MN - Jacob Wetterling, 11, St. Joseph, 22 Oct 1989 - #5

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An observation: tonight I was returning from a Homecoming football game at a consolidated school in the middle of the countryside. The sky was completely overcast, no wind. While driving I could see the golden reflection in the clouds- of lights from a city(pop 50,000) thirty miles away and also the golden reflection of a few smaller towns(pop 500-1,000), five to ten miles away. This seemed similar to St Joseph + St Cloud so I wondered what it would be like if I stopped my car and turned off my lights. To my right I spotted an approach + mailbox so parked my car in the farm gravel driveway. While my lights were still on, I could see to my left a field of beans and to my right a field of corn, 8' high and planted to the edge of the ditch. I could not see the farmhouse nor a yard light as there was a large grove of trees. Then I turned off my lights and I could not even see the corn stalks less than 30' away from me. It was unbelievably dark. Just amazingly black. It struck me that a car could be parked very close by and would not be visible(unless a light shone upon it) and that a person standing nearby would also not be noticed. The only light I could see was the reflected light of the city + towns in the distance and any far off distant cars but everything below the horizon line was simply black. Frightening to think of those boys on this type of road with only their little flashlight.

Keep in mind though that it takes a little time for your eyes to adjust from the aid of your headlights to no light at all. The perp was most likely standing there in the dark for some time, and his eyes would have already adapted to the darkness and his vision in the relative darkness would have been an advantage to him.

In all of this, I've forgotten weather or not it was reported if the perp had a flashlight? When he asked the boys ages he looked at Aaron's face - seems he would have needed the aid of some kind of light to see it......
Good point Eloc. How did the perp see a face?

Maybe he did not see faces.
He could have had a flashlight, or just used the one the boys had. I seem to recall AAron saying he looked at Trevor and asked his age, then told him to run and not look back or he'd shoot. Same with Aaron. He must have had some sort of light or he wouldn't have known if they were looking back or not, unless he just assumed they'd keep running.
I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you. I was just trying to add a little levity to a case with lots of sadness. My bad.

shergal......No offense taken(if you've ever seen the movie 'The Outlaw Josey Wales' you'll know what I mean). I did see your humor but was a little embarassed thinking my little 'experiment' might have been silly so thought your comment may have actually been to bring me back to the reality of the situation. Perhaps a little too sensitive on my part. I am no professional sleuther, simply an amateur with an empathic concern for Jacob. I have often heard that texts or writing can be mis-interpreted as the writing is dry and I do see that can be true. However, from what I've read on WS and the posters here I do see a genuine concern for Jacob and for finding the truth. And I have noticed you've been here a long time so appreciate your skills. Frankly, I'm a greenhorn so a little self conscious about posting something stupid. Anyway, the point is to figure out the truth and I'm willing to try anything even if it leads to further understanding.
We're all willing to try, because we all have the same aim - justice for Jacob. Don't feel self conscious for trying, you're a good person to care enough to try.
The only way to recreate it is to try it. WS posters have done all kinds of things and it is humorous to think what kind of explanation could be offered to someone who may be questioned.

For Allana Gallagher,,for instance, people had someone in the back of a pick,up to see if a person could fall out

We get it. But would everyone? Probably not
I sure hope Joy answers Tracker. What an opportunity that is!
I wasn't thinking your experiment was silly at all, cGorg. Like human mentioned above, it made me think of all the various things sleuthers attempt to re-create in these missing cases to test how something could have happened. And how difficult it would be to explain to cops or neighbors just why you were doing something if someone saw you. That's all.
After some digging, I found a somewhat larger copy of the picture and have saved it on my computer.

I need to try and clean it up a bit. It is somewhat out of focus and blowing it up cases more distortion.

From what I can see at this point, there are two tire tracks, one that has prints on top of it, and one made about the same time as the prints.

I need to work on this and pull out my pressure release notes and see if I can figure out the one good print I can see.

I can say the tire track is a standard rib pattern tire. One side edge is very crisp and defined, yet the center pattern is not very deep. Not a snow or mud tire. Looks like what would have been on a sedan or pickup. Now this is out there a bit, but it looks like the same pattern that was on one of our farm trucks back in the 70's. Almost a Goodyear High Miller...60's or 70's vintage. It's a darn old tire pattern... I will research and get back to you folks.
Got it! It's a bias ply tire from somewhere in the 50's to early 70's. If on a later car, it would have come from older stock at a tire dealer. The Coker tire website has some good examples of that style of tire. The vehicle was not too heavy as the foot prints are deeper than the tire track. The print closest to the tire track has grabbed my attention as it is the deepest one and shows force.
I wasn't thinking your experiment was silly at all, cGorg. Like human mentioned above, it made me think of all the various things sleuthers attempt to re-create in these missing cases to test how something could have happened. And how difficult it would be to explain to cops or neighbors just why you were doing something if someone saw you. That's all.

Maybe a new reality show is in order? Could call it "Sleuth Busters". :)
Wow Tracker. It seems hard to believe anyone would put such old tires on a vehicle. Sounds like something people drive around the farm. Moving hay, wood, farm equipment. I wonder what the DR farm had for vehicles? Something like that would not be licensed so no record of it

You cannot have that old of tires on a car for the road in MN. The roads are slick from snow or sleet or icy conditions. Plus rubber breaks down so no way would it last on a car that is used on roads in MN
Nice work Tracker. I'm guessing an older vehicle with probably OEM tires still on it and probably white walls which could point to DR's parents vehicle? I'm not sure what they or DR used for vehicles in 1989? Parents were in Europe and I'm guessing they were dropped off at an airport by someone and the car was probably driven back to the farm but not sure on that??
If you check the Coker tire website and look at vintage bias tires, that's what the tire prints look like. I am thinking old farm pickup or old car not on the road very often, and not during the winter without changing to snow tires.

This might take a while...I have to make some prints in damp sand to see if I can reproduce the prints in the picture. That will tell me how they were made.
Wow Tracker. It seems hard to believe anyone would put such old tires on a vehicle. Sounds like something people drive around the farm. Moving hay, wood, farm equipment. I wonder what the DR farm had for vehicles? Something like that would not be licensed so no record of it

You cannot have that old of tires on a car for the road in MN. The roads are slick from snow or sleet or icy conditions. Plus rubber breaks down so no way would it last on a car that is used on roads in MN


Something kept in a barn and out of the sunlight? Occasional use farm vehicle?
The following analysis is my opinion only.

It’s all about the cars, simple as that. Specifically, is DR telling the truth when he says he saw two cars in his driveway on the day that Jacob was abducted (with neither of those cars being Kevin's)? And equally as important, when did he report that information to LE and the media?

On the one hand, if DR is telling the truth about the cars, and told LE about those cars from day one – then it stands to reason that he could well be an innocent witness, and there was indeed something sinister brewing in St Joseph on that 22nd day of October 1989.

Factors That Support DR’s Story About the Cars
1. He did tell the media, on October 23, that he saw a small car turn around in his driveway. That info was reported in the St Cloud Times and directly quoted to DR.
2. There were several attempted abductions reported within a 50 mile radius of the Twin Cities in fall 1989, with the car being described as a large tan car. The abduction attempts reported tended to be within a few miles of I-94.

On the other hand – if DR did not tell LE about the 2 cars right away – that would most certainly indicate that he made up the story in an attempt to cover up the crime. If he saw the cars, there would be no logical reason for him to withhold that information from LE.

Factors That Question DR’s Story About the Cars
1. If he did tell the media and LE about both the cars he saw in his driveway, then why wasn’t that information reported publicly at the time? The newspapers were peppered with stories about attempted abductions, vehicle descriptions, etc – why was there no public communication about DR seeing cars?
2. There were several attempted abductions reported in the area shortly after Jacob’s abduction. A tan car was described in several of those reports. If DR did not report on the afternoon car immediately, then it’s likely that he took bits of info from the reports of attempted abductions, and crafted a story to fit those scenarios.
3. DR insists that the driver of that afternoon car is the one guilty of committing the abduction. There is no logic in that assertion; it just doesn’t make sense on any level.
4. Prior to this year, DR has been quoted as saying he witnessed things throughout the day that coalesced in his mind as important information that could lead to the abductor. He refused to go public with the information for fear that it could tip off the kidnapper. Again, that does not make any logical sense. The fact that DR publicly stated that he saw things that day, alone in itself, would tip off the “real” kidnapper because that person would know or figure out whose driveway he was on when he turned around – why would DR think holding back information about the cars would jeopardize the investigation?
5. DR says he didn't see or hear Kevin's car in the driveway that night, minutes after the abduction. DR's dog barking alerts him to the 2nd car in his driveway, but minutes later Kevin, presumably driving slower than the other two cars, doesn't give the dog cause to bark furiously? IMO, the slower the car in the driveway, the louder and longer a dog will bark. A fast moving car - that's likely to startle a dog, but hard to tell how quickly the dog would react by barking.
6. When Kevin came forward in 2004 to provide the information that he was driving the car in DR's driveway that night - why did LE suddenly change their theory of the case to an abduction on foot? That would indicate to me that LE didn't "buy" his story about he other two cars he reported (again, when did he report them?). So that raises a big question - if LE didn't believe DR about the other two cars, then why would they believe a car was involved at all, ever?

Another thing about DR’s story that does not add up, in my opinion, are parts of his account of his day. This is an example I don't think anyone has brought up before now - he says he remembers getting the newspaper that evening when he returned from his run. First – that is an odd thing to remember about something that happened 23 years ago. Second – it’s so insignificant that one has to wonder why he even stated it. Third – who doesn’t look forward to getting the Sunday paper every week? I don’t know about you all, but if I don’t get the Sunday paper from the box before 8am it’s because I’m out of town! OK, yeah I’m probably making too big a deal about the newspaper, but one has to wonder if DR’s motive for including that odd detail is to have an explanation at to why his scent or presence was detected near the mailbox where the abduction took place. He lives there, why would he feel the need to justify it?? Just sayin’
Can any one envision a possible scenario where DR would have used a vehicle?
Can any one envision a possible scenario where DR would have used a vehicle?

I'm trying to make sense of this as well. I find it hard to believe that DR would have used a vehicle, given the limited amount of time he would have had to abduct a child, take him to another location using a vehicle and securing him there, and then make it back home in time before the police showed up. Also, if the tracks belong to DR (or his parents), this would not be cause for alarm, as their tracks would be expected on their own driveway. So the question is, can we eliminate all Rassier vehicles as the source of the tire tracks? If not, then we seem to be back at square one, trying to figure out if a vehicle was used. I wonder if Joy (or anyone for that matter) could get more information the vehicles that were owned by the Rassiers in 1989??? I know I'm just echoing everyone else with my questions, but I'm just thinking out loud.
I never recall hearing anything about the newspaper.

There would be no way to know if they had an old pickup on their property. If it was not used on a street, it would not be licensed. Just like no one would know if you own a shovel or not.

I would be surprised that they did not have such a vehicle. For my little acreage, I have a lawn tractor with a trailer for hauling wood and other items. A large spread like the DR place needs something. Could be a tractor. Could be a pick up.

DR was nice enough to search the outbuildings. Convenient.
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