MO MO - Betty Alexander, 69, Sullivan, 11 April 2019

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Betty Alexander, 69 at the time of her disappearance, has been missing for more than a year. Although she was diagnosed with early dementia, this is *not* a case of an elderly person wandering off in a state of confusion. Sullivan, MO is a small town and there are no leads and few resources, so I am bringing this to those most likely to be able to help solve this case---web sleuths.
Below are the sites with the most information about this case. I have questions that aren't answered in any of the information I've found---for example, Betty apparently had 2 deliveries by Meals On Wheels that are strange: On the Thursday of her disappearance, they were unable to reach her, and yet it doesn't seem there was any attempt to locate her. On the following day, Meals on Wheels said they found her door ajar and they simply delivered her meal and left---again without locating her. Why would MOW not raise some kind of alarm or alert the family when a client cannot be reached or located?
In any case, please help us find Betty if you can. Thank you <3

Betty Alexander – Missing from Sullivan MO – 4/10/2019. Who Abducted Betty? Why Isn’t Her Abduction Receiving Attention? This Grandmother Deserves to Come Home.

Episode 5 Betty Alexander

Bring Betty Home

I've tried both Stitcher and Google Play and am unable to get this podcast to load. Any suggestions? TIA
Fentanyl is a controlled substance that is used by addicts. If you use one too strong, you drop dead of an OD. I am surprised to hear it was box 1 of 2 and that many patches were prescribed. It must have been a very low dose. If the delivery person knew what they were delivering, did they snatch a box? Did they encounter someone during delivery? When the door was left unlocked, did someone enter and snatch a box?

[That's what the Jonathan Minard case here on WS's is about - the OD of a young boy from Fentanyl.]

Good points. I am also wondering about the security with fentanyl delivery. I don't want to accuse anyone but the possibility of a driver notifying someone of their delivery locations is curious. A delivery person could notify someone of personal information which could have lead Betty to trust someone she shouldn't have.

Still need to catch up....
Fentanyl is a controlled substance that is used by addicts. If you use one too strong, you drop dead of an OD. I am surprised to hear it was box 1 of 2 and that many patches were prescribed. It must have been a very low dose. If the delivery person knew what they were delivering, did they snatch a box? Did they encounter someone during delivery? When the door was left unlocked, did someone enter and snatch a box?

[That's what the Jonathan Minard case here on WS's is about - the OD of a young boy from Fentanyl.]

Good points. I am also wondering about the security with fentanyl delivery. I don't want to accuse anyone but the possibility of a driver notifying someone of their delivery locations is curious. A delivery person could notify someone of personal information which could have lead Betty to trust someone she shouldn't have.

Still need to catch up....
Not unless the person who took them believed they would have access to the property later and wanted it to appear as if she lost unaccounted for meds.

Sullivan is a great little town, but it has struggled with drug addiction and related crime for the last 20 yrs or so, as have other towns in the region. You make a good point about how well they train pharmacy delivery people. Not to cast any aspersions, but the pharmacy Betty used is relatively new in town, within the last several years. The go-to pharmacy is Strauser's, which has been around a long time and was owned by a local family who has lived in the area since the early 1800's. IIRC, Strauser's sold out to Walgreens a few years ago. Maybe the new pharmacy isn't as experienced in training and managing their delivery people.


ETA: It looks like one of the Strauser's is still serving as a pharmacist on staff with Sink's.

About Us - Sinks Pharmacy, Medley Pharmacy, Towne Pharmacy, Steelville Drug

Maybe the pharma prescription drug delivery system is one of those areas where they haven't had many problems, but need to study. They probably have protocols in place requiring home deliveries of controlled substances to be logged and verified. At the same time, the local dealers and addicts probably watch those delivery people very closely, especially if they know an elderly or infirm person is receiving those on a regular basis.

Whatever the case, the Strauser pharmacy was professional and very experienced.
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Wow, that's some interesting new information. This seems very likely linked to the possible sale of Betty's fentanyl patches. If Betty didn't want to sell the patches but was forced into it, they could have become concerned that she would tell someone about it. Most likely she would have told her daughter.

Also interesting about the DIL's uncle who lived nearby and who has since moved into her apartment, with some of her old furniture. The timing of the brother's entry to Betty's apartment to remove her belongings and change the lock is also relevant considering it was a day after the PI searched the scene. I'm guessing the DIL's uncle who lived nearby saw and reported all the activity to the son. It could also be an unfortunate coincidence, the same as visiting the uncle nearby the same night Betty went missing.

Why did the son tell LE of visiting the uncle a few doors down that night, but didn't stop at his mother's place?

Why didn't LE take fingerprint evidence at Betty's apartment? Likely it was just an oversight, but it might have been important information. Meals on Wheels volunteers finding the open door is even more suspicious considering it was well after the time that Betty most likely disappeared.

The whole situation is baffling and very suspicious. I hope someone comes forward with information. The gossip grapevine around town must be really buzzing.

ETA: The comments section for the linked post to Betty's FB page is interesting.

The DIL's uncle moving from one part of the same apartment complex into Betty's apartment has my hinky meter off the chart. Seriously sounds like they are guarding the place from further investigation. Now I'm wondering if Betty was contemplating asking for help from the fire department.

Let me clarify the line for Thursday. The home therapist tries calling mid morning and gets no answer. Meals on Wheels tries to reach her twice and there is no answer twice, late morning and an hour later about 12:15 pm. Then her son skips his usual weekly Thursday night visit and instead visits his wife's uncle who lives in the same complex? Did I understand that correctly?

Is there a protocol for the home therapist to notify anyone if their elderly patient does not answer the door if the appointment wasn't cancelled?

Did the police try and lift prints off Betty's purse, wallet and the envelopes which held the cash?
It seems like the family is not working together on this. This a missing persons Facebook site run by the Schoonveld family (the two sons). They have a different view on things. For impartiality it's good to read this to.
Betty Alexander- Missing Person Info Page

Thank you for this. It's always good to hear all sides. I do have one other theory and wondered if Betty was depressed and/or despondent after losing her husband she took the patches to od and did so at a place she knew she wouldn't be found.

Is there anywhere nearby where victims might not be found? Whether they be in water, or ravines....
Thank you for this. It's always good to hear all sides. I do have one other theory and wondered if Betty was depressed and/or despondent after losing her husband she took the patches to od and did so at a place she knew she wouldn't be found.

Is there anywhere nearby where victims might not be found? Whether they be in water, or ravines....
I can’t see this being possible due to her poor vision. The daughter has been quite vocal that her mom must wear glasses. A big clue is the fact that they were left behind. Whoever took Betty or led her away, either knew about her poor vision and used that to their advantage, or they didn’t know/realize Betty even wore glasses. I think it was someone Betty knew well enough to open the door, be led away but that person intentionally refused to take her glasses.
Thank you for this. It's always good to hear all sides. I do have one other theory and wondered if Betty was depressed and/or despondent after losing her husband she took the patches to od and did so at a place she knew she wouldn't be found.

Is there anywhere nearby where victims might not be found? Whether they be in water, or ravines....

According to her family, that didn't seem to be an issue. I don't know how she could overdose on multiple patches and she probably couldn't figure that out, either. If she were truly despondent and wanted to end it all, she would have done so at home. OTOH, from what I've read in news stories about the opioid crisis, addicts do know how to extract fentanyl from patches for getting high. The kind Betty likely had were ones that release the medication slowly into your system through your skin.

Betty had severe back problems from a previous accident. That's why she had the pain patches. One of the previous links has a description of her prior back injuries and surgeries and they were quite serious. I can understand why she was unlikely to have walked very far. My first theory was that she could have wandered far enough in a southerly direction from her apartment that she could have ended up in the woods (part of Meramec State Park).

Yes, the relative of the daughter in law who lived nearby and moved quickly into Betty's apartment set off my hinky meter, too.

According to her family, that didn't seem to be an issue. I don't know how she could overdose on multiple patches and she probably couldn't figure that out, either. If she were truly despondent and wanted to end it all, she would have done so at home. OTOH, from what I've read in news stories about the opioid crisis, addicts do know how to extract fentanyl from patches for getting high. The kind Betty likely had were ones that release the medication slowly into your system through your skin.

Betty had severe back problems from a previous accident. That's why she had the pain patches. One of the previous links has a description of her prior back injuries and surgeries and they were quite serious. I can understand why she was unlikely to have walked very far. My first theory was that she could have wandered far enough in a southerly direction from her apartment that she could have ended up in the woods (part of Meramec State Park).

Yes, the relative of the daughter in law who lived nearby and moved quickly into Betty's apartment set off my hinky meter, too.


I actually was close with someone who later became a heroin addict. He would steal his moms fentanyl patches, cut them open, and eat the inside. I’m not sure what the insides are like (gel or something), but that’s what he said he did. Only hearsay. Fairly easy to do. MOO.
I actually was close with someone who later became a heroin addict. He would steal his moms fentanyl patches, cut them open, and eat the inside. I’m not sure what the insides are like (gel or something), but that’s what he said he did. Only hearsay. Fairly easy to do. MOO.

:eek: That stuff is so scary. So many people dying from it. I can't imagine ever wanting to use that stuff.

But none of her family indicated she was despondent or suicidal. Had that been the case, she probably would have been found by now. She couldn't walk far because of her back problems and she didn't have her eyeglasses, so she couldn't go very far. She didn't drive or have a car.
I feel very sad for Betty. Trying to imagine how her life looked like, before she went missing. For clearance I ignore the details for now.

- She was bi-polar, I suppose she should have taken medicine to keep it under control. IIRR she didn't took her medicines for a couple of days. Things could have gone from bad to worse.
- Her spouse died, one of the most stressful events in a human life, sometimes causing memory loss, concentration problems, mental pain and what not. This on top of struggling with mental health problems.
- She had terrible back pain, must have been bad, taken fentanyl for it.
- She was totally dependent (or made dependent?), not "ready" for a world full of electronics, apps, having to arrange everything digital on the internet, etc. Her husband took care of everything. Also this would cause a lot of stress, not knowing how to handle things (I remember a lady who's husband had died and she panicked totally when the electricity went down, because a fuse had blown and she didn't even know where the fuse box was.) She couldn't even handle a mobile phone, let alone other (mobile) devices, she had no transportation, her daughter took care of her finances. In other words she was or would have been totally lost in the modern world.
- She had dementia in the early? stages. That would mean she had clear moments where she would realize that she was "loosing" it. On top of mental health problems, physical pain and mourning.
- The "highs" in her life were the visits of her children, the church and the weekend visits at her daughter's. All arranged, nothing spontaneous.
- The family arranged for her that she wouldn't go living on her own anymore, taking away the little independence she still had.
- She was poor

Someone told me "God wants us to live a livable life". For me personally this would be hell on earth.

All the family interventions around her sound very altruistic and is surely full of good intentions, but taking all the above things into consideration I think we should't close our eyes for the possibility she somehow took her own life or she called someone to help her with it. I'm leaning to wondered off, accident, suicide, not foul play. IMO
I can’t see this being possible due to her poor vision. The daughter has been quite vocal that her mom must wear glasses. A big clue is the fact that they were left behind. Whoever took Betty or led her away, either knew about her poor vision and used that to their advantage, or they didn’t know/realize Betty even wore glasses. I think it was someone Betty knew well enough to open the door, be led away but that person intentionally refused to take her glasses.

Has it been confirmed Betty only had one pair of glasses?
According to her family, that didn't seem to be an issue. I don't know how she could overdose on multiple patches and she probably couldn't figure that out, either. If she were truly despondent and wanted to end it all, she would have done so at home.

Not if she didn't want her children to know she purposely harmed herself.

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