childhood however now that she's no longer living that type of lifestyle she may think it wasn't as bad as it truly was

i hope that makes sense
or she always thought it was normal but after all this happened, maybe LE let her know it was NOT ok? IDK, but Misty's not much more than a kid now and her childhood should still be going on, so her memories arent really old enough to have softened or faded much. I keep forgetting how really young she was when she moved in with Ron. MOO.
I am holding great hope that Misty now seems to be getting clear headed, and as young as she is, and was, at the time Haleigh disappeared, that the reality is setting in. I have never thought that she had it in her to ever harm a child. I don't think she could ever have the capacity to fool many seasoned detectives. But I do think she could be holding back on evidence that she does not realize may be important to the case. She did admit to abuse by Ronald to her and the children, so now I just think it is a matter of time before LE listens to her and focuses on Ronald. That is if LE is up to that.
after listening to this interview, for the 1st time, I truly think Misty knows everything. ughhh, and I've spent the last 2 years giving her the benefit of the doubt. I still don't think she's a killer, but I do believe she's covering for herself and others. MOO.
Ronalds taped interview with his mom, convinced me that he, Ronald, is counting on Misty to stick with him. We all know the jailhouse tape release. I will give a link if i have to, but common knowledge here. He is more or less saying that Misty will not go against him.
It was the taped jailhouse conversation between Ronald and mom (teresa) when she said do you think Misty will talk. That said it all to me. And Ronald said no, the only time she cried was when Ron jr. was brough up. That told me all
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