MN MN - Bryce Borca, 23, college student, seen at 2AM, search focused near Minnesota River, Eagan, 30 Oct 2022

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Thinking deeper about this case since I'm fairly local. Is it not odd that the parents have not been visible or in the media about their missing son? Is it also not odd that Eagan LE has given no updates, no info about Bryce and have rejected help with searches? I have done online research for friends, relatives, have a ton of free and paying websites, and I'm pretty good at it. I have found nothing about him or his parents online. Nothing. Even more, no one seems to be able to contact his parents. I'm usually not a conspiracy theorist, but is there something that we don't know? I don't doubt he disappeared about where LE thinks he did, but is there more to this? The silence is deafening.
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Thinking deeper about this case since I'm fairly local. Is it not odd that the parents have not been visible or in the media about their missing son? Is it also not odd that Eagan LE has given no updates, no info about Bryce and have rejected help with searches? I have done online research for friends, relatives, have a ton of free and paying websites, and I'm pretty good at it. I have found nothing about him or his parents online. Nothing. Even more, no one seems to be able to contact his parents. I'm usually not a conspiracy theorist, but is there something that we don't know? I don't doubt he disappeared about where LE thinks he did, but is there more to this? The silence is deafening.
I have thought and said those same things on here numerous times. Everything is odd. Something is being hidden. Haven’t been able to find anything about this anywhere after the first week. Silence since…LE, family, friends, FB, news. I have Rosemount friends who see nothing on Facebook, even from family or friends who would know the family. No rumors or leaks from anyone. Nothing about the family. How is that possible? Especially with social media today?
I don’t think we even care what happened at this point, but just want an update on his search. But I doubt the public will hear anything going forward. This case is just going to slow to nothing and be forgotten about, when there is nothing keeping it going. JMO
I hope I am proven wrong.
I have thought and said those same things on here numerous times. Everything is odd. Something is being hidden. Haven’t been able to find anything about this anywhere after the first week. Silence since…LE, family, friends, FB, news. I have Rosemount friends who see nothing on Facebook, even from family or friends who would know the family. No rumors or leaks from anyone. Nothing about the family. How is that possible? Especially with social media today?
I don’t think we even care what happened at this point, but just want an update on his search. But I doubt the public will hear anything going forward. This case is just going to slow to nothing and be forgotten about, when there is nothing keeping it going. JMO
I hope I am proven wrong.
This IMO just isn't normal behavior. My children are grown, but if they were missing, I would still go to no end, no expense to find them. I would nail missing photos to every intersection, contact the media and give interviews, hire private search companies. None of this is happening. LE is silent.

I'm definitely beginning to think outside the box. I agree he was alone when he disappeared. I don't think his friends were involved. From there it gets mysterious. Doesn't seem there's screaming to find him. How can this be?
This IMO just isn't normal behavior. My children are grown, but if they were missing, I would still go to no end, no expense to find them. I would nail missing photos to every intersection, contact the media and give interviews, hire private search companies. None of this is happening. LE is silent.

I'm definitely beginning to think outside the box. I agree he was alone when he disappeared. I don't think his friends were involved. From there it gets mysterious. Doesn't seem there's screaming to find him. How can this be?
Like someone else on here said, they probably know where he is and what happened. And maybe just waiting for his remains to be found. But why not give an update something to that effect. So the rest of us aren’t out looking for him and worried. Like I said before, we are all invested and hurt for this family too.
just checking in and see there is nothing new, but I live very close to this (not in the defined search area but within a mile of it — and I have learned more here on WS than in my own town. It’s surreal to see I know some of you from other cases in other states and yet I live here and know nothing. I should have gone searching, but I didn’t at first and it doesn’t seem searchers are wanted. Still, maybe I’ll bring the dogs over that way for a walk.
I do not suspect there is anything highly secret or bizarre going on here. It seems like he should have been found, but I believe he will be found and in that area. Hope for a miracle for the family. Such a beautiful young man.
It reminds me of the Jessica Jo Marshik case; presumed dead but no body, and private grief.

Jodi Boeckermann is another Minnesota missing persons case where there were several news articles on the same day about her disappearance, and nothing since.

Braeden Gessell-Gullickson, 16, appears to be missing from Detroit Lakes since 31 October, but no info on Becker County Sheriff’s site or FB.

How does this lack of official communication benefit anyone, especially the missing person and their loved ones?

Sorry to derail Bryce’s thread, but it seems of a piece.
just checking in and see there is nothing new, but I live very close to this (not in the defined search area but within a mile of it — and I have learned more here on WS than in my own town. It’s surreal to see I know some of you from other cases in other states and yet I live here and know nothing. I should have gone searching, but I didn’t at first and it doesn’t seem searchers are wanted. Still, maybe I’ll bring the dogs over that way for a walk.
I do not suspect there is anything highly secret or bizarre going on here. It seems like he should have been found, but I believe he will be found and in that area. Hope for a miracle for the family. Such a beautiful young man.

In many types of cases, families choose to grieve quietly. This is a normal reaction that should be respected.
Originally, this was not grieving because hopes were he would be found. No information after the first day really. There is now a rumor - complete rumor - the family is not happy with LE because he has not been found. While I'm sure LE has not abandoned the search completely, they can only do so much. There are other things/crimes to deal with.
Originally, this was not grieving because hopes were he would be found. No information after the first day really. There is now a rumor - complete rumor - the family is not happy with LE because he has not been found. While I'm sure LE has not abandoned the search completely, they can only do so much. There are other things/crimes to deal with.
If that is not a rumor, I wouldn’t blame them for not being happy. No closure. I am devastated for the family and didn’t even know him. Yet for weeks, so many random people from the community have offered their help to search the area and to dive the ponds, and there has not been a single response or update. We could have been helping to look all this time:(
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The family could have hired a PI that is helping them.
Chris Jenkins (thread on here) went missing Oct 31, 2002 and family hired a PI less than a week after missing because of LE not taking it seriously. It seems like a good option if you can afford it.
Originally, this was not grieving because hopes were he would be found. No information after the first day really. There is now a rumor - complete rumor - the family is not happy with LE because he has not been found. While I'm sure LE has not abandoned the search completely, they can only do so much. There are other things/crimes to deal with.
it would make sense to be unhappy that he hasn’t been found, not saying anyone is to blame but just in general i’m sure they’re going through the worst imaginable scenario. but i wonder why the family doesn’t appeal to the public for help if bryce hasn’t been found. they could certainly do this on their own without mentioning how they feel about the investigation. clearly people care and want to help. it’s a real mystery why there was so much press about this for the first week and then nothing
I ran into SAR on Sunday around 1:30pm where Meadow View Rd and Alexander meet. Still no sign of him. I also had a chance to walk that area last Thursday afternoon. I walked the RR tracks from Comanche Rd, around the small ponds at the end of that road (you can see most of the ponds on Google maps if you look in Satellite mode), and then walked North towards that holding ponds LE thinks he may be. There were SAR and dogs down there Thursday too. Just south of the LE shooting range, I can see a tent way out in the distance, closer to the river than the tracks. If you're local and walking on the tracks, the tent is in between two signs that read 1/4 & 1/2. The tent is light colored. I didn't check it out alone. I took lots of pics to also help people understand how thick and difficult this terrain is.

I also met another local neighbor down there with his two dogs. Nice guy. We chatted for a bit about the case. He said he lives off Letendre and his neighbor was the one that had the video of Bryce walking through the yard alone. Not sure the cross street.

I can't remember exactly which day, but on Friday or Saturday there was an airboat in that area for the majority of the day. You probably heard it if you live in the area.
I ran into SAR on Sunday around 1:30pm where Meadow View Rd and Alexander meet. Still no sign of him. I also had a chance to walk that area last Thursday afternoon. I walked the RR tracks from Comanche Rd, around the small ponds at the end of that road (you can see most of the ponds on Google maps if you look in Satellite mode), and then walked North towards that holding ponds LE thinks he may be. There were SAR and dogs down there Thursday too. Just south of the LE shooting range, I can see a tent way out in the distance, closer to the river than the tracks. If you're local and walking on the tracks, the tent is in between two signs that read 1/4 & 1/2. The tent is light colored. I didn't check it out alone. I took lots of pics to also help people understand how thick and difficult this terrain is.

I also met another local neighbor down there with his two dogs. Nice guy. We chatted for a bit about the case. He said he lives off Letendre and his neighbor was the one that had the video of Bryce walking through the yard alone. Not sure the cross street.

I can't remember exactly which day, but on Friday or Saturday there was an airboat in that area for the majority of the day. You probably heard it if you live in the area.
That really concerns me that they have so much activity all over that area still…SAR, K9s, tent, airboats. Makes me think that LE no longer thinks he is in the ponds or river as once speculated, and really has no clue where he might be. And how do we know he is even in that search area or made his way much farther or out to a road? ☹️
That really concerns me that they have so much activity all over that area still…SAR, K9s, tent, airboats. Makes me think that LE no longer thinks he is in the ponds or river as once speculated, and really has no clue where he might be. And how do we know he is even in that search area or made his way much farther or out to a road? ☹️

Sorry to be confusing. The tent is not LE related. It looks like a squatter tent, based on its location, but I can't get close enough to confirm. It may not even be related. I just noticed it and thought it was a little odd.


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Sorry to be confusing. The tent is not LE related. It looks like a squatter tent, based on its location, but I can't get close enough to confirm. It may not even be related. I just noticed it and thought it was a little odd.
Got it. Someone on here did mention a homeless tent a while back.
And it’s definitely not easy or fun to walk back there. I went in about 50 feet and was full of prickers and burrs and almost tripped how many times in daylight, sober and taking my time.
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Got it. Someone on here did mention a homeless tent a while back.
And it’s definitely not easy or fun to walk back there. I went in about 50 feet and was full of prickers and burrs and almost tripped how many times in daylight, sober and taking my time.
Sounds like I had a bit more luck getting around back there, but it is still not easy. Especially with the added snow coverage. Burrs and pricklies were inevitable. The brush is waist high or taller in most areas back there.
Sounds like I had a bit more luck getting around back there, but it is still not easy. Especially with the added snow coverage. Burrs and pricklies were inevitable. The brush is waist high or taller in most areas back there.
I just can’t see anyone purposely trying to go back there and get through that, in the dark, with no phone….even intoxicated. He knew he was lost in a wooded area next to Yankee/13. It just doesn’t make much sense IMO.
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I ran into SAR on Sunday around 1:30pm where Meadow View Rd and Alexander meet. Still no sign of him. I also had a chance to walk that area last Thursday afternoon. I walked the RR tracks from Comanche Rd, around the small ponds at the end of that road (you can see most of the ponds on Google maps if you look in Satellite mode), and then walked North towards that holding ponds LE thinks he may be. There were SAR and dogs down there Thursday too. Just south of the LE shooting range, I can see a tent way out in the distance, closer to the river than the tracks. If you're local and walking on the tracks, the tent is in between two signs that read 1/4 & 1/2. The tent is light colored. I didn't check it out alone. I took lots of pics to also help people understand how thick and difficult this terrain is.

I also met another local neighbor down there with his two dogs. Nice guy. We chatted for a bit about the case. He said he lives off Letendre and his neighbor was the one that had the video of Bryce walking through the yard alone. Not sure the cross street.

I can't remember exactly which day, but on Friday or Saturday there was an airboat in that area for the majority of the day. You probably heard it if you live in the area.
Did the guy with the video of Bryce comment to his neighbor how he was walking or how intoxicated he seemed? That might be helpful to know to figure out how far he could have gone.
Unfortunately, no. I came up with so many questions after we parted ways. I'm kicking myself
Thanks D@NKONE for sharing your insight and personal knowledge.

In reviewing maps of Letendre Street, it would seem that Bryce traveled west toward Hwy 13. There are a few houses between Hill Ridge Drive (where the Lyft dropped he and his friends off) and Hwy 13 that could have captured him on surveillance video.

I'm curious for those local, if you think Bryce traveled south along Hwy 13 until Yankee Doodle or if he may have cut through one of the businesses there and intersected Terminal Drive and then headed south to the location of his last phone ping? As an observer, I would think the "cutting" through route may have been more confusing and disorienting to where he was. I would think (imo) if he traveled right along Hwy 13, he may have recognized the Yankee Tavern when he hit Yankee Doodle. Just trying to get a better sense if he felt "lost" even prior to facetiming his friends.

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