MO MO - Dennis Spriggs, 47, LaBelle, 15 July 1992

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DNA Solves
it's that.. and other things similar.. that i have a hard time living with, that keeps me from just moving on and giving this up. i have too many people that i let down along the way by not seeing things sooner- and.. if it isn't true, i need to straighten things out with my mother and apologize for things that i misunderstood. not having answers- is just not an option-
you know suzi q... i am going to focus on the deposition. I think that is where the help will be the most valuable.

LE must love depositions. A person can lawyer up and refuse to talk to LE. But they can't get out of answering questions in a depo.
now you guys won't have to read my long long posts!!! i'll focus all of my energies on pouring over the hours of tapes and hundreds and hundreds of emails and letters I have to help save some money in deposition costs for the third family. :) ahhhh i needed a project. thank you. Ok- one last parting creepie that I need to get out. I mentioned the dateline about "fatal visions". My mom said in an interview with an investigator, that my dad was having hallucinations about his own death before he died. she also told the third family that whenever she meets a new husband that she has visions of how each of them will die in her head. She told several of them that on different occasions- is that a normal thing??????? ok.. done with creepy things for the night
You aren't leaving us are you? I love reading your long long posts. lol.
Lucky, I have been reading this whole thread and I have to say first that I hope you stay away from your mother until you know for sure whether or not she is responsible for all of these illnesses! IIRC, you did say its been a long time since you have seen her.

When will you know the results of your dad's autopsy? Are you still in contact with the FBI?

And I also really really hope your hubby is being very supportive of you! Not only do you have this hanging over your head, but you have a business and children to care about. I kind of got the sense that you have taken on a lot of responsibilities to "prove" that you are a good person and are not a crazy person. Take a deep breath. :blowkiss:
haha.. just shorter posts.. trust me.. i can write LONG LOOONG ones in a short period of time :) I cope with life by being a bit of a work-a-holic... lol one question along the legal front- let's say that someone is a hemopheliac- if someone admits to PURPOSEFULLY making that hemopheliac bleed, someone under their care, is that a prosecutable act?
haha.. just shorter posts.. trust me.. i can write LONG LOOONG ones in a short period of time :) I cope with life by being a bit of a work-a-holic... lol one question along the legal front- let's say that someone is a hemopheliac- if someone admits to PURPOSEFULLY making that hemopheliac bleed, someone under their care, is that a prosecutable act?

I believe it would be.
Lucky, I have been reading this whole thread and I have to say first that I hope you stay away from your mother until you know for sure whether or not she is responsible for all of these illnesses! IIRC, you did say its been a long time since you have seen her.

When will you know the results of your dad's autopsy? Are you still in contact with the FBI?

And I also really really hope your hubby is being very supportive of you! Not only do you have this hanging over your head, but you have a business and children to care about. I kind of got the sense that you have taken on a lot of responsibilities to "prove" that you are a good person and are not a crazy person. Take a deep breath. :blowkiss:

thank u.. you guys have helped me get my focus. i know what to do now. i hope to get the results in a month- if they tell me! you guys out here have no idea how helpful you are to people who are swimming in the swirl of confusions. did you know, that hardly anyone that I know in life know that I am even going through this? I don't want anyone to know- so- you guys have been my outlet. thank you. also- my husband is an engineer- he is very laid back.. and really supportive. (and would never ever cheat on me haha.. and i never ever thought that... he might cheat on me with a microscope- ! :) ) anyway.. I think that I have spent a lot of time on proving that i am not a bad or crazy person because that hurt a lot- but I am starting to recover from that. I just should feel lucky/blessed to be alive and have the family that I have left- and look at the good in life- because there is a lot of that.
ok suzi q.. i might pm you one night with some stuff and see what you think ;) night :)
Lucky, please stay strong. There are so many of us out there, caring about you. Just because we don't post, doesn't mean we don't care.

When your Uncle Jim came to look into things, did he eat and drink at JF's house? How many times, do you think? Is the mercury from the darkroom in the same house (along with any of the other chemicals)? It's one thing for a husband to ingest toxins, or childen who are living in the house... but someone who is not living in the house? Wow!

In forty-eight years, my family has NEVER had to go to the emergency room because of meals, no one has has sudden onsets of neurological disorders, that suddenly got better, etc... and most families would be the same! It is chilling, to think that she may have been messing with the lives of so many people, for so long. Absolutely chilling.

My heart goes out to you.

lucky2, I read that you may let the documents you have on DocStoc become public again. I hope you do as I would really like to see them.

Thanks, and hang in there!
When your Uncle Jim came to look into things, did he eat and drink at JF's house? How many times, do you think? Is the mercury from the darkroom in the same house (along with any of the other chemicals)? It's one thing for a husband to ingest toxins, or childen who are living in the house... but someone who is not living in the house? Wow!

In forty-eight years, my family has NEVER had to go to the emergency room because of meals, no one has has sudden onsets of neurological disorders, that suddenly got better, etc... and most families would be the same! It is chilling, to think that she may have been messing with the lives of so many people, for so long. Absolutely chilling.

the third family tells of a time when JF was making thanksgiving dinner- said, 'I have a headache- you guys enjoy, i'm going to go take a nap'. There was a large number of people there- husbands and wives- kids/ etc. Every last one of them started throwing up violently afterwards. One mother said to police that she had given birth to nine children and had never known such pain as that vomiting after that thanksgiving dinner. JF came out afterwards and said that they must have the flu- they said, NO this is FOOD POISONING.. she got right up in one of their faces and pointed her finger in her chest and said, "YOU have the FLU". (ok- i told one third family story- but they have so many I'm sure they won't mind if I told just one.)

L.A. Law- I did make those posts public- if you have any problems with it let me know. I have a new focus today on this- no more amateur psychological analysis- I am going to work amateur deposition questions ;)
sorry Joanie- to answer the rest of the question about my uncle jim- yes- he ate there several times- he stayed up there with my aunt for a few days. The house with the darkroom is in missouri- it has since been cleaned out when my grandparents both died a couple of years ago. The people who took over the house said that there was tons of mercury in the house- and that there was lots of chemicals "missing" (I don't know how they knew that- but they were life long friends of my grandparents) a local landfill refused to accept the chemicals because it was so dangerous- so apparently JF and another relative just.. dumped them somewhere out there in missouri.............. scary for people around there. The list included cyanide- metals of all kinds. mercury of all variations-
Hi again Lucky!

Question: Has anyone in your family suffered the same type illnesses since your grandparents passed and no one is exposed to the mercury anymore?

I'm very glad that people here are helping you heal! {{{HUGS}}}
Question: Has anyone in your family suffered the same type illnesses since your grandparents passed and no one is exposed to the mercury anymore?

! {{{HUGS}}}

hi kimster. That is a very good question... The third family has never traveled to that Missouri house, even the husband, it has all occurred here in Utah. The "mercury" should more accurately be defined as a group called "heavy metals" since there is a cocktail to choose from I guess. I have just focused on the mercury for my own reasons- doesn't mean anything other than I'm simplifying it down to one thing and not trying to specify anything that may have shown up in someone that the FBI wouldn't want disclosed- you know? But- mercury for example.. is on the list as a class c cause of thyroid cancer. In the past 2 years since the house has been cleaned out, JF's second business partner and live in roomie has gotten thyroid cancer, and so has JF's oldest granddaughter. Only 20 thousand people a year get thyroid cancer... and it's causes seem to be more indicative of an exposure type to radiation, metals- etc than genetics. (I am no expert) Those are the only "serious" cases of people getting ill that I know about because I am not around her anymore, and neither is the third family.
also.. my two little girls were not in missouri when they got the candy in the mail from JF in Utah. My 3 yr old at the time said, "this is yucky" and wouldn't eat it! the 7 yr old at the time said, "I'll eat it!" and ate them aaaaalllll. About an hour later she came in and said she couldn't see. She knocked over some milk when she was trying to reach for it later- then I held up a sign far away from her and asked her to read it to me, and she said, "what sign". I looked at her pupils, they were HUGE- so I ran her to the ER- they said rush her to Primary Children's- she's been exposed to some type of a toxin- and when I got her there- she still could see well enough to at least tell where the eye chart was. She peed her pants- fell down- it was a long night- and over the next 6 months she would just fall down for no reason sometimes- glasses didn't help her vision- but it slowly improved over time. Her opthamologist said that because of the colors she couldn't see, and the way her vision was damaged that she'd been poisoned, and she tested positive for a substance at her primary care... she is ok now. They couldn't press charges because no one could PROVE who's hand put something on the candy- and she started telling people that I did it to frame her!!! I volunteered for a lie detector test, passed with flying colors they said, and she lawyered up, and finally went in about a year later and failed.
Oh my GOSH! That's CRAZY! They couldn't charge her? Did LE keep a sample of the candy? Do you know what it was laced with?

Bless your heart...I can't even imagine! You know, I can see one isolated incident or another being hard to prosecute...but with all the MANY incidents that have happened, I don't know why the FBI isn't able to make an arrest!!!
yes.. they did keep a sample- and yes.. i do know- but i really can't comment on it because of the case and it seems to be a little complicated to me as well. in addition I looked up an email sent to me by JF so that you could see in her own words the explanation that she gave for why roy's doctors were asking her about mercury. (she offered that metal up on her own... one reason that is a metal that i name. she mentioned it first... and remember- i truly truly do not have 100% knowledge of anything that is going on here- just a LOT of circumstantial evidence)
Oh my goodness, Lucky. I've been eating river trout for most of my life! I've never been sick, nor any other fishermen that I've known!

Makes sense that the FBI is keeping information close to the vest, as they should. Have you thought about how you would feel if there is an arrest? Please be prepared and think it out so you won't go into some sort of shock. I had to gear myself up that way in regards to my dad and I'm glad I did. When he died, I handled it much better than I imagined.
It does sound as though several toxins (poisons) are implicated... some that cause immediate problems, some that are slow and long term. Some that cause stomach/intestinal problems, some that cause cancers or lesions or neurological problems.
Some of the episodes are so blatant and obvious that it almost seems as though she doesn't know what she is doing (if indeed it is her- must say that ) Don't most poisoners choose just one victim at a time, or maybe two? Why would she attempt to poison her grandchildren? (Insurance policies on them?) No wonder it is hard to make sense of, because it doesn't have any internal logic.
Like.... okay, a person might poison their husband so that they can get the insurance money. Repeatedly. They might poison their brother so that he (a doctor) can't figure out what is going on. (using a different poison, maybe) Those could be seen as sort of greed-induced or survival-induced actions. Okay, they have logic, of a sick sort.

But why poison the whole family at dinner? Why poison the grandchildren? Random acts with no logic. Self preservation makes sense, greed makes sense, even poisoning out of fear makes sense... but random acts like this? It just doesn't make sense (to someone outside of the poisoner's head) She can't just be a bad cook... the candy wouldn't have been home made... it would have taken a very deliberate and calculated act to poison the candy.

Someone has to crack open the motive or the self-delusion or whatever, that is driving these actions. Otherwise, to most people, they are just not going to believe it all. There is something that we still don't know about this, and whatever it is, it should be internally consistent.


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