MN - Jacob Wetterling, 11, St. Joseph, 22 Oct 1989 - #4

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St. John's Clergy abuse settlement hits snag:

Be sure and read the 86 comments.

When I read your comment, I thought, "Well, there's a problem because no criminal charges were filed."

Apparently, not. We just now go to paying off a victim.

Then, I thought, "Well, maybe it's a statute of limitations charge." However, some of the cases are relatively recent.

Again, I guess today's justice is about money.

How can it be that no criminal charges were filed, and these guys are still free to walk around - sounds like they're also free to interact with students. And, the comment from one person's aunt about leaving these guys alone? Good grief. I just don't "get it."
I do think it's good that the victims are now allowed to talk about settlements and cases. We may get more info from victims who previously were prevented from talking about it when they got a settlement.

But, ITA, how can they let them wander all over town and on a campus with young boys? Craziness.
This man's website might be worth a read. He talks about his experiences as a child whose family was involved in ritual abuse and satanic ritual abuse, child trafficking, etc. He also says his father was a high priest in Omaha, NE, and believes he was involved in Jacob's abduction.

I thought I came across the site by way of Websleuths, but I can't find the thread or post that brought me there.
that site you posted about David Shurter really backs up Noreen Gosch's claims of a child sex abuse ring. It was a fascinating read. I wish Mr Shurter would post more about why he feels his dad abdubted Jacob besides his family owning the vehicles described in the Gosch kidnapping.
David Shurter was also from Nebraska, and both of his parents were involved in SRA (satanic ritual abuse)They abused David from the time of his birth from the sounds of it. I discovered that he is the person narrating the (Walking Tour of Pedophile Omaha), in which he mentions the "murder" of Jacob, and that he believes his father was involved. He also claims that his father was involved with the Franklin Scandal, thus the connection between Johnny Gosch and Jacob Wetterling. Both the Franklin files/scandal and have a lot of information about the greater organized ring of people involved in the abductions.
This man's website might be worth a read. He talks about his experiences as a child whose family was involved in ritual abuse and satanic ritual abuse, child trafficking, etc. He also says his father was a high priest in Omaha, NE, and believes he was involved in Jacob's abduction.

I thought I came across the site by way of Websleuths, but I can't find the thread or post that brought me there.

There's a lot of untrue "facts" in that article. The mask on Jacob's abductor was not "added later." It's on the original 911 tapes. Jacob's abductor WAS wearing a mask. The drawings they have of the possible abductor were put together with the assistance of Jared from Cold Spring, who partially saw his abductor's face. Some of the drawings (the older man with hat) were drawn from descriptions of the people who saw an older guy "staring at people" in the Tom Thumb.

There was no white or blue (or any) car in Jacob's case. While this Shurter guy may have had a pedophile for a dad, and his dad may have even been involved with the Franklin cover up or Johnny Gosch, I highly doubt he had anything to do with Jacob.

It sounds to me like this guy is trying to get publicity so people will buy his book. I'm not buying his story. JMO. I'd also like more info on just who David Shurter really is. He seems to have come out of nowhere with lots of tales of past abuse with no actual proof of anything he says. (JMO)

This information should probably be posted on the Johnny Gosch thread though. There is a reason that there is just one POI in Jacob's case.
I posted this on the Guimond thread. I don't follow Jacob's thread regularly, so I don't know if this has been posted before or not:

If you scroll halfway down, there's a sketch of a person of interest in Jacob's case. Then below it is a photo of Aker, an accused molester in WI. They look strikingly similar!
If Jacob had been taken to another country, the Netherlands, for example, then he would not have known the language and IMO which would have made it far more difficult to escape.
If Jacob had been taken to another country, the Netherlands, for example, then he would not have known the language and IMO which would have made it far more difficult to escape.

Nearly everyone in the Netherlands speaks English. I believe it's around 80%. It's taught (nearly mandatory) in schools, plus there are TV shows and movies in English.

Speaking a second language such as English in European countries is not out of the norm.
Yes, I am very well aware that Europeans know English.

If the pervs had children from America in their possession, they wouldn't be speaking the English now would they? They would want to keep these children confused and unaware of their plans for them.

Unless, of course, the pervs wanted to lie to the children. Then they would speak to them in English.
In the "walking tour of Omaha" youTube video the guy claims (at 2:45) he moved to Omaha in 1985 at the age of 18. Later on in the same video (at 8:45) he claims he had a sexual encounter "in the leather dungeon" at the age of 15... personally I think the guy has serious issues.
I have a question that may or may not have been answered in another thread or elsewhere. I just don't know where to look. I apologize if this has been discussed already. It's been mentioned that Jacob's last known footprints were found in the driveway. Did they ever find any other footprints belonging to someone else?

I have asked that same question many times. I posted pictures in a previous thread of some crummy video screen caps I took that show Jacobs footprints in the driveway but they're difficult to make sense of. I would think that the abductors footprints were visible too but LE has never said anything about it.
The conspiracy theories regarding the Franklin scandal and the John Gosch case are ridiculous. The people who first put out the allegations have been proven over and over to be liars, mentally ill and disreputable. Any attention spent toward those allegations is attention taken away from believable theories and an insult to the victims and the victims’ families.

I have studied this case in detail and it is very obvious that Jacob was taken by what law enforcement authorities call a “Grabber”. When the victim is a child, the “Grabber” is usually a lone “fixated pedophile”. These types of pedophiles target a very specific type of child regarding age, gender and appearance. The “Grabber” is usually a male between the ages of 25-45, lives alone, has a menial type job and low self esteem. The low self esteem trait is important because it differentiates the “perp” from pedophiles who have the self esteem and patience to groom their victims over a long period of time and thus know their victims and are known by their victims. “Pedophile Grabbers” almost always act alone. The incidents in history of “Pedophile Grabbers” acting with another “perp” is almost unheard of. Known incidents of “Pedophile Grabbers” acting with another person almost always involve a person who is under the control of the “Grabber” and is not themselves a pedophile.

This type of “Pedophile Grabber” often trolls for victims in his vehicle. The trolling usually takes place within 20 miles of his home and simply involves riding up and down streets looking for his perfect target. He may have previously seen his victim but does not “know” the victim.
It seems clear to me that the following is what happened that night:
The Perp had been trolling much of the day in Jacobs’s town. He has a portable police scanner in his vehicle so he knows if anyone has called the police regarding a suspicious vehicle in the area. He may have previously seen Jacob and/or his friends on a previous day or he may not have. He may have noticed during prior trolling in this area that children often walk or ride their bikes to the Tom Thumb store. The perp had probably parked his car near the Tom Thumb store and was about to give up for the evening. From his location he suddenly noticed light from a flash light and reflections coming from down the street. It appeared to him to be someone on bikes. As the boys got nearer the Tom Thumb store the perp could now clearly see the children. Since he was parked with his lights off the children took no notice of him. Once the children entered the store he clearly deduced that they would be returning down the street from which they came. He started up his vehicle and headed down the road. Seeing a dirt road on his left and not realizing it was a private drive way, he turns off his head light and heads down the dirt driveway, does a u-turn and parks behind the trees to his right. He turns off his vehicle, removes a gun and mask from under his seat or the glove box and exits the vehicle. He had long ago removed the doom light bulb from his vehicle so no light can be seen when he opens the door. He now walks to the end of the tree line, gets ready to put on his mask and waits for the boys. If someone does happen to drive by and stops to ask him what he is doing, he will claim he is just stopped to relieve himself. Eventually the boys head back down the street when the perp suddenly appears. Because he does not know the boys and is looking for a very specific type of boy, he looks closely at each boy’s face and asks them their ages. He chooses Jacob and lets the other two boys run away. The perp takes Jacob down the dark driveway and forces him into his vehicle. When the boys stop to look back, they see nothing because the area and the car are dark. Once the boys turn down another street, the perp starts his vehicle and in less than 5 minutes is on a major highway never to be discovered.

In my opinion, it is highly probable that the perp is the same man who abducted and assaulted a 12 year old boy months earlier a few miles away. The “modus operandi” is not almost identical, it is identical. The only difference is that in the prior incident there were no witnesses and the perp felt confident he had time to assault the boy and release him before anyone knew the boy was missing and called the police. In the incident with Jacob, there were two witnesses and the perp knew that the police would be notified in a matter of minutes forcing him to flee with Jacob out of the immediate area. He probably had a police scanner and was well aware that a huge search was under way and that many law enforcement agencies were involved.

I know that many people suspect DR. But it is highly unlikely that he was involved. Yes he could have seen the boys on their way to the store and returned to his house to get a mask and gun. But abducting a child at the end of your own driveway in front of two witnesses would not only have been brazen, it would be insane. And then to minutes later call the local police to ask what is going on? He would now have no alibi that he was not at home. What would he have done with Jacob? He would have to assume that the police would come knocking on the door of a house so close to an abduction site. (I know the police did not do this. And that is unexplainable.) DR also passed polygraph tests and had no prior criminal history and no prior sexual abuse allegations against him.

Here are some other observations:

- No one, including the boys themselves, knew that they were going to be leaving the house until after they received permission. A “stalker” who knew Jacob and was following him would have to have been waiting outside his house with some kind of premonition that the 11 year old boy would be leaving his home without adults at 8:45pm on an October Sunday night. Or he would have to have wire taps on the phones or “listening bugs” planted in the house. Ridiculous!

- DR says that he saw Kevin’s vehicle make a u-turn at the end of his drive way. I don’t understand this as DR’s house is behind a thick setting of trees/woods/forest. From overhead satellite views of the area it does not appear that someone could see the end of the driveway while sitting in the house.

- The sheriff has recently stated that the perp said “something to the boys that would indicate a sexual aspect” to the crime. I’m assuming that the statement he is referring to is the perp asking the boys what their ages were. This is something a fixated pedophile would be interested in.

- Why the police did not immediately knock on the doors of all houses abutting the crime area and ask residents if they saw or heard anything is a complete mystery. You do not need search warrants to knock on doors and question residents.

- The recent statements by police that they don’t believe the perp used a car is either intentional disinformation to fool the perp into letting down his guard down or an indication of incompetent investigators.
I have asked that same question many times. I posted pictures in a previous thread of some crummy video screen caps I took that show Jacobs footprints in the driveway but they're difficult to make sense of. I would think that the abductors footprints were visible too but LE has never said anything about it.

Thank you. I just find it a little odd that they've only ever mentioned Jacob's footprints. Unless LE has just never said anything, how can an 11-year-old boy leave footprints behind but not a man twice his size?
...The perp takes Jacob down the dark driveway and forces him into his vehicle. When the boys stop to look back, they see nothing because the area and the car are dark. Once the boys turn down another street, the perp starts his vehicle and in less than 5 minutes is on a major highway never to be discovered.

I think this makes the most sense. It was said that where Jacob's footprints ended, they seemed to show resistance. To me, this suggests a struggle of some sort and he was most likely forced into a vehicle.

In regards to Jacob's abduction, I'm not convinced of DR's involvement and I'm not convinced of a scandal or cover-up. I'm not convinced of anything simply because there is no other physical evidence, other than his footprints and what the boys stated they witnessed.

I just pray that someone comes forward with information that LE needs to find Jacob.
Re: Post #434 Ryan

I, too, have followed the case since it's beginning. Before I knew much about DR, I thought he may have been involved, but I soon became convinced he wasn't. DR is an intelligent man, so it seems unimaginable that he would abduct a child next to his home. Does LE think he was just lurking at the end of his driveway? Then, too, there has been no evidence to implicate him, he has no background criminal history, he's voluntarily talked to LE, and he has passed a poly, and nothing has been found on the property. For years he's worked with kids as a teacher, yet no one has indicated in any way he is suspected of ill behavior.

You presentation of events sounds very logical. Why LE wants to follow their current line of thinking is unclear. I'm assuming they're still trying to implicate DR, no matter that logic doesn't lean in this direction.
The conspiracy theories regarding the Franklin scandal and the John Gosch case are ridiculous. The people who first put out the allegations have been proven over and over to be liars, mentally ill and disreputable. Any attention spent toward those allegations is attention taken away from believable theories and an insult to the victims and the victims’ families.

I have studied this case in detail and it is very obvious that Jacob was taken by what law enforcement authorities call a “Grabber”. When the victim is a child, the “Grabber” is usually a lone “fixated pedophile”. These types of pedophiles target a very specific type of child regarding age, gender and appearance. The “Grabber” is usually a male between the ages of 25-45, lives alone, has a menial type job and low self esteem. The low self esteem trait is important because it differentiates the “perp” from pedophiles who have the self esteem and patience to groom their victims over a long period of time and thus know their victims and are known by their victims. “Pedophile Grabbers” almost always act alone. The incidents in history of “Pedophile Grabbers” acting with another “perp” is almost unheard of. Known incidents of “Pedophile Grabbers” acting with another person almost always involve a person who is under the control of the “Grabber” and is not themselves a pedophile.

This type of “Pedophile Grabber” often trolls for victims in his vehicle. The trolling usually takes place within 20 miles of his home and simply involves riding up and down streets looking for his perfect target. He may have previously seen his victim but does not “know” the victim.
It seems clear to me that the following is what happened that night:
The Perp had been trolling much of the day in Jacobs’s town. He has a portable police scanner in his vehicle so he knows if anyone has called the police regarding a suspicious vehicle in the area. He may have previously seen Jacob and/or his friends on a previous day or he may not have. He may have noticed during prior trolling in this area that children often walk or ride their bikes to the Tom Thumb store. The perp had probably parked his car near the Tom Thumb store and was about to give up for the evening. From his location he suddenly noticed light from a flash light and reflections coming from down the street. It appeared to him to be someone on bikes. As the boys got nearer the Tom Thumb store the perp could now clearly see the children. Since he was parked with his lights off the children took no notice of him. Once the children entered the store he clearly deduced that they would be returning down the street from which they came. He started up his vehicle and headed down the road. Seeing a dirt road on his left and not realizing it was a private drive way, he turns off his head light and heads down the dirt driveway, does a u-turn and parks behind the trees to his right. He turns off his vehicle, removes a gun and mask from under his seat or the glove box and exits the vehicle. He had long ago removed the doom light bulb from his vehicle so no light can be seen when he opens the door. He now walks to the end of the tree line, gets ready to put on his mask and waits for the boys. If someone does happen to drive by and stops to ask him what he is doing, he will claim he is just stopped to relieve himself. Eventually the boys head back down the street when the perp suddenly appears. Because he does not know the boys and is looking for a very specific type of boy, he looks closely at each boy’s face and asks them their ages. He chooses Jacob and lets the other two boys run away. The perp takes Jacob down the dark driveway and forces him into his vehicle. When the boys stop to look back, they see nothing because the area and the car are dark. Once the boys turn down another street, the perp starts his vehicle and in less than 5 minutes is on a major highway never to be discovered.

In my opinion, it is highly probable that the perp is the same man who abducted and assaulted a 12 year old boy months earlier a few miles away. The “modus operandi” is not almost identical, it is identical. The only difference is that in the prior incident there were no witnesses and the perp felt confident he had time to assault the boy and release him before anyone knew the boy was missing and called the police. In the incident with Jacob, there were two witnesses and the perp knew that the police would be notified in a matter of minutes forcing him to flee with Jacob out of the immediate area. He probably had a police scanner and was well aware that a huge search was under way and that many law enforcement agencies were involved.

I know that many people suspect DR. But it is highly unlikely that he was involved. Yes he could have seen the boys on their way to the store and returned to his house to get a mask and gun. But abducting a child at the end of your own driveway in front of two witnesses would not only have been brazen, it would be insane. And then to minutes later call the local police to ask what is going on? He would now have no alibi that he was not at home. What would he have done with Jacob? He would have to assume that the police would come knocking on the door of a house so close to an abduction site. (I know the police did not do this. And that is unexplainable.) DR also passed polygraph tests and had no prior criminal history and no prior sexual abuse allegations against him.

Here are some other observations:

- No one, including the boys themselves, knew that they were going to be leaving the house until after they received permission. A “stalker” who knew Jacob and was following him would have to have been waiting outside his house with some kind of premonition that the 11 year old boy would be leaving his home without adults at 8:45pm on an October Sunday night. Or he would have to have wire taps on the phones or “listening bugs” planted in the house. Ridiculous!

- DR says that he saw Kevin’s vehicle make a u-turn at the end of his drive way. I don’t understand this as DR’s house is behind a thick setting of trees/woods/forest. From overhead satellite views of the area it does not appear that someone could see the end of the driveway while sitting in the house.

- The sheriff has recently stated that the perp said “something to the boys that would indicate a sexual aspect” to the crime. I’m assuming that the statement he is referring to is the perp asking the boys what their ages were. This is something a fixated pedophile would be interested in.

- Why the police did not immediately knock on the doors of all houses abutting the crime area and ask residents if they saw or heard anything is a complete mystery. You do not need search warrants to knock on doors and question residents.

- The recent statements by police that they don’t believe the perp used a car is either intentional disinformation to fool the perp into letting down his guard down or an indication of incompetent investigators.

Great post and very well written!! I agree 100% with what you just said.
I just find it odd that no one would notice anything at Tom Thumb (imo this is where the suspect saw the boys). This is such a heatbreaking, frusterating case. I think LE looking at DR is ridiculous, also. You are right in saying that him doing anything to Jacob is ridiculous and insane. He's not a dumb man. It's sad for him and his family too.
i wish they would have looked more in to the mano in I forget which state, but he confessed to something or they found things pertaining to Jacob's case in his house. He made a statement to a shrink about doing something bad....he needed to be more looked in to also.
Great post and very well written!! I agree 100% with what you just said.
I just find it odd that no one would notice anything at Tom Thumb (imo this is where the suspect saw the boys). This is such a heatbreaking, frusterating case. I think LE looking at DR is ridiculous, also. You are right in saying that him doing anything to Jacob is ridiculous and insane. He's not a dumb man. It's sad for him and his family too.
i wish they would have looked more in to the mano in I forget which state, but he confessed to something or they found things pertaining to Jacob's case in his house. He made a statement to a shrink about doing something bad....he needed to be more looked in to also.
It truly is a heartbreaking and tragic case. I hope all the victims can find closure and peace.
The recent statements by police that they don’t believe the perp used a car is either intentional disinformation to fool the perp into letting down his guard down or an indication of incompetent investigators.
This is the part that frustrates me the most. I would think LE would have been able to distinguish between two separate sets of tire tracks, one set left behind by Kevin and that of the perp....
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