MN MN - LeeAnna Warner, 5, Chisholm, 14 June 2003

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DNA Solves
Originally posted by Maybe So
No it is Longyear lake they are draining half of. Perhaps in the news they called it "a Chisholm Lake" because it is in Chisholm... but that is not it's actual name.

The guy with kid *advertiser censored* killed himself at a gravel pit.

Maybe they should excavate the gravel pit too?

Of course they should excavate the gravel pit duh! You mean they have'nt?

Well they did search for clues just in case she was buried there....but it didn't sound like they did a lot of digging or excavating.
When looking at the findbeaner website I looked at the Warner home video. Leeanna is bigger and more mature than I imagined her to be. When they siad she would drink from a puddle or eat army worms I imagined a girl little enough to not really know better....but she is a pretty good size and seems pretty mature.

Additionally in the article below it appears she would ride her bike along the shore of Longyear Lake.

"She's energetic and curious.

Her father says LeeAnna loved to ride her bike, especially along the shore of Longyear Lake."
Yes, they stupidly waited to do this until we had freezing wet weather. They missed two weeks of much better weather before that when they could have gotten the job done. The last thing I read was that they had only lowered the lake about 9 inches in a week.....
I would be so furious at these cops...more so for the bumbling and down right NEGLIGENCE AND INCOMPETENCE since when Leanna went missing.

It's all about money right now. That is totally BOGUS their reasoning for working at night>?? As if bloodhounds are a sure thing? If they would have put out an Amber Alert all this could have been avoided. It they would have taken SERIOUSly neighbors and PEDAPHILES living 2 doors down things could have been different.

With all due respect to Leanna's mother...her body found in the lake does not prove drowning. Unfortunately I don't know what evidence there could be in either direction with bones. What it could do is put closure to her not "out there somewhere".

Not knowing the area it is highly unlikely a barefoot 5yr. old going next door for a 30min play Sat eveing when tired would venture ALONE in the wilderness to go swimming. hello
I have no idea if she would have gone there to go swimming all alone or not but this lake isn't in the "Wilderness" and she often rode her bike there..... It is only about 2 city blocks from her house. It is surrounded by roads and residential neighborhoods it isn't a lake out in the woods.
She was barefoot. So 2 blocks can be a deterent. I didn't mean to suggest swimming..just used that as a figure of speech. I tend to lean if she is in the lake, someone put her there.

Wasn't this the case that Rocky spent so much time on? I wonder what ever happened to Rocky?

I was so hoping she would be found alive.

:santahat: ScandiRainmaker ILKstress
It sounds like the local LE screwed up things rather badly. How many people would be "onlookers" anyway that LE would need to drain the lake at night? And, they didn't tell the family? How long did it take to seize the truck of the pedophile? Sounds like they didn't do it until after his suicide. It also sounds like local LE has spent most of their time at the local donut shop/chasing speeders, have little experience with real crime.
Trino - you're right about that. I live in the area and the cops focus on DUI's and drugs. They don't know anything else.
Today's Star Tribune stated that the suicide had nothing to do with Leanna's disappearance. What are current theories in the area about her disappearance? I just don't think she went into the water on her own and drown.
You know, it's interesting that you mention the parents. When I first heard/read about LeAnna's disappearance, that's where my first thoughts were. I really don't have much reason right now to say why I felt that way, but something just didn't add up. But, why would the mother hurt LeAnna? Accidentally harmed her? She sounds like an angry and aggressive person - didn't know about her trying to run the father over. Is there a way to remove the police chief?
More than a few people think they should remove the police chief too. I don't know if the mom did anything to Leanne but the story is that the parents were going to get a divorce then this happened. The mom had Leanne at a friend's lake place that day but I've never read or heard WHO that friend was. It's all such a mystery. All I know is that even when my son was in his his early teens I'd wait outside (or in the car) until he was IN the friend's house. I always wanted to make sure someone was home. In fact, I'd make him wave to me to signal that everything was okay before I'd leave.

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