GUILTY MN - Barway Collins, 10, Crystal, 18 March 2015 #1

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I, too, am wondering if PC sold Barway. Seems PC could use money re: child support case. Sure would explain the "uncle" idea. Maybe the park was a convenient place for PC to meet someone. It seems some sort of evidence would have been found by now if Barway was in the Mississippi. Backpack?

I just watched it. It was NOT Pierre Collins speaking. It was Pierre Collins' Liberian 'Pastor' speaking. He said Pierre brought life insurance on 'all 4 of his kids' three years ago. (HELLO: What 3-4 year old needs to eat baby food????) He also said Pierre is going to get more active and start a FaceB_ _k page for his missing son. (HELLO: This 10 year old has been missing, what 20 days now OMG !!!)
I, too, am wondering if PC sold Barway. Seems PC could use money re: child support case. Sure would explain the "uncle" idea. Maybe the park was a convenient place for PC to meet someone. It seems some sort of evidence would have been found by now if Barway was in the Mississippi. Backpack?
I'm starting to think the same thing unfortunately [emoji35]

I feel the 'Pastor' is in this for the $$$ MONEY $$$ now, too. We need to all remember that there is a personality TYPE that has interest/takes pleasure/finds joy in SEEKING OUT/GETTING publicity, BEING ON CAMERA!! Keep in mind: This 'Pastor' is CHOOSING to go on national Nancy Grace tv show & this 'Pastor' CHOSE to do a press conference for today's news (wcco is the 'big' local cbs station...) IMO: This 'Pastor' is milking the situation for his $$$ self interest now !! This is my honest opinion !!

Poor little 10 y old Barway !


I feel very sad: My gut just knows now that horrific evil of some sort has been done to innocent little Barway, and it was all 'cold blooded' and about money $$$. Every single day, this case gets uglier, and uglier, AND UGLIER ! All about making 'quick money' $$$ MHOpinion

I see now that earlier this afternoon, the 'Pastor' gave a video press conference in front of the 'big' newspaper (for Mpls. and St. Paul) which is called the Star Tribune. Reporter wrote that the 'Pastor' said:

Pierre did not see Barway outside their apt home on March 18 where he was last scene.
I completely agree re: insurance policies that I don't think many people buy life insurance policies on their minor children, especially if they aren't in the
%1 category, which I don't think PC seems to be.

I just don't think Barway is in the river.
This case has gotten to me. This handsome young man is close to my son's age. Barway has such a radiant smile. I sure hope you're still out there and you're still smiling, beautiful boy.
I wonder if it's true that he bought life insurance on all his kids years ago instead of what was reported, that he purchased it for Barway very recently.
Anyone else having Relisha Rudd flashbacks a little bit? I am and I have said that from the beginning with the "uncle" who isnt really an uncle.
People saw Barway walk to the parking lot. They saw where he went. There were at least 5 known people there plus Barway. One of those 5 people called him over, I just know it. I pray Crystal PD is just keeping quiet and getting their ducks in a row. It might be dangerous to be a snitch in that apartment complex iykwim. Especially if they saw 'you' see them.
People saw Barway walk to the parking lot. They saw where he went. There were at least 5 known people there plus Barway. One of those 5 people called him over, I just know it. I pray Crystal PD is just keeping quiet and getting their ducks in a row. It might be dangerous to be a snitch in that apartment complex iykwim. Especially if they saw 'you' see them.

I don't think the Liberian community is like what your thinking re: dangerous to talk.
ONLY Liberian's live in that complex?
ONLY Liberian's live in that complex?
It is a multicultural community. It could be that someone has seen something and they have told LE. In the recent case of Jennifer Houle people were wondering why LE was so quiet. In retrospect it was because LE had information. IMO part of the perceived "secrecy" - referring to tight lipped LE - may protect the investigation. My heart begs that PC not be involved. My head says other people could be involved. Did bio mom have a relative grab him and being him home? My gut tells me something bad has happened. All MOO
I drove around the little rectangle of the little parking lot (see the terrific google map arial view that someone posted here a few pages back...) to see what it looked like for myself, oh, maybe one week after the disappearance of the child. The little parking lot area and the small 3 story buildings are a very 'cozy' area -- it's NOT a big area -- anyone can readily see, and hear, what is happening, AND from the Crystal Police post of video on the Nancy Grace clip (go to the NGrace site), we know there was an apparently/perhaps Liberian lady (black lady) in a full long skirt leaving the building and walk RIGHT BY little Barway, AND when the little school van stops to let Barway off, you can see two apparently/perhaps Liberian males (2 black males, one seemingly normal height, and one seemingly a little on the 'short' side) casually walk right in front of the school van to the parking lot. Because we see Barway say 'There's my dad' and 'There's my uncle' BEFORE his school van stops, my impression is that it would have been 'Dad' and, or 'uncle' who then strolled over to where the van stopped, and called to Barway. I ALSO WONDER if whoever called Barway away from the apartment complex door KNEW that the school van had two cameras in it... I bet 'dad' and 'uncle' NEVER EVER KNEW the school van had audio !! I think whoever called to Barway KNEW the apartment complex had a camera right inside the door, and THAT'S WHY Barway was called-to right when Barway got to the door - all on purpose by whoever took the child.

When I drove through the apartment complex parking lot area, about 11am on a Sat. morning, there were several black people - maybe 7-8 total, in '1's' and '2's' strolling through the parking lot (note: there's some additional parking spots as you drive in the complex entry). Of course, I don't know that they were all Liberians, but I'm GUESSING they're all from Africa. At Barway's apartment complex entryway, there was a bunch of 5 white men in plainclothes, some with notebooks/pads of paper: I am guessing that they were a team of FBI/Hennepin County Sheriff's Office 'real' police officers (NOT THE TOTALLY FAKE POLICE group/'nonprofit' that is hanging around with Pierre Collins and his Pastor !!!) who were there canvassing the apartments one by one.

Note: When you enter the little rectangular parking lot area, on the right there is a good-sized tree, and that is where there was one big teddy bear and a few more smaller stuffed animals, and maybe a few candles in glass holders.... later, the group of 3 mothers who got a FaceB_ _k page and organized a search or two found out that Barway liked mac' and cheese and ramen, so they added a few boxes to the memorial site.

Note: If I were going to go on a search, I'd go with the 3 mothers' group, or the 2 other MN search groups, NOT that fake police non-profit group who led Saturday's search !

Note: I have a friend who thinks whoever took this little child was so devious that he/she/they are actually leading the police and the public on a wild goose chase at the 3 local Mississippi River parks where police, and the public, have been searching !! IMO, if you look at the news video of Barway's Dad 'searching' the Mississippi riverbank (baseball cap pulled down, hoodie up and tied tight around his face), he sure looks to me IMHO like he knows he's totally wasting his time poking in the leaves with his walking stick! The Dad even looks downright angry to me... this is my opinion.
Thank you for the great accounting of what things look like. The google map is older and the canopies are a different color now. I deducted the canopy with the circle based on it NOT having a giant tree across from it, and because the you could see the canopy and entrance from a pretty good distance as it approached (from long parking lot?). Can you verify that I circled the correct canopy? Based on the video and your drive through, can you describe where he walked from, and what the big green thing is in the background behind him as he walks up?
It is a multicultural community. It could be that someone has seen something and they have told LE. In the recent case of Jennifer Houle people were wondering why LE was so quiet. In retrospect it was because LE had information. IMO part of the perceived "secrecy" - referring to tight lipped LE - may protect the investigation. My heart begs that PC not be involved. My head says other people could be involved. Did bio mom have a relative grab him and being him home? My gut tells me something bad has happened. All MOO
I really think you are right about that. I don't feel they are slacking at all. I pray his bio mom took him. Please please please let that be all it is.
I do not think that Barway's bio' mom in Liberia 'snatched' Barway back to Liberia: IMO, living in the area, and having interactions with people from Liberia, people want to get OUT of Liberia, the poverty, lack of sanitation, electricity, EBOLA -- I've never met anyone from there who wanted to return. IMO, the Liberians here are 'sponsoring' their family members from Liberia, to bring them here to live.

I would LOVE to think that the Crystal Police Dept. is deliberately staying quiet and that they're just quietly building their case right now and arrest/arrests are pending, but I fear they just don't have enough to make 'probable cause' for an arrest of their named Suspect, or anyone else. IMO, when the Crystal Police Chief held her one press conference, all in uniform, 2-4 officers in uniform standing right behind her as she named Pierre Collins as a SUSPECT in Barway's disappearance, that was a deliberate move to try to stress Pierre Collins and somehow 'tip the boat' by unnerving Pierre Collins.

I also DO NOT AT ALL like Pierre Collins' Pastor !! IMHO it is downright nutZ for a religious pastor to be calling press conferences and saying the named Suspect is innocent !! IMHO this 'pastor' is just milking the situation for his own self interest, which is getting on tv repeatedly, with the ultimate prize being YouKnowWhat: MONEY $$ IN HIS HAND $$ $$.
Another note: Pierre Collins said he needed to go buy milk and baby food, and he told police he drove 10-15 mins. or so to Cub Foods, a big local chain. IMO, no 3-4 y old child still needs to eat baby food - that sounds bogus. And, if Pierre Collins needed to get milk, there is a super duper bargain grocery store - I know for a fact many Liberians are buying food in this store day-in and day-out -- and it is called Aldi, and it is literally two minutes by car or by foot from Pierre Collins' apartment (it's kinda 'kiddy corner' to that apartment complex, and across a busy intersection with stop lights). The Aldi grocery store chain is known locally to have The Best Prices on milk, eggs, fruits, vegetables, meats, frozen seafood, etc. - Aldi's is a very popular store with bargain prices all the time---if you're watching pennies and seek value, then Aldi is the place to buy your groceries. The Cub Foods store is a big local chain, too, but the prices are notorious as nearly all huge rip-offs (e.g., $4 for a 14 oz. can of organic black beans, $4.50 for a 4 oz. Amy's frozen veggie burrito! - no fooling !) except for carefully watching their weekly ad and bi-weekly coupon books which usually have a few 'real' bargain.

Pierre Collins 'last' wife, Jennifer Beaver of western Wisconsin, has spoken out in more detail:
"He was very mean to Edwin, made threats to him, threatening to kill him or beat the heck out of him; he's not a nice man," she said.
Barway's middle name is Edwin. .... When asked about the $30,000 life insurance policy Collins had on his son and other policies on his children with Beaver, she answered, "It wouldn't surprise me. Pierre is money hungry; everything is about money. Beaver accused him of physically abusing the kids, she said, "Just because he didn't get charged, doesn't mean he didn't hurt the children. He can't see the children, there's a reason." ... On March 18, the former couple had a day in court because Collins was months behind in child support. It was the same day Barway disappeared."

I repeat, too: IMO, it is entirely inappropriate for a religious clergy member to call press conferences to claim someone is innocent - how the heck would that guy know up from down !! IMHO, the pastor has a money motive and is milking the disappearance of this innocent little boy for his own pecuniary $ gain. This case, with its sordid 'cast of characters' (imo, the Pastor, the 2 fake police chiefs with their nonprofit), just gets more and more perverse imho. Keep in mind, imho, the Pastor and the nonprofit-fake police dept. take in money, and likely most or nearly all money in COLD CASH contributions/'pass the hat', and they pay zero tax. There is a news photo of the $1,200 cold cash given to Pierre Collins at one of the 'prayer vigils' --- it's a pic' of green dollars and dollars and dollars, all laying on a Berqa (big woman's head covering cloth) on the apartment complex parking lot....
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