MO MO - Amanda Jones, 26, pregnant, Hillsboro, 14 Aug 2005

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Txmom said:
Sorry to take so long to get back online. I usually am only able to use the computer on weekends....the local sheriffs dept and police dept will not welcome the Texas Rangers to their county....but they know that when they arrive they have no choice. Let me do some checking on a phone number and or address for the Hillsboro area.

The attitude of some LE is just irritating. Why don't they all welcome help when they haven't been able to solve a case? It doesn't matter who solves it but just that it gets solved. What is most important here is finding Amanda and the baby. It's not about winning or losing darn it. Most small LE are the same way.
What city and state does Amanda's parents live in? I thought I had it right but I can't get an address for them at so I must not have it right. Anyone please.

I always say that this male attitude is a penis thing. They want us women to believe that they have everything under control. Its now been a year, and they definately dont have Amandas case under control.

I agree that LE should have taken some dogs on the potential fathers land and searched. Unfortunately they didnt. Im not even sure if cadavier (sp?) dogs would be able to help at this point.

I went under the Texas Department of Public Safety Web site and found the page for The Texas Rangers....the office for the Hillsboro area is handled by Company F.

102 Texas Ranger Trail Waco phone number is 254.754.2303

Go for it fellow them. I'm hoping that they are not too busy on something else and can help with this case.
I think it seems kind of strange that they wont welcome the Texas Rangers. I had mentioned in the past, I wonder if the sperm donors family had enough to pay local LE off. Now I really wonder if they did, or how well the family is known by local LE.
A year ago Amanda Jones kissed her daughter and parents goodbye after attending a Sunday church service in Festus and drove off to meet with the man she believed was the father of her unborn child.

She was nine months pregnant and was supposed to be home in a couple of hours.

She never returned.

Today marks the one-year anniversary of the Pevely woman's disappearance, a case that grabbed the attention of local and national media last summer and a case that continues to frustrate police.


A year ago Amanda Jones kissed her daughter and parents goodbye after attending a Sunday church service in Festus and drove off to meet with the man she believed was the father of her unborn child.

She was nine months pregnant and was supposed to be home in a couple of hours.

She never returned.

Today marks the one-year anniversary of the Pevely woman's disappearance, a case that grabbed the attention of local and national media last summer and a case that continues to frustrate police.


Authorities initially described Westfall, 36, a farmer and former instructor at Jefferson College in Hillsboro, as "a person of interest" in the case. They now say they have neither identified nor eliminated anyone as a suspect. Westfall has told police that Jones was alive and well when he left her at the Civic Center.

Investigators searched Westfall's home and property near Hillsboro last year but found nothing linking him to Jones' disappearance.

For Jones' parents, Bertha and Hubert Propst, of Festus, the lack of progress in the case and the frustration of not knowing what happened has deepened the pain of their loss.

More at link:
TXMOM, do you know who contacted the local sheriff and who they talked to that said the Rangers were not welcome? I would like to make it locally known to the public, that help was offered for Amanda, but was not welcomed. This is really aggravating me and maybe if I can get the word out around here the sheriff would reconsider, but I would like to get all the info before making it pubically known. Thanks!!
tripletmomme said:
TXMOM, do you know who contacted the local sheriff and who they talked to that said the Rangers were not welcome? I would like to make it locally known to the public, that help was offered for Amanda, but was not welcomed. This is really aggravating me and maybe if I can get the word out around here the sheriff would reconsider, but I would like to get all the info before making it pubically known. Thanks!!

Do you live near Amanda's parents? If it were me I would contact them and see if you can stop over and talk to them. They should have all of the answers that you would need. Ask them if they have contacted the Texas Rangers or if LE told them that the Rangers wouldn't be welcome to help with the case. If they haven't contacted the Rangers themselves ask them if they want to do that. I think that the Rangers would have to be invited by Amanda's parents or by LE. Like someone said...they can come if they are invited. If LE doesn't like it then SHAME ON THEM. Most small town LE are really funny about anyone helping them work a case. It's their case and that is the way they look at it. Heck, a lot of small town LE don't even know how to work a murder case and don't have a lot of resources at their finger tips.

When LE searched the sperm donars home and property did they take cadaver dogs with them? That is what they should have used at that time. Some good dogs that have had successes. Not just the neighbor's hound dog :D I still believe that Amanda is on the sperm donar's property or on the property of his parents.

The sperm donar can say that Amanda was alive and well when he left her at the civic center but he is full of it. What does he think she did just sat there in her car waiting for someone to come along and attack her. LE should be taking a good long look at him and his girlfriend.
Hello everyone:
Can anyone tell me what 100 acres the search was held again in the case on or near the anniversy of her disappearance??? Do they still consider the father a suspect?? That is, what I have learned from chief of homicide not true just not stated for reasons of their investigation. Since, her case is one of one I had put several months on but, stopped and pulled out because a organization online and doing mainly evps started their members on it. I felt too many "columbo's with recorders" would taint what I had because there were so many calling out to her with questions. I felt she would be very confused and possibly give me info that wasn't good or spirit on the otherside using amanda to mess with people and giving totally wrong info to have fun.
Please, let me know about questions to this.
The ROGERS CASE: the recovery of Jo's body should start the end of this week or begining the begining of next week. I will let u know what I learn from those I work with that have and still are working on her case, with verification of course.
deathinvest28 said:
Hello everyone:
Can anyone tell me what 100 acres the search was held again in the case on or near the anniversy of her disappearance??? Do they still consider the father a suspect?? That is, what I have learned from chief of homicide not true just not stated for reasons of their investigation. Since, her case is one of one I had put several months on but, stopped and pulled out because a organization online and doing mainly evps started their members on it. I felt too many "columbo's with recorders" would taint what I had because there were so many calling out to her with questions. I felt she would be very confused and possibly give me info that wasn't good or spirit on the otherside using amanda to mess with people and giving totally wrong info to have fun.
Please, let me know about questions to this.
The ROGERS CASE: the recovery of Jo's body should start the end of this week or begining the begining of next week. I will let u know what I learn from those I work with that have and still are working on her case, with verification of course.

I believe that the search of the property was months ago. I want to know if they took cadaver dogs out there. I don't have any idea how much of the property the searched or if they searched his parents property too.

I'm sure that they suspect the sperm donar. There is no one else that would have had motive and we know that he wanted nothing to do with the baby.
I would also like to know why the sperm donar's girlfriend hired an attorney right away when Amanda disappeared. I've never ever heard of the girlfriend getting an attorney. Was she with the sperm donar and was she involved?

I think it is strange that the sperm donar called Amanda and told her about a red car stopping at his house and asking him to contact Amanda. She didn't know a couple with a red car. I'm wondering if that couple are somehow involved in this...if they do exist. He wanted Amanda to meet with him for some we know he could get rid of her and the baby.
It doesn't make sense to me because Amanda didn't want anything from him. She hadn't even talked to him throughout her pregnancy.

Are you a psychic? If so, what do you think happened?
I heard an interview with the sheriff on the radio last night on the way home from work. He said that the girlfriend refused a lie detector test. I think that the sheriffs wording on the situation was that the general public was reasonably prudent and could come to a conclusion based on what law enforcement has told them or released to the public and that their opinions would not be far off from the opinions of law enforcement. It certainly sounded to me from that statement that everyone is on the same page if they could only find the evidence to prove it.
Bobbisangel said:
Do you live near Amanda's parents? If it were me I would contact them and see if you can stop over and talk to them. They should have all of the answers that you would need. Ask them if they have contacted the Texas Rangers or if LE told them that the Rangers wouldn't be welcome to help with the case. If they haven't contacted the Rangers themselves ask them if they want to do that. I think that the Rangers would have to be invited by Amanda's parents or by LE. Like someone said...they can come if they are invited. If LE doesn't like it then SHAME ON THEM. Most small town LE are really funny about anyone helping them work a case. It's their case and that is the way they look at it. Heck, a lot of small town LE don't even know how to work a murder case and don't have a lot of resources at their finger tips.

When LE searched the sperm donars home and property did they take cadaver dogs with them? That is what they should have used at that time. Some good dogs that have had successes. Not just the neighbor's hound dog :D I still believe that Amanda is on the sperm donar's property or on the property of his parents.

The sperm donar can say that Amanda was alive and well when he left her at the civic center but he is full of it. What does he think she did just sat there in her car waiting for someone to come along and attack her. LE should be taking a good long look at him and his girlfriend.
I dont live near her parents, but I wish I did. My children start school this week and Im hoping to put a little more time into this for Amanda and her baby. The whole family as well as the public deserves more than what we are recieving as far as getting any further in an arrest.

I did find this while reading an article that was just posted to the Shawn Hornbeck message board. ~The Jefferson County Sheriff's Department has been investigating. Just two weeks ago they searched 100 acres off of White Road. But the leads are drying up, and there are still no answers.~ but it did not mention if dogs were brought in to help in the search or if it was just a "look by"
Bobbisangel and tripletmomme, I live about 3 hours from Hillsboro and only know of this case from this website.

When I made the comment that local law enforcement doesnt like the Rangers to get involved with their cases, I made the comment as a general comment. I dont know if the Rangers offered to get involved or if the family asked the Rangers.

In my opinion, some law enforcement agencies do not like the Rangers to get involved with a case. The local law enforcement agencies want to handle the case so that they will get the "credit". If the Rangers take over and solve the case, then the local LE look like idiots.

Personally if it was my daughter, I would have called them a long time ago and told them to get the horses saddled and start riding.
This case is just so frustrating to me. I don't have a doubt that the sperm donar took Amanda and the baby's lives. Now that I know that the girlfriend refused to take a polygraph I think she was involved too. It's hard to believe that a person would be that jealous of a tiny baby and its mother that she would talk her boyfriend into murdering them but I think that is what happened. I think that she couldn't stand the thought of Amanda having his baby even though her and the sperm donar had never been romantically involved and Amanda hadn't bothered him throughout the pregnancy. The sperm donar is probably a big wussy that will do whatever the girlfriend wants. There are guys like that. They just can't get away with this.

Will the Texas Rangers come and help even if Amanda doesn't live in Texas?
I know how the small towns are. They won't ask anyone to come in and help.
It's to bad that they are like that because it isn't about winning or losing. It's about finding a missing person. They shouldn't care who gets credit for finding whoever.

I can't imagine LE not taking cadaver dogs onto that property. They aren't going to find Amanda just by going there and walking around. Any grave would be grown over by now and probably not even look like a grave. Amanda's family deserves this to end and Amanda and the baby deserve justice darn it.
Hmmm I wonder if this guy listed on this page is the same guy who is the suspect? If so I wonder how people can even stand to allow him to be associated with their organization with such a dark clousd of suspicion hanging over him.

And then there's this place:

Why in the world would they use someone associated in a suspected murder case as a testimonial on their website?
Jack said:
Hmmm I wonder if this guy listed on this page is the same guy who is the suspect? If so I wonder how people can even stand to allow him to be associated with their organization with such a dark clousd of suspicion hanging over him.

And then there's this place:

Why in the world would they use someone associated in a suspected murder case as a testimonial on their website?

I think it must be the same person. I would also imagine that his father is also listed in the first link....can't remember his first name.

On the second link Bryan L Westfield gives a testimonial as he must have used their services. I sent them an email asking if they really wanted a suspected murderer to represent their agency. It gave his name a Bryan L Westfield and Bryan's middle name is Lee. It just ticks me off that this murderer can go on with his life while Amanda and the baby are dead somewhere and Amanda's family continues to live a nightmare not knowing where Amanda and the baby are.

Hmmmm...then there's always a reverse phone number search too....we could write him a letter!!!
lymom3 said:
Hmmmm...then there's always a reverse phone number search too....we could write him a letter!!!

Can you really get his address by reversing his phone number? If you can get his address let me know and I will happily send him a note! The man deserves nothing less if you ask me! I'll just let him know that I am thinking about him daily. I'll tell him I have a vodoo doll with his picture on its face that I stick pins into everyday. I'll ask him if he's been having any pain or bad headaches lately :liar: :mad:

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