Identified! MN - Blue Earth, WhtFem 183UFMN, 20-35, May'80 - Michelle Busha

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
So I confirmed by reading old newspaper articles that the Doe's head WAS IN FACT SHAVED, save for a small round spot, which was deliberately left unshaven. One article attributes this to the Doe as being a cult member.

Here are the links to the articles (only the last 3 mention that her head was partially shaven):

This website is dedicated solely to BEJD and has a lot of information, much more than what can be ascertained from the DoeNetwork profile.

What does everyone think about the Texas ID card connection? Do you think it really was related to the Doe? Its such an odd find in rural Minnesota. Why was it deliberately hidden? Is it just coincidence that it was discovered right after BEJD was found and in the same vicinity? It doesn't appear that BEJD was hispanic (as the name on the ID suggests, if in fact it was hers) but you never know.

Here is link to some information (and official police report) about the Texas ID find:

I used to search for the name on the ID card and found the same address in Dallas Texas (On Glasgow Dr.) for 1989 and a different address in Dallas for 1993 in the US Public Records index Volume 1.

Info about the index:
The U.S. Public Records Index is a compilation of various public records spanning all 50 states in the United States from 1950 to 1993. Entries in this index may contain the following information: name, street or mailing address, telephone number, birth date or birth year

I attached a pdf of the info found. It looks like the address from ancestry is 912 Glasgow instead of 918 as in the police report, and the last name is "De Paredes" not "De Parede" but I still think its close enough to be the same person...thoughts?

Not sure what this means for the ID card though since those dates are after BEJD was found, maybe it was stolen or faked?


  • Fidencia.pdf
    48.4 KB · Views: 20
I also think the Texas ID card is odd. It could be merely coincidence, but I think it is also weird how Nelson has some connections in Texas. I have always wondered if Aleca Manning was Blue Earth Jane Doe. She was born in Alaska, last seen at a concert. She is from Arizona, but I did read somewhere she had connections in Texas. I also see some similarities with her and Jane Doe. Very odd case.
I have been to Blue Earth and seen the area where Jane Doe was found. It really isn't that close to blue earth. it's by some big campground, other than that it's in the middle of nowhere. Nothing but drainage ditches, cornfields and interstate for a bit, which is obviously why she was put there.
One way or another, that ID card found was def. tossed there to cover something up. The question is what? Is it even connected?

Aleca Manning:
I used to search for the name on the ID card and found the same address in Dallas Texas (On Glasgow Dr.) for 1989 and a different address in Dallas for 1993 in the US Public Records index Volume 1.

Before I saw your post, Jubble, looked on ancestry too.

Fidencia I Paredes

Birth Date: Two alternatives:
[18 Dec 1954]
[1 Sep 1963]

Based on ME age estimate, could be either birthdate.

In other cases, I have seen MP still listed with family members after LKA in ancestry so I don't think the 1989 or 1993 dates are necessarily significant. I do think it is interesting, however, that case information indicates LE couldn't find a person matching that name/address.

Based on ancestry research, Paredes name comes primarily from S. America or C. America countries. If the id is correlated to BEJD, it might mean she is Latina instead of Caucasian.

A raft of other possibilities including:

a). ID related but stolen or assumed by JD
b). ID not related
c). ID related but stolen by perp

I wonder if anyone (LE) has tried more recently to contact the Paredes family in Texas to see if they might shed some more light...

I know, for example, of a bar that recently found a purse in the wall and was able to track down the owner using the id located inside. She was a young woman when it was stolen sometime in the 80s...and had completely forgotten about it.
They finally put this Jane Doe in NamUs:

FINALLY she is in NAMUS! Maybe this will help us solve this cold case!
Cassandra had a couple of tattoos, I'm not sure if Blue Earth Jane Doe did?
I'm guessing this killer cop has a pseudo-memory from mixing up her origination and destination points with Randall Dean Leach, who went missing on the way to relatives in Bend, Oregon later in the year, in November. He was starting out from Sheboygan Falls, an hour north of Milwaukee. Last seen in Idaho Falls area. Here's our thread for him.
FINALLY she is in NAMUS! Maybe this will help us solve this cold case!
Cassandra had a couple of tattoos, I'm not sure if Blue Earth Jane Doe did?

I wonder if such details were always recorded properly back in1980. Back in the 70/80s many people did not think highly of females with tattoos and I wonder if the missing poster only overbite as a way to elicit a conversation with people familiar with the UID?
It's not uncommon for LE to withhold details such as tattoos so they can be used to weed out or confirm tips. If the description says no tats, then it wouldn't match. But if it's just not mentioned -- well, sometimes it's just not mentioned.

The Faribault County Sheriff's Office exhumed the body of a long-buried murder victim on Tuesday, hoping to establish an accurate record of her DNA profile and potentially match her to any family members.

Jane Doe's body, buried in Blue Earth's Riverside Cemetery nearly 34 years ago, was found May 30, 1980, in a rural Faribault County drainage ditch. Nine years later, Robert Leroy Nelson, a former Minnesota State Patrol officer on duty the time of her death, confessed to killing the apparent hitchhiker and leaving her there, between the Blue Earth and Frost Interstate 90 exits.

For more than three decades now, investigators from the Faribault Sheriff's Office have received hundreds, if not thousands, of leads about Jane Doe's identity. But her name, place of birth and history, remain a mystery.
In looking at possibilities for this UID, I cam across Nancy Jason...hard to tell from the photos available, but she does seem to have an overbite. She also was involved with a cult at the time she went missing...I realize that NAMUS states DNA available on Nancy, which could mean she has been ruled out, but I am wondering if the circumstances warrant a more thorough look...


The Doe Network

Nancy Lynn Jason

Case Classification: Missing
Missing Since: July 20, 1977
Location Last Seen: Chevy Chase, Montogomery County, Maryland Physical Description** Listed information is from the time of disappearance.
Date of Birth: September 9, 1958
Age at Time of Disappearance: 18
Race: White
Gender: Female
Height at Time of Disappearance: 5'7
Weight at Time of Disappearance: 124 lbs
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Alias(s) / Nickname(s): Unknown
Distinguishing Marks/Features: Nancy has Epilepsy and A Neg Bloodtype
Dentals: Not available
Fingerprints: Not available
DNA: Available Clothing & Personal Items
Clothing: Unknown
Jewelry: Unknown

Additional Personal Items:


Circumstances of Disappearance

Nancy was known to be involved with the Divine Light Mission, the Guru Maharaj Ji, was the Cult Leader originally from India.

Little is known about her disappearance. One of Nancy's hobbies was jewelry making.

Nancy was reported to be off her medications for epilepsy.

Nancy was reported living in a house located in Bethesda, Maryland with other cult members. Information was gained that Nancy may have traveled to Florida with other cult members to hear Guru Maharaj Ji.

Nancy was last seen at her residence in Bethesda, MD on 07/20/1977 when she picked up some medication at her residence.

Nancy was affiliated with the Divine Light Mission and was planning a trip to Florida to attend a meeting of that group.

She had laid out clothes, money, and a camera for this trip, but these items were left behind at the residence. Jason was known to travel via hitchhiking

Investigating Agency(s)

If you have any information about this case please contact;

Agency Name: Montgomery County Police Department
Agency Contact Person: Detective Brian Stafford
Agency Phone Number: 240-773-5086 (8477) Anonymous Crime Tip Line


Agency Case Number: B735487
NCIC Case Number: M402395221
NamUs Case Number: MP #13877
Also, I am wondering why they exhumed BEJD's body to get DNA? NAMUS states there is DNA available....
Also, I am wondering why they exhumed BEJD's body to get DNA? NAMUS states there is DNA available....

The article posted mentioned that a mitochondrial DNA sample was taken back when the UID was found. The remains are being exhumed so that a nuclear DNA sample can be taken.

Also, they want to do an isotopic analysis on her bones.
It was not at all rare for a person from Texas or someone with a Hispanic name to be in southern Minnesota back in the 70s 80s to present as Green Giant, and previously Stokely's, canning factories are in the area canning corn, peas and squash. There are migrant, seasonal workers both then and now. I noticed quite a few Hispanics when I was in the Blue Earth and Bricelyn areas during the 4th of July.
IMO it is possible that there may be more than one victim of Nelson, so items found in other locations do not necessarily belong to this Jane Doe.

August 15, 2008
snipped, "Nelson said he strangled her and disposed of her clothes at the dump, taking and hiding her purse." (BBM),
"Eventually, Nelson joined the church cult Into the Light Ministries. In 1985, he resigned from the state patrol, citing medical and conflict of religion as reasons.
When the cult moved to Texas, the Nelson family followed."
Ive kept my eye on this case for years...I don't live too far from Blue Earth, and I've actually drive by the spot she was dumped at. It was haunting to see, I pray she is identified, but my worry is that she is from Mexico or out of the country. She may have never been reported missing.
I believe more info can be worked up from Blue Earth Jane Doe's mtDNA results (in addition to the forthcoming additional DNA tests). To the untrained eye, her results (follow link at post #1) seem to be similar to those of Charlotte Mauger, who died in Quebec in 1676: Her haplogroup h1ar1 is associated with Southern Europe and North Africa (among others), and of course France and Quebec.
Oddly enough, the address on the Texas ID was only five miles away from a suspected communist safe house in Dallas. Was the ID stolen or lent out? Why would it be hidden under a bridge? Was Jane Doe an exile from Latin America? (Speculating here; the Landrum girl seems the most likely match to me at this point.)

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