MN MN - LeeAnna Warner, 5, Chisholm, 14 June 2003

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Alpharee, maybe he needs to be invited!!! You are the most experienced poster of the two of us? You want to do it on the Detetive Board?

Susie from Texas I am still under construction, please be patient.
Susie, here is how you make a link that works:

Click on Reply so you have all the buttons.
Click on the http:// button above the text box.
Type what you want to show as text in the space in the box that appears. Click OK
In the next box that appears, put in the URL from the Address line (url line) of the site you want people to see, in this case Click OK.


You often cannot just copy a link and paste it elsewhere. You have to go to the properties of the link, copy them, and make your own link. Fortunately, this software will do that for you.

Now if it only had a spell check.....;)
Now maybe I can help in return. If you don't already know about
iespell checker it is free and works from your browser or right click.
It is a handy and small download.

Now let me see if I followed the instructions you gave me right.


Susie from Texas I am still under construction please be patient.:bigthumb:
Originally posted by susie77301
Now maybe I can help in return. If you don't already know about
iespell checker it is free and works from your browser or right click.
It is a handy and small download.

Now let me see if I followed the instructions you gave me right.


Susie from Texas I am still under construction please be patient.:bigthumb:

Thank you Thank you :bowing:
The checker works, so all I have to do is remember to use it. My brain just goes much faster than my hands. Typing was never my forte.

Thank you.
Originally posted by Ghostwheel
The checker works, so all I have to do is remember to use it. My brain just goes much faster than my hands. Typing was never my forte.

Thank you.

I dare not send a post without a spell check! It looks like a kindergarten's writting . I was afraid the board would send me home. LOL

Susie from Texas I am still under construction, please be patient.:dance:
This in today. The lake being drained to look for her. I wonder if they think she wondered off and fell in, or was taken and put in the lake. They haven;t made that clear enough.

Search for LeeAnna: Crews prepare to drain lake
KSTP, MN - 3 hours ago
(Chisholm-AP) -- Crews this week could start lowering a Chisholm
lake as they search for five-year-old LeeAnna Warner. The girl ...

I am looking every day on a goggle search for news.

Susie from Texas I am still under construction, please be patient:dance
Leeannas mother tried to run her husband down with a car. They say that the stress of her missing daughter finally caught up with her.

Also, They are draining Longyear lake of 80 million gallons of water. The lake was already searched before but not drained.

The lake is only blocks from Leeanna's home. Bloodhounds found her scent there during the original search.

I think maybe this little girl may have merely wandered away and drowned by accident.

She was far to young to be let roam freely. I don't like to blame parents in the death of a child but I don't know what people are thinking when they let a 5 year old roam for hours without checking on them.
I think she may be found in the lake. The bloodhounds went to the lake and they think they saw her footprints in the sand on the shore. Unless there are other footprints alongside hers then I think she may have fallen in on her own. If there were other footprints then that would change things.

They did search the lake before with divers and from the air......why are they draining the lake? wouldn't side scan sonar have found her more easily? Why didn't they use that when she was first missing?

Lots of questions about this case.
I appreciate your looking for articles on the search for Leanne. I don't have time and look forward to stopping by every now and then to see if there's any news. I have a bad feeling about that lake...I have no doubt that she's dead but if/when it's confirmed it will be so, so sad.
Well, I don't think she fell in. She had a Pedaphile neighbor only 2 doors down..RECENTLY caught w/child *advertiser censored* then mysteriously killed himself. If she is in the is because he put her there.
Do you think he took her walking all the way to the lake? Could he really risk having her walking out in the open like that?

I think that the dogs tracked her from her house to the lake so I don't think she stopped at a house or was taken in a vehicle.

Why didn't the dogs track her to his house?

On of her parents called her a survivalist. Said whe would drink from mud puddles and would eat army worms. I think she might have been independant enough to go to the lake least I think it is possible....not the only possibility but a good possibility.

As for the neighbor I would like to see at least some other evidence before I said he was guilty for sure.
Well, my thoughts are speculation but facts of past abductions speak for themselves. Samantha Runnion was taken in broad daylight, Danielle was taken in a house full of people, kids are upducted from bus stops, on their way to school. There was a concert, people were "used" to seeing her by herself. It is not unfathomable she was taken in broad daylight and people not even noticing.

I see this guy talking to her and asking her to join him in the woods...why does it have to be at his house? I see him taking or leading her to the woods and doing the evil in the woods. And/or she may have wandered in there herself (unlikley IMO) and he followed her there.

This guy was a loser. HIs mind was in the gutter. It was Saturday at a time that is the most high percentage of abductions..early evening.
I didn't know there was any woods. The lakes is in town surrounded by residential streets. Is there also woods around the lake? I haven't been able to find out. I know there are apartment buildings etc on the lake.

The lake is even divided in half by a road grade...which must be how they are able to drain one half of the lake into the other half. Apparently Leeanna lived near the southern half of the lake (the half they are draining). The southern half does appear from maps to have less residential area around it and maybe some woods?

Was the music festival in Chisholm being held anywhere near the Warner's neighborhood? or near the lake?

I 'm not saying he didn't do it. Just saying that the kiddy *advertiser censored* makes him suspicious but not necessarily guilty. He may have committed suicide just over the kiddy *advertiser censored* charges.

I would think that if his footprints were found near hers at the lake then they would have had the dogs backtrack to see
where they came from....Or at least taken a cast that they could now compare to his shoes.

I think that her footprints were all alone and that is why police are not yet saying the two are connected.

It's just my humble opinion that she could very well have been the victim of an accident instead of an abduction.

Maybe So
Leanna was barefoot..hense her footprints. He more than likely was wearing shoes/boots. His prints may have not been legible or tackable in weeds, heavy brush.

I think it is too much a coincindence he was a pedaphile, in her area...2 DOORS DOWN, police suspect (they wanted to talk to him further), AND he committed suicide.

To me the probability he was involved is greater than not.
As of yesterday (thurs oct 23) they hadn't started draining the lake yet. Might start today. I think they need to step on it. We are in for freezing temps and snow here in the northern US.

Northern Minnesota winters start early and the work will be miserable if they wait until it's too cold to work outside. Actually it's already pretty cold for that kind of work.

At least I am guessing that if it is miserable cold and rainy here then it is just as miserable and cold in Chisholm too. Chisolm is even further north and west than I am, they are only an hour from Cananada.

Saw some footage of the lake on the news and it does appear to have woods and brush along the shoreline in some areas. It also appeared that some rather busy roads running alongside the lake in some areas that you would have to cross to get to some areas of the shoreline. I have no idea if the area of the lake they showed was anywhere near where they think Leeanna is or not. It don't know if what they showed was recent footage or old file footage of the lake.
:dontknow: I not sure on this. I will look at past news articles to
be sure. But from what I understand the foot prints were found at Chisholm Lake. I think also the blood hounds picked up her trail there. The Longmire Lake is where the pedo killed himself. I also was wondering about the way he died. He died of asphyxiation with a plastic bag over his head. Could be a sexual accidental death or someone participated in something with him. The LE have not said anything at all about that possibility. JMOO. It would be interesting to find out if there was a partner in his death. There may be another person of interest to check out about Leanna! At any rate I will get back to the post about the information I just posted. If anyone else has information on this please correct my post.

Susie from Texas I am still under construction please be patient:bigthumb:
No it is Longyear lake they are draining half of. Perhaps in the news they called it "a Chisholm Lake" because it is in Chisholm... but that is not it's actual name.

The guy with kid *advertiser censored* killed himself at a gravel pit.

Maybe they should excavate the gravel pit too?

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