MN MN - Jackie Theel, 6, Paynesville, 5 Sept 1944

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It is astounding that a small child leaves school at lunchtime, then is spotted twice (1:00 and 4:45), but the police, who were actively looking for him, were not able to catch up with him. Six years old and wandering around a small town for hours, but nobody who was actually looking for him (I'm assuming family and LE) saw him? I wonder if he was in somebody's home...or maybe he was exhausted and fell asleep where it was wooded or grassy and the police overlooked him.
There are a few things Im confused about that I was hoping someone could clear up as there seems to be very limited info in regards to this case, forgive me if I ask something already covered, Ive read over the thread but could accidently ask something Ive missed.

How did he get to school that morning?

His mother says that she sent a letter to Jackie's teacher saying to keep him after school until someone (his brother, I think?) picked him up. Who was responsible for taking this letter to his teacher? Did the teacher ever acknowledge getting this letter? Was this letter ever seen or given to the police? The reason I ask is this - in the newspaper article says that Jackie's sisters were told by their mother that he was 'slow', that they werent sure what that meant but they only assumed he wasnt severely retarded since he was sent to school. It also says that the one thing that they remember clearly was "Jackie was not allowed to go far from home. "They never let him go anywhere," said Annabelle. "I think he pretty much stayed home." Though the kids always did the errands, their parents never sent Jackie uptown to buy groceries, said Annabelle. The kids would have to get water, fetch milk from a farm on the outskirts of town, and would go to their aunt's house, added Fay."

But my reason for bringing that up is this - its apparent they didnt allow him to do much, so I can only assume that he walked to school that day with his siblings.. that being said, certainly the mother wouldnt give HIM the note to give the teacher would she? Its apparent she didnt think he was capable of doing anything (even when surrounded by his siblings), why would she give him such an important letter? I think that letter is key here. Did someone forget to give his teacher the letter? Did the teacher get the letter and later lie about it? Was there ever a letter?

How deeply was this teacher looked into?

Something just feels wrong with the teacher - the teacher said that she (assuming its a she?) asked him if he knew his way home and he pointed to the west and thats where he started to walk - BUT the hounds tracked his scent from the school going the opposite direction than the teacher said.

The above could just be happenstance, but that fact added with this statement bothers me.

"His old teacher claims to have seen a young man getting off a navy ship in CA, and calling himself Jackie Theel. The young man looked very similar to what Jackie would have looked like. The other man with him claimed that Jackie was 'adopted."

So, we are meant to believe that the last person we know for fact Jackie was with just happened to run into him years later randomly? Just to touch the border of california its 1,862 miles from where he lived, and really... he was in that teachers class no more than a couple hours, on the first day of school when ALL the children would be new to the class and we are meant to think that the teacher could have ANY idea how that child would look years later?

And really.. the teacher goes up to a stranger that she thinks looks like the kipnapped boy, gets enough info from him to know what his NAME was (which btw, wasnt changed at all and is a very unusual name) that he was 'adopted' and doesnt attempt to get someone to hold him and the 'man' until things could be cleared up? If you knew you saw someone that was kipnapped as a child you would do everything you could to detain them. There is just no way what she said is true - had she just said that she saw a boy getting off a naval ship that she thought looked like him it could be explained away as her feeling guilty due to her being the last one that saw him, but to say that it was the same (unusual) name.. its just not likely.

Either way you look at it the teacher is suspicious. You either have a teacher that was involved in his disappearing or you have a teacher that thinks its ok to lie and say that she saw him years later.

Apparently back then people in the military could get discharged if they had a dependent - if you were going to kidnap a child in order to get discharged why wouldnt you take one thats considered 'slow'. Also - with the military thing.. she says she saw him getting off a naval ship - what would her tie be to the navy?

It just doesnt make sense, he was never allowed to do ANYTHING alone and Im sure his mother must have went over the plans for that day since it was his first day of school and children get anxious about that sort of stuff - she had to have told him that he was to wait at school for his brothers to get him. I just dont buy a little boy that had never done anything alone just pointing a direction and heading now the street alone when he had never walked anywhere alone before.

There are just too many bits that dont fit together.
Hi all, my first post so be gentle with me please :innocent:

I agree totally with Punklove, it's all too 'wishy washy'. Surely the police did more than believe the teacher and his/her far fethched story about bumping into the sailors. Seems to me to be a way that the teacher validated that jackie was still alive.
Thanks Robin Hood. :)

It just seems so strange that the teacher would later say she (again, assuming it was a she) saw him.

Lets look at this logically - you are a teacher that was the last person to see a child alive.. regardless of whos fault it is, any normal person would feel a bit guilty.

1) She said she ran into him years later 2,000 miles away getting off a Navy ship, saying that he said his name (which hadnt been changed) and that he was adopted.. So, If we are to believe what shes said then she randomly runs into someone, has a minute long conversation that results in him giving his name and that he was adopted? Yeah, thats the natural flow of a conversation with a stranger.

2) She said that he was still going by the name "Jackie Theel' and that he was with an older man, if thats so why would she not have made some sort of attempt to stop him? She says she talked to him long enough to find out his name and that he was adopted but didnt bother to attempt to get someone to hold him there? One of your students disappears and you see him years later and dont attempt to do anything? The natural human response would have been to do whatever it took to draw attention to the situation in order to keep the kidnapped person from leaving until things could be checked out? She says she saw him outside a NAVAL ship for gods sake, how hard could it be to have them both detained for a few minutes to check things out?

3) She says she saw him getting off a navy ship with an older man - yet the man not wearing a navel uniform? Could they not look into the naval ship she claims he came from and disprove this considering she said that she saw the book that "Jackie" signed out on and that he had signed Jackie Theel?

The biggest issue for me is the letter, I think that its really important to know if she actually ever got the letter - My assumption is that Jackie's mother sent the letter to school with him through one of his siblings, but things would be much more clear if we knew more about the letter and who gave it to the teacher since the teacher claims she didnt know anything about it and allowed him to leave alone which is what lead to him disappearing..

Maybe Im making it too easy but I think a lot of this case hinders on that letter, they should have found out who was supposed to have given the teacher this letter and then checked it out. If one of his siblings had to give the teacher the letter from his mother then the other siblings would have been able to verify that the teacher got it OR if Jackie was the one that was responsible for giving it to her (which I doubt, considering how his mother didnt allow him to do much) then why not ask all the children in his class if they saw him giving her the note? In a class room full of children someone had to see something. Prove the teacher got the letter and you could prove the teacher knew more than she let on.

I dont know what to think.
Hi all, my first post so be gentle with me please :innocent:

I agree totally with Punklove, it's all too 'wishy washy'. Surely the police did more than believe the teacher and his/her far fethched story about bumping into the sailors. Seems to me to be a way that the teacher validated that jackie was still alive.

Welcome to Websleuths Robin Hood thank you for joining! :balloons: :)
There have been some interesting theories and thoughts posted about this case recently. I also wonder just how much was considered by police investigators back in 1944.

You have to put yourself back in that time frame and into a small Minnesota town for the perspective of folks back then. "Special Education" as we know it today did not exist. Kids were simply put into school with all other kids their age and teachers had to do what they could with each and all. The standard way of dealing with a child that was "slow" was to keep them back a year before starting, or to hold them back in the same grade the following year.

I do not know who Jackie's teacher was, but having been a teacher, myself, I can tell you that the first day of school is always a very hectic one, no matter how much you have prepared in advance. It is possible and likely that this teacher had held meetings in advance with parents and students so that the first day would not be so traumatic, and so that she could connect with each child on a one-to-one level. It may have been at such a meeting when she was given the letter, or was informed about Jackie's special needs.

Certainly, no one could immagine the guilt and torment that the teacher felt, losing one of her children on the first day of school! That is something that would haunt you the rest of your life.

As to this teacher seeing the sailor and thinking it might have been Jackie - I wonder if she might have seen his name stenciled on his uniform or on his seabag first, and then studied his face. The Navy is made up of sailors from every state in the union, and seeing someone from almost anywhere in any place on earth is very possible. Being a Navy man myself, I could recite quite a few examples of how I have run into similar situations. The world is really a small place, after all.

The police department back then probably consited of a town constable and his deputy. I believe that it was the State Police who were eventually called in to do the search and investigation.

This case has always been of particular interest to me on a personal level. I, too, lived for a short time in a small Minnesota town when I was young, and believe it or not, I once actually "got lost" in it when walking from my Grandparents' house to their restaurant downtown (a distance of about three blocks). In a town with a population of around 100 people, it was the talk of the town. "Oh, say - Did ya hear about Heinie's grandson, gettin' lost in town? - Ja, actually lost... Couldn't find the restaurant and ended up at the Creamery."

Thankfully, the man at the Creamery called my Grandfather and he drove the two blocks in his Pontiac to get me - If that hadn't happened, I might still be wandering around that town today. Years later, I joined the Navy and became a long range celestial navigator.
I do not know who Jackie's teacher was, but having been a teacher, myself, I can tell you that the first day of school is always a very hectic one, no matter how much you have prepared in advance. It is possible and likely that this teacher had held meetings in advance with parents and students so that the first day would not be so traumatic, and so that she could connect with each child on a one-to-one level. It may have been at such a meeting when she was given the letter, or was informed about Jackie's special needs.

The letter I was refering to is the letter that his mother says she sent on the first day of school saying to keep Jackie until his brother came to pick him up when they sent the children home to eat lunch at 11.30. The reason I think this letter is so important is because his mother said she sent it but the teacher didnt follow the instructions within the letter as she (or he) asked him if he knew his way home on when dismissing the children for lunch.

We need to know what happened to that letter, because only 1 of 2 things could have happened - either she didnt get the letter which would mean we would need to be able figure out at what point the letter was mishandled or the teacher got the letter and for some reason didnt keep Jackie as requested. It could have been an innocent mistake on the part of either the teacher or the person meant to deliver the letter but it would be a big help in trying to figure out what happened.

School was much different in the 40's and it wasnt really a time that people would attempt to transition children into school by having meetings beforehand and such, but that doesnt mean that it didnt happen.

He went missing after being dismissed at 11.30 on his first day which is what makes me a bit curious about the teacher.

There were numerous other children in that school room, all of which were having their first day at school so one would assume that like any other first day of school there would be quite a bit of getting to know each other - my issue begins with this - the teacher would have been paying attention to all students, attempting to remember names and such..

Even if a teacher had only one on one time with Jackie for the same amount of time (a couple hours tops) it seems most unlikely that she would be able to spot Jackie years later after he had grown into adulthood.

As to this teacher seeing the sailor and thinking it might have been Jackie - I wonder if she might have seen his name stenciled on his uniform or on his seabag first, and then studied his face. The Navy is made up of sailors from every state in the union, and seeing someone from almost anywhere in any place on earth is very possible. Being a Navy man myself, I could recite quite a few examples of how I have run into similar situations. The world is really a small place, after all.

She wrote a letter to his family that said she saw him getting off the navy ship and had a conversation with him, in that conversation she says that he told her that he was adopted and that his name was 'Jackie Theel'. She also said he signed the log with this name.

It wasnt so much that the navy thing that makes me unsure of this, it just seems that there are far too many coincidences in her story.

2000 miles from her home and runs into the adult version of a 6 year old child that she was the last person to see alive years before? She knows who this person is by sight though she had only had him in her class for 2-3 hours many years before? Unlikely? Yes.. Impossible? No.

To then say that she has a conversation with him and that he says his name is Jackie Theel but she just lets him leave without stopping him is beyond me. She says she knew it was him when she saw him, she made a point of having a conversation with him where he said his name yet she doesnt do anything?? Her only action is to write a letter to the family saying that she saw him yet when he was actually in front of her she could have done many things to keep him there until things were figured out.

Jackies mother apparently blamed the teacher for him going missing, though I dont know if its just because she didnt keep him in school until his brother picked him up or that she felt the teacher was otherwise responsible.

Its entirely possible that the teacher had nothing to do with any of this, that she didnt get the letter and didnt know to hold him at school but her story just seems a bit off to me.
This week marks 66 years since Jackie went missing. Come home soon.
I have a few questions -


Below is a map of the areas of importance in this case. I circled in red his school, and the red A is in the area that the couple says that they saw him on the highway..

The high school is right there (you can see that in the map) but the middle school is directly below the area where the high school is.

I know his school is still the same building, but I wonder if the high/middle school was in that spot then as well? Could he have attempted to go to their school to wait for them to show them that he could? Could he haev waited and nobody got him on time?

I have some questions that hopefully someone can answer, since there isnt a lot about this case known.

1) How much time passed between the time he left school until police were called in? Some reports say he left at 11am, some 11:30am, saying that the mother contacted the police when he didnt come home from school.

2) Since he was meant to wait for his siblings to get him from school to walk home with them, why is there no mention of the siblings getting to the school to find him already gone?

3) His siblings said that he was quite emotional and felt strongly that he would have been crying, what did the couple that saw him think when they saw him? Did he look ok? Or was he crying? They obviously were looking at him so I wonder why they didnt attempt to pull over and ask if he was ok, even if her werent crying. They noticed him enough to notice his hair color and what clothes he had on, so there must have been something that made them take note of him..

Oh - to clear up the note issue "Their mother had sent a note that morning telling the new teacher to keep Jackie at school until a brother picked him up to walk home with him for lunch."
Sorry for another post but I just noticed something else -

According to reports Jackie was 37 inches tall and 45 pounds - That even makes things more complicated - the couple seeing him should have assumed that he was much younger since he was 3 feet tall and 45 pounds, right?

They also described him as 'standing along Highway' not WALKING along the highway.. would you not attempt to see if they were alright.

A is his school
B is the North American Creamery (now AMPI)
His home is two blocks to the right of where the Creamery was.

The dogs were able to track his scent to the North American Creamery, then to the the Crow River. There were tracks of a small boy were found there, going west along the river.

It seems like he could have walked from point A (the school) to point B (the creamery) and thought he was supposed to take a left to get home, not a right and ended up walking around attempting to find his way home until he ended up near/in the river?

The idea of it is just so awful, he was .3 miles from his home and as you see in the map it was a very straight forward route so even alone he should have been ok.

I have a weird feeling about the ' two local boys reported seeing "a small boy enter a light grey car on Highway 23" around 4:45 p.m.' - does anyone know how well they were checked out?

It just seems odd that by that time everyone in that tiny town was looking for Jackie but nobody saw him.. The police and search team must have been looking at highway 23 due to the couple saying they saw him along the highway so how did everyone else (but the two teenagers) miss him? They said the weather was really nice so its no like that was a factor.
Hello! Bumping for Jackie and asking if anyone ever followed up on this address that camracrazy posted a while back:

Jackie Theel
58 Elm Blvd
Babbitt, MN 55706-1214
Tel.: (218) 827-3211

There was previously another Jackie Theel in Missouri, I believe, who turned out to not be the missing boy. I don't recall seeing any updates on this person in Babbitt, though. Any news?

Just wanted to add, the brother could have forgotten to give the letter to the teacher and was too scared to mention this. Later on in life, perhaps figured it was too late and admitting that detail would make it all his fault and get everyone all upset again. Like Richard mentioned, first day of school is ALWAYS crazy, even for the students who get to catch up after not seeing each other for a few months. It's like forgetting to tell your mom, when you were a kid, that so and so called her. I know I was guilty of that many times.
Just wanted to add, the brother could have forgotten to give the letter to the teacher and was too scared to mention this. Later on in life, perhaps figured it was too late and admitting that detail would make it all his fault and get everyone all upset again. Like Richard mentioned, first day of school is ALWAYS crazy, even for the students who get to catch up after not seeing each other for a few months. It's like forgetting to tell your mom, when you were a kid, that so and so called her. I know I was guilty of that many times.

It is my understanding that the mother talked with the teacher in the days before school started as well because apparently she was very protective over Jackie and didnt often allow him to go anywhere without her.
Just wanted to add, the brother could have forgotten to give the letter to the teacher and was too scared to mention this. Later on in life, perhaps figured it was too late and admitting that detail would make it all his fault and get everyone all upset again. Like Richard mentioned, first day of school is ALWAYS crazy, even for the students who get to catch up after not seeing each other for a few months. It's like forgetting to tell your mom, when you were a kid, that so and so called her. I know I was guilty of that many times.

Its frustrating that there isnt more about this case online - I do wonder about the two 'local' boys that saw him later in the day.. A couple saw a boy that is considered to be on the side of the road around 1pm but then the two local boys also saw him on that same road and in that same area (and getting into a car) at 4:45pm?

He was sent home at 11:30 pm from the school and when he wasnt at home in the few minutes it took to walk there his mother called the police - she was very protective of him and was very worried when he wasnt home quickly..

It makes perfect sense that Jackie could have been seen by the couple at 1pm walking along that highway because that was only an hour and a half since he left to go home from school - that would allow time for his mother to notice that he hadnt gotten home yet and look for him quickly before she called police.. but how is it possible the two local boys would see him on that very same highway at nearly 5pm?

It was a TINY place and everyone in that town was looking for him by 1:30pm (including the mayor and most businessmen, family members, farmers) and they didnt see Jackie on the highway but these boys did? He was on the same highway in the same area from 1pm (when the couple saw him) until four hours later (when the boys said they saw him) and the countless people that were searching for him didnt see him?
Hello Gary Theel. I hope you still look at the site from time to time. My name is Peggy and you are actually my second cousin. Jackie was my great uncle, Milton is my grandfather. Your cousin John is my father. I remeber my grandfather talking about Jackie disappering all the time. I have heard the stories and rumors all my life. I have sent a request for Naval records around the time that the teacher said she met a man named Jackie Theel on a ship. I am hopeful for this lead, but also remain sceptical because all sea-men were called Jackie's back then. If you do see this post and wish to get in touch my email is Hope to hear from you soon.
I hate it that this case seem to have some good ideas and theories floating around and just dies. I'm bumping and I would really love it if Gary Theel could come back and let us know what he was able to find out from one of the "local boys."
I see that he is from Norwalk, Iowa...5 miles from me....hmmmm...

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