Mitigating - Aggravating Factors- General Information the penalty phase

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Aggravating factors: circumstances about the offense that makes it more heinous or cruel (e.g., the murder of a police officer or a murder in the course of a rape)

Mitigating Factors: any evidence about the defendant that a juror might reasonably view as a reason to impose a sentence other then death (e.g., no prior history of criminal activity; remorse; cooperating with law enforcement officers investigating the offense; a mental disability).

Well for aggravating factors for Casey Anthony they are as stated by the state to be:
1) The capital felony involved aggravated child abuse
2) It was premeditated
3) The victim was under the age of 12
4) The defendant was the victim’s parent
5) The slaying was especially heinous, atrocious, or cruel

Mitigating Factors for Casey would be:
A mental disability would be the only one that would apply (IMHO)
She has priors (at least in theft) no remorse, she did not cooperate with LE..So it only leaves mental issues.
. So Baez will have to prove Casey is unstable so there for should get LWOP....
It could happen if they can prove she has anti-social personality.. But is that enough? Is anti-social disorder enough to get out of the DP?

I am going to say no to the last question, becuase she does still know right from wrong and she tries to cover up what she has done. She knows it is wrong.
I am going to say no to the last question, becuase she does still know right from wrong and she tries to cover up what she has done. She knows it is wrong.



Wrong enough that after the murder, she demonstrably lied for as long as she could to her parents about her own and Caylee's whereabouts and activities. (See phone pings vs her stories about where they were, oh and how about that last-ditch "I talked to Caylee earlier today" attempt once Cindy had her pinned and wriggling?)

Let the defense make hay of the "ugly coping" tactic. It was indeed ugly. And it did surely show that KC was coping (quite well) with her daughter's death.



Wrong enough that after the murder, she demonstrably lied for as long as she could to her parents about her own and Caylee's whereabouts and activities. (See phone pings vs her stories about where they were, oh and how about that last-ditch "I talked to Caylee earlier today" attempt once Cindy had her pinned and wriggling?)

Let the defense make hay of the "ugly coping" tactic. It was indeed ugly. And it did surely show that KC was coping (quite well) with her daughter's death.


I forgot about the call she said she got from Caylee. And that was to protect the family again. I see.

Also, KC saying she was trying to protect the family from harm. So when she is giving "clues" from Jail, that is okay with the "kidnappers" I guess.

uMMM, that would be child abuse.

Not in my day, it wasn't, and probably not before my time either. It's only been in the last twenty years that paddling has become child abuse. And IMO, some kids need it. It worked for me in the principal's office! And I had to to this thing call the chair - you bend your knees and lean against the wall with your arms out, looking like a chair. What a deterrent that was! Now it's touch my kid and I'll sue you. I feel so sorry for schools today.

I do agree that some paddling is abuse, especially when it leaves visible marks. And honestly, I hope I never have to do it to my own kids. But I don't believe in being soft and letting kids walk all over me either, which was apparently Cindy's way of dealing with Casey until it was far too late.

There's nothing to mitigate here, getting back on topic. She knows right from wrong, but doesn't care because no one ever made her care. She's made choices, and now she has to live with the chocies she's made. Plain and simple. And I doubt those experts are finding much in her family to blame this on anyway.
Not in my day, it wasn't, and probably not before my time either. It's only been in the last twenty years that paddling has become child abuse. And IMO, some kids need it. It worked for me in the principal's office! And I had to to this thing call the chair - you bend your knees and lean against the wall with your arms out, looking like a chair. What a deterrent that was! Now it's touch my kid and I'll sue you. I feel so sorry for schools today.

I do agree that some paddling is abuse, especially when it leaves visible marks. And honestly, I hope I never have to do it to my own kids. But I don't believe in being soft and letting kids walk all over me either, which was apparently Cindy's way of dealing with Casey until it was far too late.

There's nothing to mitigate here, getting back on topic. She knows right from wrong, but doesn't care because no one ever made her care. She's made choices, and now she has to live with the chocies she's made. Plain and simple. And I doubt those experts are finding much in her family to blame this on anyway.

BBM - Dealing up close and personal with someone with any of the psychological characteristics we have seen and discussed as possibly "part of the problem" with ICA, will wear on the strongest person and I do believe the A's were worn down completely at the time ICA disappeared - while GA has been seen as the weaker of the A's emotionally, I think he actually had a better grip than ol "hammer time" herself. Being combative back just doesn't work - you must spell out the rules in simple English and draw a line - no one apparently did this in that house.

CA pretending nothing is wrong and defending her daughter to the point of covering her criminal activity - did ICA no favors (as well as being sort of crazy in it's own right) but you are correct the bottom line is ICA grew up and went to school where she learned the rules - whether her mother tried to make believe the rules didn't apply to her or not, she knows the difference between right and wrong.
Not in my day, it wasn't, and probably not before my time either. It's only been in the last twenty years that paddling has become child abuse. And IMO, some kids need it. It worked for me in the principal's office! And I had to to this thing call the chair - you bend your knees and lean against the wall with your arms out, looking like a chair. What a deterrent that was! Now it's touch my kid and I'll sue you. I feel so sorry for schools today.

I do agree that some paddling is abuse, especially when it leaves visible marks. And honestly, I hope I never have to do it to my own kids. But I don't believe in being soft and letting kids walk all over me either, which was apparently Cindy's way of dealing with Casey until it was far too late.

There's nothing to mitigate here, getting back on topic. She knows right from wrong, but doesn't care because no one ever made her care. She's made choices, and now she has to live with the chocies she's made. Plain and simple. And I doubt those experts are finding much in her family to blame this on anyway.

BBM - Dealing up close and personal with someone with any of the psychological characteristics we have seen and discussed as possibly "part of the problem" with ICA, will wear on the strongest person and I do believe the A's were worn down completely at the time ICA disappeared - while GA has been seen as the weaker of the A's emotionally, I think he actually had a better grip than ol "hammer time" herself. Being combative back just doesn't work - you must spell out the rules in simple English and draw a line - no one apparently did this in that house.

CA pretending nothing is wrong and defending her daughter to the point of covering her criminal activity - did ICA no favors (as well as being sort of crazy in it's own right) but you are correct the bottom line is ICA grew up and went to school where she learned the rules - whether her mother tried to make believe the rules didn't apply to her or not, she knows the difference between right and wrong.

Amen ladies! Iv'e said it a million times but I'll say it again, I was raised in the same manner and I'm here to tell ya, parents who parent this way are doing their children NO favors. We have to be able to learn from our own mistakes and be held responsible for our own actions and IN-actions.. it's how we grow but not having those things doesn't keep us from knowing our behavior is wrong we just think we will get away with it. Momma will fix it, sweetheart, don't worry!
Paddling or a smack on the butt with a belt or hand wasn't considered child abuse in my generation, and I'm just a few years older than KC. It wasn't done in schools anymore (obviously) when I was growing up, but it was common for our parents to discipline us in such a manner. Agreed with OLG when she says CA wasn't doing KC any favors.

I didn't respect any authority figure and acted out A LOT, but you'd better believe when they threatened to call my mom I would straighten up real quick! I most certainly did not want to face the wrath of her.
Had she coddled me and said, "It's ok sweetheart, I'll take care of it", aka CA's family motto, I would've already been in prison or dead.

I'm not surprised that KC turned out the way she did. There were never any consequences for her lying and stealing, etc. It's the way many children are being raised today because the parents are so afraid of the "child abuse" label. I mean... we were little punks when we were kids, but nothing that I've seen in the children today. They have NO fear whatsoever.
re: Mitigating Factors

Why Women Aren't Executed: Gender Bias and the Death Penalty
Fall 1996 Human Rights Magazine By Thad Rueter

Isn't this sort of the opposite, in a backwards kind of way, of what AL was trying to say???

Yep. Wonder if this woman will be flown out to testify! lol. Gotta watch out for all those prosecutors who wake up each day just itching to send women to the electric chair for no reason.
Paddling or a smack on the butt with a belt or hand wasn't considered child abuse in my generation, and I'm just a few years older than KC. It wasn't done in schools anymore (obviously) when I was growing up, but it was common for our parents to discipline us in such a manner. Agreed with OLG when she says CA wasn't doing KC any favors.

I didn't respect any authority figure and acted out A LOT, but you'd better believe when they threatened to call my mom I would straighten up real quick! I most certainly did not want to face the wrath of her.
Had she coddled me and said, "It's ok sweetheart, I'll take care of it", aka CA's family motto, I would've already been in prison or dead.

I'm not surprised that KC turned out the way she did. There were never any consequences for her lying and stealing, etc. It's the way many children are being raised today because the parents are so afraid of the "child abuse" label. I mean... we were little punks when we were kids, but nothing that I've seen in the children today. They have NO fear whatsoever.

I agree with your post, Reagan. I'm a tad older than you... even then, I don't remember any kind of physical punishment in the schools, but I sure as heck knew if I messed up, I would have hell to pay when I got home.

I'm thinking Cindy wasn't as worried about the child abuse thing as she was of just being plain afraid that if she punished KC or made her pay the consequences for her actions that KC wouldn't love her....

Turns out.... she doesn't love her anyway.

I agree with your post, Reagan. I'm a tad older than you... even then, I don't remember any kind of physical punishment in the schools, but I sure as heck knew if I messed up, I would have hell to pay when I got home.

I'm thinking Cindy wasn't as worried about the child abuse thing as she was of just being plain afraid that if she punished KC or made her pay the consequences for her actions that KC wouldn't love her....

Turns out.... she doesn't love her anyway.



IMO The hatred is cuz although she didn't punish her and stood up for her to outsiders (anyone who isn't the two of them), once in awhile she'd give her a good choking for something she completely ignored the last time it happened. Or that it's OK to treat dad (or the rest of the world) a certain way (lie to, steal from,etc..) but if she did it to mom- watch out. The mixed messages and wildly fluctuating reactions is where the damage comes from with these types of mothers. To everyone else she says you are a wonderful daughter, her best friend, she knows everything about you.. but to your face you are a horrible, selfish child and she knows nothing about you and even if she does- she refuses to accept it and in turn, you.

Sadly, she made her daughter hate her. imo
I agree with your post, Reagan. I'm a tad older than you... even then, I don't remember any kind of physical punishment in the schools, but I sure as heck knew if I messed up, I would have hell to pay when I got home.

I'm thinking Cindy wasn't as worried about the child abuse thing as she was of just being plain afraid that if she punished KC or made her pay the consequences for her actions that KC wouldn't love her....

Turns out.... she doesn't love her anyway.


When I was in grade school, teachers were still allowed to paddle you. With witnesses, etc. Or sent to the office. You did NOT want to be sent to the office. They took their sweet time, but they finally got around to warming the area as needed.

No way would a be a teacher now days. No way. Kids are allowed to abuse, abuse, abuse. Which causes teachers to become nasty and cross the line. Other kids don't understand why teachers are so nasty these days..

I think it's way to late for a child to learn, when it's left up to a cop. Here in Central Florida we had a cop recently break an elder's neck for being drunk and disorderly. Cops do NOT have to take what teachers do. They can beat you down, teaser you, even shoot you. Teachers are just as human.
When I was in grade school, teachers were still allowed to paddle you. With witnesses, etc. Or sent to the office. You did NOT want to be sent to the office. They took their sweet time, but they finally got around to warming the area as needed.

No way would a be a teacher now days. No way. Kids are allowed to abuse, abuse, abuse. Which causes teachers to become nasty and cross the line. Other kids don't understand why teachers are so nasty these days..

I think it's way to late for a child to learn, when it's left up to a cop. Here in Central Florida we had a cop recently break an elder's neck for being drunk and disorderly. Cops do NOT have to take what teachers do. They can beat you down, teaser you, even shoot you. Teachers are just as human.

Ya know what? I don't know how teachers do it! I'm surprised more teachers don't flip out. Here you are trying to shove something down the throat of people who have no desire to taste what it is your cooking. And won't, no matter what you say. Teachers are left to be babysitters when that's not what they signed up for! Education is wasted on the young. We should make them work while WE go to school then when we are through with school, we work while they go to school. Kids that age don't wanna learn- Not what schools are teaching. I couldn't be a teacher. :blowkiss: teachers should make what actors make!!
After yesterdays hearing with the introduction of Dorothy, 10-29-10, the most important fact I took from it was this:

Why would a mitigation specialist need to go to Ohio when the extended family who took care of ICA during her youth in Florida live in Mt Dora?????

If Shirley could not provide them with enough info to get a jury to feel sympathy for ICA, there isn't another person on Gods green earth who will.

THAT my friends speaks volumes ......
I'm trying to figure out exactly who Ann Finnell is wanting to interview in Ohio.:waitasec: Isn't that where GA & CA met and married? GA worked as a LEO there. I know CA's parents live in Mt. Dora now. I recall that they (CA, GA, LA and KC) moved to Florida so GA could work with his dad at the car dealership. So, to the best of my recollection, both of their families were in Florida???

I'm missing a piece of the puzzle somewhere....
After yesterdays hearing with the introduction of Dorothy, 10-29-10, the most important fact I took from it was this:

Why would a mitigation specialist need to go to Ohio when the extended family who took care of ICA during her youth in Florida live in Mt Dora?????

If Shirley could not provide them with enough info to get a jury to feel sympathy for ICA, there isn't another person on Gods green earth who will.

THAT my friends speaks volumes ......

I think she is targeting GA's family, not CA's - looking for someone (anyone) to confirm KC's sexual abuse allegation... which they have probably figured out, hence the refusal to talk to the Defense.
I'm trying to figure out exactly who Ann Finnell is wanting to interview in Ohio.:waitasec: Isn't that where GA & CA met and married? GA worked as a LEO there. I know CA's parents live in Mt. Dora now. I recall that they (CA, GA, LA and KC) moved to Florida so GA could work with his dad at the car dealership. So, to the best of my recollection, both of their families were in Florida???

I'm missing a piece of the puzzle somewhere....

In the discovery with all the letters that people wrote to Inmate Anthony, there are several letters from her "Aunt Kathy" in Ohio. She is George's sister. There is Kathy, her husband, her daughter, her son in Ohio now. Kathy's husband is in the auto dealership business. Maybe George's sister can testify to George's anger issues with his father? Maybe it is the family dynamics of ANGER that Inmate Anthony was raised with by Daddy George, they are looking for to provide a mitigating factor not to give the Inmate the death penalty.

George's sister, Ruth, and her husband are also in Ohio, or were in Ohio ... may now be in SC.
I'm trying to figure out exactly who Ann Finnell is wanting to interview in Ohio.:waitasec: Isn't that where GA & CA met and married? GA worked as a LEO there. I know CA's parents live in Mt. Dora now. I recall that they (CA, GA, LA and KC) moved to Florida so GA could work with his dad at the car dealership. So, to the best of my recollection, both of their families were in Florida???

I'm missing a piece of the puzzle somewhere....

The car dealership was in Niles, Ohio IIRC.
GA still has all his family in that area.
In the Status Hearing this is what AF said she need research in Ohio for....

Status Hearing Oct 29, 2010
AF - I asked for travel exp for mit expert or one inv to travel to Ohio, Warren, Ms Anthony birth, lived for a while as a child (3 yrs)
Judge - what age - what hope to get there?
Finnell- family dynamics, birth records, medical records, childhood trauma
In the discovery with all the letters that people wrote to Inmate Anthony, there are several letters from her "Aunt Kathy" in Ohio. She is George's sister. There is Kathy, her husband, her daughter, her son in Ohio now. Kathy's husband is in the auto dealership business. Maybe George's sister can testify to George's anger issues with his father? Maybe it is the family dynamics of ANGER that Inmate Anthony was raised with by Daddy George, they are looking for to provide a mitigating factor not to give the Inmate the death penalty.

George's sister, Ruth, and her husband are also in Ohio, or were in Ohio ... may now be in SC.

Thank you!! ThinkTank, you are on par with Google. :D
The car dealership was in Niles, Ohio IIRC.
GA still has all his family in that area.


It was? I am totally confused then. I thought that was one of the reasons they decided to move to FL (along with being closer to CA's parents). I know when they separated GA went to south FL to stay with someone....I guess I just assumed it was his parents...

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