Identified! MN - Blue Earth, WhtFem 183UFMN, 20-35, May'80 - Michelle Busha

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Sorry about the back to back posts-the other thread carries a news report when the body was discovered that indicates the girl/woman's head was SHAVED with the exception of a single small round patch.

OK- a little bit of sleuthing....Dallas was a hotbed of Hara Krishna in the 70's well into the late 80's. In 2000 there was a class action suit by 48 survivors who had been children in the cult. They alleged systematic sexual abuse and torture. These children were taken from their parents and boarded at Krishna schools where they were raped, beaten and tortured...a prime method would be to have them walk barefoot with no coats during terrible weather...or just barefoot always. These children were sent to schools all over the midwest and to California. My initial sleuthing indicates that there was a Krishna Meditation center in Southern MN in the 80's...the reason I bring all of this up is that previous posts indicate the discovery of a TX ID card 2 months after doe was found. The name on the card was Fidencia I. De Parede, 918 Barrows, Dallas TX. The tip was sent to the Dallas Police according to the website but went nowhere I guess.

De Parede appears to be a Portuguese Surname. Fidencia is the latin baby girl name for Fidelity. Google Map indicates that the physical address is a multi family home. I could not locate any one with that surname, but found one person in Seattle WA.

I have come across this case before. I was able to locate Fidencia de Parede online and pass the tip on to another website that had a detailed profile of the Doe.

FIdP is still in Dallas, aged 55-60 (i.e., within the Doe age range) and had been contacted. She was unable to explain the loss of her ID card but she isn't the Doe and apparently isn't aware of any connections.

I do like the Hare Krishna theory though - it explains well the callused feet and the shaven head.
I have come across this case before. I was able to locate Fidencia de Parede online and pass the tip on to another website that had a detailed profile of the Doe.

FIdP is still in Dallas, aged 55-60 (i.e., within the Doe age range) and had been contacted. She was unable to explain the loss of her ID card but she isn't the Doe and apparently isn't aware of any connections.

I do like the Hare Krishna theory though - it explains well the callused feet and the shaven head.

So far from what I have read, females in the hare krishna do not shave their heads. They wear traditional sari's. Perhaps this was some type of extreme group or her head was shaved to make it look like she belonged to such a group?

there was a group that was actively recruiting in this era called The Christ Family led by "Jesus Christ Lightening Amen" who required members to go without shoes and other worldly possessions.

From what I have been reading from past members, there were a couple of girls who disappeared under suspicious circumstances, and the group as a whole was known to travel all over the country.

Unfortunately, there is not a lot of available documentation (from my searches) to find too much on individuals missing who are thought to have joined cults.
Sorry ya'll, but based on the recent ID of Jeannie Melville to a UID that was found soon after she went missing in the area to which she was headed, I will not dismiss any possibles out of hand. Jeannie was said to be "ruled out" too, but it was a match from 1970 FGS. We need to push harder in every case. If it's a DNA or dental rule out, I might buy it.

Just sayin......Don't take their word for it!!! They're not always right and more often than not, they are wrong. IMO...

Callouses on the feet tell me this UID was an athlete or a a long-distance walker (ie; hitchhiker). My guess is a hitchhiker - for a long time.

I refuse to rule out any one whose circumstances simply don't fit. Who's to say?

We should take with a grain of salt when people are said to have gone missing, their height and weight, tattoos, dental work, etc. I know if I were to go missing today, the people who care about me wouldn't know most of that stuff.
About the feet, I wear heels EVERYWHERE (i'm short, so i try to compensate lol) and I have a LOT of callouses on my feet. So another thought is a dancer? Corp America worker?
there was a group that was actively recruiting in this era called The Christ Family led by "Jesus Christ Lightening Amen" who required members to go without shoes and other worldly possessions.

From what I have been reading from past members, there were a couple of girls who disappeared under suspicious circumstances, and the group as a whole was known to travel all over the country.

Unfortunately, there is not a lot of available documentation (from my searches) to find too much on individuals missing who are thought to have joined cults.

I did some research on this group, all indications are the women were treated second class to men but nothing in everything I read says anything about them shaving their heads. Also members were never allowed to roam alone, always had to have another "brother" or "sister" with them.

I have also been reading up on the case. I am new at this so bear with me...

If you believe what the state trooper (the one who confessed to her killing - if u believe him) says the girl mentioned the Milwaukee area and heading to either Idaho or Oregon, also said he dumped Jane Does personal effects at a grain storage facility.

IF the trooper did it, I would guess he would have been hurried as to having to worry about being called on the radio....1) didn't take great efforts to hide the Jane Doe....if this is the case I know there is a cargill grain storage facility that is somewhat remote and is in that area...does anyone know if this area was ever searched after the confession (I think 9 yrs later)

As far as the shaved head....late 70's and early 80's skin heads were making a come back but back then they were not as radical as today. Milwaukee did have a large population of "skin heads" (Eastside Milwaukee)...this would also explain the camo jacket the murderer mention in confession.

Calloused feet - that could be simply from walking allot hickhiking...I know..I hitchhiked from Clovis, NM to Iowa in the early 80' talk about calloused feet..yikes...only time I ever was enough

Names mention by murderer were Christine Marie Jocobson, Marie Jacobson, Karen Jorgenson, Christina Marie Jacobson, Chistine Marie Jacobson, Carolyn Jacobson

some of these things were told while hypnotized (which he agree to do)

I wouldn't get to hooked on the ID of Fidencia....someone posted they located her...anyone have the report to make sure it is right person..did they ever live at this address? TX authorities supposedly went to this location to check but said they could not locate a person of that name. If it is her and she is alive then the items would fit with the skinhead line of thought possibly stolen at some point.

anyway just sharing my thoughts....recently unemployed and somehow got drawn into this....I am amazed how many missing adult/kids there are and how old some of the cases are...just amazed...I would have never guessed
The rule outs from that website are incorrectly stated here...on the website states they have NOT been totally (absolutely) ruled out unless she has a note next to them...example Patricia Otto has NOT been totally ruled out.

A few of you mentioned the cult end of this....I would like any information you have on "The Christ Family" run by Charles McHugh aka Jesus Lighten Amen and if, when, and where they were in southern Minnesota <---this aspect needs to be looked at for no other reason then the followers were made to go barefoot and IMO they were off their rockers.

Also any information on "Into The Light Ministries" run by Rev Ronald Bernier <----did his followers go bare foot? I know they where in the area because the trooper who confessed to the crime joined that group a short time after the murder. Does anyone have info where they stayed when in the area? Did they go barefoot?
The rule outs from that website are incorrectly stated here...on the website states they have NOT been totally (absolutely) ruled out unless she has a note next to them...example Patricia Otto has NOT been totally ruled out.

A few of you mentioned the cult end of this....I would like any information you have on "The Christ Family" run by Charles McHugh aka Jesus Lighten Amen and if, when, and where they were in southern Minnesota <---this aspect needs to be looked at for no other reason then the followers were made to go barefoot and IMO they were off their rockers.

Also any information on "Into The Light Ministries" run by Rev Ronald Bernier <----did his followers go bare foot? I know they where in the area because the trooper who confessed to the crime joined that group a short time after the murder. Does anyone have info where they stayed when in the area? Did they go barefoot?

Disregard what I said about the rule outs...she said possible ruled out....I missed the possible. sorry.

I put some feelers out on some cult sites where past members talk...hoping maybe someone knew/heard of someone missing
I have been for the last month been looking into an old Jane Doe Case out of MN called Blue Earth Jane Doe. I have even gone to the sight were body was found and where murderer says he killed her...done allot of research on this...There have been some other threads on it but they seemed to have been dropped by those that were posting.

Here is what I have or what I believe...I need to know how to proceed...Is there somewhere I can get dental chart on these possibles to rule em out? Please help. Thank you...feel free to give reason why they shouldn't be considered.

Jane Doe has DNA and dental available...(I have a dental chart on Jane Doe)

everyone seemed to run with her being from WI heading towards OR or Idaho based on the fact the killer of Jane Doe (state trooper) said it in problem is I don't believe the confession is totally accurate...I believe parts are but not all.

Jane Doe had shaved head and heavy calloused feet.
3 mths later a TX id and sweater was found hidden in an underpass not far from where Jane Doe was found..I believe a mile. It was pretty much discounted by the sounds of it.

the shaved head - I believe she was a member of the "Christ Family" a nomadic cult mainly in TX and CA and spent time by Mexico border. I need to prove this for sure...will take help!

I have confirmed from past members that the females had to shave their heads to learn about vanity...some were aloud to grow it back but not all and anytime a male member told them to shave it they had to.

calloused feet - they didn't believe in wearing shoes - late 70's they still wore robes and no shoes

TX id - I have located the person on that id - she is alive in TX. This tells me it was stolen or found and someone was using as a fake id. That tells me someone from TX had to take it or find it. I think it to close to finding the id and the murder it should have been taken more seriously connected.

My guess she wasn't from WI,OR, or ID but actually from TX so

I have went through their missing in this time frame and the only ones I can't really rule out as a serious possible from that area is

best to worse

PHYLLIS BERRY - doenetwork 544dftx ncic # m-400921199 tx case id m0007006

reason - with the heavy calloused feet she had to be with the cult for awhile, the area she disappeared was lower part of TX, there was a possibility she left with someone on a motorcycle during the night (note) I have found reference that some of the higher ups in TX/CA in the cults had motorcycles - not positive though, she has used other names apparently aka P. Benny and P. Ecklison even though when she left she was 21 - that tells me if she ran she was trying to avoid being found. she fits the height/weight and right in the middle of the age range and a perfect age for cult recruitment

TERESA BYERS - doenetwork 427dftx ncic# m970703380 tx id m0005003

from TX, age is not great..the lower end of the range (19), weight height fit,
the lack of family contact/lifestyle they said they leaned towards foul I am guessing this is saying she was somewhat a close family unit and they thought she would contact them and maybe she was in trouble some...(stolen id?)

Vicki Martinez - from TX - age same as Teresa lower end of range, weight.height fit nothing as far as circumstances of the disappearance leads one way or the other

I would say most likely not
1. Wanda Priddy - married at time of disappearance - not really a prime target for cult recruitment...though age and everything else fit.
2. Dorothy Clitheroe - to young at time of disappearance - cult was dropping kids left and right - apparently to much trouble to keep them
3. Mary Trlica - 1 of 3 girsl that disappeared at same time - all fairly young - not prime cult recruitment material and the chances of getting all three girls to go I doubt
4. Lisa Wilson - 2 of 3 was with Mary Trlica above - same story - funny thing I didn't see the thrid one listed on the TX board
Kathleen Murphy - not her 4 sure - she had appendix removed
Kristy Booth - to tall - car found abandon - cult would have taken it with them

There were other girls but none that fit do to race or age...if you find one from TX I would like to know of it...

Thank you for any suggestions to go further...
note - none are in Namus - why? TX doesn't believe in NamUS???
Hello, Wow, you have done your research. I have never heard of BEJD, but, I will try to look for her, you didn't mention what year? Your theory about the shaved head and calloused feet make a lot of sense. About Namus, they just had a big redo of their site, every time I check in, they have added more people, I never looked for TX, but, now I will. Maybe TX will start adding now that they have redone it. If I find anything I will post it here--Keep up the good work even if it feels like you are the only one who cares...Maureen
Hello, Phyllis is in Namus now, she is MP 2927, but, Teresa still isn't. Good luck!!! Maureen

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