MN MN - LeeAnna Warner, 5, Chisholm, 14 June 2003

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I agree with every point you made in the above post...I find it hearbreaking that there hasn't been any more news about this case also.:confused:
Let's face it, cops are people like you and me...their is no standard that they have any sense. Look at the child welfare people...most of them don't even like children, never follow up on abuse complaints, put the kids right back in hideious homes and falsify paperwork so they don't have to think about visiting them? And we are supposed to sit back and "trust" THEY ARE HERE TO HELP CHILDREN.

As a current public health social worker and a former child welfare worker who very much loves children I take offense to this!!!! Our system sucks so be very careful where your judgement lands. For one thing, the case loads are extremely high for child protection workers. Everyone working with children is a mandated reporter meaning if they know something is wrong they are obligated by law to report. This means daycare providers, teachers etc. Not everyone does this! For another thing, there is so much dysfuntion, so much that ties the hands of CP workers that sometimes they get give up. If cases that are obvious offenses get off by the judges why try? I'm not trying to defend lazy social workers by the way. You find laziness and apathy in every discipline. There are lazy cops, waiters, lawyers, doctors etc. and some social workers are no different. What I am trying to do is remind you that most of us went into social worker because we like to defend the cause of the disenfranchised of society and because we have hearts of compassion. T.V does nothing to depict this and the media loves to sensationalize when things go wrong but the truth is, someone has to be on the front lines defending children!! And the truth is, many times social workers can't win. We are either perceived as not doing enough or being too involved. It's not an easy job and certainly many mistakes are made. But until we get a better system it's all we've got. Instead of knocking it, support your social workers and child abuse prevention and crime prevention centers. Get involved in prevention!!!

You know what I do? I teach parenting and compassion to very young parents and to teens BEFORE it happens. I have 2 fulltime jobs, parent myself and recently got my master's in social work. I love what I do and believe in it but I also find time to embrace those kids walking around "unparented" in my community, to begin support groups and to make sure my kids know they are loved and where they are every hour of the day. We all have to do our part..every one of us!! We have to get involved!! It's so easy to point fingers and blame and so much harder to find some way to be responsible ourselves.
I just can't stand that there is never any news on poor LeeAnna. The local media especially needs to keep her name, picture and story in the news. Somebody knows what happened to LeeAnna. Maybe somebody is having trouble sleeping at night because they have a suspicion about something they may have seen or heard. If they are constantly reminded about LeeAnna maybe their conscience will get the best of them and they will report it to LE. I pray that LeeAnna is safe somewhere, being taken care of, but if not, she deserves to be found and laid to rest.

Just my opinion...
JumpinJaneFlash (cute name? ha)... I agree the "system" needs to be changed but the system is the people, right? I applaud you for being one of the good ones...but excuse me for being so tired of hearing of children lost, being returned time and time again to abusive relationships, falsified records, Foster parents w/pedaphile history, never visiting the kids, never following up. Showing up at the door seeing the kid nicely dressed then leaving and writing it off as the kid is ok? Florida is a mess. I don't trust these social workers anymore...all I can do is pray that these kids will have the right people intervene. How about the slap on the wrist these people get when they DON'T do their jobs? They should be more than fired (which many don't get that)...THEY SHOULD BE LOCKED UP.

I'm sick of the "I'm over worked" excuse..who isn't. Truth is, social workers get kids assigned and they should do their job with each one. Any abusive parent should have NO strike you are out. I HATE THE FACT OUR SYSTEM STILL BELIEVES THE PARENTS ARE THE BEST OPTION....
One thing I think we can do...

We can start empowering ourselves., to get involved etc...

We can write our congressmen, our governer etc. These are the people who help in the decisionmaking of how money is spent at state levels.

We need to start pressuring these people to make these important issues, we need to get more involved in a solution.

2 cents worth..

vote for me in
Well, I think there are bad social workers just like there are bad anybody's! I agree with you but to expect social workers to carry all the burden while we turn our heads is another story. I don't know about you but I see kids in my neighborhood wandering all the time. I see teens with no parent home wondering who they are and looking for anyone to give them an identity. I see emotionally hungry kids looking for touch and easy prey for pedophiles. I mean I just think we as a community need to get more involved in the prevention aspect BEFORE it goes to the judges or to the state. We all need to turn that tv off and that computer off (I'm one to talk uh?) and get involved!! Anyway that's just my take!!! I do hear Fla.'s social service system is horrible!! Have a good 'un!!
You know why there has not been media attention about Leanna, don't you. The family doesn't have any money!!!!!

Should I list the examples:
Danielle VanDam (God love her..I followed her case every day)
Chandra Levy... we all know why
Samantha Runion..his trial is still to come and God love her mother for pushing Samantha's voice. I personally think this made headlines because of Danielle.
Elizabeth Smart. Thank God she was found. But she never disappeared from our eyes. Quite the mansion she was taken from.

What about Leanna,
What about Christian,
What about the children that are missing with no voice at all?(money)

I guess the media puts a price tag on every missing person, who will bring the most $$$$. Pathetic.
I am kinda tired of hearing the money blues from people regarding who is in the media who isn't. The Van Dam's were not rich in my view..they were probably average middle class. Point is, it is the PARENTS who are ultimately responsible for any news on their child. You don't need money to miss and desperately do whatever it takes to get your child back. If it takes showing up at the local news station, blasting the newspapers or standing in the middle of an intersection throwing youself on oncoming cars to get people's do it. You don't sit back and wonder why your 5yr. old didn't come back in an hour..let alone 4 hrs when you said "bye bye" at the door..all while she had no shoes and a major concert was going on. All because "that's how they do it down there"...all while they just MOVED there no less and knew none of the neighbors they never watched their child go too...hense, when she didn't make it...believing she "innocently" was playing somewhere 4hrs later.

Jahi Turner got plenty of coverage in San Diego (and I'm still not posting all those links again, three times was enough) UNTIL his parents stopped talking to the media.

No money there, but the media ran with it for as long as they could. If no one talks to them, or comes up with some juicy story to spin, the media goes away, and that is your biggest ally. How much coverage you can get.
Man questioned in LeeAnna Warner's disappearance is found dead
Howie Padilla and Terry Collins, Star Tribune

Published September 14, 2003 LEAN14

The body of one of several men who had been questioned in the disappearance of 5-year-old LeeAnna Warner of Chisholm, Minn., was found in a gravel pit Friday, the victim of an apparent suicide, authorities said Saturday.
how awful if he turns out to be the main focus... at least (if he did this), he could have written where her body is. I hope it's someone else because these poor parents may never get closure. If he is the one, I hope he burns.
I certainly hope they don't drop the investigation into him just because of the suicide. I mean even though they won't be able to get a conviction they can at least try and see if this is the avenue they need to take in order to find LeeAnna.
I guess we'll be hearing (hopefully) a little more about this in the near future.
Wellllllll, I believe this person is a strong suspect if not the one. I felt from the beginning it was someone that lived on that street...saw her daily all by herself. That fateful morning she was also a few doors down (JUST LIKE HIMMMMMM).

It breaks my heart as in the case of Megan was also a next door in Danielle's too. Horrible, heinus, evil goins on all under the nose of police and their own parents looking for her....right next door.

I pray that the family of this monster is thoroughly checked out and the house invaded to the last dust ball. Unfortunately I have very little faith in this investigation so hopefully a miracle will happen as they don't seem to swift when it comes to reality.
any details on the suicide?

could someone have killed him and made it look like a suicide?

Think of if Beaner's kidnapper finds out a neighbor was just busted for child *advertiser censored* so he kills him making it look like a suicide and the cops stop trying to find the "real killer"....

feel pretty safe living up in Chisolm now huh...

a serial killer that found out he can get away with murder...

and ol Barney in charge of wrapping up the investigation.

sorry, her real killer is still lurking...

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