MO - 2 police officers shot in Ferguson (not from Ferguson Police Department)

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A 32-year-old officer from nearby Webster Groves was shot in the face and a 41-year-old officer from St. Louis County was shot in the shoulder, St. Louis County Police Chief Jon Belmar said at a news conference. Both were taken to a hospital, where Belmar said they were conscious. He said he did not have further details about their conditions but described their injuries as "serious."

"I don't know who did the shooting, to be honest with you," Belmar said, adding that he could not provide a description of the suspect or gun.

He said his "assumption" was that, based on where the officers were standing and the trajectory of the bullets, "these shots were directed exactly at my officers."


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It's a bit early for any local posters, but I was wondering - as police are carrying out extensive searches on the hill above the shootings - if anyone knows if there's likely to be surveillance cameras up there. Or is it a just a hill without houses, stores or roads?
I just answered my own question as I saw a photo on twitter. Looks like there is at least one house on the hill, and definitely a road.
per live MSNBC coverage no one knows who fired the shots but everyone knows that neither Ferguson residents nor tonight's protesters were responsible for the gunfire


those pesky outside agitators strike again!

I just heard Sharpton on Morning Joe. He was urging caution and not leaping to conclusions before the facts are known. Seriously, that was his take.
This is insane! Yesterday Chief Jackson resigned in response to pressure from the race-baiters at the DOJ and White House and tonight the response from the local community is to shoot two white cops? I hope that LE in Ferguson and St Louis County realize that there is NOTHING that they can do to satisfy these anti-white racists. NO amount of grovelling is enough! They need to focus on protecting their own backs and to hell with everyone else in that community!

Something tells me the people who shot don't give a crap if the cops they shot were white, black, blue or purple so so much for politicizing the issue with talk of race baiters at the DOJ and White House. I get the anger but that's not going to fix the problem. I've been preaching it for years now. At some point BOTH sides are going to have to step back and say enough is enough. Until then, more cops are going to get shot. More unarmed civilians are going to be shot.
Looks like there's a difference of opinion on where the shots came from. I'm not surprised.

Belmar said the shooter was among the demonstrators standing across from the officers.

"I don't know who did the shooting, to be honest with you right now, but somehow they were embedded in that group of folks," he said.

Protesters at the scene, however, said on social media that the shots did not come from where they were standing.

"The shooter was not with the protesters. The shooter was atop the hill," activist DeRay McKesson said on Twitter.

"I was here. I saw the officer fall. The shot came from at least 500 feet away from the officers," he said.
I agree. A long stretch of "blue flu" is in order in this community (it should have happened months ago). If the local community are not comfortable with white officers risking their lives day in and day out to keep them safe let the local community police itself and lets see how this works out!

Yeah, that's part of the problem. But let's go on perpetuating the perception that the biggest gang color in the area wears blue.
According to the muzzle fire the officers saw they say the shooter was no further than 125 feet away. Thats per Chief Belmar during the live PC.

I'm so sick of this crap!
That's what they want!! I read one article where it stated the protesters want the Ferguson PD to disband. Ted Williams was on FNC saying how Nixon needs to call in the NG. Maybe that's what needs to happen to get Ferguson under control.


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FPD does need to be disbanded. The Missouri Supreme Court already took over their municipal court. St. Louis County PD need to take over their policing. The County is better funded, has better training, have better toys and frankly have better cops. The FPD resorts to having to hire guys a majority of whom probably couldn't get jobs as cops elsewhwere. If I were a Ferguson officer (and I thought I was actually a quality cop that would be retained by the County), I would want the same thing. I'd much rather work for the County PD.
Ugh I've stayed away from anything ferguson related for a while now, but this is just so far beyond by realm of quiet watching. I love how when anything bad happens the protestors say it wasn't us, when in all actuality the only reason cops are out there lined up like that are because of the protestors. And what is wrong with people? Shouldn't their first line of thinking be "oh my gosh a human was just shot in front of me while doing absolutely nothing but standing" but instead they go into "it wasnt us" CYA mode. Disgusting.
According to the muzzle fire the officers saw they say the shooter was no further than 125 feet away. Thats per Chief Belmar during the live PC.

I'm so sick of this crap!

I would tend to think that the cops were probably closer to being right on distances. As for protester/not a protestor, I really don't give a crap. It was a piece of sh** that did the shooting. What I hope for are that those who claim to be the peaceful protestors step back and help LE apprehend the shooters. If they think it actually was 500 feet away and that helps to apprehend the suspects, then great. But I'm with ya prayers. Enough is enough.
I just heard Sharpton on Morning Joe. He was urging caution and not leaping to conclusions before the facts are known. Seriously, that was his take.

Wait & see?
There was no waiting for all the facts when MB was still lying in the street. Bad, racist cop, gunned down, unarmed black boy on his way to grandma's house - in broad daylight.

Is Sharpton implying the cop shooter is an outside agitator? I say Sharpton is PAID outside agitator!
In the presser, there were a few hints dropped about upcoming changes by the PD. Essentially hinting that they could no longer 'line our cops up like that to be shot,' So what will they do now? Stay inside?

I hope the tighten up the restrictions on the marchers. JMO
Wait & see?
There was no waiting for all the facts when MB was still lying in the street. Bad, racist cop, gunned down, unarmed black boy on his way to grandma's house - in broad daylight.

Is Sharpton implying the cop shooter is an outside agitator? I say Sharpton is PAID outside agitator!

If people weren't getting shot I would say it is amusing how the pro Brown crowd and the pro LE crowd have completely swapped positions when it comes to jumping to immediate conclusions versus waiting for facts. Unfortunately, people are getting shot and it's not all that amusing.
In the presser, there were a few hints dropped about upcoming changes by the PD. Essentially hinting that they could no longer 'line our cops up like that to be shot,' So what will they do now? Stay inside?

I hope the tighten up the restrictions on the marchers. JMO

I have a suggestion. Don't line up there and just go hand someone a citation if you feel it's necessary. Arrest them if there is a crime that warrants it. Start just treating them like everyone else and stop giving them special attention/treatment. If what they're doing is lawful, then there is no need to stand out there like sitting ducks.

I'm not sure what they do with the marchers to tighten up the restrictions. They've already imposed restrictions in the past that violate the constitution. I can't imagine they violate the constitution even more blatantly.

Another question...I live here but couldn't even tell you. Have they been out protesting/marching/whatever consistently since the decision? Or was it just following events like anniversary or Jackson stepping down? I just hear zero about it and haven't followed it at all from that aspect.
In the presser, there were a few hints dropped about upcoming changes by the PD. Essentially hinting that they could no longer 'line our cops up like that to be shot,' So what will they do now? Stay inside?

I hope the tighten up the restrictions on the marchers. JMO

Honestly at this point I wish they would ask for a list of volunteer citizens to take over policing, and the real LE just sit behind their desks and see what happens! While I agree cops accept a reasonable amount of danger by becoming a cop, what they are now facing is not reasonable and they shouldn't be put in this position again!
In the presser, there were a few hints dropped about upcoming changes by the PD. Essentially hinting that they could no longer 'line our cops up like that to be shot,' So what will they do now? Stay inside?

I hope the tighten up the restrictions on the marchers. JMO
I noticed that too. The chief seems to have lost all patience with these "peaceful" protesters.

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