GUILTY MO - Angie Housman, 9, kidnapped, held then murdered, St Louis, 18 Nov 1993

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Angie's mother(Saw her face from across the funeral home, sad) and a bunch of blurry faces. Angie as well. That's it. It might have been better If would have kept my mouth shut.

Anyway, did your dad wear a long coat? I got some memory of somebody mentioning a guy in a long coat near her bus stop that day. Scruffy looking. Not really something note worthy considering it was November now that I think of it. I'm trying to squeeze every fiber and particle of memory out of my brain.
I'm not sure, I was young when it happened. My mom might be able to recall something like that. I know I'm asking a lot of questions, but I've always been one to investigate things. Even as a little kid.
Ron Bone is her dad. I mentioned his name in case it could be helpful in finding information about Angie's murder. Like in news reports, police reports, etc.

Who is this other guy you mentioned as a possible suspect?
I just found out he was innocent, he was a suspect, and they questioned him and tried to pull every fiber from his car so forth, but they couldn't tie him to it by any means what so ever. Not one shred of evidence.

Never mind that.

Ron Bone was Angies step-father.

He was a major suspect.

It's kind of trepid talking about this kind of thing.
There's a new article online, along with a video, because of the latest arrest in the Ramsey case.

"(KMOV) - The arrest in the Ramsey case is giving a little bit of hope that police could eventually solve the 1993 murder of Angie Hausman.

Nine days after Angie disappeared, hunters found her body in the Busch Wildlife Preserve in St. Charles County.

The 9-year-old girl had been sexually assaulted, tied to a tree and left to die of exposure.

St. Ann Police Chief Robert Schrader says his department still get tips in the case.

The St. Charles County Sheriff's Department is now handling the investigation.

Chief Schrader says he believes they will eventually solve the case. "

I wonder if this is purely because of the arrest in the Ramsey case. Or because of something more?
Jacob, I just wanted you to know that what you are feeling is normal. At least it is, according to me. I also had a school friend who was murdered the summer after third grade. We used to sit together at lunch and were in the same class. I can still picture my mom telling me about it. I had saved a newspaper clipping of her obituary and carried it around in my wallet for years. I am now 38 and her murder had bothered me all this time. I had tried to find information on her murder for the past several years. This year I finally found what I was looking for. I found out how she was murdered, who did it, and what punishment they got. It was three people who murdered her. I still think about her, and probably always will. My own daughter is the same age that Karen was when she was murdered, so this year has been a hard one. Thinking about her, and the life she missed, and the daughter she wouldn't have. Anyway, I don't want to hijack the thread, but I wanted to reach out to you. Take care.
Thank you for you consideration GardenMom. It only eats me to know that there are a few missing pieces to this puzzle and that her murderer has yet to be brought to justice. The only thing that comforts me when I think of this is that:
One: They found her
Two: She's at peace

Yet, her murderer being free doesn't help things. It's almost as if she is still suffering. Like her spirit will wonder around aimlessly until her murderer is caught.
I'm not sure that the St. Ann Police Department is doing all they can possibly do to bring this man to justice.
I don't know if they investigated each suspect fully. There's all these possibilities that they missed something and that the killer could be still living here in St. Louis.
I didn't know Angie personally.
But, what kills me is that she was murdered close to home and in the district I live in. She rode my bus. She had family. She was a nice person.
I guess its better to just move on and not dwell in the past.

Thank you
Last night I contacted Fox 2 news via their website. I gave them some basics on my dad and him possibly being connected to Angie Housman. This afternoon I checked my voicemail and John Auble had left a message, asking me to call him back. Unfortunately I'll have to wait until tomorrow to call. I will keep everyone posted.
JacobTheRedWolf said:
I was skimming through the net for cases about the Angie Housman Murder after watching the news and the mention of Jean Benet Ramsey. Once they said that name, Angie's face popped into mind and the year it happened in the community I still live in.
I came across this forum thread and after seeing the comments you had to say, I got one of my own.
I remember the day when they lowered that American flag half way down the pole at Buder Elementary School when the news strangled us all. I was in the third grade if I remember correctly. She was one year older than me, and she rode the same bus I did.
I can still remember(being twenty one now) the crayon and colored pencil fragrance in the school hall ways and the words traveling around the school from student to student, and teacher to teacher about Angie. I only have a second image glimpse of her face in the corner of my peripheral vision while riding the bus as a memory when she was still alive. I do, however, remember the funeral. Being only eight years old I still knew the pain and sorrow her mother must have been going through, and may very well still be going through. I went to the funeral as a matter of respect, and being a part of the
immediate community. I wanted only to see Angie's face for memories sake and to say good bye to a person my age who's chance to live and grow up was brutally ruined by some...well, the insult I'm thinking of is an understatement. A word can not possibly be uttered from my lips strong enough to kill the person who murdered Angie and murder by words is all I believe I can ever do. Her murder was only on the news for a week or so, but that Ramsey case was on for a long time, and is strangely still being talked about on the news today. How come they don't mention Angie anymore. Have they forgotten? I still haven't and never will, especially after seeing the overwhelming sorrow on Angie's mother's face, forget about it. A tear wants to squeeze its way out of my eye just thinking about it, still. That look on her heart breaking. That funeral was like a kristallnaucht from all the hearts breaking, and her mothers heart took the prize for the loudest shatter.

It's a damn shame, that's what it is. A funeral for a child is different. It's an inexplicable shame when we have to see child in a coffin, and think about what she/he went through after knowing what happened.
At least they found her. That's the only thing that calms me down when I think about that time and Angie's mother. A barely knew that family but I have the respect for them. Being eight year's old I still understood it. We were about to leave the funeral and I had forgotten one important thing. I stopped, turned around, and made my way back up to the coffin where Angie lay. Her face was placid and calm and she was at piece. Her arms were crossed over her chest as if she was sleeping. I said one word, with my big innocent brown eyes tearing up. "Bye." Do you think it's weird to have such feelings for somebody you barely know when your that young?
They also have a tree up there at Buder in memory of Angie Housman. I have not been up there in about half of a year. The last time I visited was when I wanted to see one of my teacher's again.
After seeing Angie's picture it then makes my heart bleed when I imagine what she could have grown up to be. A nurse, a model, an actress, a writer, a dancer, a singer, or anything. Anything. That's one good innocent person taken from us in this tainted world. That's one more child to add to the list of hundreds of kidnappings and murders. I'm a twenty one year old man and I'm sitting here right now crying just thinking about it. I barely knew Angie Housman when this happened and have no chance of knowing her now. Perhaps, maybe, I don't have the right to talk about Angie because I didn't know her. I knew of her. But I don't care. It's still one of the biggest shames that has dug itself into my sub conscience over these last thirteen years and I'm compelled to let people know about it, and to hope that her mother knows about this site. Perhaps, she may have gotten over it. In any case, this is for her, even though I don't know her at all. Even though I don't know them, I still love them.

In memory of Angie Housman.


This had a lasting affect on you.I don't think it is like you said

Do you think it's weird to have such feelings for somebody you barely know when your that young?

No I certainly don't . You were a child and children are the most compassionate people. The thing you need to remember is you were a child also. How scary for you. How truly cruel and awful it had to be for a trusting child like that. I have never heard or read about this case ever.
It is truly heartwrenching. I am sorry anyone has to go through anything like this.It Screams Justice.
Angie Housman's Stepfather Reacts to Investigation

St. Louis, MO -- Investigators are looking into possible connections between Michael Devlin and the gruesome murder of Angie Housman more than ten years ago. A task force created shortly after Shawn and Ben were found has received around 100 leads. A spokesperson tells us the group is focusing on the Housman murder and five other missing children cases separate from Shawn and Ben. The cases range from Missouri to Minnesota. FOX 2’s Chris regnier has the update.
Sable said:
Angie Housman's Stepfather Reacts to Investigation

St. Louis, MO -- Investigators are looking into possible connections between Michael Devlin and the gruesome murder of Angie Housman more than ten years ago. A task force created shortly after Shawn and Ben were found has received around 100 leads. A spokesperson tells us the group is focusing on the Housman murder and five other missing children cases separate from Shawn and Ben. The cases range from Missouri to Minnesota. FOX 2’s Chris regnier has the update.
Hi Sable. I think I read that Angie was found 9 days after she disappeared, and that when she was found she had ice chips on her body. Has her estimated time of death ever been reported? Was she kept alive for 9 days or at least several days? Was she sexually assaulted?

Thank you,

Ok, "Investigators believe she was held captive and sexually abused for about a week, then tied to the tree and left to die. "

"Police responded to a wooded crime scene on Nov. 27, finding Angie's partially clothed body duct taped to a tree in St. Charles County. Someone had sexually abused the girl and left her to die."

What irks me is that the house Jeff lives in is going to be torn down soon because of the local airport expansion. I hope investigators will at least look at the house, and try to get his fingerprints. (A fingerprint was found on the duct tape used to tie Angie to the tree.)
mocity said:
I don't understand the ice chips.....
Maybe he was making a statement about her, calling her "the ice queen." Or was there a movie out during that time with an ice princess involved? He could have been calling himself the ice man but the ice was on her head (as a crown might be) or on her as she was tied to a tree, if I remember the article I read so I tend to think the statement,if it was one, was about her.
I can't remember if it was stated in any news articles that I've read, but how long she was tied to the tree could explain the ice chips. my guess is that she was bound to the tree before, or even when, temperatures began to warm up to a temperature above freezing. If that's the case, then any snow or ice on the branches above her could have melted, dripped onto her head, and then refroze when the temperature dropped below freezing again.

There's also the possibility that the ice chips line was added to the story to add little more "drama". (IMO, any story about the death of a child is shocking and horrific....I see no reason to get creative and add something like that.)

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