GUILTY MO - Angie Housman, 9, kidnapped, held then murdered, St Louis, 18 Nov 1993

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Just heard of this case today. Horrific! Thinking of a theory with the possibility of two possibly female, more sympathetic. Could have done the duct taping and left her finger prints...and if she had no prior criminal history or ever been arrested to date, then she will not have prints in the system. The neatly folded clothes and backpack close by could be a caretaker move. Possible female captor could have "snuck" Angie water, prolonging her life. As the search intensified, Angie needed to be disguarded (awful word choice I know) and leaving her alive in the woods was easier to swallow than ending her life. Any thoughts?
Does anyone else see the resemblance between the "person of interest" sketch put out by the police and the picture next to it? The picture is of a man who lived less than a mile away from the abduction site in 1993.

poi.jpg kb.jpg
For those on this post....I know that the Angie Housman case is getting a fresh review right now! If you have any new information to add, please go ahead and post it, even if it seems trivial.

Did you post those videos of the Angie Houseman case on youtube? If so may I ask why you have all of the video clippings of every news broadcast? Not to mention you took the time to edit the videos into two tapes. Did you know her if you did post them? If not why would you record all of those videos? You would have had to do this VHS and that would have taken some time. Oh and I have some theories as to what happened to her. I am sure you do as well.
I do not believe she knew her killer. That makes no sense because of the fact he left her there alive. He would not have risked her being found alive if she knew him just to be identified later. Is it common for children to know their abductors, yes. It is also a possibility it was a total stranger who did take her. I do not know why that is so hard to believe? The fact that she was found there by hunters confirms that had they gotten their sooner she would have been alive and if she knew her abductor why would he take that chance? He would not. Someone needs to look into this so-called psychic lead that said to look at Bush Wild Life. They did look the police because they were so desperate for any leads. They did not find her then but the coincidence that they found her there almost a week later is crazy. Sounds to me like it is either a real psychic or knew where she would end up because they knew the killer or were the killer.
I was skimming through the net for cases about the Angie Housman Murder after watching the news and the mention of Jean Benet Ramsey. Once they said that name, Angie's face popped into mind and the year it happened in the community I still live in.
I came across this forum thread and after seeing the comments you had to say, I got one of my own.
I remember the day when they lowered that American flag half way down the pole at Buder Elementary School when the news strangled us all. I was in the third grade if I remember correctly. She was one year older than me, and she rode the same bus I did.
I can still remember(being twenty one now) the crayon and colored pencil fragrance in the school hall ways and the words traveling around the school from student to student, and teacher to teacher about Angie. I only have a second image glimpse of her face in the corner of my peripheral vision while riding the bus as a memory when she was still alive. I do, however, remember the funeral. Being only eight years old I still knew the pain and sorrow her mother must have been going through, and may very well still be going through. I went to the funeral as a matter of respect, and being a part of the
immediate community. I wanted only to see Angie's face for memories sake and to say good bye to a person my age who's chance to live and grow up was brutally ruined by some...well, the insult I'm thinking of is an understatement. A word can not possibly be uttered from my lips strong enough to kill the person who murdered Angie and murder by words is all I believe I can ever do. Her murder was only on the news for a week or so, but that Ramsey case was on for a long time, and is strangely still being talked about on the news today. How come they don't mention Angie anymore. Have they forgotten? I still haven't and never will, especially after seeing the overwhelming sorrow on Angie's mother's face, forget about it. A tear wants to squeeze its way out of my eye just thinking about it, still. That look on her heart breaking. That funeral was like a kristallnaucht from all the hearts breaking, and her mothers heart took the prize for the loudest shatter.

It's a damn shame, that's what it is. A funeral for a child is different. It's an inexplicable shame when we have to see child in a coffin, and think about what she/he went through after knowing what happened.
At least they found her. That's the only thing that calms me down when I think about that time and Angie's mother. A barely knew that family but I have the respect for them. Being eight year's old I still understood it. We were about to leave the funeral and I had forgotten one important thing. I stopped, turned around, and made my way back up to the coffin where Angie lay. Her face was placid and calm and she was at piece. Her arms were crossed over her chest as if she was sleeping. I said one word, with my big innocent brown eyes tearing up. "Bye." Do you think it's weird to have such feelings for somebody you barely know when your that young?
They also have a tree up there at Buder in memory of Angie Housman. I have not been up there in about half of a year. The last time I visited was when I wanted to see one of my teacher's again.
After seeing Angie's picture it then makes my heart bleed when I imagine what she could have grown up to be. A nurse, a model, an actress, a writer, a dancer, a singer, or anything. Anything. That's one good innocent person taken from us in this tainted world. That's one more child to add to the list of hundreds of kidnappings and murders. I'm a twenty one year old man and I'm sitting here right now crying just thinking about it. I barely knew Angie Housman when this happened and have no chance of knowing her now. Perhaps, maybe, I don't have the right to talk about Angie because I didn't know her. I knew of her. But I don't care. It's still one of the biggest shames that has dug itself into my sub conscience over these last thirteen years and I'm compelled to let people know about it, and to hope that her mother knows about this site. Perhaps, she may have gotten over it. In any case, this is for her, even though I don't know her at all. Even though I don't know them, I still love them.

In memory of Angie Housman.


I am late to this case but I wanted to tell you that your comment was just beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

Yes, I did post those videos on youtube. I got those clips from a friend in St Louis who took an interest in this case as it was developing. And yes, I do have some theories.

I think it would be helpful to all of us if somebody could get a photo of Bryant Squires, who reportedly made a deathbed confession that he was the driver of the car in both this case and that of Gina Dawn Brooks.
I just found that Angie's mother, Diane M. Bone, died of cancer on November 11, 2016.

Diane....I'm sorry that those who subjected your daughter to the most horrific things couldn't have been brought to justice while you were still alive. Those of us on Websleuths will not rest until he/they are caught.
I find it curious that Bryant Squires gave a deathbed confession that he was involved with the Angie Housman abduction and the Gina Dawn Brooks abduction, but there doesn't seem to be a picture of him anywhere on the internet. There are lots of pictures of the other two suspects in the Gina Dawn Brooks abduction, but not one picture of Bryant Squires.
Article 93 of 196 HOUSMAN CASE ADVANCES WITH FINDING OF CAR By Joe HollemanOf the Post-Dispatch Staff
St. Louis Post-Dispatch September 15, 1994

Section: NEWS Edition: FIVE STAR
Page 1B Word count: 201

ID#: 9409150296 The search for Angie Housman's killer escalated Wednesday with the discovery of a car that may have been used in the crime. Col. Robert Lowery, head of the St. Louis Area Major Case Squad, said investigators got a letter Monday from an informer who named a suspect and also the location of an abandoned car that the suspect had owned. The car matches the general description of a vehicle that police have been looking for since shortly after Angie, 9, vanished last November,

Eoes anyone remember, if the vehicle they were searching for was a 4door!?.............thankyou

What car and what suspect? I also have read a car was destroyed.
I know the area fairly well, and I have been to the exact location her body was recovered.

Busch Wildlife consist of lots of woods and 34 lakes. I take the kids there to go fishing all the time. There are miles upon miles of dirt and gravel roads and most of them are dead end roads.

Lovers lane is further back and more recluse but well known to most anyone in the area. Which is why it puzzles me it took 9 days to find her body when that part of Busch always has people passing by.

I too have been to the end of that road. I saw the signs and the memorial forest wood post. Do you know the tree she was found on? Is it still standing? Where exactly ?
You are not going to get a reply from the police. I know many people including myself who call and email and have yet to hear a damn thing. It is frusterating to say the least.
The land has since been sold. It is also almost 3 hours away from Saint Ann. Also Squires had no problems naming Bellew and Williams as the ones who took Gina. He has no problems saying he was the driver that day. Yet he won't name his accomplice who took Angie? Why is that? If he wants to clear his so called guilt and be right with God why not name that person who helped him take her? How would they have wound up in Saint Ann that day three hours away? Perhaps he was lying on that part.
The man in the sketch is not the same as the man in the photo. The man in the photo is Kenneth Buchanan. I can assure you after speaking with Police that story is garbage and the source where it came from is emotionally disturbed to say the least.
The Police are looking into this. I know people think they are not but they are working hard.

There's some info on the Gina Dawn Brooks case about Bryant Squires (who made the deathbed confession to a nurse) and his friends he committed crimes with.

Something that caught my attention was that one of the men had a father who owned property - 96 acres. I hope they checked into whether Angie Housman could have been kept there.

You do realize it would be over 3 hours away.

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